# Generated by PNCconf at Sun Nov 7 21:28:52 2021 # Using LinuxCNC version: Master (2.9) # If you make changes to this file, they will be # overwritten when you run PNCconf again loadrt [KINS]KINEMATICS loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS num_spindles=[TRAJ]SPINDLES loadrt hostmot2 loadrt hm2_eth board_ip="" config="num_encoders=1 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=5 sserial_port_0=0xxxxx" setp hm2_7i96.0.watchdog.timeout_ns 5000000 loadrt pid names=pid.x,pid.y,pid.y2,pid.z,pid.s loadrt plasmac addf hm2_7i96.0.read servo-thread addf motion-command-handler servo-thread addf motion-controller servo-thread addf pid.x.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.y.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.y2.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.z.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.s.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf plasmac servo-thread addf hm2_7i96.0.write servo-thread # ---PLASMA INPUT DEBOUNCE--- #values for these are in custom.hal loadrt dbounce names=db_breakaway,db_float,db_ohmic,db_arc-ok addf db_float servo-thread addf db_ohmic servo-thread addf db_breakaway servo-thread addf db_arc-ok servo-thread # ---JOINT ASSOCIATED WITH THE Z AXIS--- net plasmac:axis-position joint.3.pos-fb => plasmac.axis-z-position # ---PLASMA INPUTS--- # ---all modes--- net plasmac:float-switch => db_float.in net plasmac:breakaway => db_breakaway.in net plasmac:ohmic-probe => db_ohmic.in net plasmac:ohmic-sense-in => plasmac.ohmic-sense-in # ---modes 0 & 1 net plasmac:arc-voltage-in => plasmac.arc-voltage-in # ---modes 1 & 2 net plasmac:arc-ok-in => db_arc-ok.in # ---mode 2 net plasmac:move-up <= plasmac.move-up net plasmac:move-down <= plasmac.move-down # ---PLASMA OUTPUTS--- # ---all modes--- net plasmac:ohmic-enable <= plasmac.ohmic-enable net plasmac:scribe-arm <= plasmac.scribe-arm net plasmac:scribe-on <= plasmac.scribe-on # external output signals # --- TORCH --- net plasmac:torch-on => hm2_7i96.0.ssr.00.out-00 # --- LASER --- net plasmac:laser-on => hm2_7i96.0.ssr.00.out-01 # external input signals # --- HOME-X --- net home-x <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.000.in # --- HOME-Y --- net home-y <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.001.in # --- HOME-Y2 --- net home-y2 <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.002.in # --- HOME-Z --- net home-z <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.003.in # --- BOTH-X --- net both-x <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.004.in # --- BOTH-Y --- net both-y <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.005.in # --- BOTH-Y2 --- net both-y2 <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.006.in # --- BOTH-Z --- net both-z <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.007.in # --- FLOAT IN --- net plasmac:float-switch <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.008.in # --- ESTOP-EXT --- net estop-ext <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.010.in_not # --- ARC-OK --- net plasmac:arc-ok <= hm2_7i96.0.gpio.009.in # --- Encoder --- setp hm2_7i96.0.encoder.00.scale -1 setp hm2_7i96.0.encoder.00.filter 1 setp hm2_7i96.0.encoder.00.counter-mode 1 #******************* # AXIS X JOINT 0 #******************* setp pid.x.Pgain [JOINT_0]P setp pid.x.Igain [JOINT_0]I setp pid.x.Dgain [JOINT_0]D setp pid.x.bias [JOINT_0]BIAS setp pid.x.FF0 [JOINT_0]FF0 setp pid.x.FF1 [JOINT_0]FF1 setp pid.x.FF2 [JOINT_0]FF2 setp pid.x.deadband [JOINT_0]DEADBAND setp pid.x.maxoutput [JOINT_0]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.x.error-previous-target true # This setting is to limit bogus stepgen # velocity corrections caused by position # feedback sample time jitter. setp pid.x.maxerror 0.012700 net x-index-enable <=> pid.x.index-enable net x-enable => pid.x.enable net x-pos-cmd => pid.x.command net x-pos-fb => pid.x.feedback net x-output <= pid.x.output # Step Gen signals/setup setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.dirsetup [JOINT_0]DIRSETUP setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.dirhold [JOINT_0]DIRHOLD setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.steplen [JOINT_0]STEPLEN setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.stepspace [JOINT_0]STEPSPACE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.position-scale [JOINT_0]STEP_SCALE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.step_type 0 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.control-type 1 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.maxaccel [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.maxvel [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAXVEL # ---closedloop stepper signals--- net x-pos-cmd <= joint.0.motor-pos-cmd net x-vel-cmd <= joint.0.vel-cmd net x-output <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.velocity-cmd net x-pos-fb <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.position-fb net x-pos-fb => joint.0.motor-pos-fb net x-enable <= joint.0.amp-enable-out net x-enable => hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.00.enable # ---setup home / limit switch signals--- net home-x => joint.0.home-sw-in net both-x => joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in net both-x => joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in #******************* # AXIS Y JOINT 1 #******************* setp pid.y.Pgain [JOINT_1]P setp pid.y.Igain [JOINT_1]I setp pid.y.Dgain [JOINT_1]D setp pid.y.bias [JOINT_1]BIAS setp pid.y.FF0 [JOINT_1]FF0 setp pid.y.FF1 [JOINT_1]FF1 setp pid.y.FF2 [JOINT_1]FF2 setp pid.y.deadband [JOINT_1]DEADBAND setp pid.y.maxoutput [JOINT_1]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.y.error-previous-target true # This setting is to limit bogus stepgen # velocity corrections caused by position # feedback sample time jitter. setp pid.y.maxerror 0.012700 net y-index-enable <=> pid.y.index-enable net y-enable => pid.y.enable net y-pos-cmd => pid.y.command net y-pos-fb => pid.y.feedback net y-output <= pid.y.output # Step Gen signals/setup setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.dirsetup [JOINT_1]DIRSETUP setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.dirhold [JOINT_1]DIRHOLD setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.steplen [JOINT_1]STEPLEN setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.stepspace [JOINT_1]STEPSPACE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.position-scale [JOINT_1]STEP_SCALE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.step_type 0 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.control-type 1 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.maxaccel [JOINT_1]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.maxvel [JOINT_1]STEPGEN_MAXVEL # ---closedloop stepper signals--- net y-pos-cmd <= joint.1.motor-pos-cmd net y-vel-cmd <= joint.1.vel-cmd net y-output <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.velocity-cmd net y-pos-fb <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.position-fb net y-pos-fb => joint.1.motor-pos-fb net y-enable <= joint.1.amp-enable-out net y-enable => hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.01.enable # ---setup home / limit switch signals--- net home-y => joint.1.home-sw-in net both-y => joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net both-y => joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in #******************* # Tandem AXIS Y2 JOINT 2 #******************* setp pid.y2.Pgain [JOINT_2]P setp pid.y2.Igain [JOINT_2]I setp pid.y2.Dgain [JOINT_2]D setp pid.y2.bias [JOINT_2]BIAS setp pid.y2.FF0 [JOINT_2]FF0 setp pid.y2.FF1 [JOINT_2]FF1 setp pid.y2.FF2 [JOINT_2]FF2 setp pid.y2.deadband [JOINT_2]DEADBAND setp pid.y2.maxoutput [JOINT_2]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.y2.error-previous-target true # This setting is to limit bogus stepgen # velocity corrections caused by position # feedback sample time jitter. setp pid.y2.maxerror 0.012700 net y2-index-enable <=> pid.y2.index-enable net y2-enable => pid.y2.enable net y2-pos-cmd => pid.y2.command net y2-pos-fb => pid.y2.feedback net y2-output <= pid.y2.output # Step Gen signals/setup for tandem axis setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.dirsetup [JOINT_2]DIRSETUP setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.dirhold [JOINT_2]DIRHOLD setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.steplen [JOINT_2]STEPLEN setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.stepspace [JOINT_2]STEPSPACE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.position-scale [JOINT_2]STEP_SCALE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.step_type 0 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.control-type 1 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.maxaccel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.maxvel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAXVEL # ---closedloop stepper signals--- net y2-pos-cmd <= joint.2.motor-pos-cmd net y2-vel-cmd <= joint.2.vel-cmd net y2-output <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.velocity-cmd net y2-pos-fb <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.position-fb net y2-pos-fb => joint.2.motor-pos-fb net y2-enable <= joint.2.amp-enable-out net y2-enable => hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.02.enable # ---setup home / limit switch signals--- net home-y2 => joint.2.home-sw-in net both-y2 => joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in net both-y2 => joint.2.pos-lim-sw-in #******************* # AXIS Z JOINT 3 #******************* setp pid.z.Pgain [JOINT_3]P setp pid.z.Igain [JOINT_3]I setp pid.z.Dgain [JOINT_3]D setp pid.z.bias [JOINT_3]BIAS setp pid.z.FF0 [JOINT_3]FF0 setp pid.z.FF1 [JOINT_3]FF1 setp pid.z.FF2 [JOINT_3]FF2 setp pid.z.deadband [JOINT_3]DEADBAND setp pid.z.maxoutput [JOINT_3]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.z.error-previous-target true # This setting is to limit bogus stepgen # velocity corrections caused by position # feedback sample time jitter. setp pid.z.maxerror 0.012700 net z-index-enable <=> pid.z.index-enable net z-enable => pid.z.enable net z-pos-cmd => pid.z.command net z-pos-fb => pid.z.feedback net z-output <= pid.z.output # Step Gen signals/setup setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.dirsetup [JOINT_3]DIRSETUP setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.dirhold [JOINT_3]DIRHOLD setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.steplen [JOINT_3]STEPLEN setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.stepspace [JOINT_3]STEPSPACE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.position-scale [JOINT_3]STEP_SCALE setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.step_type 0 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.control-type 1 setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.maxaccel [JOINT_3]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.maxvel [JOINT_3]STEPGEN_MAXVEL # ---closedloop stepper signals--- net z-pos-cmd <= joint.3.motor-pos-cmd net z-vel-cmd <= joint.3.vel-cmd net z-output <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.velocity-cmd net z-pos-fb <= hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.position-fb net z-pos-fb => joint.3.motor-pos-fb net z-enable <= joint.3.amp-enable-out net z-enable => hm2_7i96.0.stepgen.03.enable # ---setup home / limit switch signals--- net home-z => joint.3.home-sw-in #net both-z => joint.3.neg-lim-sw-in #net both-z => joint.3.pos-lim-sw-in # ---estop signals--- net estop-out <= iocontrol.0.user-enable-out net estop-ext => iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in # ---QTPLASMAC TOOLCHANGE PASSTHROUGH--- net tool:change iocontrol.0.tool-change => iocontrol.0.tool-changed net tool:prep iocontrol.0.tool-prepare => iocontrol.0.tool-prepared # ---PLASMAC COMPONENT INPUTS--- #net plasmac:arc-ok db_arc-ok.out net plasmac:axis-x-position axis.x.pos-cmd => plasmac.axis-x-position net plasmac:axis-y-position axis.y.pos-cmd => plasmac.axis-y-position net plasmac:breakaway-switch-out db_breakaway.out => plasmac.breakaway net plasmac:current-velocity motion.current-vel => plasmac.current-velocity net plasmac:cutting-start spindle.0.on => plasmac.cutting-start net plasmac:feed-override halui.feed-override.value => plasmac.feed-override net plasmac:feed-reduction motion.analog-out-03 => plasmac.feed-reduction net plasmac:float-switch-out db_float.out => plasmac.float-switch net plasmac:ignore-arc-ok-0 motion.digital-out-01 => plasmac.ignore-arc-ok-0 net machine-is-on halui.machine.is-on => plasmac.machine-is-on net plasmac:motion-type motion.motion-type => plasmac.motion-type net plasmac:offsets-active motion.eoffset-active => plasmac.offsets-active net plasmac:ohmic-probe-out db_ohmic.out => plasmac.ohmic-probe net plasmac:program-is-idle halui.program.is-idle => plasmac.program-is-idle net plasmac:program-is-paused halui.program.is-paused => plasmac.program-is-paused net plasmac:program-is-running halui.program.is-running => plasmac.program-is-running net plasmac:requested-velocity motion.requested-vel => plasmac.requested-velocity net plasmac:scribe-start spindle.1.on => plasmac.scribe-start net plasmac:spotting-start spindle.2.on => plasmac.spotting-start net plasmac:thc-disable motion.digital-out-02 => plasmac.thc-disable net plasmac:torch-off motion.digital-out-03 => plasmac.torch-off net plasmac:units-per-mm halui.machine.units-per-mm => plasmac.units-per-mm net plasmac:x-offset-current axis.x.eoffset => plasmac.x-offset-current net plasmac:y-offset-current axis.y.eoffset => plasmac.y-offset-current net plasmac:z-offset-current axis.z.eoffset => plasmac.z-offset-current # ---PLASMAC COMPONENT OUTPUTS--- net plasmac:adaptive-feed plasmac.adaptive-feed => motion.adaptive-feed net plasmac:cutting-stop halui.spindle.0.stop => plasmac.cutting-stop net plasmac:feed-hold plasmac.feed-hold => motion.feed-hold net plasmac:offset-scale plasmac.offset-scale => axis.x.eoffset-scale axis.y.eoffset-scale axis.z.eoffset-scale net plasmac:program-pause plasmac.program-pause => halui.program.pause net plasmac:program-resume plasmac.program-resume => halui.program.resume net plasmac:program-run plasmac.program-run => halui.program.run net plasmac:program-stop plasmac.program-stop => halui.program.stop net plasmac:torch-on plasmac.torch-on net plasmac:x-offset-counts plasmac.x-offset-counts => axis.x.eoffset-counts net plasmac:y-offset-counts plasmac.y-offset-counts => axis.y.eoffset-counts net plasmac:xy-offset-enable plasmac.xy-offset-enable => axis.x.eoffset-enable axis.y.eoffset-enable net plasmac:z-offset-counts plasmac.z-offset-counts => axis.z.eoffset-counts net plasmac:z-offset-enable plasmac.z-offset-enable => axis.z.eoffset-enable