2 EK1100 1647 MBDLN25BE #x1600 Receive PDO mapping 1 #x6040 0 16 Controlword UINT16 #x6060 0 8 Modes of operation UINT8 #x607a 0 32 Target position UINT32 #x60b8 0 16 Touch probe function UINT16 #x1a00 Transmit PDO mapping 1 #x603f 0 16 Error code UINT16 #x6041 0 16 Statusword UINT16 #x6061 0 8 Modes of operation display UINT8 #x6064 0 32 Position actual value UINT32 #x60b9 0 16 Touch probe status UINT16 #x60ba 0 32 Touch probe pos1 pos value UINT32 #x60f4 0 32 Following error actual value UINT32 #x60fd 0 32 Digital inputs UINT32