# Smoothieboard configuration file, see http://smoothieware.org/configuring-smoothie # NOTE Lines must not exceed 132 characters, and '#' characters mean what follows is ignored ## Robot module configurations : general handling of movement G-codes and slicing into moves grbl_mode false new_status_format true save_g92 true #on_boot_gcode_enable true #on_boot_gcode /sd/reset-g92-1.g # Basic motion configuration default_feed_rate 200 # Default speed (mm/minute) for G1/G2/G3 moves default_seek_rate 1000 # Default speed (mm/minute) for G0 moves mm_per_arc_segment 0.0 # Fixed length for line segments that divide arcs, 0 to disable mm_per_line_segment 1 # Cut lines into segments this size usefull for make pause faster and for pcb compensation mm_max_arc_error 0.01 # The maximum error for line segments that divide arcs 0 to disable # Planner module configuration : Look-ahead and acceleration configuration # See http://smoothieware.org/motion-control acceleration 1000 # Acceleration in mm/second/second. z_acceleration 200 # Acceleration for Z only moves in mm/s^2, 0 uses default. junction_deviation 0.005 # See http://smoothieware.org/motion-control#junction-deviation #z_junction_deviation 0.0 # For Z only moves, -1 uses junction_deviation, zero disables on z # Cartesian axis speed limits x_axis_max_speed 7000 # Maximum speed in mm/min y_axis_max_speed 7000 # Maximum speed in mm/min z_axis_max_speed 500 # Maximum speed in mm/min # Stepper module configuration # Pins are defined as ports, and pin numbers, appending "!" to the number will invert a pin # See http://smoothieware.org/pin-configuration and http://smoothieware.org/pinout alpha_steps_per_mm 800 # Steps per mm for alpha ( X ) stepper alpha_step_pin 2.0o # Pin for alpha stepper step signal alpha_dir_pin 0.5o # Pin for alpha stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction alpha_en_pin 0.4!o # Pin for alpha enable pin alpha_current 2.7 # M1 stepper motor current alpha_max_rate 7000.0 # Maximum rate in mm/min beta_steps_per_mm 800 # Steps per mm for beta ( Y ) stepper beta_step_pin 2.1o # Pin for beta stepper step signal beta_dir_pin 0.11!o # Pin for beta stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction beta_en_pin 0.10!o # Pin for beta enable beta_current 2.7 # M2 stepper motor current beta_max_rate 7000.0 # Maxmimum rate in mm/min gamma_steps_per_mm 800 # Steps per mm for gamma ( Z ) stepper gamma_step_pin 2.2o # Pin for gamma stepper step signal gamma_dir_pin 0.20!o # Pin for gamma stepper direction, add '!' to reverse direction gamma_en_pin 0.19!o # Pin for gamma enable gamma_current 2.7 # M3 stepper motor current gamma_max_rate 500.0 # Maximum rate in mm/min ## A axis is now E extruder set on the real 4th stepper smoothie 4xc so not have the built in 5th driver #delta_steps_per_mm 88.8888888888 # may be steps per degree for example #delta_step_pin 2.3o # Pin for delta stepper step signal #delta_dir_pin 0.22!o # Pin for delta stepper direction #delta_en_pin 0.21!o # Pin for delta enable #delta_current 2.7 # A stepper motor current #delta_max_rate 1500.0 # mm/min #delta_acceleration 500.0 # mm/s^2 # ## B axis is 4th axis #epsilon_steps_per_mm 200 # may be steps per degree for example #epsilon_step_pin 2.8o # Pin for delta stepper step signal #epsilon_dir_pin 2.13!o # Pin for delta stepper direction #epsilon_en_pin 4.29!o # Pin for delta enable #epsilon_current 2.7 # A stepper motor current #epsilon_max_rate 1500.0 # mm/min #epsilon_acceleration 200.0 # mm/s^2 # Extruder config with stepcraft 3d head this use only step/dir for controle external stepper drive included in the HP-40/FDM1.75 extruder.hotend1.enable true #Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All configuration is ignored if false. extruder.hotend1.steps_per_mm 200 #Steps/millimetre for the extruder stepper motor. This is the number of steps to move o extruder.hotend1.filament_diameter 1.75 #Filament diameter, in millimetres, used for volumetric extrusion control. extruder.hotend1.default_feed_rate 400 #Default rate in millimetres/minute for moves where only the extruder moves. extruder.hotend1.acceleration 100 #Acceleration for the extruder stepper motor, in mm/s^2 extruder.hotend1.max_speed 20 #Maximum allowable speed for the extruder stepper motor, in millimetres/second extruder.hotend1.step_pin 2.8 #Pin for extruder stepper motor driver's step signal extruder.hotend1.dir_pin 2.13 #Pin for extruder stepper motor driver's direction signal extruder.hotend1.en_pin 1.26o #Pin for extruder controler motor driver's enable using x max endstop for connect a relay #extruder.hotend1.en_pin 4.29! # !!! CETTE PIN BUG POUR ENA !!! so use for other purpose but not here # firmware retract settings when using G10/G11# firmware retract settings when using G10/G11 extruder.hotend1.retract_length 3 #Retract length in millimetres. Retract is a retractation of the filament called using extruder.hotend1.retract_feedrate 60 #Retract feed-rate ( filament speed ) in millimetres/second extruder.hotend1.retract_recover_length 0.2 #Additional length when recovering ( if you retract by 1mm, you will be recovering by 1 extruder.hotend1.retract_recover_feedrate 15 #Recovery feed-rate in millimetres/second (should be less than retract feedrate) extruder.hotend1.retract_zlift_length 1 #Z-lift on retract in millimeters, set to 0 if you want to disable retraction Z-lift. Z extruder.hotend1.retract_zlift_feedrate 400 #Z-lift feed-rate in millimetres/minute ( Note : mm/min NOT mm/sec) epsilon_current 1.4 #First extruder current # 4th axis as Extruder config using B along Y axis extruder.4thaxis.enable true #Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All configuration is ignored if false. extruder.4thaxis.steps_per_mm 88.88888 #Steps/millimetre for 4th axis. This is the number of steps to move 1 degree extruder.4thaxis.default_feed_rate 600 #Default rate in millimetres/minute for moves where only the motor moves extruder.4thaxis.acceleration 200 #Acceleration for the extruder stepper motor, in mm/s^2 extruder.4thaxis.max_speed 500 #Maximum allowable speed for the stepper motor, in millimetres/second extruder.4thaxis.step_pin 2.3o #Pin for 4th axis stepper motor driver's step signal extruder.4thaxis.dir_pin 0.22!o #Pin for 4th axis stepper motor driver's direction signal extruder.4thaxis.en_pin 0.21!o #Pin for 4th axis stepper motor driver's enable signal delta_current 1.4 #4th axis current or second extruder # EN MODE CNC 201x236x avec 4mm (fraise de 8) de compensation outil dispo tout autour : avec une fraise de 2mm 207x242 # EN MODE PRINT 209x244x110 utilisable en centre buse si on utilise X-4 Y-4 comme point de depart sur la grille ## Endstops # See http://smoothieware.org/endstops endstops_enable true # The endstop module is enabled by default and can be disabled here alpha_min_endstop 1.24^ # Pin to read min endstop, add a ! to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground alpha_homing_direction home_to_min # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop alpha_homing_retract_mm 4.3 # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for alpha/X alpha_min -4.3 # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set alpha_max 205 #201 UTILISABLE AVEC 4mm de compensation outil # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set alpha_max_travel 211 # Max travel in mm for alpha/X axis when homing beta_max_endstop 1.27^ # Pin to read max endstop, uncomment this and comment the above if using max endstops beta_homing_direction home_to_max # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop beta_homing_retract_mm 4.3 # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for beta/Y beta_min -240 #236 UTILISABLE AVEC 4mm de compensation outil # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set beta_max 4.3 # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set beta_max_travel 246 # Max travel in mm for beta/Y axis when homing gamma_max_endstop 1.29^ # Pin to read max endstop, uncomment this and comment the above if using max endstops gamma_homing_direction home_to_max # Or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max and uncomment the alpha_max_endstop gamma_homing_retract_mm 1.3 # Distance to retract from the endstop after it is hit for gamma/Z gamma_min 0 #prevoir Xmm de moins pour compensation outil # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is set gamma_max 90.3 # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_max is set gamma_max_travel 117 # Max travel in mm for gamma/Z axis when homing # Optional enable limit switches, actions will stop if any enabled limit switch is triggered alpha_limit_enable true # Set to true to enable X min and max limit switches beta_limit_enable true # Set to true to enable Y min and max limit switches gamma_limit_enable true # Set to true to enable Z min and max limit switches # Endstops home at their fast feedrate first, then once the endstop is found they home again at their slow feedrate for accuracy alpha_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 16 # Alpha/X fast homing feedrate in mm/second alpha_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 10 # Alpha/X slow homing feedrate in mm/second beta_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 16 # Beta/Y fast homing feedrate in mm/second beta_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 10 # Beta/Y slow homing feedrate in mm/second gamma_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 9 # Gamma/Z fast homing feedrate in mm/second gamma_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 6 # Gamma/Z slow homing feedrate in mm/second # Optional order in which axis will home, default is they all home at the same time, # If this is set it will force each axis to home one at a time in the specified order #homing_order XYZ # X axis followed by Y then Z last #move_to_origin_after_home false # Move XY to 0,0 after homing #endstop_debounce_count 100 # Uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100 #endstop_debounce_ms 1 # Uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 1 ms debounce home_z_first true # Uncomment and set to true to home the Z first, otherwise Z homes after XY # Optional software endstop limit #After the machine has been homed this needs to be enabled by M211 S1 or disabled by M211 S0 soft_endstop.enable true # Enable soft endstops soft_endstop.x_min -4.05 # Minimum X position soft_endstop.x_max 205.05 # Maximum X position soft_endstop.y_min -240.05 # Minimum Y position soft_endstop.y_max 4.05 # Maximum Y position soft_endstop.z_min -15 # Minimum Z position NEED TO BE DESACTIVATED FOR LEVELING-STRATEGY or need to do M211 S0 before G32 ?? soft_endstop.z_max 116.05 # Maximum Z position SPACE LEFT FOR 3D USE soft_endstop.halt false # if false, will just ignore commands that would exceed the limit #soft_endstop.halt true # if true, will issue a HALT state when hitting a soft endstop ## Z-probe # See http://smoothieware.org/zprobe zprobe.enable true # Set to true to enable a zprobe zprobe.probe_pin 0.27 #interrupt capable needed # Pin probe NO is attached to a interrupt capable, if NC remove the ! zprobe.fast_feedrate 300 # Move feedrate mm/sec zprobe.slow_feedrate 5 # Mm/sec probe feed rate zprobe.debounce_ms 1 # Set if noisy zprobe.probe_height 10 # How much above bed to start probe #zprobe.return_feedrate 0 # feedrate after a probe, default 0 is double of slow_feedrate (mm/s) #zprobe.max_z 200 # maximum default travel for the probe command, will use gamma_max if not defined #gamma_min_endstop 1.28!^ # Change to nc to prevent conflict and keep this one free for use a relay board ## Bed Leveling # Switch module for Bltouch control switch.bltouch.enable true # Activate this new module switch.bltouch.input_on_command M280 # Command to set PWM value switch.bltouch.input_off_command M281 # Command to turn off switch switch.bltouch.output_pin 1.23 # This must be a PWM pin, see smoothieware.org/pinout DOT NOT USE OR ADD THIRD BIG MOSFET switch.bltouch.output_type hwpwm # Hardware PWM, as software PWM is not adequate for servo/bltouch switch.bltouch.pwm_period_ms 20 # 20ms period, or 50Hz switch.bltouch.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition ## Levelling strategy leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.enable true leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.x_size 201 # laisser 4mm de moins comme la mesure sur la gauche du plateau leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.y_size -187 # -240 maxi +53 offset bltouch leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.size 8 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.human_readable true leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.do_home false # shared config CNC/Printer so not wanted to be automatic leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.probe_offsets 0,53,0 # offset bltouch en Y a priori pas possible d'utiliser le Z ici leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.save false # shared config so do M374 only after level and need M375 at gcode begin for printer leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.initial_height 40 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.before_probe_gcode M280S3 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.after_probe_gcode M280S7 #leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.dampening_start 0.5 # algorithm will be applied less and less from this height onwards #leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.height_limit 2 # algorithm will stop applying compensation from this point onwards #filament_detector.enable true #This module is activated only if this is set to true #filament_detector.encoder_pin 0.28 #This is the pin the encoder is connected to. Must be an interrupt pin ##filament_detector.bulge_pin 1.31 #OPTIONAL This is the pin the bulge switch is connected to and the filament is moving, this will trigger an alarm #filament_detector.seconds_per_check 2 #How many seconds between filament position checks, must be long enough for several pulses to be detected #filament_detector.pulses_per_mm 0.5 #The number of pulses the encoder produces for every millimeter of filament movement ## Panel usable pin keep for reference #panel.spi_cs_pin 0.16 # spi chip select ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 4 #panel.encoder_a_pin 1.22 # encoder pin ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 3 #panel.encoder_b_pin 1.23 # encoder pin ; GLCD EXP2 Pin 5 or RESERVED for the third big mosfet #panel.click_button_pin 1.30!^ # click button ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 2 ##panel.back_button_pin 0.xx!^ # Pin for the back button #panel.buzz_pin < 1.31 # pin for buzzer ; GLCD EXP1 Pin 1 ## Network settings # See http://smoothieware.org/network network.enable false # Enable the ethernet network services network.webserver.enable false # Enable the webserver network.telnet.enable false # Enable the telnet server #network.ip_address auto # Use dhcp to get ip address network.hostname Charly # Uncomment the 3 below to manually setup ip address network.ip_address # The IP address #ecranRPI3B.ip_address # The IP address network.ip_mask # The ip mask network.ip_gateway # The gateway address ## System configuration # Serial communications configuration ( baud rate defaults to 9600 if undefined ) # For communication over the UART port, *not* the USB/Serial port uart0.baud_rate 115200 # Baud rate for the default hardware ( UART ) serial port second_usb_serial_enable false # This enables a second USB serial port #leds_disable true # Disable using leds after config loaded #play_led_disable true # Disable the play led #msd_disable true # Disable the MSD (USB SDCARD), see http://smoothieware.org/troubleshooting#disable-msd dfu_enable true # For linux developers or smoopi, set to true to enable DFU # Only needed on a smoothieboard # See http://smoothieware.org/currentcontrol currentcontrol_module_enable false # Control stepper motor current via the configuration file drillingcycles.enable true # Enable drillingcycles module. drillingcycles.dwell_units Shift # Dwell units Shift = seconds, P = millis. # Kill button maybe assigned to a different pin, set to the onboard pin by default # See http://smoothieware.org/killbutton kill_button_enable true # Set to true to enable a kill button (push 2 second for unkill) kill_button_pin 2.12 # Kill button pin. default is same as pause button 2.12 (2.11 is another good choice) ## Switch modules # See http://smoothieware.org/switch # Switch module for suspend button switch.suspend.enable true # Enable this module switch.suspend.input_pin 2.11^ # Pin where pause button is connected switch.suspend.output_on_command suspend # Suspend command # Switch module for restart button switch.relance.enable true # Enable this module switch.relance.input_pin 3.26 # Pin where relance button is connected switch.relance.output_on_command resume # Resume command switch.relance.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition # redefine suspend/resume after_suspend_gcode M32parkZXY.g # Gcode to run after suspend (simple code does not work for suspend) before_resume_gcode G59.3G0X0Y0G54 # Gcode to run before resume (M32 does not work for resume) #before_resume_gcode G59.3G0X0Y0M3M7M106G54 # Gcode to run before resume (M32 does not work for resume) # Switch module for reset button now directly connected to reset pin switch.reset.enable true # Enable this module switch.reset.input_pin reset # Pin where reset button is connected switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.enable true # Enable this module switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.input_pin 3.25^ # Pin where Spindle button is connected switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.input_pin_behavior toggle # This pin toggles between its on and off states each time it is pressed and released switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.output_on_command M3M7 # start spindle + light switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.output_off_command M5M9 # stop spindle + light switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.startup_state false switch.3dpsu-or-spindlebut.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition switch.spindle.enable true # Enable this module utiliser pour le relai de broche switch.spindle.input_on_command M3 # Command that will turn this switch on switch.spindle.input_off_command M5 # Command that will turn this switch off switch.spindle.output_pin 1.25o! # using x max endstop # Pin shared wth spindle switch.spindle.output_type digital # Digital means this is just an on or off pin switch.spindle.startup_state false switch.spindle.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition switch.3dpsu.enable true # Enable this module utiliser pour le relai de broche switch.3dpsu.input_on_command M104 # ou M109 ou M106 a voir # Command that will turn this switch on switch.3dpsu.input_off_command M81 # Command that will turn this switch off switch.3dpsu.output_pin 1.25o! # using x max endstop # Pin shared wth spindle switch.3dpsu.output_type digital # Digital means this is just an on or off pin switch.3dpsu.startup_state false switch.3dpsu.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition # Switch module for fan control on/off switch.fan3dhead.enable true # switch.fan3dhead.input_on_command M106 # switch.fan3dhead.input_off_command M107 # switch.fan3dhead.output_pin 4.29 # using pin ENA5 beacuse this one does not work fine for enable switch.fan3dhead.output_type digital switch.fan3dhead.startup_state false switch.fan3dhead.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition # Switch module for fan control for workpieces switch.fanpwm3dhead.enable true # switch.fanpwm3dhead.input_on_command M106 # switch.fanpwm3dhead.input_off_command M107 # switch.fanpwm3dhead.output_pin 2.4 #PWM capable switch.fanpwm3dhead.output_type pwm # PWM output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand switch.fanpwm3dhead.max_pwm 255 # set max PWM for the pin default is 255 switch.fanpwm3dhead.startup_state true switch.fanpwm3dhead.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition switch.light.enable true # Enable this module utiliser pour la lumiere switch.light.input_on_command M7 # Command that will turn this switch on switch.light.input_off_command M9 # Command that will turn this switch on switch.light.output_pin 2.6 # Pin this module controls Mosfet (masse piqué sur le mosfet et +5 pris sur les endstop) switch.light.output_type digital # Digital means this is just an on or off pin switch.light.startup_state false switch.light.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition switch.flood.enable true # Enable this module utiliser pour la la librification ou aspiration switch.flood.input_on_command M8 # Command that will turn this switch on switch.flood.input_off_command M9 # Command that will turn this switch on switch.flood.output_pin 2.5 # Pin this module controls Mosfet (masse piqué sur le mosfet et +5 pris sur les endstop) switch.flood.output_type digital # Digital means this is just an on or off pin switch.flood.startup_state false switch.flood.failsafe_set_to 0 # in case of a crash or HALT condition