Schoeneck-Nisley Pendant not working on 2.9 on Raspian Bullseye

02 Sep 2023 02:33 #279637 by Radneck
I HAVE ARRIVED !  Ive been goofing with linuxcnc since it was EMC2 in about 2000.  This is my first post

So quite some time ago I had the Schoeneck-Nisley version of the Logitech Pendant working on a PC in ver 2.4 and ported it 2.7 with no problems.
Recently I decided to try linuxcnc 2.9 on a raspberry pi running raspbian under some debian variant... bullseye I think.  This joint/axis thing kind of threw me but the machine homes and runs MDI commands OK and it basically works

But it doesnt run my postgui code to set up the pendant.  I know there is other pendant code but I like how this one works and I did modify it slightly to my tastes.  I did RTFM and googled quite a bit before surrendering to the forum

I postified the code below.  the commands it has trouble with are "halui.jog.0.increment halui.jog.1.increment halui.jog.2.increment" and "halui.jog.2.increment-minus"... basically anything with "halui.jog...."  I tried replacing these with something like "halui.axis.x. increment" but it gives errors and a whole bunch of "axis.L..." pins in the HAL manual aren't showing up in the hal configuration

any ideas ?



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02 Sep 2023 06:07 - 02 Sep 2023 06:10 #279645 by JPL
There's been many change between 2.7.n and 2.8.n. The exhaustive answer is there: .Read section 3 for more info about how-to update your config.

Now, the very first thing to do is to make sure your basic configuration have been updated for 2.8  (or 2.9). This is your original ini and hal files, excluding the pendant hal file. The first step is to have a fully working machine before integrating the pendant.

Once done you will have to modify your pendant hal file according to the difference between Halui v2.7 and 2.8
2.7  Halui ->
2.8  Halui ->

For example, as you may have already discovered you will modify
This: halui.jog.0.increment
To this: halui.axis.x.increment
(note that the description for both version is about the same)

This is tedious since there's no automatic conversion of the (unmaintained) code from  Martin Schoeneck. Given the minimal gain of updating to v2.8 or 2.9 maybe a better solution would be to keep v2.7. (i.e. if it isn't broken don't fix it?)
Last edit: 02 Sep 2023 06:10 by JPL.

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02 Sep 2023 16:36 #279665 by Radneck
So Im wondering then...  I somehow got Linuxcnc 2.9pre0 on my RPi 4.  I take it "Pre0" means maybe not quite done yet ?  All other indications are that 2.8.X is the current version ?

I agree with the whole "aint broke" theory, but the 20 year old Dell I use is broke and the RPi is really attractive because it has more GPIO pins than the parallel port and is more convenient to find than another old computer with a parallel port.  I was hoping to not spend the long weekend in "linux hell" but I guess it will keep me out of trouble

I have attached a couple of screenshots.  the pins listed in the 2.8 doc you kindly referred me to dont show up where I think they should in HAL...  like

simply are nowhere to be found in the list of HAL pins shown in the attached picture.  I looked everwheres for them.  Am I missing some greater point ?


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02 Sep 2023 17:44 #279670 by JPL
About the pins. Your screenshot is for axis.x pins. This is not the right place. You have to scroll down under PINS and you should find 'halui' . Open 'halui' and you will have the axis there.

If you don't see halui make sure you have the line HALUI = halui under [HAL] in your ini configuration. Like this:
HALUI = halui

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02 Sep 2023 18:09 #279672 by Radneck
That made the right pins show up !

I had looked at that last night, but I was looking at the old version that worked.  I guess I have too many versions...

At any rate thank you Mr. JPL sir you are a steely eyed machinist man and you have saved my holiday weekend from the clutches of Linus Torvalds

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