"Scan" feature to move around maximum boundaries
- lars
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I would like to implement a "scan" function to move the spindle along the XY-bounding box of the loaded G-Code file. I thought I would get the boundaries, add a MDI_COMMAND that I can link to a pyVCP button or a button on a XHC-pendant.
I found forum.linuxcnc.org/41-guis/29080-boundaries-pin-in-axis which allows me to get the boundaries into HAL pins. But how can I access these pins from G-Code?
On forum.linuxcnc.org/22-pyvcp/30976-readin...n-values-from-python someone used a command like "G0 X#<_hal[boundaries.xmin]>", but when I try this I get an error that the variable does not exist.
How can I access the pin values? Or can I write the boundaries to named or numbered parameters in .axisrc? Or is there another way to get values from the python code in .axisrc to a MDI_COMMAND?
Thank you for your help,
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- andypugh
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(You can be forgiven for not finding that, it is documented in a very odd place)
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- lars
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- tommylight
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- lars
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Would you mind elaborating ?
Sure. Sorry. I didn't think there was any interest.
This is to check if the coordinates and the fixtures are all setup correctly before starting the actual job. It moves to the bounding box (XY only) of the loaded program, goes around once and then returns to its old position.
It was a feature I liked in bCNC which I used with GRML before switching to LinuxCNC on my new machine.
This is my .axisrc
if hal_present:
boundcomp = hal.component("boundaries")
if vars.metric.get():
conv = 1
conv = 1/25.4
# this function is called at [DISPLAY]CYCLE_TIME interval
def user_live_update():
min_extents = from_internal_units(o.canon.min_extents, conv)
max_extents = from_internal_units(o.canon.max_extents, conv)
boundcomp['xmin'] = min_extents[0]
boundcomp['xmax'] = max_extents[0]
boundcomp['ymin'] = min_extents[1]
boundcomp['ymax'] = max_extents[1]
boundcomp['zmin'] = min_extents[2]
boundcomp['zmax'] = max_extents[2]
and this is goes in $SUBROUTINE_PATH/boundaries-scan.ngc
O<boundaries-scan> SUB
#<_UseInches> = 0 ( set to 1 to use inches here, or 0 to use millimeters )
#<_TravelFeed> = 3000.0 ( feedrate used to travel to and along the boundaries )
M70 ( save current modal state )
G[21 - #<_UseInches>] ( use inches or millimeters as required here, units will be restored on return )
G30.1 ( save current position in #5181-#5183... )
G90 ( use absolute positioning here )
G40 ( turn cutter radius compensation off here )
G94 ( use feedrate in units/min )
G61 ( follow exact path, don't round corners )
( Move to first corner of bounding box )
G53 G1 F#<_TravelFeed> X#<_hal[boundaries.xmin]> Y#<_hal[boundaries.ymin]>
( Drive around the block )
G53 G1 F#<_TravelFeed> X#<_hal[boundaries.xmin]> Y#<_hal[boundaries.ymax]>
G53 G1 F#<_TravelFeed> X#<_hal[boundaries.xmax]> Y#<_hal[boundaries.ymax]>
G53 G1 F#<_TravelFeed> X#<_hal[boundaries.xmax]> Y#<_hal[boundaries.ymin]>
G53 G1 F#<_TravelFeed> X#<_hal[boundaries.xmin]> Y#<_hal[boundaries.ymin]>
G53 G0 X[#5181] Y[#5182] ( return to where we were in X Y)
M72 ( restore modal state )
O<boundaries-scan> ENDSUB
Then I created a new line under [HALUI]
MDI_COMMAND = O<boundaries-scan> call
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- cmorley
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Too bad it's so akward to get boundary info to linuxcnc.
I wonder in boundaries shouldn't be standard variables?
Chris M
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- lars
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Although it would be nice if the GUIs exported this in a more easily accessible way.
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- andypugh
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It could get the file name from the linuxcnc.stat().file
The run through each of the lines of G-code noting the max and min X and Y values.
(this might be inaccurate for arcs)
Then it could send the moves by MDI.
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- lars
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1. What happens if the file changes? The boundaries should only be updated when the GUI reloads the file. How would an external component detect that?
2. The coordinate system offsets may change. I think this would be possible to detect from the component but it would not be really trivial.
3. Just getting min/max X/Y values from the G-Code also neglect cutter compensation and maybe other things? I think the values should be precise when they are used to ensure that the program won`t go through your fixtures.
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- andypugh
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1. What happens if the file changes? The boundaries should only be updated when the GUI reloads the file. How would an external component detect that?
Nothing changes. When the component sees the "do your thing" trigger it then loads a copy of the current G-code fie into it's own parser and works out the extents.
The module can either work in the current coordinate system, or get all clever and have the parser consider the offsets (read from linuxcnc.stat() and calculate absolute sizes.2. The coordinate system offsets may change. I think this would be possible to detect from the component but it would not be really trivial.
Yes, including arcs. But I was imagining starting simple and then making the parser more sophisticated as required.3. Just getting min/max X/Y values from the G-Code also neglect cutter compensation and maybe other things?.
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