Trouble installing a WHB04B-6 pendant (again)

13 Sep 2021 15:06 #220446 by 109jb
So I am in the process of upgrading my machine and acquired a XHC-WHB04B-6 pendant to use with it. I am trying to get this to work in simulator mode on a Raspberry Pi running LinuxCNC. Here is what I have done so far:
  1. I installed the RPi image as described on  Getting LinuxCNC . LinuxCNC seems to work fine in simulator mode after all set up.
  2. Verified that the WHB04B-6 was working using the standalone mode (xhc-whb04b-6 -ue) described on the man page here  XHC-WHB04B-6 (
  3. I made a new simulator machine using the stepper configuration wizard and verified this was working before any modifications
  4. Added this to the [HAL} section of the ini file for the new machine I created in step 3.
    • HALFILE=xhc-whb04b-6.hal
  5. Put this at the bottom of the ini file.
    • [HALUI]
  6. Created a file named xhc-whb04b-6.hal in the configuration folder for the machine and its contents are the cut and paste from the link in the man page.
When I try to run LinuxCNC I get the following:

Debug file information:
./Pendant_Test.hal:50: Pin '' does not exist
Stopping realtime threads
Unloading hal components
Note: Using POSIX realtime

What did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance, John Brannen


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13 Sep 2021 16:15 #220455 by Aciera
./Pendant_Test.hal:50: Pin '' does not exist

This would suggest that something went wrong with loading the component:

loadusr -W xhc-whb04b-6 -HsfB

If you start your configuration in a terminal, do you get any errors about that?

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13 Sep 2021 19:33 #220489 by 109jb
Thanks for the reply. Here is what it shows in terminal when I try to run linuxcnc from terminal:
  • pi@raspberrypi:~ $ linuxcnc
    LINUXCNC - 2.8.1
    Machine configuration directory is '/home/pi/linuxcnc/configs/Pendant_Test'
    Machine configuration file is 'Pendant_Test.ini'
    Starting LinuxCNC...
    Found file(REL): ./Pendant_Test.hal
    Note: Using POSIX realtime
    Found file(REL): ./custom.hal
    Found file(REL): ./xhc-whb04b-6.hal
    ./xhc-whb04b-6.hal:44: Pin '' does not exist
    Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
    Note: Using POSIX realtime
    LinuxCNC terminated with an error. You can find more information in the log:
    as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal
    pi@raspberrypi:~ $
Also, I re-ran the standalone for the pendant in terminal and the first few lines show this if it helps to debug:
  • pi@raspberrypi:~ $ xhc-whb04b-6 -ue
    init  starting in simulation mode
    init  usb context ... ok
    init  not waiting for device XHC-WHB04B-6 vendorId=0x10ce productId=0xeb93, will continue in 0s .... ok
    init  XHC-WHB04B-6 device found
    init  detaching active kernel driver ... already detached
    init  claiming interface ... ok
    init  enabling reception ... ok

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14 Sep 2021 10:42 - 14 Sep 2021 10:44 #220573 by alkabal

I think you only need to add :

HALUI = halui

Ps : this is not specified in the documentation but this is needed to have halui available. (maybee we need to add this in doc)

Last edit: 14 Sep 2021 10:44 by alkabal.

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14 Sep 2021 12:34 #220583 by 109jb
Thank you. I added HALUI=halui to the [HAL} section of the ini file and it got a bit further but still has an error. Now the error I have is different:
  • Debug file information:
    Note: Using POSIX realtime
    ./xhc-whb04b-6.hal:70: Pin '' does not exist

    failed to claim interface
    Stopping realtime threads
    Unloading hal components
    Note: Using POSIX realtime

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14 Sep 2021 13:01 - 14 Sep 2021 13:09 #220586 by Aciera
Seems to me like an error in the documentation since the pins '', '' and '' do not appear in the pin description above the example code.

Maybe uncomment those in your hal and see if you get any more errors.

I just loaded the component in a simulation and the pins  '', '' and '' are indeed created. So I'm not sure why that causes a problem for you.
Last edit: 14 Sep 2021 13:09 by Aciera.

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14 Sep 2021 13:44 #220593 by 109jb
Thank you. Here is what I did since last time.
  • I commented these 3 lines in the hal file
    • #net              
  • After that I still got errors relating to other lines in the hal file, so I just started commenting the ones giving errors out. They were
    • #net pdnt.button.m-home                    whb.button.m-home                     halui.home-all                   
    • #net                         spindle.0.on
    • #net pdnt.spindle-speed-abs                whb.halui.spindle-speed-cmd           spindle.0.speed-out-abs          
Once I commented out the listed lines, LinuxCNC started without errors. The MPG on the pendant works and the rotary selection switches as well. I also tried the RESET, START, and STOP/Pause switches and they work too. 

Thank you for the help so far.  I am trying to understand what is happening and want to eventually figure out how to program the macro keys.  If someone has any simple example on programming one of the macro keys I would appreciate it.


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14 Sep 2021 14:44 - 14 Sep 2021 14:44 #220603 by Aciera
Maybe delete those lines and retype by hand.
Last edit: 14 Sep 2021 14:44 by Aciera.

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14 Sep 2021 14:58 #220604 by 109jb
So maybe a character encoding issue from cutting and pasting?

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14 Sep 2021 15:06 #220606 by Aciera
It's worth a try. Although it seems unlikely since all the other lines worked fine.

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