powerlink - opensafety
I'm not sure that is the correct place where discuss about .... If not please move the post in correct place.
I need information about implementation of ethernelt powrlink in linuxcnc ...... I have find nothing about ..... Is possible use powerlink to comunicate with servo drive for make gantry or scara robot?
is possible to use opensafety for e-stop or example?
when I seeking information about I find only information about ethercat...... but I would like to try powerlink comunication mode. ... is possible?
and use opensafety with linuxcnc is possible?
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Have fun, let us know how it goes
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at this point I do not know if I'll try .... (I have no time to spend now and not have powerlink drive in my lab today).
@andypugh i see some your post (with Michael reply) in machinekit about ethercat licese .... I not understand this point. I can connect my linuxcnc pc to ethercat drive and sell the system whithout pay royalty or licensing?
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I can connect my linuxcnc pc to ethercat drive and sell the system whithout pay royalty or licensing?
I think that you might technically need to sign the Ethercat license.
If you sell a LinuxCNC system I think you are meant to provide the LinuxCNC source code to the purchaser.
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If you sell a LinuxCNC system I think you are meant to provide the LinuxCNC source code to the purchaser.
Is correct ... to be precise You can not sell LinuxCNC . A system in which it is installed EVEN LinuxCNC, yes is possible ..... not glp or glpv2 violation.
Obviusly source code of linuxcnc or other open program they must always be visible to all.
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I think that you might technically need to sign the Ethercat license.
from ethercat.org/faq:
3. EtherCAT: Open Technology
3.1 EtherCAT is an open technology. What does this mean?
This means that everybody may use, implement and benefit from this technology. This also means that EtherCAT implementations have to be compatible, and nobody may change the technology in a way that prevents others to use it. EtherCAT is standarized in several international standards (IEC61158, IEC 61784, IEC 61800, ISO 15745) and is also a SEMI standard (E54.20).
3.2 Are there any patents?
Yes, there are patents on the EtherCAT technology just like there are patents on every other fieldbus technology that is worth it. Technologies that provide unique features need patents and licenses to protect them from being copied or falsified.
3.3 How about licences?
There is a licence for implementing an EtherCAT master which is free of charge - the agreement demands compatibility, ensures that the licence remains free of charge and provides legal certainty. For slave devices EtherCAT has adopted the CAN license model (CAN is an excellent example for a standardized open technology that is protected by patents): The small license fee is "embedded" in the EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) chip, so that device manufacturers, end users, system integrators, tool manufacturers etc. do not have to pay a license.
3.4 How about Open Source?
EtherCAT technology itself is not Open Source. Backed by the standardization of EtherCAT by IEC, ISO and SEMI, access to EtherCAT technology is available to everyone to non-discriminatory terms. Additionally, Master Licenses are free of royalties. Maintenance and all further development of the technology is available to all users by membership within the ETG, the user group for EtherCAT technology. If you have questions regarding implementing or using EtherCAT in conjunction with shared source or open source systems please contact ETG headquarters or Beckhoff, the EtherCAT technology licensor.
no license sign is need .....
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no license sign is need .....There is a licence for implementing an EtherCAT master which is free of charge
That depends on what "implementing an EtherCAT master means". I can't decide what they mean by that.
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the signature is required, but
this license agreement does not provide any kind of royalties or costs of various types, nor is binding: it is simply an agreement by which the company intends to develop the master device is committed to continue to comply with the specification and comply with the rules defined by EtherCAT Technology Group. (word for word the response received)
We have to send an email request and sign an agreement where there is a commitment to respect the standard. It is quick and painless.
Tanks at andypugh and tanks to beckhoff service.
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