Good ideas for your college essay- Guide 2022 Written by robertmerritt

Category: General  /  Created: 07/19/2022 08:42:20

Coming up with an interesting topic to write about has become really hard nowadays. It just seems like everything has been discussed in depth already.

If you’re struggling to find a good topic for yourself don’t worry about it. Even the best essay writer can run out of ideas. Today, I’ll be making things easier for you by listing 100 essay topics. 


The topics listed below are from a  range of disciplines. Before running off to an essay writing service, see if any of them catch your attention. Also, do keep in mind that you can be flexible with how you want to discuss a topic.

Environment and climate change

A Hot topic these days, environmental degradation is one of the most pressing issues of our lifetime.

1.       the impact of beef on the planet.

2.       The ethics of animal testing

3.       The dark side of renewable energy

4.       Fast fashion and water scarcity

5.       Light pollution should be taken seriously

6. Single-use plastics must be banned.

7.       Why capitalism is at odds with environmental protection

8.       Fossil fuels must be banned.

9.       Climate change and foreign policy

10.   Climate change and food security


Looking to the past is a great source of inspiration!

1-      Colonialism still exists.

2-      Factors that shaped middle eastern politics.

3-      History of racism in Asia

4-      Factors influencing American foreign policy

5-      The rise of populism

6-       Is democracy over?

7-      Systemic racism in America

8-      The relationship between EU member states

9-      The threat of World War 3

10-    Is China the new global superpower?



There's always something to write about when it comes to health.

1-      Growing global obesity

2-      The threat of the next pandemic

3-      The impact of covid on mental health

4-      The dangers of air pollution

5-      The impact of social media on body dysmorphia

6-      The health impacts of processed food

7-      Is organic food healthier?

8-      Navigating cities with disability

9-      The state of US healthcare

10-   The problems of pharmaceutical drug pricing


Ever-Changing and so very interesting, dive into the world of tech!

1-      The dangers of social media

2-      The power of tech giants

3-      Chinas developing tech industry

4-      Rare metals and global trade

5-      The potential of 5g

6-      The reality of self-driving cars

7-      Is augmented reality efficient

8-      Technology and privacy

9-      The use of tech in forensics

10-   The dangers of hacking 


The nature of modern-day education is a subject of much debate in the political sphere.

1-      Is college still worth it?

2-      Apprenticeship or higher education

3-      Education inequality in America

4-      Racial inequality in education

5-      Factors determining academic achievement

6-      The case for free college in the US

7-      Financial literacy in the developed world

8-      The impact of class size on academic performance

9-      Income inequality and education

10-   Racial achievement gap in education

Economics and trade

Better or worse? Discussions regarding the economy never get old.

1-      Is globalization coming to an end?

2-      Is the gender pay gap real?

3-      The impact of technology on trade

4-      Labor mobility in the EU

5-      The impact of covid on the global economy

6-      The future of the oil industry

7-      The economics of renewable energy

8-      The impact of a trade war between China and the US.

9-      The rise of Asian economies.

10-   Economic security and immigration

Note: You can also hire  online essay writer for help.


.Language, music, and entertainment examine the dynamics of culture. 

1-   The impact of religion on culture

2-   The influence of Asian media on western audiences

3-   Cultural shifts in America

4-   Issues with identity among mix-raced individuals

5-   Culture as a political tool

6-   The impact of globalization on national culture

7-   The influence of culture on communication

8-   The role of social media in shaping culture
