Error report created by /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/show_errors.tcl: Print file information: RUN_IN_PLACE=no LINUXCNC_DIR= LINUXCNC_BIN_DIR=/usr/bin LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR=/usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc LINUXCNC_SCRIPT_DIR= LINUXCNC_RTLIB_DIR=/usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules LINUXCNC_CONFIG_DIR= LINUXCNC_LANG_DIR=/usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/msgs INIVAR=inivar HALCMD=halcmd LINUXCNC_EMCSH=/usr/bin/wish8.6 LINUXCNC - 2.9.0-pre0-4782-gfd4a7d068 Machine configuration directory is '/home/mikron/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine' Machine configuration file is 'my_LinuxCNC_machine.ini' INIFILE=/home/mikron/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine/my_LinuxCNC_machine.ini VERSION=1.1 PARAMETER_FILE=linuxcnc.var TASK=milltask HALUI=halui DISPLAY=axis COORDINATES=XYZ KINEMATICS=trivkins coordinates=XYZ Starting LinuxCNC... Starting LinuxCNC server program: linuxcncsvr Loading Real Time OS, RTAPI, and HAL_LIB modules Starting LinuxCNC IO program: io Starting HAL User Interface program: halui Found file(REL): ./my_LinuxCNC_machine.hal Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC... Running HAL shutdown script hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15 hm2_eth: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 ethernet driver version 0.2 hm2_eth: INFO: Hardware address (MAC): 00:60:1b:15:00:8c hm2_eth: discovered 7I95 hm2/hm2_7i95.0: Low Level init 0.15 hm2/hm2_7i95.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43 board fails HM2 registration hm2_eth: in hm2_eth_reset hm2: unloading Removing HAL_LIB, RTAPI, and Real Time OS modules Removing NML shared memory segments Debug file information: Note: Using POSIX realtime sh: 1: PATH: not found sh: 1: PATH: not found sh: 1: PATH: not found sh: 1: PATH: not found sh: 1: PATH: not found sh: 1: PATH: not found hm2_eth: rtapi_app_main: Resource temporarily unavailable (-11) ./my_LinuxCNC_machine.hal:9: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app hm2_eth ./my_LinuxCNC_machine.hal:9: /usr/bin/rtapi_app exited without becoming ready ./my_LinuxCNC_machine.hal:9: insmod for hm2_eth failed, returned -1 25049 Stopping realtime threads Unloading hal components Note: Using POSIX realtime ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Info report created by linuxcnc_info: The file: /tmp/linuxcnc_info.txt can be posted to a forum or a web site like: in order to provide information about the linuxcnc system and configuration. Date: Mon 18 Oct 2021 06:17:13 PM CEST UTC Date: Mon 18 Oct 2021 04:17:13 PM UTC this program: /usr/bin/linuxcnc_info uptime: 18:17:13 up 4 days, 3:48, 1 user, load average: 2.31, 0.97, 0.84 lsb_release -sa: Debian Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 10 buster which linuxcnc: /usr/bin/linuxcnc pwd: /home/mikron/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine USER: mikron LOGNAME: mikron HOME: /home/mikron EDITOR: VISUAL: LANGUAGE: en_US:en TERM: dumb COLORTERM: DISPLAY: :0.0 DESKTOP: lightdm-xsession display size: 1366x768 pixels (361x203 millimeters) PATH: /usr/bin:/home/mikron/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games uname items: nodename -n: Mikron kernel-name -s: Linux kernel-vers -v: #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 4.19.146-1 (2020-09-17) machine -m: x86_64 processor -p: unknown platform -i: unknown oper system -o: GNU/Linux /proc items: cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.19.0-11-rt-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/Mikron--vg-root ro quiet model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz cores: 2 cpu MHz: 1936.666 parport: serial: Versions: gcc: gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0 python: Python 3.7.3 git: git version 2.20.1 git commit: NA tcl: 8.6 tk: 8.6 glade: not_in_PATH linuxcnc_var all: LINUXCNCVERSION: 2.9.0-pre0-4782-gfd4a7d068 LINUXCNC_AUX_GLADEVCP: /usr/share/linuxcnc/aux_gladevcp LINUXCNC_AUX_EXAMPLES: /usr/share/linuxcnc/aux_examples REALTIME: /etc/init.d/realtime RTS: uspace HALLIB_DIR: /usr/share/linuxcnc/hallib PYTHON: /usr/bin/python3.7 dpkg -l '*linuxcnc*': Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-===================-============================-============-===================================================================== un linuxcnc (no description available) un linuxcnc-dev (no description available) un linuxcnc-doc (no description available) ii linuxcnc-doc-cn 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 all motion controller for CNC machines and robots (Chinese ii linuxcnc-doc-en 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 all motion controller for CNC machines and robots (English documentation) ii linuxcnc-doc-es 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 all controlador de movimiento para máquinas CNC y robots (Español). ii linuxcnc-doc-fr 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 all motion controller for CNC machines and robots (French documentation) un linuxcnc-sim (no description available) un linuxcnc-sim-dev (no description available) ii linuxcnc-uspace 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 amd64 motion controller for CNC machines and robots ii linuxcnc-uspace-dev 1:2.9.0~pre0.4782.gfd4a7d068 amd64 PC based motion controller for real-time Linux