component plasmac; description """ A plasma cutting table control component for use with the LinuxCNC V2.8 or later. LinuxCNC V2.9 or later is required to use the "Paused Motion" feature. .I VERSION: .br 0.111 - 2020 Apr 12 .I SUMMARY: .br Usage of this component is demonstrated in the PlasmaC example configurations included with LinuxCNC. .I DISCLAIMER: .br THE AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE ACCEPTS ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS EXTREMELY UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely stopping all motors and moving parts etc. before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the author of this software can not, and does not, take any responsibility for such compliance. """; /* INPUT PINS */ pin in float arc_fail_delay "arc failure timeout (seconds)"; pin in float arc_ok_high "maximum voltage level for Arc OK signal [mode 0] (volts)"; pin in bit arc_ok_in "external arc ok input signal [mode 1 & mode 2]"; pin in float arc_ok_low "minimum voltage level for Arc OK signal [mode 0] (volts)"; pin in s32 arc_max_starts "maximum attempts at starting the arc"; pin in float arc_voltage_in "arc voltage input [mode 0 & mode 1] see Notes above"; pin in float arc_voltage_offset "offset to set arc voltage to 0 at 0 volts"; pin in float arc_voltage_scale "scale to convert arc_voltage input to actual volts"; pin in float axis_z_min_limit "axis z minimum limit, connect to ini.z.min-limit"; pin in float axis_z_max_limit "axis z maximum limit, connect to ini.z.max-limit"; pin in float axis_z_position "current z axis position, connect to joint.N.pos-fb"; pin in float axis_x_position "current x axis position, connect to axis.x.pos-cmd"; pin in float axis_y_position "current y axis position, connect to axis.y.pos-cmd"; pin in bit breakaway "torch breakaway switch (optional, see float_switch)"; pin in bit spotting_start "start a new spot, connect to spindle.2.on"; pin in float spotting_threshold "threshold voltage to start spotting delay"; pin in float spotting_time "torch off delay after spotting threshold reached"; pin in bit consumable_change "change consumables in torch"; pin in bit cornerlock_enable "enable corner lock"; pin in float cornerlock_threshold "corner lock threshold (% of requested feed rate), speeds below this disable THC"; pin in float current_velocity "current machine velocity , connect to motion.current-vel"; pin in float cut_feed_rate "cut feed rate, set to 0 to use feed rate from gcod file (machine units per minute)"; pin in float cut_height "cut height (machine units)"; pin in float cut_volts "cut voltage (volts)"; pin in bit cutting_start "start a new cut, connect to spindle.0.on"; pin in bit external_estop "external estop input"; pin in float feed_reduction "reduce adaptive feed to this percentage (connect to motion.analog-out-03)"; pin in float feed_override "feed override value from gui (connect to halui.feed-override.value)"; pin in bit float_switch "float switch input (can also act as breakaway if it actuates when torch breaks away)"; pin in float float_switch_travel "float switch travel (machine units)"; pin in float height_override "height override adjustment (volts)"; pin in float height_per_volt "torch height change per volt (machine units)"; pin in bit homed "machine is homed"; pin in bit kerfcross_enable "enable kerf crossing [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin in float kerfcross_override "kerf crossing threshold override as a percentage"; pin in float lowpass_frequency "lowpass cutoff frequency for arc voltage output"; pin in s32 mode "operating mode"; pin in bit move_down "external thc down switch [mode 2])"; pin in bit move_up "external thc up switch [mode 2]"; pin in bit multi_tool "allows the use of multiple tools"; pin in float offset_current "current z axis offset, connect to axis.z.eoffset"; pin in bit ohmic_probe_enable "ohmic probe enable input"; pin in float ohmic_probe_offset "Z axis offset for ohmic probe (machine units)"; pin in s32 ohmic_max_attempts "maximum ohmic probe attempts before fallback to float switch"; pin in bit ohmic_probe "ohmic probe input"; pin in bit ohmic_test "test for shorted torch"; pin in float paused_motion_speed "multiplier for speed of motion when paused, from -1 to 1"; pin in float pause_at_end "time to pause at end of cut"; pin in float pid_d_gain "derivative gain input [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin in float pid_i_gain "integral gain input [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin in float pid_p_gain "proportional gain input [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin in float pierce_delay "time required to pierce stock (seconds)"; pin in float pierce_height "pierce height (machine units)"; pin in float probe_feed_rate "probe down velocity (machine units per minute)"; pin in bit probe_test "probe test only"; pin in float probe_start_height "probe starting height"; pin in bit program_is_idle "program is idle, connect to"; pin in bit program_is_paused "program is paused, connect to"; pin in bit program_is_running "program is running, connect to"; pin in float puddle_jump_delay "delay move from pierce height to cut height (seconds), leave disconnected if not required"; pin in float puddle_jump_height "puddle jump height (percentage of pierce height), leave disconnected if not required"; pin in float requested_velocity "requested velocity, set by a known requested velocity or connect to motion.requested-vel"; pin in float restart_delay "time from arc failure till next restart attempt"; pin in float safe_height "requested safe traverse height (machine units)"; pin in float scribe_arm_delay "delay from scribe arm to scribe on"; pin in float scribe_on_delay "delay from scribe on to motion beginning"; pin in bit scribe_start "start a new scribe, connect to spindle.1.on"; pin in float setup_feed_rate "feed rate for moves to pierce and cut heights (machine units per minute)"; pin in float skip_ihs_distance "skip IHS if less than this distance from last cut"; pin in bit thc_enable "enable/disable thc and set the IHS skip type"; pin in bit thc_disable "thc disable"; pin in float thc_delay "delay from start of cut to THC enable (seconds)"; pin in float thc_feed_rate "maximum feed rate for thc (machine units per minute)"; pin in float thc_threshold "thc threshold (volts), changes below this have no effect"; pin in bit torch_enable "enable torch"; pin in bit torch_off "turn torch off"; pin in bit torch_pulse_start "torch pulse start"; pin in float torch_pulse_time "torch pulse time (seconds)"; pin in float units_per_mm "for scale calcs, connect to halui.machine.units-per-mm"; pin in bit use_auto_volts "use calculated voltage for thc baseline"; pin in s32 x_y_velocity "velocity for consumable change"; pin in float x_offset "offest to apply to axis x for consumable change"; pin in float y_offset "offest to apply to axis y for consumable change"; /* OUTPUT PINS */ pin out float adaptive_feed "for reverse-run, connect to motion.adaptive-feed"; pin out bit arc_ok_out "arc ok output"; pin out float arc_voltage_out "arc voltage output [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin out bit cornerlock_is_locked "corner locked indicator"; pin out float cut_length "length of current cut job"; pin out float cut_time "time of current cut job"; pin out bit feed_hold "feed hold, connect to motion.feed_hold"; pin out bit kerfcross_is_locked "kerf crossing locked indicator [mode 0 & mode 1]"; pin out bit led_down "thc move down indicator"; pin out bit led_up "thc move up indicator"; pin out s32 offset_counts "number of counts to offset, connect to axis.z.eoffset-counts"; pin out bit offset_enable "enable offsets, connect to axis.z.eoffset-enable"; pin out float offset_scale "offset scale, connect to axis.z.eoffset-scale"; pin out bit ohmic_enable "on only while probing"; pin out s32 pierce_count "number of pierce attempts"; pin out bit program_pause "pause the current program, connect to halui.program.pause"; pin out bit program_resume "resume the currently paused program, connect to halui.program.resume"; pin out bit program_run "run the currently loaded program, connect to"; pin out bit program_stop "stop current program, connect to halui.program.stop"; pin out bit safe_height_is_limited "safe height is limited indicator"; pin out bit scribe_arm "arm the scribe"; pin out bit scribe_on "turn scribe on"; pin out bit thc_active "thc status output"; pin out bit thc_enabled "thc is enabled"; pin out bit torch_on "turn torch on, connect to your torch on input"; pin out s32 x_offset_counts "x offset for consumable change, connect to axis.x.eoffset-counts"; pin out s32 y_offset_counts "y offset for consumable change, connect to axis.y.eoffset-counts"; pin out float z_relative "distance of Z from last probed height"; /* VARIABLES */ variable double angle_x_y; /* angle for x/y velocity calcs in radians*/ variable int arc_starts; /* number of attempts to start torch */ variable float arc_fail_timer; /* arc failure timer */ variable float arc_voltage; /* calculated arc voltage before lowpass filter*/ variable float axis_x_finish; /* axis x position at end of cut */ variable float axis_x_start; /* axis x position at start of cut */ variable float axis_y_finish; /* axis y position at end of cut */ variable float axis_y_start; /* axis y position at start of cut */ variable bool auto_cut; /* auto cut mode is active */ variable float spotting_timer; /* spotting timer */ variable bool spotting; /* spotting flag */ variable bool consumable_changing; /* consumables are being changed */ variable int count; /* for counting */ variable int cut_height_first; /* cut height at start of cut */ variable int cut_height_last; /* cut height at end of cut */ variable float cut_offset; /* offset from last cut end to this cut start */ variable bool cut_started; /* cut has started */ variable int cut_target; /* cut height target offset */ variable bool error_message; /* 1 if error message has been sent */ variable bool first_cut_finished; /* first cut is complete */ variable bool float_detected; /* float switch detected */ variable int height_ovr_counts; /* number of counts to change height via override */ variable float height_ovr_old; /* old height override value */ variable bool initialized; /* initialization flag */ variable float kerf_ratio; /* kerf crossing height to distance ratio */ variable float kerf_threshold; /* kerf crossing threshold voltage */ variable float last_arc_voltage; /* last sensed arc voltage */ variable bool manual_cut; /* manual cut mode is active */ variable int offset_datum; /* datum for safe height calcs */ variable int offset_min; /* minimum allowed offset */ variable int offset_max; /* maximum allowed offset */ variable int ohmic_attempts; /* current ohmic probe attempts */ variable bool ohmic_detected; /* true if ohmic probe detected */ variable int setup_velocity; /* velocity for setup moves */ variable float pause_at_end_timer; /* pause at end of cut timer */ variable bool paused_motion; /* paused motion flag */ variable float paused_motion_timer; /* minimum run timer for paused motion */ variable float pid_error_now; /* current error for pid calcs */ variable float pid_error_old; /* old error for pid calcs */ variable float pid_output; /* calculated pid output value */ variable float pierce_timer; /* pierce delay timer */ variable int pierce_target; /* pierce height target offset */ variable bool probe_retry; /* probe will retry after contact befor probe height */ variable int probe_force; /* extra movement of probe after first contact */ variable int probe_force_val; /* distance for probe_force */ variable bool probe_inhibit; /* inhibit probing */ variable int probe_offset; /* offset for active probe */ variable bool probe_required = 1; /* a probe sequence is required */ variable int probe_start_target; /* probe start height target */ variable bool probe_testing; /* probe test active */ variable int probe_velocity; /* probe down velocity */ variable int puddle_jump_percent; /* puddle jump height as percentage of pierce height */ variable int puddle_jump_target; /* puddle jump height target offset */ variable float puddle_jump_timer; /* puddle jump delay timer */ variable float requested_feed_rate; /* requested feed rate */ variable float restart_timer; /* time between torch on attempts*/ variable int safe_min; /* minimum safe height allowed */ variable int safe_preferred; /* preferred safe height offset */ variable int safe_target; /* safe height target offset */ variable bool scribe_pause; /* scribe pause flag */ variable float scribe_arm_timer; /* scribe timer from arm to on*/ variable float scribe_on_timer; /* scribe timer from on to motion*/ variable bool target_sensed; /* sensed top of stock */ variable int target_samples = 6; /* number of samples for setting target_volts */ variable float target_total; /* total voltage of samples for setting target_volts */ variable float target_volts; /* target voltage for thc, set by arc voltage at cut height */ variable float thc_delay_timer; /* thc delay timer */ variable int thc_velocity; /* velocity for thc moves */ variable float torch_off_timer; /* arc off delay timer */ variable bool torch_pulse; /* torch pulse flag */ variable float torch_pulse_timer; /* torch pulse timer */ variable float velocity_scale; /* the velocity multipler */ variable int x_velocity; /* velocity for x motion for consumable change */ variable int y_velocity; /* velocity for y motion for consumable change */ variable int zero_target; /* zero height target offset */ /* DEBUGGING PINS */ pin out s32 state_out "current state"; pin out s32 stop_type_out "current stop type"; function _; author "Phillip A Carter"; license "GPLv2 or greater"; option singleton yes; ;; #include "rtapi_math.h" typedef enum{IDLE, PROBE_HEIGHT, PROBE_DOWN, PROBE_UP, ZERO_HEIGHT, PIERCE_HEIGHT, TORCH_ON, ARC_OK, PIERCE_DELAY, PUDDLE_JUMP, CUT_HEIGHT, CUT, PAUSE_AT_END, SAFE_HEIGHT, MAX_HEIGHT, FINISH, TORCHPULSE, PAUSED_MOTION, OHMIC_TEST, PROBE_TEST, SCRIBING, CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_ON, CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_OFF, DEBUG} state_t; typedef enum{NONE, STOP, WAIT, PAUSE} stop_type_t; typedef enum{ZERO, UP, DOWN} move_direction_t; typedef enum{FLOAT, OHMIC} probe_type_t; typedef enum{EMPTY, CUTTING, SCRIBE, SPOTTING} tool_t; state_t state = IDLE; stop_type_t stop_type = NONE; move_direction_t move_direction = ZERO; probe_type_t probe_type = FLOAT; tool_t tool = EMPTY; FUNCTION(_) { /* do these first run only */ if(!initialized && units_per_mm){ offset_scale = units_per_mm * fperiod; velocity_scale = 1 / units_per_mm / 60; offset_enable = TRUE; adaptive_feed = 1; initialized = TRUE; probe_force_val = 0.125 * units_per_mm / offset_scale; } /* set the active tool */ if(cutting_start){ // this allows M3 for cutting as well as M3 $0 tool = CUTTING; }else if(multi_tool && scribe_start && !cutting_start && !spotting_start){ tool = SCRIBE; }else if(multi_tool && spotting_start && !cutting_start && !scribe_start){ tool = SPOTTING; }else{ tool = EMPTY; } /* output the relative Z height */ if(zero_target){ z_relative = offset_current - zero_target * offset_scale; }else{ z_relative = axis_z_position - axis_z_min_limit; } /* convert feed rates to velocity */ setup_velocity = setup_feed_rate * velocity_scale; if(probe_feed_rate < setup_feed_rate){ probe_velocity = probe_feed_rate * velocity_scale; }else{ probe_velocity = setup_velocity; } if(mode == 2){ thc_velocity = thc_feed_rate * velocity_scale * pid_p_gain / 100; }else{ thc_velocity = thc_feed_rate * velocity_scale; } if(thc_velocity < 1){ thc_velocity = 1; } /* turn torch off if torch off timer completed */ if(torch_off_timer > 0){ torch_off_timer -= fperiod; if(torch_off_timer <= 0){ torch_on = FALSE; torch_off_timer = 0; } } /* turn torch off from external input */ if(torch_off){ torch_on = FALSE; } /* set THC state */ thc_enabled = (thc_enable && !thc_disable ? 1:0); /* set THC status */ thc_active = (state == CUT) && target_volts && thc_enabled && !cornerlock_is_locked && !kerfcross_is_locked ? 1:0; /* set ohmic probe state */ ohmic_detected = ohmic_probe && ohmic_probe_enable; /* set adaptive feed reduction if no paused motion */ if(state != PAUSED_MOTION){ if(feed_reduction < 10 && state == CUT){ adaptive_feed = 1; }else if(feed_reduction < 100 && state == CUT){ adaptive_feed = feed_reduction * 0.01; }else{ adaptive_feed = 1; } } /* check for a manual cut */ if(tool == CUTTING && !auto_cut){ manual_cut = TRUE; } /* check for an abort */ /* or for a pause or wait while active */ if(auto_cut){ if(!probe_test && (external_estop || program_is_idle) && cut_started && !program_run){ auto_cut = FALSE; if(!pause_at_end){ torch_on = FALSE; } stop_type = STOP; program_stop = TRUE; cut_started = FALSE; probe_required = TRUE; axis_x_finish = 0; axis_y_finish = 0; if(!external_estop){ pause_at_end_timer = pause_at_end; state = PAUSE_AT_END; }else{ state = MAX_HEIGHT; } }else if(!probe_test && state > IDLE && state <= CUT && stop_type == NONE && cut_started){ if(program_is_paused){ torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = PAUSE; probe_required = TRUE; pause_at_end_timer = pause_at_end; state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else if(tool == EMPTY){ if(!pause_at_end){ torch_on = FALSE; } stop_type = WAIT; if(thc_enabled && ((!use_auto_volts || (use_auto_volts && target_volts)) || !torch_enable)){ axis_x_finish = axis_x_position; axis_y_finish = axis_y_position; }else{ axis_x_finish = 0; axis_y_finish = 0; } pause_at_end_timer = pause_at_end; state = PAUSE_AT_END; }else if(breakaway){ torch_on = FALSE; program_pause = TRUE; stop_type = PAUSE; probe_required = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"breakaway switch activated\n" "program is paused.\n"); probe_inhibit = TRUE; state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else if(state > PIERCE_HEIGHT && float_switch){ torch_on = FALSE; program_pause = TRUE; stop_type = PAUSE; probe_required = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"float switch activated\n" "program is paused.\n"); probe_inhibit = TRUE; state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else if(state > PIERCE_HEIGHT && ohmic_detected){ torch_on = FALSE; program_pause = TRUE; stop_type = PAUSE; probe_required = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"ohmic probe activated\n" "program is paused.\n"); probe_inhibit = TRUE; state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else if(state > ARC_OK && !arc_ok_out && torch_enable && !torch_off){ ; torch_on = FALSE; program_pause = TRUE; stop_type = PAUSE; probe_required = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"valid arc lost\n" "program is paused.\n"); state = MAX_HEIGHT; } } }else if(manual_cut){ if(tool == EMPTY){ manual_cut = FALSE; torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = STOP; program_stop = TRUE; cut_started = FALSE; probe_required = TRUE; axis_x_finish = 0; axis_y_finish = 0; state = MAX_HEIGHT; } } /* calculate arc voltage */ arc_voltage = (arc_voltage_in - arc_voltage_offset) * arc_voltage_scale; if(lowpass_frequency){ arc_voltage_out += (arc_voltage - arc_voltage_out) * (1 - pow(2.71828, -(2 * M_PI * lowpass_frequency) * fperiod)); }else{ arc_voltage_out = arc_voltage; } /* set arc ok from either arc ok input of from actual arc voltage * if using arc ok input, set arc_ok_low_in and/or arc_ok_high_in to 0 */ if(mode > 0){ arc_ok_out = arc_ok_in; }else if(arc_voltage_out >= arc_ok_low && arc_voltage_out <= arc_ok_high){ arc_ok_out = TRUE; }else{ arc_ok_out = FALSE; } /* reset program states */ if(program_is_idle){ program_stop = FALSE; program_resume = FALSE; }else if(program_is_paused){ program_pause = FALSE; }else if(program_is_running){ program_run = FALSE; program_resume = FALSE; auto_cut = TRUE; } /* if puddlejump height is 0 then set it to 100 */ if(puddle_jump_height == 0){ puddle_jump_percent = 100; }else{ puddle_jump_percent = puddle_jump_height; } /* state machine */ switch(state){ case IDLE: if(probe_inhibit && !float_switch && !breakaway && !ohmic_detected){ probe_inhibit = FALSE; }else if(!probe_inhibit){ /* if we get a paused motion request and we are paused */ if(paused_motion_speed && stop_type == PAUSE){ state = PAUSED_MOTION; /* if we get a consumable change start request and we are paused */ }else if(consumable_change && stop_type == PAUSE && !consumable_changing){ state = CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_ON; /* if we get a consumable change stop request and we are changing consumables */ }else if(!consumable_change && stop_type == PAUSE && consumable_changing){ state = CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_OFF; /* if we get a torch start request and we are stopped or waiting for a restart */ }else if((tool == CUTTING || tool == SPOTTING || probe_test) && (stop_type == NONE || stop_type == WAIT) && homed){ feed_hold = TRUE; stop_type = NONE; //touchdown = FALSE; if(!probe_test){ cut_started = TRUE; }else{ probe_testing = TRUE; } if(!thc_enabled && first_cut_finished){ cut_offset = sqrt(pow(axis_x_start - axis_x_position, 2) + pow(axis_y_start - axis_y_position, 2)); }else if((axis_x_finish || axis_y_finish) && first_cut_finished){ cut_offset = sqrt(pow(axis_x_finish - axis_x_position, 2) + pow(axis_y_finish - axis_y_position, 2)); axis_x_finish = 0; axis_y_finish = 0; } if(cut_offset && cut_offset < skip_ihs_distance && !probe_required){ if(thc_enabled){ cut_target = cut_target + cut_height_last - cut_height_first; pierce_target = pierce_target + cut_height_last - cut_height_first; puddle_jump_target = puddle_jump_target + cut_height_last - cut_height_first; cut_height_first = cut_height_last; } cut_offset = 0; state = PIERCE_HEIGHT; }else{ ohmic_enable = TRUE; if(ohmic_detected && !probe_inhibit){ ohmic_enable = FALSE; probe_inhibit = TRUE; if(probe_testing){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"ohmic probe detected before moving to probe height."); }else{ stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"ohmic probe detected before moving to probe height.\n" "program is paused.\n"); } }else if(float_switch && !probe_inhibit){ probe_inhibit = TRUE; if(probe_testing){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"float switch detected before moving to probe height."); }else{ stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"float switch detected before moving to probe height.\n" "program is paused.\n"); } }else if(breakaway && !probe_inhibit){ probe_inhibit = TRUE; if(probe_testing){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"breakaway switch detected before moving to probe height."); }else{ stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"breakaway switch detected before moving to probe height.\n" "program is paused.\n"); } }else if (!program_is_paused){ if(!first_cut_finished){ if(probe_start_height){ probe_start_target = offset_counts - ((axis_z_position - axis_z_min_limit - probe_start_height) / offset_scale); }else{ probe_start_target = offset_counts; } } cut_offset = 0; state = PROBE_HEIGHT; } } /* if we get a resume request and we are paused */ }else if(!program_is_paused && stop_type == PAUSE){ if(consumable_changing){ state = CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_OFF; } feed_hold = TRUE; stop_type = NONE; /* if torch pulse requested */ }else if(torch_pulse_start){ feed_hold = TRUE; state = TORCHPULSE; /* if ohmic probe shorted test requested */ }else if(ohmic_test){ feed_hold = TRUE; ohmic_enable = TRUE; state = OHMIC_TEST; /* if we get a air-scribe start request */ }else if(tool == SCRIBE && !probe_test && homed){ state = SCRIBING; scribe_arm_timer = scribe_arm_delay; scribe_pause = FALSE; }else if(!cut_started){ feed_hold = FALSE; } } break; case PROBE_HEIGHT: /* move to probe height at setup speed */ if(probe_testing && !probe_test){ state = PROBE_TEST; break; } if(float_switch && !float_detected){ if(probe_testing){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"float switch detected while moving to probe height."); // state = PROBE_TEST; probe_retry = TRUE; state = PROBE_UP; }else{ // stop_type = PAUSE; // program_pause = TRUE; // state = MAX_HEIGHT; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"float switch detected while moving to probe height.\n" "program is paused.\n"); probe_retry = TRUE; state = PROBE_UP; } }else if(ohmic_detected){ if(probe_testing){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"ohmic probe detected while moving to probe height."); // state = PROBE_TEST; probe_retry = TRUE; state = PROBE_UP; }else{ // stop_type = PAUSE; // program_pause = TRUE; // state = MAX_HEIGHT; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"ohmic probe detected while moving to probe height.\n" "program is paused.\n"); probe_retry = TRUE; state = PROBE_UP; } }else if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > probe_start_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < probe_start_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts > probe_start_target || offset_counts < probe_start_target){ offset_counts = probe_start_target; }else{ if(float_detected){ if(!float_switch){ float_detected = FALSE; } }else{ state = PROBE_DOWN; } } break; case PROBE_DOWN: /* probe down to top of stock at probe speed, then push a little further for good contact */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(probe_testing && !probe_test){ state = PROBE_TEST; break; } if(target_sensed){ if(probe_force > 0){ probe_force -= 21; offset_counts -= probe_velocity; }else{ target_sensed = FALSE; if(float_switch || ohmic_detected){ state = PROBE_UP; }else{ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"probe trip error while probing."); state = IDLE; } } }else if(!float_switch && !ohmic_detected){ if(axis_z_position - (probe_velocity * offset_scale) <= axis_z_min_limit){ if(!probe_test){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"bottom limit reached while probing down.\n" "program is paused.\n"); stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; }else{ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"bottom limit reached while probe testing.\n"); } state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else{ offset_counts -= probe_velocity; } }else if(float_switch && !float_detected){ if(ohmic_attempts == ohmic_max_attempts){ probe_type = FLOAT; target_sensed = TRUE; probe_force = probe_force_val; ohmic_attempts = 0; float_detected = FALSE; }else{ state = PROBE_HEIGHT; ohmic_attempts += 1; float_detected = TRUE; } }else if(ohmic_detected){ probe_type = OHMIC; target_sensed = TRUE; probe_force = probe_force_val; ohmic_attempts = 0; } break; case PROBE_UP: /* probe up at minimum speed to find top of stock */ if(probe_testing && !probe_test){ state = PROBE_TEST; break; } if(float_switch || ohmic_detected){ if(probe_retry){ offset_counts += 10; }else{ offset_counts += 1; } }else{ if(probe_retry){ probe_retry = FALSE; state = PROBE_DOWN; break; } if(probe_type == OHMIC){ probe_offset = ohmic_probe_offset / offset_scale; }else{ probe_offset = float_switch_travel / offset_scale; } zero_target = offset_counts + probe_offset; cut_target = cut_height_first = offset_datum = offset_counts + probe_offset + (cut_height / offset_scale); pierce_target = offset_counts + probe_offset + (pierce_height / offset_scale); puddle_jump_target = offset_counts + probe_offset + (pierce_height * (puddle_jump_percent / 100) / offset_scale); safe_min = (pierce_height + (1 * units_per_mm)) / offset_scale; safe_preferred = safe_height / offset_scale; offset_min = offset_counts - ((axis_z_position - axis_z_min_limit) / offset_scale); offset_max = offset_counts + (axis_z_max_limit - axis_z_position - (1 * units_per_mm)) / offset_scale; if(safe_height == 0){ safe_target = offset_max; ohmic_enable = FALSE; // state = ZERO_HEIGHT; state = PIERCE_HEIGHT; }else if(offset_counts + safe_min >= offset_max){ safe_target = offset_max; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "material too high for safe traverse.\n" "program is paused.\n"); stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else if(offset_counts + safe_preferred >= offset_max && !safe_height_is_limited){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "safe traverse height has been reduced.\n"); safe_target = offset_max; safe_height_is_limited = TRUE; ohmic_enable = FALSE; // state = ZERO_HEIGHT; state = PIERCE_HEIGHT; }else{ safe_target = offset_counts + safe_preferred; ohmic_enable = FALSE; // state = ZERO_HEIGHT; state = PIERCE_HEIGHT; } } break; case ZERO_HEIGHT: probe_required = FALSE; if(probe_testing && !probe_test){ state = PROBE_TEST; break; } if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > zero_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < zero_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = zero_target; axis_x_start = axis_x_position; axis_y_start = axis_y_position; state = PIERCE_HEIGHT; } break; case PIERCE_HEIGHT: /* move up to pierce height */ if(probe_testing && !probe_test){ state = PROBE_TEST; break; } if(pierce_height && cut_height && (use_auto_volts || (!use_auto_volts && cut_volts))){ feed_hold = TRUE; if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > pierce_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < pierce_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = pierce_target; arc_starts = 0; if(probe_testing){ state = PROBE_TEST; }else if(!torch_enable){ pierce_timer = pierce_delay; state = PIERCE_DELAY; }else if(tool == CUTTING || tool == SPOTTING){ state = TORCH_ON; } } }else if(!probe_testing){ stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; state = MAX_HEIGHT; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"invalid pierce height.\n" "or invalid cut height.\n" "or invalid cut volts."); } break; case TORCH_ON: /* turn torch on and start arc fail timer * if too many attempts then turn torch off, pause program and return to idle state */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(arc_starts > arc_max_starts - 1){ program_pause = TRUE; restart_timer = 0; if (!error_message){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"no arc detected after %d start attempts\nprogram is paused.\n", arc_max_starts); error_message = 1; } }else{ error_message = 0; restart_timer -= fperiod; if(restart_timer <= 0){ restart_timer = 0; arc_fail_timer = arc_fail_delay; if(torch_enable){ torch_on = TRUE; pierce_count += 1; } spotting = FALSE; state = ARC_OK; } } break; case ARC_OK: /* wait for arc ok * if timeout occurs turn torch off then return to TORCH_ON for another attempt */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(tool == SPOTTING){ if(!spotting){ if(arc_voltage >= spotting_threshold){ spotting = TRUE; spotting_timer = spotting_time * 0.001; } }else{ spotting_timer -= fperiod; if(spotting_timer <= 0){ spotting = FALSE; spotting_timer = 0; torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = WAIT; state = SAFE_HEIGHT; } } } arc_fail_timer -= fperiod; if(arc_fail_timer <= 0){ torch_on = FALSE; restart_timer = restart_delay; arc_starts += 1; state = TORCH_ON; }else if(arc_ok_out && tool != SPOTTING){ pierce_timer = pierce_delay; state = PIERCE_DELAY; } break; case PIERCE_DELAY: /* wait for arc to pierce stock */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(pierce_timer > 0){ pierce_timer -= fperiod; }else{ puddle_jump_timer = puddle_jump_delay; state = PUDDLE_JUMP; } break; case PUDDLE_JUMP: /* move to puddle_jump height */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > puddle_jump_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < puddle_jump_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = puddle_jump_target; count = 0; if(puddle_jump_timer > 0){ feed_hold = FALSE; puddle_jump_timer -= fperiod; }else{ puddle_jump_timer = 0; feed_hold = TRUE; state = CUT_HEIGHT; } } break; case CUT_HEIGHT: /* move to cut height */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > cut_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < cut_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = cut_target; if((int)floor(offset_current / offset_scale) <= cut_target + 1 && (int)floor(offset_current / offset_scale) >= cut_target - 1){ count = 0; /* set feed rate for this cut */ if(cut_feed_rate > 0){ requested_feed_rate = cut_feed_rate; }else{ requested_feed_rate = requested_velocity; } feed_hold = FALSE; thc_delay_timer = thc_delay; state = CUT; } } break; case CUT: /* while cutting and it is not a dry run: * if thc is enabled then vary the torch height to keep the arc voltage constant * if corner lock enabled, only allow THC if current velocity is greater than the threshold percentage of requested velocity * if kerf crossing is enabled, only allow THC if the voltage change is less than the threshold voltage (modes 0 & 1 only) * adjust torch height and target voltage to suit if height override requested (modes 0 & 1 only)*/ if(torch_on){ // if(torch_enable){ /* thc control by arc voltage */ if(mode < 2){ thc_delay_timer -= fperiod; if(thc_delay_timer <= 0){ /* set target voltage */ if(target_volts == 0){ if(use_auto_volts){ /* wait until velocity is at least 99.9% of requested velocity before sampling arc voltage */ if(current_velocity * 60 > requested_feed_rate * feed_override * 0.999){ count += 1; target_total += arc_voltage_out; if(count == target_samples){ target_volts = target_total / target_samples; last_arc_voltage = target_volts; count = 0; target_total = 0; } } if(target_volts == 0){ cornerlock_is_locked = TRUE; }else{ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; } }else{ target_volts = cut_volts; } /* height override setup*/ }else if(fabs(height_override - height_ovr_old) > 0.05){ height_ovr_counts -= (height_override - height_ovr_old) / 10 * units_per_mm / offset_scale; height_ovr_old = height_override; /* height override z motion */ }else if(height_ovr_counts != 0){ if((setup_velocity) < height_ovr_counts){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; height_ovr_counts -= setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts -= height_ovr_counts; height_ovr_counts = 0; } /* torch height control */ }else if(thc_enabled){ /* lock thc if velocity < requested velocity * cornerlock threshold percentage */ if(cornerlock_enable){ if(current_velocity * 60 < requested_feed_rate * feed_override * cornerlock_threshold * 0.01){ cornerlock_is_locked = TRUE; }else if(cornerlock_is_locked && current_velocity * 60 > requested_feed_rate * feed_override * 0.99){ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; } }else{ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; } /* unlock kerfcross lock if voltage reduced to safe level */ if(kerfcross_is_locked){ // if(arc_voltage_out < last_arc_voltage + (kerf_threshold * 0.05)){ if(arc_voltage_out < target_volts + (kerf_threshold * 0.5)){ kerfcross_is_locked = FALSE; last_arc_voltage = arc_voltage_out; } /* set kerfcross lock if voltage change > kerfcross threshold volts */ }else if(kerfcross_enable){ if(thc_feed_rate < current_velocity * 60){ kerf_ratio = thc_feed_rate / (current_velocity * 60); }else{ kerf_ratio = 1; /* 45 degree ramp */ } kerf_threshold = ((kerf_ratio * current_velocity * fperiod) / height_per_volt) * (kerfcross_override * 0.01); // if(arc_voltage_out > last_arc_voltage + kerf_threshold){ if(arc_voltage_out > target_volts + kerf_threshold){ kerfcross_is_locked = TRUE; }else{ last_arc_voltage = arc_voltage_out; } } /* do thc if ok to go */ if(!cornerlock_is_locked && !kerfcross_is_locked){ pid_error_now = (target_volts + height_override - arc_voltage_out) * 0.1; if(fabs(pid_error_now) < fabs(thc_threshold * 0.1)){ pid_error_now = 0; } pid_output = pid_error_now * pid_p_gain; pid_output += pid_error_now * pid_i_gain * fperiod; pid_output += (pid_error_now - pid_error_old) * pid_d_gain / fperiod; pid_error_old = pid_error_now; if(pid_output > thc_velocity){ pid_output = thc_velocity; }else if(pid_output < -thc_velocity){ pid_output = -thc_velocity; } /* if we hit a soft limit during thc*/ if(offset_counts + pid_output <= offset_min || offset_counts + pid_output >= offset_max){ torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; if(offset_counts + pid_output <= offset_min){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"bottom limit reached while THC moving down.\n" "program is paused.\n"); }else{ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"top limit reached while THC moving up.\n" "program is paused.\n"); } pid_output = 0; state = MAX_HEIGHT; } offset_counts += pid_output; } } if(pid_output > 0){ led_up = TRUE; }else if((pid_output) < 0){ led_down = TRUE; }else{ led_down = FALSE; led_up = FALSE; } pid_output = 0; } }else{ /* thc control by move-up and move-down inputs (no kerf crossing in this mode) */ if(thc_enabled){ /* lock thc if velocity < requested velocity * cornerlock threshold percentage */ if(cornerlock_enable){ if(current_velocity * 60 < requested_feed_rate * feed_override * cornerlock_threshold * 0.01){ cornerlock_is_locked = TRUE; }else if(cornerlock_is_locked && current_velocity * 60 > requested_feed_rate * feed_override * 0.99){ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; } }else{ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; } if(move_down && !cornerlock_is_locked){ if(offset_counts - thc_velocity <= offset_min){ torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"bottom limit reached while THC moving down.\n" "program is paused.\n"); state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else{ /* move down at requested velocity */ offset_counts -= thc_velocity; led_down = TRUE; } }else if(move_up && !cornerlock_is_locked){ if(offset_counts + thc_velocity + safe_min >= offset_max){ torch_on = FALSE; stop_type = PAUSE; program_pause = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"top limit reached while THC moving up.\n" "program is paused.\n"); state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else{ /* move up at requested velocity */ offset_counts += thc_velocity; led_up = TRUE; } }else{ led_down = FALSE; led_up = FALSE; } } } /* check if safe height is below maximium offset */ if(offset_counts > offset_datum){ safe_target += offset_counts - offset_datum; offset_datum = offset_counts; if(safe_target > offset_max){ safe_target = offset_max; if(!safe_height_is_limited){ safe_height_is_limited = TRUE; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "safe traverse height has been reduced."); } } } } cut_height_last = offset_counts; cut_length = cut_length + current_velocity * fperiod; cut_time = cut_time + fperiod; break; case PAUSE_AT_END: feed_hold = TRUE; pause_at_end_timer -= fperiod; if(pause_at_end_timer <= 0){ pause_at_end_timer = 0; torch_on = FALSE; if(program_is_idle){ state = MAX_HEIGHT; }else{ state = SAFE_HEIGHT; } } break; case SAFE_HEIGHT: /* move to safe height */ feed_hold = TRUE; if(!torch_off_timer || !torch_on){ cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; if(!probe_test){ if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > safe_target){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < safe_target){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = safe_target; if(stop_type == WAIT){ feed_hold = FALSE; } first_cut_finished = TRUE; /* do height override here for for remainder of job */ height_ovr_old = 0; state = FINISH; } } } break; case MAX_HEIGHT: /* move to maximum height */ feed_hold = TRUE; cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; if(!probe_test){ if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > offset_max){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < offset_max){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = offset_max; if(stop_type == WAIT){ feed_hold = FALSE; } /* do height override here for remainder of job */ height_ovr_old = 0; state = FINISH; } } break; case FINISH: /* clean up and return to idle state */ target_volts = 0; cornerlock_is_locked = FALSE; kerfcross_is_locked = FALSE; led_down = FALSE; led_up = FALSE; ohmic_enable = FALSE; cut_length = 0; cut_time = 0; if(stop_type == STOP){ auto_cut = FALSE; manual_cut = FALSE; program_run = FALSE; paused_motion = FALSE; adaptive_feed = 1; if(program_is_idle){ first_cut_finished = FALSE; if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > 0){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < 0){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = 0; stop_type = NONE; safe_height_is_limited = FALSE; cut_started = FALSE; /* do height override here for one cut only */ /* height_ovr_old = 0; */ if(consumable_changing){ state = CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_OFF; } } } }else{ state = IDLE; } break; case TORCHPULSE: /* single pulse the torch on and off */ if(!torch_pulse){ torch_pulse_timer = torch_pulse_time; if(torch_enable){ torch_on = TRUE; } torch_pulse = TRUE; }else{ if(torch_pulse_timer > 0){ torch_pulse_timer -= fperiod; }else{ torch_on = FALSE; if(!torch_pulse_start){ torch_pulse = FALSE; state = IDLE; } } } break; case PAUSED_MOTION: /* a bit kludgy but we need a timer here for a minimum run * time to give the GUI time to poll the status channel */ if(paused_motion_speed){ if(!paused_motion){ paused_motion_timer = 0.2; /* 0.2 seconds */ paused_motion = TRUE; adaptive_feed = paused_motion_speed; feed_hold = FALSE; program_resume = TRUE; }else{ paused_motion_timer -= fperiod; } }else{ paused_motion_timer -= fperiod; feed_hold = TRUE; program_pause = TRUE; if(program_is_paused && paused_motion_timer <= 0){ paused_motion = FALSE; adaptive_feed = 1; state = IDLE; } } break; case OHMIC_TEST: /* wait here until ohmic_test input released */ if (!ohmic_test){ ohmic_enable = FALSE; state = IDLE; } break; case PROBE_TEST: /* wait here until probe_test input released */ if(!probe_test){ probe_testing = FALSE; if(offset_counts - setup_velocity > 0){ offset_counts -= setup_velocity; }else if(offset_counts + setup_velocity < 0){ offset_counts += setup_velocity; }else{ offset_counts = 0; state = FINISH; } } break; case SCRIBING: if(tool == SCRIBE){ if(!program_is_paused){ scribe_arm = TRUE; if(scribe_arm_timer){ feed_hold = TRUE; scribe_arm_timer -= fperiod; if(scribe_arm_timer < 0){ scribe_arm_timer = 0; } }else if(scribe_on_timer){ feed_hold = TRUE; scribe_on_timer -= fperiod; if(scribe_on_timer < 0){ scribe_on_timer = 0; } }else if(scribe_arm && !scribe_arm_timer && !scribe_on){ feed_hold = TRUE; scribe_on_timer = scribe_on_delay; scribe_on = TRUE; }else if(scribe_on && !scribe_on_timer){ feed_hold = FALSE; } }else{ scribe_arm = FALSE; scribe_on = FALSE; scribe_arm_timer = scribe_arm_delay; scribe_on_timer = 0; } }else{ scribe_arm = FALSE; scribe_on = FALSE; scribe_arm_timer = 0; scribe_on_timer = 0; state = IDLE; } break; case CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_ON: if(!consumable_changing){ if(x_offset == 0 && y_offset == 0){ x_velocity = 0; y_velocity = 0; }else if(x_offset == 0){ x_velocity = 0; if(y_offset > 0){ y_velocity = x_y_velocity; }else{ y_velocity = x_y_velocity * -1; } }else if(y_offset == 0){ if(x_offset > 0){ x_velocity = x_y_velocity; }else{ x_velocity = x_y_velocity * -1; } }else{ angle_x_y = atan2(y_offset, x_offset); x_velocity = x_y_velocity * cos(angle_x_y); y_velocity = x_y_velocity * sin(angle_x_y); } consumable_changing = TRUE; }else{ if(x_velocity && x_offset_counts != x_offset){ if(fabs(x_offset_counts) + fabs(x_velocity) < fabs(x_offset)){ x_offset_counts += x_velocity; }else{ x_offset_counts = x_offset; } } if(y_velocity && y_offset_counts != y_offset){ if(fabs(y_offset_counts) + fabs(y_velocity) < fabs(y_offset)){ y_offset_counts += y_velocity; }else{ y_offset_counts = y_offset; } } } if(x_offset_counts == x_offset && y_offset_counts == y_offset){ state = IDLE; } break; case CONSUMABLE_CHANGE_OFF: if(x_velocity){ if(fabs(x_offset_counts) - fabs(x_velocity) > 0){ x_offset_counts -= x_velocity; }else{ x_offset_counts = 0; } } if(y_velocity){ if(fabs(y_offset_counts) - fabs(y_velocity) > 0){ y_offset_counts -= y_velocity; }else{ y_offset_counts = 0; } } if(!x_offset_counts && !y_offset_counts){ consumable_changing = FALSE; state = IDLE; } break; case DEBUG: /* holding state for debugging */ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "I have no idea how we got here...\n"); break; } /* set debugging pins */ state_out = state; stop_type_out = stop_type; }