In each button like the one listed below in the verser code there is a history line that gets the button name and tooltip text and adds the results of the meausrement made by the buttons function. Dont know why it would need to read the tooltip. Once the measurement has been complted the 'add history' starts the 'def add_history" for that button and apears to write its measurement results to the buutons tooltip. It then also appears to write the aquired data to a buffered text display area on the bottom of the versa gui called 'textview1'. In version 1 of the versa gui I can see this as a faily large area on the very bottom of the gui while in version 2 it appears only in a very small area on the bottom left of the gui. This may indicate ithat it is not looked at much, if ever. Im thinking that this code may not be needed for probing to and the buffered text area likely never looked at. Here is the verser code: declares self.textarea = builder.get_object("textview1") self.buffer = self.textarea.get_property('buffer') button function (partly) def on_xp_released(self, gtkbutton, data = None): self.add_history(gtkbutton.get_tooltip_text(),"XpLx",0,0,xres,self.lenght_x(),0,0,0,0,0,0,0) make history - this is shared by all measurement buttons def add_history(self,tool_tip_text,s="",xm=0.,xc=0.,xp=0.,lx=0.,ym=0.,yc=0.,yp=0.,ly=0.,z=0.,d=0.,a=0.): # c ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') c ='%H:%M:%S ') + '{0: <10}'.format(tool_tip_text) if "Xm" in s : c += "X-=%.4f "%xm if "Xc" in s : c += "Xc=%.4f "%xc if "Xp" in s : c += "X+=%.4f "%xp if "Lx" in s : c += "Lx=%.4f "%lx if "Ym" in s : c += "Y-=%.4f "%ym if "Yc" in s : c += "Yc=%.4f "%yc if "Yp" in s : c += "Y+=%.4f "%yp if "Ly" in s : c += "Ly=%.4f "%ly if "Z" in s : c += "Z=%.4f "%z if "D" in s : c += "D=%.4f"%d if "A" in s : c += "Angle=%.3f"%a i=self.buffer.get_end_iter() if i.get_line() > 1000 : i.backward_line() self.buffer.delete(i,self.buffer.get_end_iter()) i.set_line(0) self.buffer.insert(i, "%s \n" % c) The history line would need to be changed to something like this: self.add_history(self.w.pbtn_outside_xpym.toolTip(),"XpLxYmLy",0,0,xres,self.lenght_x(),yres,0,0,self.lenght_y(),0,0,0) Which may or may not read an exsisting tooltip and im not sure why it would need to do that, or if the text there could actually be read in this way. In the 'def add_history' finction, 'tool_tip_text" would need to be changed in two locations. If this is wanted I would likely need to make a text display area in a stackedwidget inside the probing panel for a text display.