pi@linuxcnc:~/remora-xyz-mymill $ halcmd -f sinamics_mb2hal.hal mb2hal parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [INIT_DEBUG] [3] mb2hal parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [HAL_MODULE_NAME] [mb2hal] mb2hal parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [SLOWDOWN] [1.000] mb2hal parse_common_section DEBUG: [MB2HAL_INIT] [TOTAL_TRANSACTIONS] [1] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [LINK_TYPE] [serial] [0] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_PORT] [/dev/ttyUSB0] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_BAUD] [9600] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_BITS] [8] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_PARITY] [even] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_STOP] [1] mb2hal parse_serial_subsection DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [SERIAL_DELAY_MS] [0] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_SLAVE_ID] [1] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [FIRST_ELEMENT] [40038] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [NELEMENTS] [2] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MAX_UPDATE_RATE] [10.000] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS] [1000] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS] [500] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [DEBUG] [3] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [MB_TX_CODE] [fnct_03_read_holding_registers] [2] mb2hal parse_transaction_section DEBUG: [TRANSACTION_00] [HAL_TX_NAME] [enabled_and_ready] mb2hal parse_ini_file OK: parse_transaction_section 0 OK mb2hal main OK: parse_ini_file done OK mb2hal init_mb_links DEBUG: LINK 0 (RTU) link_type[0] device[/dev/ttyUSB0] baud[9600] data[8] parity[E] stop[1] fd[-1] mb2hal main OK: init_gbl.mb_link done OK mb2hal init_mb_tx DEBUG: MB_TX 0 lk_n[0] tx_n[0] cfg_dbg[3] lk_dbg[1] t_inc[0.100] nxt_t[0.000] mb2hal main OK: init_gbl.mb_tx done OK mb2hal create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [mb2hal.enabled_and_ready.num_errors] mb2hal create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [mb2hal.enabled_and_ready.00] mb2hal create_each_mb_tx_hal_pins DEBUG: mb_tx_num [0] pin_name [mb2hal.enabled_and_ready.01] mb2hal main OK: HAL components created OK mb2hal main OK: Link thread loop and logic 0 created OK mb2hal main OK: mb2hal is running mb2hal link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[-1] going to TEST availability mb2hal link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[-1] going to TEST connection mb2hal get_tx_connection DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] new connection -> fd[4] mb2hal link_loop_and_logic DEBUG: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] lk_dbg[1] going to EXECUTE transaction mb2hal fnct_03_read_holding_registers DEBUG: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] fd[4] 1st_addr[40038] nelem[2] [01][03][9C][66][00][02][0A][44] Waiting for a confirmation... sinamics_mb2hal.hal:8: Pin 'mb2hal.00.00' does not exist <01><83><02> ERROR Illegal data address mb2hal fnct_03_read_holding_registers ERR: mb_tx[0] mb_links[0] slave[1] = ret[-1] fd[4] mb2hal link_loop_and_logic ERR: mb_tx_num[0] mb_links[0] thread[0] fd[4] transaction failure, num_errors[1] Bytes flushed (0) ... mb2hal quit_signal DEBUG: signal [15] received mb2hal quit_cleanup DEBUG: started mb2hal quit_cleanup DEBUG: unloading HAL module [4] ret[0] mb2hal quit_cleanup DEBUG: done OK mb2hal main OK: going to exit!