# This is a component of LinuxCNC # Copyright 2014 Norbert Schechner # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # gmoccapy - Remap of M6 for auto tool measurement import os import sys import emccanon from interpreter import * from gscreen import preferences throw_exceptions = 1 debug = False if debug: pydevdir = '/home/emcmesa/Aptana_Studio_3/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.0.2013032300/pysrc' # the 'emctask' module is present only in the milltask instance, otherwise both the UI and # milltask would try to connect to the debug server. if os.path.isdir( pydevdir ) and 'emctask' in sys.builtin_module_names: sys.path.append( pydevdir ) sys.path.insert( 0, pydevdir ) try: import pydevd emccanon.MESSAGE( "pydevd imported, connecting to Eclipse debug server..." ) pydevd.settrace() except: emccanon.MESSAGE( "no pydevd module found" ) pass # REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 prolog=change_prolog ngc=change epilog=change_epilog # exposed parameters: # # # # # # # # def change_prolog(self, **words): try: # this is relevant only when using iocontrol-v2. if self.params[5600] > 0.0: if self.params[5601] < 0.0: self.set_errormsg("Toolchanger hard fault %d" % (int(self.params[5601]))) return INTERP_ERROR print "change_prolog: Toolchanger soft fault %d" % int(self.params[5601]) if self.selected_pocket < 0: self.set_errormsg("M6: no tool prepared") return INTERP_ERROR if self.cutter_comp_side: self.set_errormsg("Cannot change tools with cutter radius compensation on") return INTERP_ERROR self.params["tool_in_spindle"] = self.current_tool self.params["selected_tool"] = self.selected_tool self.params["current_pocket"] = self.current_pocket # this is probably nonsense self.params["selected_pocket"] = self.selected_pocket return INTERP_OK except Exception, e: self.set_errormsg("M6/change_prolog: %s" % (e)) return INTERP_ERROR def change_epilog(self, **words): try: if not self.value_returned: r = self.blocks[self.remap_level].executing_remap self.set_errormsg("the %s remap procedure %s did not return a value" % (r.name,r.remap_ngc if r.remap_ngc else r.remap_py)) return INTERP_ERROR if self.return_value > 0.0: if self.return_value == 3: message = "No tool measurement ! Please take care of the entry in the tool table" emccanon.MESSAGE(message) return INTERP_OK else: if self.return_value == -1: message = "Searchvel <= 0, not permitted!, Please correct INI Settings." elif self.return_value == -2: message = "Probevel <= 0, not permitted!, Please correct INI Settings." elif self.return_value == -3: message = "Probe contact failiure !!" else: message = "M6 aborted (return code %.1f)" % (self.return_value) self.set_errormsg(message) return INTERP_ERROR except Exception, e: self.set_errormsg("M6/change_epilog: %s" % (e)) return INTERP_ERROR _uvw = ("u","v","w","a","b","c") _xyz = ("x","y","z","a","b","c") # given a plane, return sticky words, incompatible axis words and plane name # sticky[0] is also the movement axis _compat = { emccanon.CANON_PLANE_XY : (("z","r"),_uvw,"XY"), emccanon.CANON_PLANE_YZ : (("x","r"),_uvw,"YZ"), emccanon.CANON_PLANE_XZ : (("y","r"),_uvw,"XZ"), emccanon.CANON_PLANE_UV : (("w","r"),_xyz,"UV"), emccanon.CANON_PLANE_VW : (("u","r"),_xyz,"VW"), emccanon.CANON_PLANE_UW : (("v","r"),_xyz,"UW")} # extract and pass parameters from current block, merged with extra paramters on a continuation line # keep tjose parameters across invocations # export the parameters into the oword procedure def cycle_prolog(self,**words): # self.sticky_params is assumed to have been initialized by the # init_stgdlue() method below global _compat try: # determine whether this is the first or a subsequent call c = self.blocks[self.remap_level] r = c.executing_remap if c.g_modes[1] == r.motion_code: # first call - clear the sticky dict self.sticky_params[r.name] = dict() self.params["motion_code"] = c.g_modes[1] (sw,incompat,plane_name) =_compat[self.plane] for (word,value) in words.items(): # inject current parameters self.params[word] = value # record sticky words if word in sw: if self.debugmask & 0x00080000: print "%s: record sticky %s = %.4f" % (r.name,word,value) self.sticky_params[r.name][word] = value if word in incompat: return "%s: Cannot put a %s in a canned cycle in the %s plane" % (r.name, word.upper(), plane_name) # inject sticky parameters which were not in words: for (key,value) in self.sticky_params[r.name].items(): if not key in words: if self.debugmask & 0x00080000: print "%s: inject sticky %s = %.4f" % (r.name,key,value) self.params[key] = value if not "r" in self.sticky_params[r.name]: return "%s: cycle requires R word" % (r.name) else: if self.sticky_params[r.name] <= 0.0: return "%s: R word must be > 0 if used (%.4f)" % (r.name, words["r"]) if "l" in words: # checked in interpreter during block parsing # if l <= 0 or l not near an int self.params["l"] = words["l"] if "p" in words: p = words["p"] if p < 0.0: return "%s: P word must be >= 0 if used (%.4f)" % (r.name, p) self.params["p"] = p if self.feed_rate == 0.0: return "%s: feed rate must be > 0" % (r.name) if self.feed_mode == INVERSE_TIME: return "%s: Cannot use inverse time feed with canned cycles" % (r.name) if self.cutter_comp_side: return "%s: Cannot use canned cycles with cutter compensation on" % (r.name) return INTERP_OK except Exception, e: raise return "cycle_prolog failed: %s" % (e) # make sure the next line has the same motion code, unless overriden by a # new G code def cycle_epilog(self,**words): try: c = self.blocks[self.remap_level] self.motion_mode = c.executing_remap.motion_code # retain the current motion mode return INTERP_OK except Exception, e: return "cycle_epilog failed: %s" % (e) # this should be called from TOPLEVEL __init__() def init_stdglue(self): self.sticky_params = dict()