nurbs are converted to arcs, then loaded into the trajectory planner as a x number of arcs. Function to load arcs in trajectory planner is done by component, this component is also used for jogging : tpAddCircle(){} Lcnc motion component : ~linuxcnc/src/emc/motion/command.c line 1088 loads the arc by : tpAddCircle(&emcmotIn...... The function : void emcmotCommandHandler_locked(void *arg, long servo_period); line 386 Called by : void emcmotCommandHandler(void *arg, long servo_period); line 1904 Is hal function : retval = hal_export_funct("motion-command-handler", emcmotCommandHandler, 0 /* arg Line 1021 The data for the arcs is stored in a c structure, saved in shared memory : extern struct emcmot_command_t *emcmotCommand; - cmd_code_t command; /* command code (enum) */ - EMCMOT_SET_LINE, /* queue up a linear move */ - EMCMOT_SET_CIRCLE, /* queue up a circular move */ The interpreter : interp_queue.hh looks like to store a vector of gcode lines. /home/user/linuxcnc/src/emc/task/ line 1407 This function sends a arc move to hal component int emcTrajCircularMove(EmcPose end, PM_CARTESIAN center ..... /home/user/linuxcnc/src/emc/task/ line 565 Reads from the interpreter directly. int emcTaskPlanRead() Line 46, it has interpreter storage: InterpBase *pinterp=0; #define interp (*pinterp) /home/user/linuxcnc/src/emc/nml_intf/emc.hh This functions calls the extern int emcTrajCircularMove(EmcPose end, .... /home/user/linuxcnc/src/emc/task/ This function is called by the interpreter and adds a line to the interp_list by calling tag_and_send(... void STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(.... Conclusion. The interpreter itself has not the function STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(); itself. Its been called by outside programs that include's the interpreter source code and therefore must declare the STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE() function.