[13104.098858] I-pipe: head domain RTAI registered. [13104.098868] RTAI[hal]: compiled with gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) . [13104.098913] RTAI[hal]: mounted (IPIPE-NOTHREADS, IMMEDIATE (INTERNAL IRQs DISPATCHED), ISOL_CPUS_MASK: 0). [13104.098918] SYSINFO: CPUs 2, LINUX APIC IRQ 2312, TIM_FREQ 12468630, CLK_FREQ 1795496000, CPU_FREQ 1795496000 [13104.098922] RTAI_APIC_TIMER_IPI: RTAI DEFINED 2314, VECTOR 2314; LINUX_APIC_TIMER_IPI: RTAI DEFINED 2312, VECTOR 2312 [13104.098926] TIMER NAME: lapic; VARIOUSLY FOUND APIC FREQs: 12468630, 12468630, 12404250 [13104.108933] RTAI[malloc]: global heap size = 2097152 bytes, . [13104.108995] , , kstacks pool size = 524288 bytes. [13104.109002] RTAI[sched]: hard timer type/freq = APIC/12468630(Hz); default timing: oneshot; linear timed lists. [13104.109006] RTAI[sched]: Linux timer freq = 250 (Hz), TimeBase freq = 1795496000 hz. [13104.109010] RTAI[sched]: timer setup = 999 ns, resched latency = 2944 ns. [13104.115164] RTAI[math]: loaded. [13104.296109] hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15 [13104.302728] hm2_pci: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 driver version 0.7 [13104.302779] hm2_pci: discovered 5i24 at 0000:11:00.0 [13104.303771] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: inconsistent Module Descriptor for UART Transmit Channel, not loading driver [13104.303777] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: Version = 0, expected 0 [13104.303782] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: NumRegisters = 4, expected 4 [13104.303786] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: InstanceStride = 0x00000040, expected 0x00000010 [13104.303791] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: MultipleRegisters = 0x0000000F, expected 0x0000000F [13104.303796] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: inconsistent Module Descriptor! [13104.303801] hm2/hm2_5i24.0: failed to parse Module Descriptor 5 [13104.303810] hm2_5i24.0: board fails HM2 registration [13104.303838] hm2_pci: probe of 0000:11:00.0 failed with error -22 [13104.983813] hm2: unloading [13105.132162] RTAI[math]: unloaded. [13105.138136] SCHED releases registered named ALIEN PEDV$D [13105.148651] RTAI[malloc]: unloaded. [13105.248064] RTAI[sched]: unloaded (forced hard/soft/hard transitions: traps 0, syscalls 0). [13105.250904] I-pipe: head domain RTAI unregistered. [13105.250951] RTAI[hal]: unmounted.