# Installing Qt VCP Qt Designer Plugins Fist, you need to be using `Python 2.7` and `PyQt4` To install `PyQt4` I ran `$ sudo apt-get install python-qt4-dev` Open a root file browser and navigate to (replace `x86_64` with your machine's architecture) `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/designer` Make sure the folder contains a file named `libpyqt4.so`. Navigate to `linuxcnc/lib/python/qtvcp/plugins/` and link `qtvcp_plugins.py` to `~/.designer/plugins/python` `$ mkdir ~/.designer/plugins/python -p` `$ ln -sf $(pwd)/qtvcp_plugin.py ~/.designer/plugins/python` Or, if you prefer `$ sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/qtvcp_plugin.py /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/designer/python` If you are using a RIP run `. scripts/rip-environment` and then launch Qt Designer `qtchooser -run-tool=designer -qt=4` This same procedure seems to work for Qt5