mesaflash gives me no output whatsoever

11 Jun 2016 20:35 #75834 by rwistort
I bought a Mesa 6i25 / 7i76 kit and I'm struggling to get it working. The current problem is that mesaflash gives no output.
I moved 1 jumper (power to the 7i76), installed the card, downloaded the software from the mesa web site, unzipped it, changed the permissions, and ...
Here is a short terminal session:
~/linuxcnc-dev> cd
~> lspci | grep 5125
02:00.0 DPIO module: Device 2718:5125 (rev 01)
~>cd mesa/5i25/utils/linux
~/mesa/5i25/utils/linux> ls -l
total 524
-rwxrwxrwx 1 reid reid 188727 Apr 16  2014 mesaflash
-rwxrwxr-x 1 reid reid 194899 Mar 17  2014 mesaflash3
-rwxrwxr-x 1 reid reid  66952 Aug  7  2012 rpo
drwxrwxr-x 3 reid reid   4096 Mar 17  2014 source
-rwxrwxr-x 1 reid reid  66996 Aug  7  2012 wpo
~/mesa/5i25/utils/linux> ./mesaflash
bash: ./mesaflash: No such file or directory
~/mesa/5i25/utils/linux> sudo ./mesaflash --help
[sudo] password for reid: 
You can see that the card is visible on the pci bus and that mesaflash gives no output at all.
What gives??

I am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a Dell xeon WS and my linuxcnc install is a branch based on v2.6.7.
I compile linuxcnc from source and my install is for 64-bit, non-RT simulation mode.

When I google for mesaflash problems, a common suggestion is to do:
sudo apt-get install mesaflash
which gives me: E: Unable to locate package mesaflash

(getting ahead of myself, google also suggests using synaptic to get the latest hostmot2, but synaptic can't find it.)

I am at a loss. Can anyone help?

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11 Jun 2016 21:28 - 11 Jun 2016 22:29 #75836 by PCW
Since you are not using a standard LinuxCNC installation (this is why apt-get install fails)
and I'm pretty sure there are no packages for a 64 bit Ubuntu Precise system, Its probably the safest to
build mesaflash from source.

This is pretty simple though it may require fetching pcilib with apt-get

On the other hand if you bought a 6I25/7I76 kit it should not require any firmware changes
so mesaflash is not really required
Last edit: 11 Jun 2016 22:29 by PCW.

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11 Jun 2016 23:49 #75839 by rwistort
I built mesaflash from source as you suggested and now, at least, several of the commands give me some output to ponder.
(--help, --info, --list all give credible-looking results)

As an exercise, I hoped to check whether what's already burned onto the card matches one of the supplied .bit files, and was surprised that
sudo ./mesaflash --verify ~/mesa/5i25/configs/hostmot2/5i25_7i76x2.bit
gives me no output (even when I mis-type a .bit file that doesn't exist).
Am I trying to hard?


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12 Jun 2016 00:13 #75840 by PCW
that command would be:

sudo mesaflash --device 5i25 -- verify somefilename.bit

(assuming mesaflash is installed)

But note that this is not a great way to verify bitfiles as an equivalent version compiled at a different time will not match
a better way is to check the configurations pinout and module content with the readhmid option:

sudo mesaflash --device 5i25 --readhmid > mypinout.txt

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