RPi4 & 7i96 XY2-100 Following Error at High Velocities

05 May 2021 23:18 #208039 by Limedodge
I checked on the scope. Neither PosX-overflow nor PosY-overflow are tripped when following error occurs

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05 May 2021 23:25 #208040 by PCW
Your min and max limits do exceed the galvanometers range however

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05 May 2021 23:29 #208041 by Limedodge
Yes, you're right. They should be +/-75. Total foot print is 150

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06 May 2021 00:05 #208046 by Limedodge
I noticed something interesting

These are both scope screenshots from the same run. F.error vs vel_cmd vs pos_fb.

The first is running "normally" (albeit with ringing). The second SS show the moment it fails (zoomed way in)

It almost seems like the pos_fb is "late". It has already been commanded to change velocity but the fb doesn't show any action.

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06 May 2021 00:12 #208047 by PCW
It may be that at 2 KHz on a RPI
you occasionally drop packets

You might back it down to 1 KHz and
see if you get the same errors

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06 May 2021 00:28 #208048 by Limedodge
Same types of errors at 1Khz servo P=1000

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06 May 2021 00:33 - 06 May 2021 00:51 #208049 by PCW
is the error random or always at the same place?

Might also see if you are losing DPLL sync

Check for packet errors by monitoring packet-error

Check for loss of DPLL sync by monitoring dpll.phase-error-us
Last edit: 06 May 2021 00:51 by PCW.

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06 May 2021 01:15 #208053 by Limedodge
I'd say a little bit of both. Seems to happen at the usually sticky spots, but if I change anything (max velocity, PID settings, etc...) it moves to different spots.

There was a couple of times when I had it set right on the edge of a max velocity that would work, where it would execute the Gcode to different spots without changing any settings.

So I would say it's random, but some code is more susceptible than others

I'll see what the dpll.phase-error-us numbers and packet errors look like

Also got me thinking I haven't changed from timesyncd to NTPD on this OS yet. not sure if that will matter, but might as well get that knocked out too

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06 May 2021 01:24 #208057 by PCW
Yeah timesyncd is almost guaranteed to cause this kind of issue

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06 May 2021 01:33 #208059 by Limedodge
Apparently the OS image i used already had timesyncd disabled (NTPD enabled), so no change there

No lost packets

Here's the scope of the dpll_error. I have no idea what's good or bad


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