ConversationalBlock ErrorSHAPECREATE ARRAY OF SHAPESBolt-Circle ErrorDIAMETER# OF HOLESCREATING BOLT CIRCLECircle ErrorCREATING CIRCLEEllipse ErrorHEIGHTCREATING ELLIPSELINE POINT ~ POINTLINE BY ANGLEARC 3PARC 2P +RADIUSARC ANGLE +RADIUSPREVIEWRELOADBTM LEFTEXTERNALLEAD INLEAD OUTCUT TYPESTARTX ORIGINY ORIGINOVER CUTOC LENGTHADDANGLEHOLE DIACIRCLE ANGWIDTHRADIUSCIRCUMSCRIBEDINSCRIBEDSIDE LENGTHRADIUS 1RADIUS 2RADIUS 3RADIUS 4LENGTHPOINTSOUTER DIAINNER DIAA ANGLEB ANGLEC ANGLEa LENGTHb LENGTHc LENGTHCOLUMNSNUMBEROFFSETROWSORIGINX OFFSETY OFFSETPATTERNSCALEROTATIONMIRRORFLIPPREAMBLEPOSTAMBLELEAD LENGTHSSPEED %GRID SIZESAVEEXITGusset ErrorCHAMFERCREATING GUSSETX {text}Y {text}X ENDY ENDX NEXTY NEXTDIRECTIONLine ErrorCREATING LINE OR ARCPolygon ErrorSIDESCREATING POLYGONiRADIUSRectangle ErrorCREATING RECTANGLESector ErrorSEC ANGLECREATING SECTORInvalid LEAD IN entry detectedInvalid LEAD OUT entry detectedInvalid DIAMETER entry detectedInvalid SPEED % entry detectedInvalid GRID SIZE entry detectedSettings ErrorSMALL HOLESSlot ErrorCREATING SLOTStar ErrorCREATING STARTriangle ErrorCREATING TRIANGLEHandlerClassLinuxCNC version should beThe detected version isQtPlasmac is closingcannot be found in the pathPlease edit [RS274NGC]USER_M_PATH in the .ini filedoes exist indoes not exist in the default locationsSave ErrorThe file nameis not allowedFloat Switch has disabled joggingOhmic Probe has disabled joggingBreakaway Switch has disabled joggingFloat Switch has aborted active joggingOhmic Probe has aborted active joggingBreakaway Switch has aborted active joggingCONTINUOUSMOVEPrefs File ErrorInvalid entry for laser offsetInvalid entry for camera offsetInvalid entry for probe offsetEmergency stop pressedEmergency stop clearedGUI power onGUI power offMachine idleCycle pausedJOGEDITAxis Limit ErrorOPENMachine homedTORCHSCRIBEUNKNOWNSELECTEDRUN FROM LINECYCLE STARTGcode ErrorCannot run from line whilecutter compensation is activeCannot do run from lineinside subroutineUnable to calculate a leadin for this cutProgram will run from selected line with no leadin appliedRun from line - this cutpath loadedRun from line - here to end loadedStart lineCycle startedTorch enabledTorch disabledManual cut abortedProbe test abortedTorch pulse abortedCycle abortedCycle resumedUnknown error removingBackup CompleteA compressed backup of the machine configuration including the machine logs has been saved in your home directory asIt is safe to delete this file at any timeProgram clearedConsumable change initiatedConsumable change completedReloadedFile Errordoes not existFASTSLOWShutdownCurrent operation is not completeDo you want to shutdown QtPlasmaCUnsaved Editor ChangesUnsaved changes will be lostDo you want to proceedERROR SENT TO MACHINE LOGG-codeMove to probe coordinateFraming movedue to laser offsetexceeds the X minimum limit byexceeds the X maximum limit byexceeds the Y minimum limit byexceeds the Y maximum limit byless thanINI File ErrorError in [KINS]KINEMATICS in the INI filereverting to default coordinates of xyzSpeed %OKYESNORun From LineUSE LEADIN:LEADIN LENGTH:LEADIN ANGLE:LOADCANCELHERE TO ENDTHIS CUTPATHRun Critical ToggleCONTINUEButton not toggledCLOSEMDICYCLE RESUMECYCLE PAUSEFEEDRAPIDMANUAL CUTRUNCOMMS ERRORProbe test completedTorch pulse completedONHAL Pin ErrorInvalid code for user buttonFailed to pulse HAL pinLASERUser Button Errorare both requiredonly one has been specified forDuplicate code entry forUsing first instance only ofCheck button code for invalid or missing argumentsCheck button code for invalid seconds argumentCheck button code for extra argumentsCheck button code for invalid feed argumentCheck button code for invalid argumentsHAL pinmust be toggledusing standard button codemust be pulsedExternal Code ErrorExternal commandCode ErrorPIERCE
ONLYFailed to toggle HAL pinCannot open latest file from user buttonValue Error in user buttonRequires a valid section and option pairInvalid code in user buttonProvided section option pair does not existInvalid feed rate for consumable changeDefaulting to materials cut feed rateProbe test startedTorch pulse startedTorch pulse ended manually
Frame the job using the torch instead?
Single CutX LENGTH:Y LENGTH:CUTManual cut startedVirtual Keyboard Error"onboard" virtual keyboard is not installedsome keyboard functions are not availableAdd MaterialEnter New Material NumberADDA material number is requiredis not a valid numberMaterialis in useMaterial numbers need to be less than 1000000Enter New Material NameMaterial name is requiredDelete MaterialEnter Material Number To DeleteDELETEDefault material cannot be deletedTemporary materialcannot be deletedDo you really want to delete materialMaterials ErrorMaterial change timeout occurred for materialMaterial numberis invalidMaterial #not in material listLaser ErrorLaser is outside the machine boundaryMARK
EDGETorch cannot move outside the machine boundarySET
ORIGINCamera ErrorCamera is outside the machine boundaryMetresInchesCUT LENGTHPort ErrorPowermax communications are disabledcannot be foundModule Errorpython3-serial cannot be foundInstall python3-serial or linuxcnc-devComms ErrorPMX485 component is not able to be loaded,Powermax communications are not availablePowermax cutting currentInvalid Cut Mode or Cut Amps,cannot connect to PowermaxCONNECTINGStatus of PMX485 communicationsCONNECTEDARC ON TIMEPowermax ErrorFault CodePowermax errorCODEUnknown Powermax fault codeStylesheet ErrorInvalid number of colors definedin custom stylesheet headerReverting to standard stylesheetCannot open custom stylesheetUnsaved ShapeYou have an unsaved, unsent, or active previewed shapeIf you continue it will be deletedAn empty file cannot be savedArray ErrorAn empty file cannot be arrayed, rotated, or scaledUNDORELOADActive PreviewYou have an active previewed shapeReload RequestThe original file will be loadedIf you continue all changes will be deletedAn empty file will be loadedLaser OffsetsLaser offsets have been savedCamera OffsetsCamera offsets have been savedScribe OffsetsScribe offsets have been savedOffset Probe DelayDelay (Seconds)Entry ErrorProbe OffsetsProbe offsets have been savedOffset ChangeSET OFFSETSChange offsets fromToNo cameras have been foundMainWindowCONFIGFOLDER/qtvcp.prefsMATERIAL =VEL:OPEN FILEOTVORIŤ SÚBORSELECTOZNAČIŤINSTANCE.filemanager.load()NEXTĎALEJINSTANCE.filemanager.down()PREVPREDCH.INSTANCE.filemanager.up()CANCELZRUŠIŤEDITEDITOVAŤCAMVIEWDIA
HOME ALLZRUŠ REF.VŠETKYPC0MAINCONVERSATIONALNEWNOVÝSAVEULOŽIŤSETTINGSNASTAVENIASENDODOŠLICONFIGURATIONKONFIGURÁCIAStart Fail TimerMax StartsRetry DelayVoltage ScaleVoltage OffsetHeight Per VoltOK High VoltsOK Low VoltsSample ThresholdDelayPID-D VAuto ActivateSpeed (PID-P)VAD ThresholdThresholdVoid SlopePID-ISample CountsPROBINGOhmic OffsetOhmic RetriesFloat TravelProbe HeightProbe SpeedSkip IHSOffset SpeedSAFETYBEZPEČNOSŤSafe HeightBezpečná VýškaSCRIBINGPOPISOVANIEArm DelayOneskorenie PripravenostiOn DelayOneskorenie zapnutiaSPOTTINGZAMERANIETime OnČas ZapnutiaPIERCE ONLYIBA DIEROVAŤX OffsetX PosunutieY OffsetY posunutieMOTIONPOHYBSetup SpeedNastavovacia RýchlosťMATERIALMATERIÁLDELETEVYMAZAŤCut Feed RateRezná rýchlosťCut AmpsRezný prúdPierce HeightDierovacia výškaPuddle DelayOneskorenie KúpeľPuddle HeightVýška KúpeľPause At EndPauza Na KonciKerf WidthRezná medzeraCut HeightVýška RezuPierce DelayOneskorenie DierovanieCut ModeRezný MódGas PressureTlak PlynuCut VoltsRezné NapätiePARAMETERSPARAMETREGUI SETTINGSNASTAVENIA ZOBRAZENIAPreviewNáhľadEstopFramesPosunutiaLEDBackgroundPozadieAlt BackgroundStaré PozadieDisabledVypnutéHighlightZvýrazniťForegroundPopredieKB ShortcutsKB SkratkyView MaterialZobraz MateriálOptional StopVolitelný StopExit WarningUpozornenie pred ukončenímOptional BlockVolitelný BlokSoft KeyboardSoft KlávesnicaTool TipsŠpičky NástrojovOverride LimitsLimity KorekcieOverride JogKorekcia RučneRun From LineSpusti Od RiadkuGrid SizeRozmer MriežkyTable ZoomZväčšenie tabuľkyCone SizeVeľkosť KužeľaDefault MaterialZákladný MateriálUSER BUTTON ENTRIESPOLOŽKY POUŽ. TLAČIDIELNameMenoCodeKód9171419261512111201610183137854SHUTDOWN MESSAGESPRÁVA PRED VYPNUTÍMUTILITIESUTILITYHAL SHOWHAL SCOPEHAL METERCALIBRATIONSTATUSSET
KONFIG.STATISTICSŠTATISTIKARESETCUTTING TIMEČAS REZUJOBZÁKAZKARAPID TIMEČAS RÝCHLOPOSUVTOTALCELKOVOTOTAL RUN TIMECELKOVÝ ČAS BEHUCUT LENGTHDĹŽKA REZURESET ALLVYMAŽ VŠETKOTORCH STARTSŠTARTY HORÁKUITEMPOLOŽKATORCH ON TIMEHORÁK ČAS BEHUPROBE TIMESONDA ČASPAUSED TIMEPAUZA ČAS0:00:00RS485 PMX STATISTICSARC ON TIMEČAS OBLÚK ZAP.MACHINE LOGPROTOKOL STROJAOffsetsSet Peripheral OffsetsTouchoff the torch to X0 Y0Mark the material with a torch pulseClick the appropriate button to activate the peripheralGet Peripheral OffsetsJog until the peripheral is centered on the markClick the GET OFFSETS button to get the offsetsConfirm the setting of the offsetsUsage is as followsNote: It may be necessary to click the preview window to enable joggingCamera SearchCould not load the cv2 moduleTry installing by entering the following in a terminalsudo apt install python3-opencvSelect CameraSelect the camera to useToolTipsShows active G- and M-CodesShows the currently loaded materialClick to change material{text0}
{text1}Shows the current velocity in units per minuteChanges the view to perspective viewShow the view from the topClears motion segments from previewPans the view rightPans the view leftPans the view upPans the view downZooms inZooms outShows the Estop statusSwitches the GUI on or off
A long press displays the GUI shutdown dialogRuns the currently loaded G-Code programPauses or resume the currently running G-Code programStops the currently running processSets the feed override percentageSets the rapid override percentageSets the jog feed rateClick to reset the feed slider to 100%Click to reset the rapid slider to 100%Click to reset the jog slider to the default velocityToggles the use of the G-Code file editorToggles the use of Manual Data Input modeUser buttonconfigured in the SETTINGS tab{text0} #{b} {text1}Shows the current arc voltageShows the Arc OK signal statusClick to reset the THC override voltage to zeroLowers the target voltage for THC overrideShows the THC target voltage override amountRaises the target voltage for THC overrideShows the status of the torch on signalShows the velocity anti-dive statusShows the void anti-dive statusToggles the use of mesh mode cuttingToggles the need for an Arc OK signal before XY motion beginsShows the status of PMX485 communicationsToggles the use of the torchToggles the use of velocity anti-diveToggles the use of void anti-diveToggles the use of automatic voltage for THCToggles the use of ohmic probingToggles the use of Powermax communicationsShows the float switch statusShows the ohmic probe statusShows the breakaway switch statusToggles the type of automatic THC activationToggles the use of torch height controlShows the THC is moving the Z axis upShows the THC statusShows the THC is moving the Z axis downShows the THC is currently in control of the Z axisSets the jog incrementToggles the jog feed rate by a factor of 10Jogs the A axis counter negativeJogs the A axis positiveJogs the B axis negativeJogs the B axis positiveJogs the C axis negativeJogs the C axis positiveJogs the X axis negativeJogs the X axis positiveJogs the Y axis negativeJogs the Y axis positiveJogs the Z axis negativeJogs the Z axis positiveCancels cut recoveryMoves the torch forward along current motion segmentMoves the torch reverse along current motion segmentChanges the feed rate for paused motionSlider position indicates percentage of feed rate for current materialShows the feed rate for paused motionShows the distance the torch will moveMoves the torch in thedirectionOpens the file selectorReloads the current G-Code fileShows the currentaxis positionHomes theaxisHomes all axesTouches off theaxes to zeroSelects the active work coordinate systemUse camera view to set origin/rotationUse laser to set origin/rotation
Long press to begin a dry runOpens the selected G-Code fileMoves the file selector downMoves the file selector upCloses the file selectorIncreases the diameter of the overlay circleDecreases the diameter of the overlay circleMoves the torch to the origin (X0 Y0)Starts the origin marking processCreate a line or arcCreate a circleCreate an ellipseCreate a triangleCreate a rectangleCreate a polygonCreate a circular bolt patternCreate a slotCreate a starCreate a gussetCreate a sectorRotate, Scale, and Array the current G-Code programStarts a new fileSaves the current fileOpens the conversational settings panelLoads the current file for cuttingTime for torch on with no Arc OK before failing (seconds)Number of arc start attempts before pausingDelay between arc failure and next arc start attempt (seconds)Sets the input scale to display correct arc voltageSets the offset to display zero volts at zero inputDistance the torch moves per volt (affects manual override only)Voltage value below which Arc OK is validVoltage value above which Arc OK is validDelay between Arc OK and THC activation (seconds)Number of consecutive arc voltage readings within the sample threshold required to activate THCMaximum voltage deviation allowed for THC Sample CountsDeviation from target voltage before THC attempts correctionProportional gain for the THC PID loopPercentage of cut feed rate reduction before THC locksVoltage change required to activate void anti-dive in volts per secondIntegral gain for the THC PID loopDerivative gain for the THC PID loopDistance of float travel before switch activationFeed rate for probe move after move to Probe HeightHeight above Z minimum limit that Probe Speed beginsDistance above material Z should move after an ohmic probeNumber of retry attempts before defaulting to float switchInitial Height Sense distance, refer to user guide for detailed explanationFeed rate for offset probe moves in the X and Y axes, maximum = {int(P.offsetFeedRate)}Height above material the torch will retract to before rapid movesDelay from scribe command to activation of scribe (seconds)Delay from scribe activation to XY motion (seconds)Arc voltage threshold to start the spotting timerSetting to 0V will start the Time On counter upon torch activationLength of time torch is on after spotting threshold is met (milliseconds)Z axis velocity for setup moves (Probe Height, Pierce Height, Cut Height), maximum = {int(P.thcFeedRate)}Saves the configuration changesDiscards the configuration changes and reloads the configurationWidth of the material removed by the plasma arcDistance above the material the arc start will occurDelay at Pierce Height after Arc OK before cut movements (seconds)Distance above the material cut movements will occur atSpeed the torch will travel during cut movementsCutting current measured in AmpsIndicator only, unless using Powermax communicationsVoltage target used for torch height adjustment if not using auto voltsHeight transition between Pierce Height and Cut Height (percentage of Pierce Height)Length of time at Puddle Height before moving to Cut Height (seconds)Delay before turning torch off at end of cut (seconds)Sets torch gas pressure0 = Use Powermax automatic pressure modePowermax cut modes1 = Normal2 = CPA (Constant Pilot Arc)3 = Gouge/Mark{text0}:
{text3}Saves current material setDiscards any changes and reloads the material setCreates a new materialDeletes a materialShows and changes the color of the foregroundShows and changes the color of highlightsShows and changes the color of the LEDsShows and changes the color of the backgroundShows and changes the color of the alternate backgroundShows and changes the color of the framesShows and changes the color of the estop button/indicatorShows and changes the color of disabled itemsShows and changes the color of the preview screen backgroundToggles the use of the soft keyboardToggles the use of keyboard shortcutsToggles the display of material property visibility on the preview screenToggles pausing G-Code execution at M1 optional stopsToggles the use of run from lineToggles the override of limit switchesToggles the display of tooltipsToggles always display an exit warningToggles the execution of G-Code lines starting with "/"Changes the size of the grid in the preview screenChanges the size of the cone in the preview screenLoads the HalShow applicationLoads the HalScope applicationLoads the HalMeter applicationLoads the LinuxCNC Calibration applicationLoads the LinuxCNC Status applicationCreates a complete backup of the current machine configurationResets the pierce counterResets the cut length counterResets the cut time counterResets the torch on time counterResets the program run time counterResets the rapid time counterResets the probe time counterResets all countersShows the pierce count for the last jobShows the cut length for the last jobShows the cut time for the last jobShows the torch in time for the last jobShows the program run time for the last jobShows the rapid time for the last jobShows the probe time for the last jobShows the total pierce count since the last resetShows the total cut length since the last resetShows the total cut time since the last resetShows the total torch on time since the last resetShows the total program run time since the last resetShows the total rapid time since the last resetShows the total probe time since the last resetShows the total arc on time for the Powermax (hh:mm:ss)