mesaflash can't find 7i80

10 Aug 2023 18:08 #277553 by Shu
Can someone spot the mistake? Is the firmware just too old for the most recent mesaflash? The 7i80 works fine with LinuxCNC and answers to a ping.
mesaflash --device 7i80 --addr --readhmid
No 7I80 board found

Mesaflash version 3.4.6
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.306 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.353 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.419 ms
ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s25: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:1f:16:39:71:bd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s25
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
LINUXCNC - 2.9.0~pre0
Machine configuration directory is '/home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/1'
Machine configuration file is '1.ini.expanded'
Starting LinuxCNC...
Found file(REL): ./1.hal
Note: Using POSIX realtime
hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
hm2_eth: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 ethernet driver version 0.2
hm2_eth: INFO: Hardware address (MAC): 00:60:1b:10:00:12
hm2_eth: discovered 7I80DB-25
hm2/hm2_7i80.0: Low Level init 0.15
hm2/hm2_7i80.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.0 Hardware Mode 0 = standard
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.0 Software Mode 0 = input_output
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.0 Software Mode 1 = io_analog
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.0 Software Mode 2 = io_analog_fieldvoltage
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.0 Software Mode 3 = io_encoder_analog_fieldvoltage
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.1 Hardware Mode 0 = standard
Board hm2_7i80.0.7i77.0.1 Software Mode 0 = analogout_enables

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10 Aug 2023 18:12 #277554 by Shu
Replied by Shu on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
Got it! Works with
mesaflash --device ETHER

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10 Aug 2023 18:19 #277555 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
7i80db-25 should work
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10 Aug 2023 18:39 #277558 by Shu
Replied by Shu on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
7i80db-25 works indeed, thanks!

PCW, can you give me advice on which bitfile to use, or compile one for me? I have a running config with 7i80db_25_7i77x2_7i74x2 right now. It's connected to one 7i77 on J2, just GPIO on J3, and 7i74 on J4, J5 is NC. Now the machine hardware changed, no need for the 7i74, but I need two stepgens and additional IO. A suitable firmware would be

J2 7i77
J4 stepgens (G540 etc.)

Unfortunately I can't find any G540 bit files that are mentioned in the 7i80 manual.

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10 Aug 2023 18:52 #277560 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
--device 7i80 will work with older versions of mesaflash but the name compare had to get stricter once newer non Xilinx 7I80 cards were introduced

I can make firmware in the next day or so
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12 Aug 2023 14:33 #277731 by Shu
Replied by Shu on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
I tried the 7I77_7I76x2 config mentioned in the manual thinking J2 and J3 can be kept in my HAL config as is.
7I77_7I76 is a configuration intended to work with two 7I77 six axis analog servo daughtercards on J2 and J3 and two 7I76 daughtercards on J4 and J5.
In the from the website there's a 7i80db25_7i76x2_7i77x2.bit file. However, that one has the stepgens on J2 and J3. 

@PCW is there a different support file somewhere that I'm missing?

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12 Aug 2023 15:34 #277735 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
I don't think that particular configuration was ever made
(At least I cannot find source for it)

I can make such a config but would need to know the desired pinout
(and the order of sserial ports)

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12 Aug 2023 16:37 #277738 by Shu
Replied by Shu on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
What i need:


J2 - 7i77
J4 - at least 2 x StepGen

Pinout for the J4 DB25 connector:
P2 StepGen0Step
P3 StepGen0Dir
P4 StepGen1Step
P5 StepGen1Dir
and the rest just GPIO

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13 Aug 2023 13:37 #277824 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
I'll try and do this in the next day or so.

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14 Aug 2023 22:33 #278008 by Shu
Replied by Shu on topic mesaflash can't find 7i80
As I wanted to move ahead on the weekend, I rewired everything and made changes in the HAL to make the 7i76x2_7i77x2.bit pinout work.

PCW, I don't need the custom bitfile anymore.

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