LINUXCNC - 2.8.2 Machine configuration directory is '/home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29' Machine configuration file is '5i25_1.ini' Starting LinuxCNC... Found file(REL): ./5i25_1.hal Note: Using POSIX realtime Found file(REL): ./bastel.hal Found file(REL): ./custom.hal mb2hal parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [INIT_DEBUG] [3] spindle-vfd parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [HAL_MODULE_NAME] [spindle-vfd] spindle-vfd parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [SLOWDOWN] [0.000] spindle-vfd parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [TOTAL_TRANSACTIONS] [4] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [LINK_TYPE] [serial] [0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_PORT] [/dev/ttyUSB0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_BAUD] [9600] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_BITS] [8] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_PARITY] [none] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_STOP] [2] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_DELAY_MS] [150] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_SLAVE_ID] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [FIRST_ELEMENT] [4101] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [PIN_NAMES] [status,dummy,temp] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [NELEMENTS] [3] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MAX_UPDATE_RATE] [2.000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS] [500] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS] [5000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [DEBUG] [3] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_TX_CODE] [fnct_03_read_holding_registers] [2] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [HAL_TX_NAME] [info] spindle-vfd parse_ini_file OK: parse_transaction_section 0 OK spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [LINK_TYPE] [serial] [0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_PORT] [/dev/ttyUSB0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_BAUD] [9600] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_BITS] [8] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_PARITY] [none] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_STOP] [2] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [SERIAL_DELAY_MS] [150] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [MB_SLAVE_ID] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [FIRST_ELEMENT] [4119] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [PIN_NAMES] [rpm] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [NELEMENTS] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [MAX_UPDATE_RATE] [2.000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS] [500] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS] [5000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [DEBUG] [3] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [MB_TX_CODE] [fnct_03_read_holding_registers] [2] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_01] [HAL_TX_NAME] [info2] spindle-vfd parse_ini_file OK: parse_transaction_section 1 OK spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [LINK_TYPE] [serial] [0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_PORT] [/dev/ttyUSB0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_BAUD] [9600] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_BITS] [8] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_PARITY] [none] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_STOP] [2] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [SERIAL_DELAY_MS] [150] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [MB_SLAVE_ID] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [FIRST_ELEMENT] [8192] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [PIN_NAMES] [command] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [NELEMENTS] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [MAX_UPDATE_RATE] [2.000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS] [500] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS] [5000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [DEBUG] [3] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [MB_TX_CODE] [fnct_06_write_single_register] [4] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_02] [HAL_TX_NAME] [runmode] spindle-vfd parse_ini_file OK: parse_transaction_section 2 OK spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [LINK_TYPE] [serial] [0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_PORT] [/dev/ttyUSB0] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_BAUD] [9600] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_BITS] [8] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_PARITY] [none] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_STOP] [2] spindle-vfd parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [SERIAL_DELAY_MS] [150] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [MB_SLAVE_ID] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [FIRST_ELEMENT] [269] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [PIN_NAMES] [hz] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [NELEMENTS] [1] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [MAX_UPDATE_RATE] [2.000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS] [500] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS] [5000] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [DEBUG] [3] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [MB_TX_CODE] [fnct_06_write_single_register] [4] spindle-vfd parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_03] [HAL_TX_NAME] [frequency] spindle-vfd parse_ini_file OK: parse_transaction_section 3 OK spindle-vfd main OK: parse_ini_file done OK spindle-vfd init_mb_links DEBUG: LINK 0 (RTU) link_type[0] device[/dev/ttyUSB0] baud[9600] data[8] parity[N] stop[2] fd[-1] spindle-vfd main OK: init_gbl.mb_link done OK spindle-vfd init_mb_tx DEBUG: MB_TX 0 lk_n[0] tx_n[0] cfg_dbg[3] lk_dbg[1] t_inc[0.500] nxt_t[0.000] spindle-vfd init_mb_tx DEBUG: MB_TX 1 lk_n[0] tx_n[1] cfg_dbg[3] lk_dbg[1] t_inc[0.500] nxt_t[0.000] spindle-vfd init_mb_tx DEBUG: MB_TX 2 lk_n[0] tx_n[2] cfg_dbg[3] lk_dbg[1] t_inc[0.500] nxt_t[0.000] spindle-vfd init_mb_tx DEBUG: MB_TX 3 lk_n[0] tx_n[3] cfg_dbg[3] lk_dbg[1] t_inc[0.500] nxt_t[0.000] spindle-vfd main OK: init_gbl.mb_tx done OK spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [1] pin_name [spindle-vfd.info2.num_errors] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [1] pin_name [spindle-vfd.info2.rpm] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [2] pin_name [spindle-vfd.runmode.num_errors] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [2] pin_name [spindle-vfd.runmode.command] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [3] pin_name [spindle-vfd.frequency.num_errors] spindle-vfd create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [3] pin_name [spindle-vfd.frequency.hz] spindle-vfd main OK: HAL components created OK spindle-vfd main OK: Link thread loop and logic 0 created OK spindle-vfd main OK: spindle-vfd is running spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_lnote: MAXV max: 50.000 units/sec 3000.000 units/min note: LJOG max: 50.000 units/sec 3000.000 units/min note: LJOG default: 0.500 units/sec 30.000 units/min note: AJOG max: 1000.000 units/sec 60000.000 units/min note: AJOG default: 30.000 units/sec 1800.000 units/min note: jog_order='XYZA' note: jog_invert=set([]) [QtDesigner][INFO] Logging to "/home/cnc/qtdesigner.log" ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] INI Parsing Error, No DEFAULT_SPINDLE_0_SPEED Entry in DISPLAY, Using: 200 ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] INI Parsing Error, No MIN_SPINDLE_0_SPEED Entry in DISPLAY, Using: 100 ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] INI Parsing Error, No MAX_SPINDLE_0_SPEED Entry in DISPLAY, Using: 2500 ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] INI Parsing Error, No MAX_SPINDLE_0_OVERRIDE Entry in DISPLAY, Using: 1 ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] INI Parsing Error, No MIN_SPINDLE_0_OVERRIDE Entry in DISPLAY, Using: 0.5 ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][WARNING] Embeded tab configuration -invalaid number of TAB_NAMES vrs TAB_LOCATION - guessng default. ( [QTvcp][INFO] Logging to "/home/cnc/qtvcp.log" ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] BASENAME cam_align ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for handler file in: /home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29/ ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for default handler file in: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/ ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using DEFAULT handler file path: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/ ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .ui in: /home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29/cam_align.ui ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .ui in: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/cam_align.ui ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using DEFAULT ui file from /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/cam_align.ui ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qss in: /home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29/cam_align.qss ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qss in: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/cam_align.qss ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] No qss file found ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qrc in: /home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29/cam_align.qrc ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qrc in: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/cam_align.qrc ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] No qrc file found ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for in: /home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/2021-09-29/ ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for in: /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/ ( [QtDesigner.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] No file found, No QRC file to compile one from. ( [QTvcp][INFO] Building A VCP Panel (qtvcp:162) [QTvcp][INFO] No handler file specified - using /usr/share/qtvcp/panels/cam_align/ (qtvcp:165) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Loading the handler file (qtvcp:200) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Adding the key events filter (qtvcp:206) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][INFO] No resource file to load: None ( [QTvcp][DEBUG] Calling the handler file's initialized__ function (qtvcp:219) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Set HAL ready (qtvcp:236) [QTvcp][CRITICAL] Forwarding events to AXIS is not well tested yet (qtvcp:243) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Show window (qtvcp:296) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][INFO] No preference file - can not set preference geometry. ( [QTvcp][INFO] Preference path: None (qtvcp:317) ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] inks[0] thread[0] fd[-1] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[-1] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] new connection -> fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.000] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.000] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.000] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.000] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><46><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.156] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] goinERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1569 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xC20B != CRC calculated 0x93CB spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] g to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><2D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><01><00><03><0B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.713] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.713] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[The responding slave 65 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] 0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <41><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Request for slave 65 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] The responding slave 17 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <11><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Request for slave 17 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><00><00><19><9B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><00><44> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going toERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1566 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] ERROR CRC received 0x7A06 != CRC calculated 0x7806 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><1D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><00><7A><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.356] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_lERROR CRC received 0x6401 != CRC calculated 0xA732 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] oop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><02><98><8E> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.713] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><0B><06><64><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] The responding slave 128 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <80><00><00><19> Request for slave 128 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><04><44> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.608] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0]Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] ERROR CRC received 0x3B7C != CRC calculated 0x3A7C spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><05><3B><61> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><07><1E><3B><7C> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1The responding slave 129 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] ERROR CRC received 0xBE23 != CRC calculated 0xBE21 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] ] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <81><0E><01><0D><13> Request for slave 129 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><08><8C><23> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><16ERROR CRC received 0x103 != CRC calculated 0x11C1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] The responding slave 6 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] ERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0xC208 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x3D63 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] ERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0x349A spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] ><01><0D><13><88><14><01><03> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <06><64><01><10><04> Request for slave 6 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><09><54> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><08><00><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><81><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><09><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd linkMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] The responding slave 192 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] ERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0x249B spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] ERROR CRC received 0x601 != CRC calculated 0x7FC spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] _loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><62><3E><9D> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.820] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <70> Request for slave 192 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><05><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><03><0B><06><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd linkThe responding slave 6 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1577 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] ERROR CRC received 0xD5DB != CRC calculated 0xD55B spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] _loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <06><20><00><00><01> Request for slave 6 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><4D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.821] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addrERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1663 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] ERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0xD4B3 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] [4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><17><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><80><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] ERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0x120A spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[11] The responding slave 5 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[11] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[11] 4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><01><00><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <05><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Request for slave 5 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[12] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[12] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[12] UG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.832] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0]ERROR CRC received 0x14A7 != CRC calculated 0x14A3 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[13] ERROR CRC received 0x6401 != CRC calculated 0x9132 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[13] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[13] ERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x3D63 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[14] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><43><06><64><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><81><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00>Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[14] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[14] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[15] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[15] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[15] <00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><12><0B><06><01><06><20><00><00><01><43>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.177] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.067] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.067] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.067] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.420] spindleThe responding slave 33 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] The responding slave 9 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] -vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <21><03><02><0B><06> Request for slave 33 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <09><06><20><00><00><01><43> Request for slave 9 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.713] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][1ERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1569 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0xD4FB spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] 7][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.428] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.428] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><2D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><99><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmERROR CRC received 0x43CE != CRC calculated 0x43CA spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0xD4CB spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0x425A spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.713] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><01><19><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.421] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><01><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transactioERROR CRC received 0x15A3 != CRC calculated 0x14A3 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] n OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.475] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><06> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.475] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><15> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_lERROR CRC received 0xBF46 != CRC calculated 0xBF06 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0x4206 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xBF26 != CRC calculated 0xBF06 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] oop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.428] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><46> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><11><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><86><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0B><26> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_looERROR CRC received 0xD55B != CRC calculated 0x549A spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] p_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.156] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][1C][00][11][35] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><1C><00><11><35> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1B><5B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0C><87><26> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.141] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fdERROR CRC received 0x3DFE != CRC calculated 0x3C38 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] [4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][1D][F4][11][22] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><1D><11><22> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.426] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.141] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0E><2E><3D> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][1F][E8][11][8B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><1F><11><8B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.422] spindle-vfd link_loopERROR CRC received 0xD5DB != CRC calculated 0xD55B spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x4BCA != CRC calculated 0x43CA spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xC191 != CRC calculated 0x4191 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] _and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0F><3D> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><4B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][20][8F][41][91] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><20><8F><91> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_anERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0x4272 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ERROR CRC received 0x4191 != CRC calculated 0x43F1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] d_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><11><6E><35> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><22><00><00><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][20][8F][41][91] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><09><0D><20><8F><41><91> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><86><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><13><89><74> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[The responding slave 65 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] 2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.141] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][26][6B][42][7A] Waiting for a confirmation... <41><06><01><0D><26><6B><42><7A> Request for slave 65 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><19><5B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.156] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><14><58> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.424] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.424] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][28][5F][47][CD] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><28><5F><47> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.128] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.425] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><15><95> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.422] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.420] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][2A][53][46][A8] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><2A><53><46> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.421] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.420] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><17><9F> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.422] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][2C][47][45][07] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><2C><47><45><07> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.424] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><0ERROR CRC received 0x43CA != CRC calculated 0x470A spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] 0><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.422] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><19><3F> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><30><00><00><01><43> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][2E][3B][45][86] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><2E><3B><45><86> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.421] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.421] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17]ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] [00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><12><1A><72>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.156] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><36><21> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.175] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><1C><8C><21> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.156] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slavERROR CRC received 0x0 != CRC calculated 0x3BB8 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x106 != CRC calculated 0x9167 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xB1CE != CRC calculated 0xA486 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x6401 != CRC calculated 0x9132 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xF02B != CRC calculated 0x702B spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] e[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><26><20><00><00> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><43><01><06> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><0D><36> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><43><06><64><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><1E><15><2B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.773] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_looMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] p_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><36><21> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><1F><7B><57> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><36><21> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connectiMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] on DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><20><18> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><36><21> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_ERROR CRC received 0xA01A != CRC calculated 0xA018 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] ERROR CRC received 0x0 != CRC calculated 0x40E8 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><20><1A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][36][B1][CE][21] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><83><20><00><00> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><36><21> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <03><03><12><20><18><01><06><20><00><00><01><43>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][41][C3][69][F4] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><16><01><0D><41><69>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activaERROR CRC received 0x955A != CRC calculated 0x948B spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] ERROR CRC received 0x2775 != CRC calculated 0xACF1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] The responding slave 98 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] ERROR CRC received 0xCA01 != CRC calculated 0x4045 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] The responding slave 6 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] ted [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><65><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><13><02><27><75> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <62><53><01><06><20> Request for slave 98 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][41][C3][69][F4] Waiting for a confirmation... <00><00><01><43><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <06><01><0D><41><69><01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Request for slave 6 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spinThe responding slave 3 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] ERROR CRC received 0x6501 != CRC calculated 0xC132 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] ERROR CRC received 0x1A95 != CRC calculated 0x71C0 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] dle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><27><75><62><53> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.069] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <03><06><20><00><00><01><63> Request for slave 3 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][41][C3][69][F4] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><41><69> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.079] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><83><06><65><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <00><00><00><1A><95> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_ERROR CRC received 0x6253 != CRC calculated 0x6593 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] ERROR CRC received 0x103 != CRC calculated 0x11C1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] The responding slave 6 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><2F><75><62><53> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][41][1C][28][6C] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.610] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><16><01><0D><41><1C><28><6C><01><03> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <06><64><01><00><00> Request for slave 6 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><27><10><78> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][3FMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[11] ERROR CRC received 0x53DA != CRC calculated 0x43CA spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[11] ][28][08][1B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.620] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><3F><28><08><1B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><26><58> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][3D][DB][49][3E] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><53> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><3D><49><3E> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[12] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[12] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><25><30> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][3C][8D][C8][90] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><01><43> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.833] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><3C><8D><90> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindleERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[13] The responding slave 3 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[6] -vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][01][43][CA] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><42><24><66><23><6E><01><06><20><00><00><01><43>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.177] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.043] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <03><03><02><23><7C><95> Request for slave 3 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.042] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] goingERROR CRC received 0xD13 != CRC calculated 0xE5A0 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] The responding slave 136 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] The responding slave 6 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[7] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xC20B != CRC calculated 0xC3AB spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><0E><01><0D><13> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <88><14><01><03> Request for slave 136 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <06><64><01><00><00> Request for slave 6 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><21><61><81> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><83><0B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] ERROR CRC received 0xD13 != CRC calculated 0xE3F0 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[8] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] The responding slave 192 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[9] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><07><01><0D><13> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><20><59><61> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.522] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <70><76><00> Request for slave 192 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mMessage length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (11 != 7) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[10] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] b_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><1E><30><6E> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.665] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><32><1D><71><30><01><06><22><00><00><03><0B>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd liERROR CRC received 0x955A != CRC calculated 0x94AA spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] ERROR CRC received 0x14A3 != CRC calculated 0x1560 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] nk_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.177] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><5A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0F><3D> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.059] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.122] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><8C><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0]ERROR CRC received 0xBC2E != CRC calculated 0x7DEE spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0x955A != CRC calculated 0xC49A spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.113] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0E><19><2E> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.423] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.711] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><01><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] ERROR CRC received 0x54A3 != CRC calculated 0x14A3 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] ERROR CRC received 0xBF52 != CRC calculated 0xBF50 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0C><64> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.428] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><54> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><0A><52> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-ERROR CRC received 0x955A != CRC calculated 0x979A spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] The responding slave 5 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ERROR CRC received 0xC20B != CRC calculated 0xC3FB spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.424] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.712] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><00><00><04><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <05><03><02><08><3F> Request for slave 5 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><43><0B> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfdERROR CRC received 0x6401 != CRC calculated 0x9132 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] ERROR CRC received 0x1A95 != CRC calculated 0x71C0 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[2] link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.427] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><43><06><64><01> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <00><00><00><1A><95> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><07><47><46> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[1.610] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] ERROR CRC received 0x955A != CRC calculated 0x94E2 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (7 != 8) spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[3] The responding slave 33 isn't the requested slave 1 spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register ERR: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Message length not corresponding to the computed length (8 != 11) spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[4] ERROR Connection timed out: select spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] ] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><01><02><00><00><1A><95><5A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><02><05><82> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <21><06><20><00><00><03><0B> Request for slave 33 ignored (not 1) Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[1] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4119] nelem[1] [01][03][10][17][00][01][30][CE] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><83><64><01><00><00><00><1A><95><5A><01><03><02><04><45><7B><77>Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[1] mb_links[0] threERROR CRC received 0xA89A != CRC calculated 0xA950 spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[5] task: 9705 cycles, min=0.000058, max=0.067466, avg=0.010051, 0 latency excursions (> 10x expected cycle time of 0.010000s) TCL error in asynchronous code: while executing "140604825893536error_task" ("after" script) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/axis", line 4165, in o.mainloop() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1138, in mainloop File "/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1545, in __call__ def __call__(self, *args): KeyboardInterrupt Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC... Running HAL shutdown script ad[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[2] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[8192] nelem[1] [01][06][20][00][00][03][C2][0B] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><20><00><00><03><0B> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.132] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[2] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_06_write_single_register DEBUG: mb_tx[3] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[269] nelem[1] [01][06][01][0D][13][88][14][A3] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><06><01><0D><13><88><14> spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic OK: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction OK, update_HZ[0.159] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[3] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST availability spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] going to TEST connection spindle-vfd get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] already connected to fd[4] spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction spindle-vfd fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[4101] nelem[3] [01][03][10][05][00][03][11][0A] Waiting for a confirmation... <01><03><06><64><00><00><20><00><1A><9A> Bytes flushed (0) spindle-vfd link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] SERIAL_DELAY_MS activated [150] spindle-vfd quit_signal DEBUG: signal [2] received spindle-vfd quit_cleanup DEBUG: started spindle-vfd quit_cleanup DEBUG: unloading HAL module [50] ret[0] spindle-vfd quit_cleanup DEBUG: done OK spindle-vfd main OK: going to exit! RTAPI_PCI: Unmapped 65536 bytes at 0x7efc94313000 hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15 hm2_pci: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 driver version 0.7 hm2_pci: discovered 5i25 at 0000:07:01.0 hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Low Level init 0.15 hm2/hm2_5i25.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43 Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Hardware Mode 0 = standard Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 0 = io_spin Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 1 = io_ana_spin Board hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 2 = io_enc_ana_spin_fv hm2/hm2_5i25.0: 34 I/O Pins used: hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 000 (P3-01): StepGen #0, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 001 (P3-14): StepGen #0, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 002 (P3-02): StepGen #1, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 003 (P3-15): StepGen #1, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 004 (P3-03): StepGen #2, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 005 (P3-16): StepGen #2, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 006 (P3-04): StepGen #3, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 007 (P3-17): StepGen #3, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 008 (P3-05): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 009 (P3-06): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 010 (P3-07): Smart Serial Interface #0, pin tx0 (Output) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 011 (P3-08): Smart Serial Interface #0, pin rx0 (Input) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 012 (P3-09): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 013 (P3-10): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 014 (P3-11): Encoder #0, pin Index (Input) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 015 (P3-12): Encoder #0, pin B (Input) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 016 (P3-13): Encoder #0, pin A (Input) hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 017 (P2-01): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 018 (P2-14): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 019 (P2-02): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 020 (P2-15): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 021 (P2-03): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 022 (P2-16): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 023 (P2-04): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 024 (P2-17): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 025 (P2-05): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 026 (P2-06): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 027 (P2-07): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 028 (P2-08): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 029 (P2-09): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 030 (P2-10): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 031 (P2-11): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 032 (P2-12): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 033 (P2-13): IOPort hm2/hm2_5i25.0: registered hm2_5i25.0: initialized AnyIO board at 0000:07:01.0 hm2_5i25.0: dropping AnyIO board at 0000:07:01.0 hm2/hm2_5i25.0: unregistered hm2_pci: driver unloaded hm2: unloading Note: Using POSIX realtime