Mesa 7C81 Questions
- gene_weber
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12 Jun 2023 22:47 #273430
by gene_weber
Replied by gene_weber on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
Finally powered up the 7C81. No issues at all.
A couple of questions based on the results shown below.
1) Why is the direction IN for pins named "out", and OUT for pins named "in" halcmd: show pin?
2) I ran pncconf and was going to setup for another card and then edit files as described here . But I couldn't figure out the default configuration loaded into my 7C81. See the end of this post. What am I not understanding?
Thanks for your help.
$ mesaflash --device 7c81 --addr /dev/spidev0.0 --spi --readhmid --verbose
halcmd: loadrt hostmot2
Note: Using POSIX realtime
hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
halcmd: loadrt hm2_rpspihalcmd: show pin
halcmd: getp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out
halcmd: setp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out 1
halcmd: getp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out
Did the following for pncconf with 7C81 files downloaded from store.mesanet.comsudo mkdir /lib/firmware/hm2sudo cp -p mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/* /lib/firmware/hm2/
To try and figure out the default configuration loaded into the card I ran:
$ mesaflash --device 7c81 --addr /dev/spidev0.0 --spi --verbose --readhmid | grep "There are "
Then ran this, but found no match.
grep "There are " mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/7c81_*.pin
A couple of questions based on the results shown below.
1) Why is the direction IN for pins named "out", and OUT for pins named "in" halcmd: show pin?
2) I ran pncconf and was going to setup for another card and then edit files as described here . But I couldn't figure out the default configuration loaded into my 7C81. See the end of this post. What am I not understanding?
Thanks for your help.
$ mesaflash --device 7c81 --addr /dev/spidev0.0 --spi --readhmid --verbose
unable to set bpw32, fallback to bpw8
Configuration Name: HOSTMOT2
General configuration information:
BoardName : MESA7C81
FPGA Size: 9 KGates
FPGA Pins: 144
Number of IO Ports: 3
Width of one I/O port: 19
Clock Low frequency: 100.0000 MHz
Clock High frequency: 200.0000 MHz
IDROM Type: 3
Instance Stride 0: 4
Instance Stride 1: 64
Register Stride 0: 256
Register Stride 1: 256
Modules in configuration:
Module: DPLL
There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 7
BaseAddress: 7000
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: WatchDog
There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 3
BaseAddress: 0C00
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: IOPort
There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 5
BaseAddress: 1000
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: QCount
There are 1 of QCount in configuration
Version: 2
Registers: 5
BaseAddress: 3000
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: SSerial
There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 6
BaseAddress: 5B00
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 64 bytes
Module: StepGen
There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
Version: 2
Registers: 10
BaseAddress: 2000
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: PWM
There are 3 of PWM in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 5
BaseAddress: 4100
ClockFrequency: 200.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Module: LED
There are 1 of LED in configuration
Version: 0
Registers: 1
BaseAddress: 0200
ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
Register Stride: 256 bytes
Instance Stride: 4 bytes
Configuration pin-out:
IO Connections for P1+Serial -> 7C81_0
Pin# I/O Pri. func Sec. func Chan Sec. Pin func Sec. Pin Dir
P1-01/DB25-01 0 IOPort PWM 0 PWM (Out)
P1-02/DB25-14 1 IOPort None
P1-03/DB25-02 2 IOPort StepGen 0 Step/Table1 (Out)
P1-04/DB25-15 3 IOPort None
P1-05/DB25-03 4 IOPort StepGen 0 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P1-06/DB25-16 5 IOPort None
P1-07/DB25-04 6 IOPort StepGen 1 Step/Table1 (Out)
P1-08/DB25-17 7 IOPort None
P1-09/DB25-05 8 IOPort StepGen 1 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P1-11/DB25-06 9 IOPort StepGen 2 Step/Table1 (Out)
P1-13/DB25-07 10 IOPort StepGen 2 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P1-15/DB25-08 11 IOPort StepGen 3 Step/Table1 (Out)
P1-17/DB25-09 12 IOPort StepGen 3 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P1-19/DB25-10 13 IOPort None
P1-21/DB25-11 14 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-A (In)
P1-23/DB25-12 15 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-B (In)
P1-25/DB25-13 16 IOPort QCount 0 Quad-IDX (In)
P5 3,6 17 IOPort SSerial 0 TXData0 (Out)
P6 3,6 18 IOPort SSerial 0 TXData1 (Out)
IO Connections for P2+Serial -> 7C81_1
Pin# I/O Pri. func Sec. func Chan Sec. Pin func Sec. Pin Dir
P2-01/DB25-01 19 IOPort PWM 1 PWM (Out)
P2-02/DB25-14 20 IOPort None
P2-03/DB25-02 21 IOPort StepGen 4 Step/Table1 (Out)
P2-04/DB25-15 22 IOPort None
P2-05/DB25-03 23 IOPort StepGen 4 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P2-06/DB25-16 24 IOPort None
P2-07/DB25-04 25 IOPort StepGen 5 Step/Table1 (Out)
P2-08/DB25-17 26 IOPort None
P2-09/DB25-05 27 IOPort StepGen 5 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P2-11/DB25-06 28 IOPort StepGen 6 Step/Table1 (Out)
P2-13/DB25-07 29 IOPort StepGen 6 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P2-15/DB25-08 30 IOPort None
P2-17/DB25-09 31 IOPort None
P2-19/DB25-10 32 IOPort None
P2-21/DB25-11 33 IOPort None
P2-23/DB25-12 34 IOPort None
P2-25/DB25-13 35 IOPort None
P5 TXEN 36 IOPort SSerial 0 TXEn0 (Out)
P6 TXEN 37 IOPort SSerial 0 TXEn1 (Out)
IO Connections for P7+Serial -> 7C81_2
Pin# I/O Pri. func Sec. func Chan Sec. Pin func Sec. Pin Dir
P7-01/DB25-01 38 IOPort PWM 2 PWM (Out)
P7-02/DB25-14 39 IOPort None
P7-03/DB25-02 40 IOPort StepGen 7 Step/Table1 (Out)
P7-04/DB25-15 41 IOPort None
P7-05/DB25-03 42 IOPort StepGen 7 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P7-06/DB25-16 43 IOPort None
P7-07/DB25-04 44 IOPort StepGen 8 Step/Table1 (Out)
P7-08/DB25-17 45 IOPort None
P7-09/DB25-05 46 IOPort StepGen 8 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P7-11/DB25-06 47 IOPort StepGen 9 Step/Table1 (Out)
P7-13/DB25-07 48 IOPort StepGen 9 Dir/Table2 (Out)
P7-15/DB25-08 49 IOPort None
P7-17/DB25-09 50 IOPort None
P7-19/DB25-10 51 IOPort None
P7-21/DB25-11 52 IOPort None
P7-23/DB25-12 53 IOPort None
P7-25/DB25-13 54 IOPort None
P5 1,2 55 IOPort SSerial 0 RXData0 (In)
P6 1,2 56 IOPort SSerial 0 RXData1 (In)
halcmd: loadrt hostmot2
Note: Using POSIX realtime
hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
halcmd: loadrt hm2_rpspi
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: Low Level init 0.15
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: 57 I/O Pins used:
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 000 (P1-01/DB25-01): PWMGen #0, pin Out0 (PWM or Up) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 001 (P1-02/DB25-14): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 002 (P1-03/DB25-02): StepGen #0, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 003 (P1-04/DB25-15): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 004 (P1-05/DB25-03): StepGen #0, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 005 (P1-06/DB25-16): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 006 (P1-07/DB25-04): StepGen #1, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 007 (P1-08/DB25-17): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 008 (P1-09/DB25-05): StepGen #1, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 009 (P1-11/DB25-06): StepGen #2, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 010 (P1-13/DB25-07): StepGen #2, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 011 (P1-15/DB25-08): StepGen #3, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 012 (P1-17/DB25-09): StepGen #3, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 013 (P1-19/DB25-10): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 014 (P1-21/DB25-11): Encoder #0, pin A (Input)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 015 (P1-23/DB25-12): Encoder #0, pin B (Input)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 016 (P1-25/DB25-13): Encoder #0, pin Index (Input)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 017 (J5-TX0): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 018 (J6-TX1): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 019 (P2-01/DB25-01): PWMGen #1, pin Out0 (PWM or Up) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 020 (P2-02/DB25-14): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 021 (P2-03/DB25-02): StepGen #4, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 022 (P2-04/DB25-15): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 023 (P2-05/DB25-03): StepGen #4, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 024 (P2-06/DB25-16): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 025 (P2-07/DB25-04): StepGen #5, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 026 (P2-08/DB25-17): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 027 (P2-09/DB25-05): StepGen #5, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 028 (P2-11/DB25-06): StepGen #6, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 029 (P2-13/DB25-07): StepGen #6, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 030 (P2-15/DB25-08): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 031 (P2-17/DB25-09): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 032 (P2-19/DB25-10): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 033 (P2-21/DB25-11): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 034 (P2-23/DB25-12): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 035 (P2-25/DB25-13): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 036 (J5-TXEN0): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 037 (J6-TXEN1): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 038 (P7-01/DB25-01): PWMGen #2, pin Out0 (PWM or Up) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 039 (P7-02/DB25-14): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 040 (P7-03/DB25-02): StepGen #7, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 041 (P7-04/DB25-15): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 042 (P7-05/DB25-03): StepGen #7, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 043 (P7-06/DB25-16): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 044 (P7-07/DB25-04): StepGen #8, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 045 (P7-08/DB25-17): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 046 (P7-09/DB25-05): StepGen #8, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 047 (P7-11/DB25-06): StepGen #9, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 048 (P7-13/DB25-07): StepGen #9, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 049 (P7-15/DB25-08): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 050 (P7-17/DB25-09): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 051 (P7-19/DB25-10): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 052 (P7-21/DB25-11): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 053 (P7-23/DB25-12): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 054 (P7-25/DB25-13): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 055 (P5-RX0): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: IO Pin 056 (P6-RX1): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7c81.0: registered
Component Pins:
Owner Type Dir Value Name
7 float IN 100 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.01.timer-us
7 float IN 100 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.02.timer-us
7 float IN 100 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.03.timer-us
7 float IN 100 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.04.timer-us
7 float IN -1 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.base-freq-khz
7 u32 OUT 0x00000000 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.ddsize
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.phase-error-us
7 u32 IN 0x00400000 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.plimit
7 u32 OUT 0x00000001 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.prescale
7 u32 IN 0x000007D0 hm2_7c81.0.dpll.time-const
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.count
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.count-latched
7 bit I/O FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.index-enable
7 bit OUT TRUE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.input-a
7 bit OUT TRUE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.input-b
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.input-index
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.position
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.position-latched
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.quad-error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.quad-error-enable
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.rawcounts
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.rawlatch
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.reset
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.velocity
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.00.velocity-rpm
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.encoder.hires-timestamp
7 u32 IN 0x017D7840 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.sample-frequency
7 s32 IN -1 hm2_7c81.0.encoder.timer-number
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.000.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.002.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.003.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.003.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.004.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.005.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.005.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.006.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.007.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.007.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.008.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.009.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.010.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.011.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.012.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.013.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.013.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.014.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.015.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.016.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.017.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.017.out
7 bit OUT TRUE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.018.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.018.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.019.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.020.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.020.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.021.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.022.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.022.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.023.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.024.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.024.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.025.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.026.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.026.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.027.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.028.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.029.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.030.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.030.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.031.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.031.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.032.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.032.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.033.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.033.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.034.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.034.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.035.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.035.out
7 bit OUT TRUE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.036.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.036.out
7 bit OUT TRUE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.037.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.037.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.038.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.039.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.039.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.040.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.041.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.041.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.042.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.043.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.043.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.044.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.045.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.045.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.046.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.047.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.048.in_not
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.049.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.049.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.050.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.050.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.051.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.051.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.052.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.052.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.053.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.053.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.054.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.054.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.055.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.055.out
7 bit OUT TRUE
7 bit OUT FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.056.in_not
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.gpio.056.out
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.led.CR01
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.led.CR02
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.led.CR03
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.led.CR04
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.00.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.00.value
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.01.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.01.value
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.02.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.pwmgen.02.value
7 s32 OUT 0
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.00.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.01.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.02.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.03.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.04.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.05.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.06.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.07.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.08.velocity-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.control-type
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.counts
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_err_at_match
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_ff_vel
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_pos_minus_prev_cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_s_to_match
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_step_rate
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.dbg_vel_error
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.enable
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.position-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.position-fb
7 bit IN FALSE hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.position-reset
7 float IN 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.velocity-cmd
7 float OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.09.velocity-fb
7 s32 IN -1 hm2_7c81.0.stepgen.timer-number
7 bit I/O FALSE hm2_7c81.0.watchdog.has_bit
7 s32 OUT 0 hm2_7c81.0.write.time
halcmd: getp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out
halcmd: setp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out 1
halcmd: getp hm2_7c81.0.gpio.001.out
Did the following for pncconf with 7C81 files downloaded from store.mesanet.comsudo mkdir /lib/firmware/hm2sudo cp -p mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/* /lib/firmware/hm2/
To try and figure out the default configuration loaded into the card I ran:
$ mesaflash --device 7c81 --addr /dev/spidev0.0 --spi --verbose --readhmid | grep "There are "
unable to set bpw32, fallback to bpw8
There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
There are 1 of QCount in configuration
There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
There are 3 of PWM in configuration
There are 1 of LED in configuration
Then ran this, but found no match.
grep "There are " mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/7c81_*.pin
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 8 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of PWM in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 12 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of PWM in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 8 of MuxedQCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of MuxedQCountSel in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 5 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 12 of MuxedQCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of MuxedQCountSel in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of PWM in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of PWM in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 3 of IOPort in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of QCount in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of SSerial in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 8 of StepGen in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 2 of PWM in configuration
mesa_software/7c81/configs/hostmot2/ There are 1 of LED in configuration
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12 Jun 2023 23:15 #273434
by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
1. A physical input pin is an output in HAL because its HAL pin provides a value
A physical output pin is an input in HAL because its HAL pin accepts a value
2: Default 7C81 firmware is 5ABOBx3.
Note that for pncconf you can just use a similar parallel port type config to get close,
since things like Stepgens and PWMgens are selected by index rather than pin number,
so as long as you choose the actual firmware in the 7C81 to match your breakout,
most things will just work. The exception is GPIO setup which will likely require hand editing
of the hal file.
A physical output pin is an input in HAL because its HAL pin accepts a value
2: Default 7C81 firmware is 5ABOBx3.
Note that for pncconf you can just use a similar parallel port type config to get close,
since things like Stepgens and PWMgens are selected by index rather than pin number,
so as long as you choose the actual firmware in the 7C81 to match your breakout,
most things will just work. The exception is GPIO setup which will likely require hand editing
of the hal file.
The following user(s) said Thank You: gene_weber
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15 Jun 2023 18:32 - 15 Jun 2023 22:20 #273635
by MrRekt
I'll jump on with a question of my own -
I'm assuming the 7c81 uses SPI0 to communicate; is it possible to use SPI1 instead?
Replied by MrRekt on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
I'm assuming the 7c81 uses SPI0 to communicate; is it possible to use SPI1 instead?
Last edit: 15 Jun 2023 22:20 by MrRekt. Reason: Strike-through.
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15 Jun 2023 18:58 #273636
by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
Sure, but why?
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15 Jun 2023 21:38 - 15 Jun 2023 22:19 #273652
by MrRekt
Replied by MrRekt on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
[ Redacted ]
Last edit: 15 Jun 2023 22:19 by MrRekt. Reason: Sorry.
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- tommylight
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15 Jun 2023 21:51 #273653
by tommylight
Replied by tommylight on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
Please do not change the subject when replying, it makes it very hard to find the topic with two or more tittles .
Thank you.
Thank you.
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- gene_weber
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17 Jun 2023 23:33 #273757
by gene_weber
Replied by gene_weber on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
Thank you Peter.
I had some time to work on this again today.
--readhmid reports that what is programed in the 7C81 board has "1 of QCount" and "10 of StepGen", while the 5ABOBx3 has "3 of QCount" and "12 of StepGen". You obviously know what's programmed in there, but I'm curious why there is a difference between the board query and the pin file?
I ran pncconf. Made the first screen settings what you suggest in another thread.
All I changed on the "Base Information" page was the machine name.
I'm using Axis. No clue what what to change under the "General GUI Defaults", so changed nothing.
Did nothing with the "Virtual Control Panel" or "External Controls" pages.
On the "Mesa Card 0" page I looked at "Firmware:" listed under every "Board Name:" available. None of these boards have 5ABOB3x3 as a firmware option.
I wasn't really sure what to do at this point so I went with 5i25-internal data board, and the G540x2 firmware. I then set arbitrary X, Y, and Z stepgens so I could proceed to generate files.
There were a few other screens asking very detailed information which I'll have to figure out, but didn't worry about it for now. I was actually a bit surprised, given the amount of data that all of the pncconf pages ask for, that the ini and hal files don't have more lines in them. (and thankful)
Easy enough to change 5i25 to 7C81, but this can't be correct since the board is programed with a 5ABOBx3, and I used G540X2. So one can't use anything but a G540X2 with a 7C81?
I appreciate that LinuxCNC is a large and complex software suite which enables it to support a myriad of system combinations. But wow, it sure is tough for a beginner to set up something that is probably relatively simple compared to most.
Thanks again for the help.
I had some time to work on this again today.
--readhmid reports that what is programed in the 7C81 board has "1 of QCount" and "10 of StepGen", while the 5ABOBx3 has "3 of QCount" and "12 of StepGen". You obviously know what's programmed in there, but I'm curious why there is a difference between the board query and the pin file?
I ran pncconf. Made the first screen settings what you suggest in another thread.
All I changed on the "Base Information" page was the machine name.
I'm using Axis. No clue what what to change under the "General GUI Defaults", so changed nothing.
Did nothing with the "Virtual Control Panel" or "External Controls" pages.
On the "Mesa Card 0" page I looked at "Firmware:" listed under every "Board Name:" available. None of these boards have 5ABOB3x3 as a firmware option.
I wasn't really sure what to do at this point so I went with 5i25-internal data board, and the G540x2 firmware. I then set arbitrary X, Y, and Z stepgens so I could proceed to generate files.
There were a few other screens asking very detailed information which I'll have to figure out, but didn't worry about it for now. I was actually a bit surprised, given the amount of data that all of the pncconf pages ask for, that the ini and hal files don't have more lines in them. (and thankful)
Easy enough to change 5i25 to 7C81, but this can't be correct since the board is programed with a 5ABOBx3, and I used G540X2. So one can't use anything but a G540X2 with a 7C81?
I appreciate that LinuxCNC is a large and complex software suite which enables it to support a myriad of system combinations. But wow, it sure is tough for a beginner to set up something that is probably relatively simple compared to most.
Thanks again for the help.
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18 Jun 2023 13:33 #273779
by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
I suspect the pin file is older and perhaps doesn't fit in the 7C81
You can use a similar pncconf firmware configuration (G540 is quite close to 5ABOB)
to get very close to a working hal/ini file set.
This is because things like stepgens or encoders are addressed by channel number, not pin
so the actual pin numbers for these are "dont-care"
The only exception is that available GPIO pins may not match so you may need to
re-assign some GPIO numbers in the hal file for things like spindle-on etc
You can use a similar pncconf firmware configuration (G540 is quite close to 5ABOB)
to get very close to a working hal/ini file set.
This is because things like stepgens or encoders are addressed by channel number, not pin
so the actual pin numbers for these are "dont-care"
The only exception is that available GPIO pins may not match so you may need to
re-assign some GPIO numbers in the hal file for things like spindle-on etc
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25 Jun 2023 22:01 #274212
by gene_weber
Replied by gene_weber on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
Hi Peter,
Where could I get the 5ABOB pin file that matches what is programmed into the the 7C81? The pin file I have is downloaded from
Where could I get the 5ABOB pin file that matches what is programmed into the the 7C81? The pin file I have is downloaded from
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26 Jun 2023 02:24 #274217
by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa 7C81 Questions
You make it with mesaflash --readhmid (redirecting the output to a .pin file)
if you want 5ABOB pins you include --dbname1 5abob
if you want 5ABOB pins you include --dbname1 5abob
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