% (my-lathe-g76) G7 G18 G21 G54 G90 G94 G97 s1300 G64 P.01 g28 o1 if [1] (Face and turn outside diameter) t4 m6 g43 (Using only t4 for now) (t1 m6 g43) s1300 m3 g4 p.1 (Thread relief) g0 z-6 x9 m8 g1 x8 f400 x7 z-6.7 z-9 x8 z-11 g0 x10 g40 (Facing) g0 z0 x9 /g1 x-1 f400 g0 z2 x7.5 z0 (g73 cycle) o73 sub g91 g1 z-6 g42 f400 x-1 z-.7 z-2.3 x3.7 z-7 z-2 g0 x4 g40 z18 x-6.7 o73 endsub o73 call g0 x-.5 (x=7) o73 call g0 x-.5 (x=6.5) o73 call g0 x-.5 (x=6.0) o73 call g0 x-.5 (x=5.5) o73 call g0 x-.25 (x=5.25) o73 call (Finishing cut) s1600 f400 g0 x-.25 (x=5) o73 call g90 g0 x20 o1 endif (Tool change) /g28 m5 m9 t4 m6 g43 g97 s400 m3 g4 p.4 (Threading) (p = thread pitch, distance per revolution) (z = end of drive line) (i = offset from drive line to thread peaks) ( negative i means the threads are at a smaller radius than the drive line,) ( so i is negative for outside threads, positive for inside threads) (j = initial cut depth; subsequent depths follow degression formula) (r = depth degression: 1.0 = constant depth, 2.0 = constant area. Any number >= 1.0 allowed) (k = full thread depth) (q = "compound slide" angle) (h = number of spring passes) (e = distance along drive line used for tapered start/end) (l = which ends get the taper: 0 = neither, 1 = begin, 2 = end, 3 = both) (/g90 g0 x5.5 z.5) (/g76 p.8 z-8 i-.5 j.07 k[5-4.02] h4 r1.5 q0 e.5 l2) m5 m9 g91 g28 x10 z0 (/m19 r260 q.3) %