ef@eF900:~$ cd /home/ef/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM ef@eF900:~/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM$ sudo python setup.py c "from ncam import NCam" removed from /usr/share/pyshared/gladevcp/hal_pythonplugin.py removed link from /usr/share/pyshared/gladevcp glade-widget-class named NCam removed from /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml glade-widget-class-ref name NCam removed from /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml saved ef@eF900:~/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM$ sudo python setup.py "from ncam import NCam" added to /usr/share/pyshared/gladevcp/hal_pythonplugin.py created link in /usr/share/pyshared/gladevcp glade-widget-class named NCam added to /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml glade-widget-class-ref named NCam added to /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml /usr/share/glade3/catalogs/hal_python.xml saved ef@eF900:~/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM$ cd /home/ef/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM/configs/sim/axis/ncam_demo ef@eF900:~/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM/configs/sim/axis/ncam_demo$ linuxcnc mill-mm.ini LINUXCNC - 2.7.7 Machine configuration directory is '/home/ef/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM/configs/sim/axis/ncam_demo' Machine configuration file is 'mill-mm.ini' Starting LinuxCNC... Found file(REL): ./core_sim.hal Found file(REL): ./sim_spindle_encoder.hal Found file(REL): ./axis_manualtoolchange.hal Found file(REL): ./simulated_home.hal RTAPI: ERROR: Unexpected realtime delay on task 1 This Message will only display once per session. Run the Latency Test and resolve before continuing. task: main loop took 0.013691 seconds task: main loop took 0.014901 seconds Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/gladevcp", line 45, in import gladevcp.makepins ImportError: No module named gladevcp.makepins :0: waitpid failed gladevcp gladevcp :0: gladevcp exited without becoming ready Embeded tab command "halcmd loadusr -Wn gladevcp gladevcp -c gladevcp -x 62914720 -U --catalog=mill ncam.ui" exited with error: 1 Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC... task: main loop took 0.020426 seconds task: 1445 cycles, min=0.000021, max=0.020426, avg=0.002098, 3 latency excursions (> 10x expected cycle time of 0.001000s) LinuxCNC terminated with an error. You can find more information in the log: /home/ef/linuxcnc_debug.txt and /home/ef/linuxcnc_print.txt as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal ef@eF900:~/linuxcnc/configs/NativeCAM/configs/sim/axis/ncam_demo$