andy@file03:~$ !5444 cd;. ~/linuxcnc-dev/scripts/rip-environment andy@file03:~$ !5447 cd; linuxcnc ./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon.ini LINUXCNC - 2.10.0~pre0 Machine configuration directory is '/home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon' Machine configuration file is 'my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon.ini' Starting LinuxCNC... linuxcncsvr (2423) emcsvr: machine 'my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon' version '1.1' linuxcnc TPMOD=tpmod HOMEMOD=homemod EMCMOT=motmod Note: Using POSIX realtime milltask (2436) task: machine 'my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon' version '1.1' tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 1 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 2 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 3 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 4 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 5 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 7 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 8 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 10 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 11 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 12 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 13 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 14 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 15 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 16 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 17 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 18 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 19 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 20 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 21 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 22 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 23 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 24 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 25 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 26 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 27 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 28 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 29 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 30 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 31 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 32 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 33 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 34 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 35 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 36 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 37 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 38 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 39 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 1 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 2 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 3 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 4 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 5 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 7 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 8 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 10 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 11 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 12 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 13 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 14 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 15 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 16 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 17 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 18 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 19 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 20 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 21 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 22 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 23 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 24 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 25 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 26 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 27 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 28 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 29 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 30 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 31 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 32 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 33 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 34 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 35 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 36 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 37 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 38 truncated to 39 chars: tooldata_read_entry():comment for toolno 39 truncated to 39 chars: halui (2438) halui: machine 'my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon' version '1.1' Found file(REL): ./my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon.hal identityKinematicsSetup: coordinates:XYYZ Joint 0 ==> Axis X Joint 1 ==> Axis Y Joint 2 ==> Axis Y Joint 3 ==> Axis Z hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15 hm2_eth: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 ethernet driver version 0.2 hm2_eth: INFO: Hardware address (MAC): 00:60:1b:10:4c:c1 hm2_eth: discovered 7I76E-16 hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: Low Level init 0.15 hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43 Board hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0 Hardware Mode 0 = standard Board hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 0 = io_spin Board hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 1 = io_ana_spin Board hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0 Software Mode 2 = io_enc_ana_spin_fv hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: 51 I/O Pins used: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 000 (P1-01): StepGen #0, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 001 (P1-14): StepGen #0, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 002 (P1-02): StepGen #1, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 003 (P1-15): StepGen #1, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 004 (P1-03): StepGen #2, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 005 (P1-16): StepGen #2, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 006 (P1-04): StepGen #3, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 007 (P1-17): StepGen #3, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 008 (P1-05): StepGen #4, pin Direction (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 009 (P1-06): StepGen #4, pin Step (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 010 (P1-07): Smart Serial Interface #0, pin tx0 (Output) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 011 (P1-08): Smart Serial Interface #0, pin rx0 (Input) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 012 (P1-09): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 013 (P1-10): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 014 (P1-11): Encoder #0, pin Index (Input) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 015 (P1-12): Encoder #0, pin B (Input) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 016 (P1-13): Encoder #0, pin A (Input) hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 017 (P2-01): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 018 (P2-14): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 019 (P2-02): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 020 (P2-15): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 021 (P2-03): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 022 (P2-16): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 023 (P2-04): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 024 (P2-17): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 025 (P2-05): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 026 (P2-06): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 027 (P2-07): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 028 (P2-08): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 029 (P2-09): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 030 (P2-10): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 031 (P2-11): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 032 (P2-12): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 033 (P2-13): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 034 (P3-01): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 035 (P3-14): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 036 (P3-02): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 037 (P3-15): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 038 (P3-03): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 039 (P3-16): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 040 (P3-04): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 041 (P3-17): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 042 (P3-05): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 043 (P3-06): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 044 (P3-07): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 045 (P3-08): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 046 (P3-09): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 047 (P3-10): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 048 (P3-11): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 049 (P3-12): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: IO Pin 050 (P3-13): IOPort hm2/hm2_7i76e.0: registered Found file(REL): ./custom.hal Found file(REL): ./xhc-whb04b-6.hal USRMOT: ERROR: command 30 timeout emcMotionInit: emcTrajInit failed [QTvcp][DEBUG] DEBUGGING logging on (qtvcp:544) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][DEBUG] Machine is METRIC based. unit Conversion constant=0.03937007874015748 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][DEBUG] TRAJ COORDINATES: XYYZ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][DEBUG] DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 2400.0 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][DEBUG] MIN_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 2400.0 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_ISTAT][DEBUG] MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 24000.0 ( qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-andy' [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Passed name=qtdragon_hd, BASENAME=qtdragon_hd BASEPATH=qtdragon_hd ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for handler file in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for handler file in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL handler file path: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .ui in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd.ui ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .ui in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.ui ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL ui file from: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.ui ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qss in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd.qss ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qss in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qss ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL qss file from: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qss ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qrc in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd.qrc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for .qrc in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qrc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL qrc file from: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qrc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL file from: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for translation file in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qrc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL translation file from: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd.qrc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for LOCAL about file in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd_ABOUT ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][DEBUG] Checking for LOCAL about file in: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd_ABOUT ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_PSTAT][INFO] Using LOCAL about file path: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/qtdragon_hd_ABOUT ( [QTvcp][INFO] Building A LinuxCNC Main Screen with: Python 3 (qtvcp:151) [QTvcp][INFO] No handler file specified on command line. (qtvcp:159) [QTvcp][INFO] No HAL component base name specified on command line using: qtdragon_hd (qtvcp:190) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][INFO] Qsettings file path: /home/andy/.config/QtVcp/qtdragon_hd.conf ( [QTvcp][DEBUG] Loading the handler file. (qtvcp:260) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Adding import dir: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Module 'qtdragon_hd_handler' imported OK ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Module 'qtdragon_hd_handler' : 'get_handlers' function found. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Registering handlers in module qtdragon_hd_handler object ( [QTvcp][DEBUG] Adding the key events filter. (qtvcp:270) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][INFO] Imported file: /home/andy/./linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtvcp/screens/qtdragon_hd/ ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][INFO] Changed HAL Component basename to qtdragon, as specified in screenOptions: ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.SCREEN_OPTIONS][DEBUG] Preference File Path: /home/andy/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd.pref ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][DEBUG] QTVCP: Parsing for HAL widgets. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.FILE_MANAGER][DEBUG] LAST FILE PATH: /home/andy/uploads ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.FILE_MANAGER][DEBUG] LAST FILE PATH: /home/andy/uploads ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.DRO_WIDGET][DEBUG] axis number 4 not found in available-axis to joint conversion dict {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3} of widget: dro_axis_4 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.DRO_WIDGET][DEBUG] axis number 3 not found in available-axis to joint conversion dict {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3} of widget: dro_axis_3 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.JOG_INCREMENTS][DEBUG] Linear Current index: 0 Increment: 0 , selection changed Continuous ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.JOG_INCREMENTS][DEBUG] Angular Current index: 0 Increment: 0 , selection changed Continuous ( [QTvcp][DEBUG] Calling the handler file's initialized__ function (qtvcp:297) [QTvcp.QTDRAGON_HD_HANDLER][INFO] Using Basic Probe ( [QTvcp.QTDRAGON_HD_HANDLER][INFO] Using NGCGUI utility ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.LIB.QT_NGCGUI.NGCGUI][DEBUG] UI Filename: /home/andy/linuxcnc-dev/lib/python/qtvcp/lib/qt_ngcgui/ngcgui.ui ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.LIB.QT_NGCGUI.NGCGUI][DEBUG] Path to NGCGUI files:/home/andy/linuxcnc/nc_files/examples/ngcgui_lib ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.LIB.QT_NGCGUI.NGCGUI][DEBUG] Found the following ngc_sub: ['slot.ngc', 'qpocket.ngc'] ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.LIB.QT_NGCGUI.NGCGUI][DEBUG] Adding NGCGUI:/home/andy/linuxcnc/nc_files/examples/ngcgui_lib/slot.ngc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.LIB.QT_NGCGUI.NGCGUI][DEBUG] Adding NGCGUI:/home/andy/linuxcnc/nc_files/examples/ngcgui_lib/qpocket.ngc ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][INFO] Handler Override file found at: /home/andy/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/ ( User command file for pause pin found [QTvcp][DEBUG] Calling the handler file's after_override__ function (qtvcp:309) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Set HAL ready. (qtvcp:327) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Show window. (qtvcp:384) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][DEBUG] Calculating geometry of main window using natural placement: 0 0 1920 1080 ( [QTvcp][INFO] Postgui filename: ['qtdragon_hd_postgui.hal'] (qtvcp:431) [QTvcp][INFO] Postgui commands: None (qtvcp:443) [QTvcp][DEBUG] Calling handler file's before_loop__ function in qtvcp.qt_makegui.VCPWindow object at 0x7f60acbf0790 (qtvcp:414) [QTvcp.QTDRAGON_HD_HANDLER][WARNING] not connected qtdragon.eoffset-is-active ( [QTvcp.QTDRAGON_HD_HANDLER][WARNING] HALUI pause/resume pin(s) connected - spindle lift not available ( [QTvcp][INFO] Preference path: /home/andy/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine_QTDragon/qtdragon_hd.pref (qtvcp:420) [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.DIALOGMIXIN][DEBUG] Setting LncMessage-geometry dialog geometry from ['910', '539', '300', '118'] from prefs. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.DIALOG_WIDGET][DEBUG] Button pressed is: &Yes ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.DIALOG_WIDGET][DEBUG] Value of pressed button: 16384 ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Calling handler file Closing_cleanup__ function of . ( qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 8078, resource id: 25167439, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0 [QTvcp][DEBUG] Status shutdown (qtvcp:456) [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Qsettings sync called: ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEGUI][DEBUG] Calling handler file Closing_cleanup__ function of . ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][DEBUG] Saving Main Window geometry to preference file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.QT_MAKEPINS][DEBUG] Calling widget's _hal_cleanup functions. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.ORIGIN_OFFSETVIEW][DEBUG] Saving __dialogOffsetViewWidget data to file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.ORIGIN_OFFSETVIEW][DEBUG] Saving __dialogOffsetViewWidget data to file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.ORIGIN_OFFSETVIEW][DEBUG] Saving __dialogOffsetViewWidget data to file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.ORIGIN_OFFSETVIEW][DEBUG] Saving offset_table data to file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.GCODE_GRAPHICS][DEBUG] Saving gcodegraphics data to file. ( [QTvcp.QTVCP.WIDGETS.BASIC_PROBE][DEBUG] Saving Basic Probe data to preference file. ( [QTvcp][DEBUG] Exiting HAL (qtvcp:478) Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC... Running HAL shutdown script task: 0 cycles, min=0.000006, max=0.010548, avg=-1.000000, 0 latency excursions (> 10x expected cycle time of 0.010000s) hm2_eth: in hm2_eth_reset hm2_eth: HostMot2 ethernet driver unloaded hm2: unloading Note: Using POSIX realtime