Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

  • scotta
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02 May 2024 23:24 #299597 by scotta

So four development environments later I can now build Remora from source and create my own bin file (just in case anyone else want to give it a go you need the mxuxpresso IDE).

While looking at the source I discovered it is a single bin file for all hardware boards and the config is what defines which hardware variant is used - I was expecting #ifdefs in the code for the hardware. (So now I am confused about why their are different bin files and why remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin does not work on my NVEM board).

Anyway my new bin created from the main branch at generates more debug info and allows a config file to upload via TFTP. But there is still an issue. Basically the unit hangs when nvem-full-config.txt or nvem-basic-config.txt is uploaded (it even stops responding to pings). The unit then needs to be erased and flashed to recover (the config survives a power cycle).

This is the output from the debug port. Obviously the ASSERT is being called leading to the unit hanging but why did the X joint load and not the Y joint:

1. Loading JSON configuration file from Flash memory

2. Parsing JSON configuration file
Config deserialisation - Deserialization succeeded

3. Board Type: NVEM

4. Configuring threads
Creating timer ISR thread 40000
Creating timer ISR thread 1000
Creating DMA thread 500000

5. Loading modules

Creating a std module
Creating an Ethernet communication monitoring module
Creating Pin @
  port = GPIO3
  pin = 0

Base thread object

X - Joint 0 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
  port = GPIO21
  pin = 15
Creating Pin @
  port = GPIO21
  pin = 14

Base thread object

Y - Joint 1 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
  port = GPIO21
  pin = 13
Creating Pin @
  port = GPIO21
  pin = 12
ASSERT ERROR " instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_gpioBases) ": file "fsl_gpio.c" Line "60" function name "GPIO_GetInstance"


This is why I need to spend some time cleaning up the repos. The config file you are uploading is not intended for the RT1052 board. Please use the config that correctly selects the GPIO port number.

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  • scotta
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02 May 2024 23:29 #299598 by scotta

Thanks Scott,

I noticed your image your length is different than mine. After 0x000188B0 in my readout all the data displays as FFFFFFFF. so I set the data size as 0x188C0, which creates a ~236KB hex file. Attaching here and photos of what I  see.

refresh with new size:

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:42 KB

Cool, I'll take a look at the new file. I did get your previous bin file to decompile in Ghidra after playing with starting addresses etc. I'll need to go back and forth between the earlier decompilation and reverse engineering I did to see if the communication protocol has been changed.

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  • scotta
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02 May 2024 23:35 #299599 by scotta
Thanks for the hex file, this made the check very easy. The hex is byte for byte identical to the original firmware I also extracted. So the issue must be with the latest Remora firmware.... I'll be back home next week so will hook up my NVMPG and do some checking.

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05 May 2024 23:01 #299857 by disneysw
I am still stuck and going round in circles.

I have flashed an RT1052 based NVEM (Marked V5) with the remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin firmware and uploaded the nvem-rt1052.txt config file to it (minus the NVMPG component).

On boot the debug port shows:

Initializing PHY...

## Entering SETUP state

1. Loading JSON configuration file from Flash memory

2. Parsing JSON configuration file
Config deserialisation - Deserialization succeeded

3. Board Type: NVEM

4. Configuring threads
Creating timer ISR thread 40000
Creating timer ISR thread 1000
Creating DMA thread 500000

5. Loading modules

Creating a std module
Creating an Ethernet communication monitoring module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 0

Base thread object

X - Joint 0 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 22
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 17

Base thread object

Y - Joint 1 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 24
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 31

Base thread object

Z - Joint 2 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 18
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 25

Base thread object

A - Joint 3 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 27
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 21

Base thread object

B - Joint 4 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 16
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 23

Base thread object

C - Joint 5 step generator

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 20
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO1
pin = 19

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_26

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 26

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_30

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 30

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_19

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 19

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_20

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 20

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_26

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 26

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_27

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 27

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_21

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 21

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_24

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 24

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_28

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 28

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_25

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 25

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_29

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 29

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_23

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 23

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_31

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 31

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_18

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 18

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_21

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 21

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_20

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 20

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_18

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 18

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_17

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 17

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_16

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 16

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_15

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 15

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_14

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 14

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_13

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 13

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_12

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 12

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P4_11

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 11

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_22

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 22

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_16

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 16

Servo thread object

Make Digital Input at pin P3_17

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO3
pin = 17

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_01

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 1

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_02

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 2

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_03

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 3

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_04

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 4

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_05

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 5

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_06

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 6

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_07

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 7

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_08

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 8

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_09

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 9

Servo thread object

Make Digital Output at pin P4_10

Creating a std module
Creating Pin @
port = GPIO4
pin = 10

Servo thread object

Spindle PWM

Creating a std module

## Entering START state

Starting the BASE thread
Registering interrupt for interrupt number = 100
configuring Timer 1
timer started

Starting the SERVO thread
Registering interrupt for interrupt number = 101
configuring Timer 2
timer started

## Entering IDLE state

I install the remora-eth-3.0.c component and can start Linuxcnc using the  remora-rt1052-basic profile (having changed the hal file to use remora-eth3.0 module rather than the (old?) remora-nv module).

I can then connect linuxcnc to the NVEM and one of the LED's on the NVEM board turns on or off depending on if I enable or disable linuxcnc.

But when I try to move the x or y stepper nothing happens. Also if I view the remora.inputs I do not see any changes in response to pulling the inputs to gnd.  If I look at the remora.status using the hal viewer it shows the board as connected. If I look at the remora counters using the HAL viewer I can see them incrementing.

So on the face of it it looks like the board is connected but not actually doing anything.

So what have I missed?

Note: I am assuming the remora.inputs should be updated in the hal viewer even if the hal file was wrong.


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  • scotta
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07 May 2024 04:54 #300000 by scotta
Well, at least some progress. When you say nothing happens when you try to move x or y what is the behaviour? Does LinuxCNC show motion? No following error?

If LinuxCNC is showing motion in the gremlin view then I would suspect a driver wiring issue.

For the IO this only works when the board is not in E-stop condition. ie connection active.

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11 May 2024 09:40 #300379 by Nick_boy
Hi all,
I have a problem with my STM32F207 board. I cannot get the voltage on physical out pin cnahged. When I for example setp remora.output.3 to logical "1" the voltage does not change on a physical pin, while in HAL Configuration it sets to "True".
The board is configured with "nvem-full-config.txt" from 
Does anyone knows what may be a reason for this behaviour?

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12 May 2024 19:42 #300468 by royka
Hi Nick, those "outputs" are in fact open collectors. You can for example put a 10k ohm resistor between the 12v Input and the "output", when you'll put the output pin high it will bring it low to ground. The 12v pins on the board can only handle 50mA.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nick_boy

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29 May 2024 20:15 - 30 May 2024 22:01 #301772 by Murphy
Last edit: 30 May 2024 22:01 by Murphy.

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31 May 2024 13:54 - 31 May 2024 14:03 #301954 by Murphy
I need a little help testing my encoder setup.Are the following commands in my hal file enough to be able to see the encoder counting.(last pic is my encoder setup for proximity which is working perfect) I went the same route rbobey went and used an ADUM1200. Hooked WHA and WHB through the MPG socket on the board and bypassed the optocouplers. I'm going to use it as my spindle encoder eventually but need to test the encoder setup first to rule out if the board is faulty or If wired something wrong .  In the config file I changed the encoder number to 4 and PV.1

The pic shows ADUM1201, I soldered on a ADUM1200 chip 
Last edit: 31 May 2024 14:03 by Murphy.

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12 Jun 2024 08:15 #302863 by hydroid7
Hi Everyone,
recently I was trying to get started with EC500. I was able to flash the firmware and was able to ping the board on the address. It worked nicely with a pico probe and pyocd.

However, I continuously get joint following errors on all my joints while jogging and while executing gcodes. I cannot get rid of them.

Also, the following error is very high, even at low speeds it is more than 1mm. I also tried to increase the P gain or to increase the spike filter in remora-eth.c component without success.
My computer has the following latency  values:

If I ping the board over a longer period of time, I get following values:
There are some outliers with high ping, but they are rare.

I already tried to reduce the jitter:
- Isolated two cores
- Moved kernel threads to the non isolated core
- Moved NIC interrupt to the isolated core

I can think there can be two source of problems now:
1. Latency jitter of the NIC
2. Latency jitter of the PC (Fujitsu Esprimo P556)

Can you give me some advice please how to debug this problem? How could I trace down which one is the issue?
Thank you for your help.

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