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19 Feb 2024 19:08 - 19 Feb 2024 19:24

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Attached is a zipped XLS copy of my setup sheet saved from Gsoft2, see any other problems?

The only other issue that I may have incorrect is parameter P03:20, P03:28 and P03:31.

The Durapulse manual is very helpful and written much better than offshore manuals but, there's a couple of places
in the manual that are a bit confusing. Especially this sentence regarding the braking resistor:

Set P06.01 to 0.0 to disable the over-voltage stall prevention function (connected with braking unit or braking resistor). Use this setting when braking units or braking resistors are connected to the drive.

The ability to program this VFD via software is priceless!
26 Jan 2024 15:46

My 7i76e Connection Sheet

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks for the help we got the MPG to fully work after changing the mode to 20 and reconnecting some loose wires.
24 Jan 2024 17:44
Replied by PCW on topic My 7i76e Connection Sheet

My 7i76e Connection Sheet

Category: Driver Boards

You would need mode 2 on the 7I76Es I/O section to enable the MPGs:

24 Jan 2024 09:01

My 7i76e Connection Sheet

Category: Driver Boards

These are the loadrt lines that show up in the main Hal file.
We haven't fully configured the spindle encoder yet, because we were trying to figure out how to move the axis' with the MPG, is it possible that the encoder needs to be fully functional before we can use the MPG for the axis'?

Thanks in advance

loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS
loadrt hostmot2
loadrt hm2_eth board_ip="" config="num_encoders=1 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=5 sserial_port_0=00xxxx"
setp hm2_7i76e.0.watchdog.timeout_ns 5000000
loadrt pid names=pid.x,pid.y,pid.z,pid.s
23 Jan 2024 14:40

My 7i76e Connection Sheet

Category: Driver Boards

In the main hal file, the loadrt line, does it set the board to mode 1 or mode 2?
Same line, does it have number of encoders at anything but 0?
Normally encoder 0 would be the spindle encoder, are you using that for MPG?
23 Jan 2024 14:18 - 23 Jan 2024 14:28

My 7i76e Connection Sheet

Category: Driver Boards

Hi, I'm having a similar error code when trying to run LinuxCNC

Note: Using POSIX realtime
".custom.hal:81: Pin 'hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.enc0.count' does not exist"

(The 3999 number changes everytime we try to start up the program)
This only happens when we use a specific code in our custom.hal to control the axis' with a MPG controller.
We've already checked the field power TB1 (pin 5 +24V pin 8 GND) and when we measure P3 there is a 5V available.
The Custom.Hal we used is below.

loadrt mux4 count=1
loadrt mux8 count=1
loadrt select8 count=1
loadrt conv_float_s32 count=1
addf mux4.0 servo-thread
addf mux8.0 servo-thread
addf select8.0 servo-thread
addf conv-float-s32.0 servo-thread

# For velocity mode, set to 1
# In velocity mode the axis stops when the dial is stopped
# even if that means the commanded motion is not completed,
# For position mode (the default), set to 0
# In position mode the axis will move exactly jog-scale
# units for each count, regardless of how long that might take,

setp axis.x.jog-vel-mode 0
setp axis.y.jog-vel-mode 0
setp axis.z.jog-vel-mode 0

# This sets the scale that will be used based on the input to the mux4

setp mux4.0.in1 0.001
setp mux4.0.in2 0.01
setp mux4.0.in3 0.1

# This selects axis (off=0, x=1, y=2, ...)

setp mux8.0.in0 0
setp mux8.0.in1 1
setp mux8.0.in2 2
setp mux8.0.in3 3
setp mux8.0.in4 4
setp mux8.0.in5 5
setp mux8.0.in6 6
setp mux8.0.in7 7

# The inputs to the mux4 component

net scale1 mux4.0.sel0 <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-20
net scale2 mux4.0.sel1 <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-21

# The inputs to the mux8 component

net mux8-sel0 <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-22
net mux8-sel1 <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-23
net mux8-sel2 <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-24
net mux8-sel0 => mux8.0.sel0
net mux8-sel1 => mux8.0.sel1
net mux8-sel2 => mux8.0.sel2

net mux-float <= mux8.0.out

net mux-s32 <= conv-float-s32.0.out
net mux-s32 => select8.0.sel
net axis-select-x <= select8.0.out1
net axis-select-y <= select8.0.out2
net axis-select-z <= select8.0.out3
net axis-select-4 <= select8.0.out4
net axis-select-5 <= select8.0.out5
net axis-select-6 <= select8.0.out6

net axis-select-x => axis.x.jog-enable
net axis-select-y => axis.y.jog-enable
net axis-select-z => axis.z.jog-enable

# The output from the mux4 is sent to each axis jog scale

net mpg-scale <= mux4.0.out
net mpg-scale => axis.x.jog-scale
net mpg-scale => axis.y.jog-scale
net mpg-scale => axis.z.jog-scale

# The encoder output counts to the axis. Only the selected axis will move.

net encoder-counts <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.enc0.count
net encoder-counts => axis.x.jog-counts
net encoder-counts => axis.y.jog-counts
net encoder-counts => axis.z.jog-counts
01 Jan 2024 15:34

Mes 7i76e Anschluss

Category: Deutsch

Servus miteinander,
vor kurzem hab ich auf kleinanzeigen eine Mesa 7i76 bekommen.
In diesem Beitrag  My 7i76e Connection Sheet#85072 hab ich eine gute Anschlussanleitung gefunden.
Da ich auch Nummer sicher gehen will, damit nix kaputt geht, wollte ich die Community nochmal drüber schauen lassen.
Ich hoffe, dass ich nix falsch angeschlossen habe

Gruß und ein gutes neues Jahr
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