Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
- tommylight
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02 Jun 2023 16:28 #272748
by tommylight
Replied by tommylight on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
1. No way, maybe 15-20 years ago, but now, no way.
2. Win 10 is ugly as hell, and useless as user friendly, how many times did it open control pannel when you want to shut it down???
And Linux has many, many desktop environments to choose from, Gnome and KDE being far superior to any windoze, especially on touchscreens.
3. How? I have several PC and laptops in use daily, like in use 24H, for months, never ever had anything break or more importantly, slow down. Try leaving windoze on for a week and see how utterly useless it becomes.
Having said all that, i know why you see it as such, using Debian had issues, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it had issues. And XFCE is pretty rough.
Use Mint, or now Debian BookWorm as it seems to be more usable, and choose the desktop environment, while installing or after, your choice.
2. Win 10 is ugly as hell, and useless as user friendly, how many times did it open control pannel when you want to shut it down???

And Linux has many, many desktop environments to choose from, Gnome and KDE being far superior to any windoze, especially on touchscreens.
3. How? I have several PC and laptops in use daily, like in use 24H, for months, never ever had anything break or more importantly, slow down. Try leaving windoze on for a week and see how utterly useless it becomes.
Having said all that, i know why you see it as such, using Debian had issues, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it had issues. And XFCE is pretty rough.
Use Mint, or now Debian BookWorm as it seems to be more usable, and choose the desktop environment, while installing or after, your choice.
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02 Jun 2023 17:54 #272754
by JPL
I have a many PC with dual boot Linux/Windows. Sometimes It can be a few weeks before I turn on those PC. Here is what happens in this case:
If I'm booting Linux: It always work and always take about 15 sec. Nothing less nothing more
If I'm booting windows (10):
- Takes at least 4x longer to get to the login screen, often much more.
- Then windows want to go online and check for updates (without asking you)
- Then windows want to download and install updates (without asking you)
- Then often want to reboot right after that (by itself!)
- Then Microsoft defender want to inspect your files (without asking you)
- Then windows want to run telemetry (without asking you)
- Then who know what (without asking you)
And this is just the beginning, right after that ALL the apps you've installed have their turn to check for updates, run some scheduled task, or just bloat you computer with stuff you've stop using ages ago. (without even asking you)
Replied by JPL on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
This is probably my biggest gripe against windows. Yes windows does a lot by itself without even asking you.1. I have to do everything myself (Windows does a lot for me)
I have a many PC with dual boot Linux/Windows. Sometimes It can be a few weeks before I turn on those PC. Here is what happens in this case:
If I'm booting Linux: It always work and always take about 15 sec. Nothing less nothing more
If I'm booting windows (10):
- Takes at least 4x longer to get to the login screen, often much more.
- Then windows want to go online and check for updates (without asking you)
- Then windows want to download and install updates (without asking you)
- Then often want to reboot right after that (by itself!)
- Then Microsoft defender want to inspect your files (without asking you)
- Then windows want to run telemetry (without asking you)
- Then who know what (without asking you)
And this is just the beginning, right after that ALL the apps you've installed have their turn to check for updates, run some scheduled task, or just bloat you computer with stuff you've stop using ages ago. (without even asking you)
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- tommylight
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02 Jun 2023 18:38 #272759
by tommylight
Replied by tommylight on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
Dang, i forgot:
The absolutely unforgivable, utterly abnormal, disgustingly atrocious, despicably shitty... run out of words for now, when you tell it to shut down and it tells you to not shut it down!!!!!
Also, latest versions of win10, even when they shut down, it disables the monitor and continues to run for several seconds (usually 15 to 45 sec)!
Ask me how i found out? I tell it to shut down, the monitor goes off, i disconnect the power plug from the graphic card, slowly remove the graphic card from the PC and freeze when i see the fans still running at high speed, so i look at the front LED and sure enough, it is still on, 40 f@ken seconds after it switched the monitor OFF!!!
If i was in USA and had a computer shop, i would go all out after microsh#t, legally any shop can rip them apart just for that.
End of rant.
The absolutely unforgivable, utterly abnormal, disgustingly atrocious, despicably shitty... run out of words for now, when you tell it to shut down and it tells you to not shut it down!!!!!
Also, latest versions of win10, even when they shut down, it disables the monitor and continues to run for several seconds (usually 15 to 45 sec)!
Ask me how i found out? I tell it to shut down, the monitor goes off, i disconnect the power plug from the graphic card, slowly remove the graphic card from the PC and freeze when i see the fans still running at high speed, so i look at the front LED and sure enough, it is still on, 40 f@ken seconds after it switched the monitor OFF!!!
If i was in USA and had a computer shop, i would go all out after microsh#t, legally any shop can rip them apart just for that.
End of rant.
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- spumco
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02 Jun 2023 18:59 #272765
by spumco
Replied by spumco on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
Once I discovered Win10 LTSC, I will never use another version. It's what all Windows version should be.
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- Muecke
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02 Jun 2023 23:10 #272780
by Muecke
Replied by Muecke on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
-- de --
Entschuldigung für das Missverständnis und dafür, dass sich einige Leute möglicherweise angegriffen gefühlt haben. Meine Absicht war es nie, jemanden anzugreifen. Im Gegenteil, ich wollte lediglich meine Wahrnehmung von Linux und diesem Forum zum Ausdruck bringen.
Nunja, wir können jetzt hin und her argumentieren, denn Windows macht Updates, Linux nicht. Ich bleibe also auf einem alten, veralteten Stand
Das Hauptthema hier ist nicht die Probleme mit Linux, sondern vielmehr das Forum selbst.
Ich verstehe, dass das Forum nicht auf dem neuesten Stand ist und dass Updates fehlen. Es scheint auch nicht ausreichend gewartet zu werden, wie es bei jedem anderen Forum der Fall sein sollte, da es sonst möglicherweise nicht mehr ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. Das Erscheinungsbild des Forums wirkt veraltet und es fehlen gängige Funktionen, die man aus anderen Foren kennt.
Es ist lobenswert, dass einige Benutzer alles manuell erledigen können (das entspricht dem Bild, das ich von Linux habe und hier bestätigt wurde). Doch viele Linux-Benutzer möchten nicht immer alles manuell erledigen, sondern Funktionen nutzen, die dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechen.
Leider scheint niemand wirklich für das Forum und die Webseite verantwortlich zu sein. Dies könnte ein Problem der offenen Politik sein, bei der jeder alles tun darf, aber niemand mehr Entscheidungen trifft.
Es gibt Vor- und Nachteile für alles! Man muss abwägen, was in welchem Fall besser ist.
gruß Mücke
PS: Es tut mir leid, dass du so viele Probleme mit Windows hast. Ich persönlich habe kaum Probleme mit Windows, und wenn doch, gibt es normalerweise im Internet Lösungen, die auch ich als nicht studierter IT-Experte (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. der EDV) umsetzen kann.
-- en --
Well, we can argue back and forth now because Windows receives updates while Linux does not. So, I'm stuck on an old, outdated version
However, the main topic here is not the problems with Linux, but rather the forum itself.
I understand that the forum is not up to date and lacks updates. It also seems to be insufficiently maintained, as any other forum should be, to ensure it functions properly. The forum's appearance appears outdated, and it lacks common features that are found in other forums.
It's commendable that some users can handle everything manually (which aligns with the perception I have of Linux and has been confirmed here). However, many Linux users don't always want to handle everything manually; they want to use features that are up to the current technological standards.
Unfortunately, it appears that nobody truly takes responsibility for the forum and the website. This may be a result of an open policy where everyone can do everything, but no one makes decisions anymore.
There are pros and cons to everything! It's important to weigh what is better in each particular case.
PS: I'm sorry that you have so many problems with Windows. Personally, I rarely encounter issues with Windows, and if I do, there are usually solutions available on the internet that even I, as a non-academic IT expert (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. in IT), can implement.
Das ist mein Bild von Linux, es kann sein, dass sich das in manchen Versionen geändert hat, aber das ist mein Bild, das ich habe, und das ist genau das Bild, das auch dieses Forum vermittelt.
This is my perception of Linux, and it might have changed in some versions, but this is the image I have, and it aligns with the impression conveyed by this forum.
Entschuldigung für das Missverständnis und dafür, dass sich einige Leute möglicherweise angegriffen gefühlt haben. Meine Absicht war es nie, jemanden anzugreifen. Im Gegenteil, ich wollte lediglich meine Wahrnehmung von Linux und diesem Forum zum Ausdruck bringen.
Entschuldigung, aber bei mir ist das nicht der Fall. Ich habe nur Probleme mit Linux, da man immer alles selbst machen muss. Wenn man dann einen kleinen Fehler macht, führt das zu weiteren Problemen. Nach 11 Monaten habe ich meinen Linux-Rechner eingeschaltet und siehe da, die grafische Benutzeroberfläche startet nicht. Möglicherweise hat der Rechner ein Problem, das weiß ich nicht. Mein Laptop mit Windows 10 war über 1 Jahr lang leer (Akku), ließ sich aber ohne Probleme hochfahren und alles funktionierte.If I'm booting Linux: It always work and always take about 15 sec. Nothing less nothing more
Nunja, wir können jetzt hin und her argumentieren, denn Windows macht Updates, Linux nicht. Ich bleibe also auf einem alten, veralteten Stand

Das Hauptthema hier ist nicht die Probleme mit Linux, sondern vielmehr das Forum selbst.
Ich verstehe, dass das Forum nicht auf dem neuesten Stand ist und dass Updates fehlen. Es scheint auch nicht ausreichend gewartet zu werden, wie es bei jedem anderen Forum der Fall sein sollte, da es sonst möglicherweise nicht mehr ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. Das Erscheinungsbild des Forums wirkt veraltet und es fehlen gängige Funktionen, die man aus anderen Foren kennt.
Es ist lobenswert, dass einige Benutzer alles manuell erledigen können (das entspricht dem Bild, das ich von Linux habe und hier bestätigt wurde). Doch viele Linux-Benutzer möchten nicht immer alles manuell erledigen, sondern Funktionen nutzen, die dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechen.
Leider scheint niemand wirklich für das Forum und die Webseite verantwortlich zu sein. Dies könnte ein Problem der offenen Politik sein, bei der jeder alles tun darf, aber niemand mehr Entscheidungen trifft.
Es gibt Vor- und Nachteile für alles! Man muss abwägen, was in welchem Fall besser ist.
gruß Mücke
PS: Es tut mir leid, dass du so viele Probleme mit Windows hast. Ich persönlich habe kaum Probleme mit Windows, und wenn doch, gibt es normalerweise im Internet Lösungen, die auch ich als nicht studierter IT-Experte (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. der EDV) umsetzen kann.
-- en --
I apologize for the misunderstanding and if some individuals may have felt attacked. It was never my intention to offend anyone. On the contrary, I simply wanted to express my perception of Linux and this forum....
Das ist mein Bild von Linux, es kann sein, dass sich das in manchen Versionen geändert hat, aber das ist mein Bild, das ich habe, und das ist genau das Bild, das auch dieses Forum vermittelt.
This is my perception of Linux, and it might have changed in some versions, but this is the image I have, and it aligns with the impression conveyed by this forum.
I apologize, but that's not the case for me. I only have issues with Linux because you always have to do everything yourself. If you make a small mistake, it leads to further problems. After 11 months, when I turned on my Linux computer, the graphical user interface didn't start. Maybe the computer has a problem, I don't know. On the other hand, my laptop with Windows 10 was completely discharged (battery) for over a year, but it started up without any issues, and everything worked.If I'm booting Linux: It always work and always take about 15 sec. Nothing less nothing more
Well, we can argue back and forth now because Windows receives updates while Linux does not. So, I'm stuck on an old, outdated version

However, the main topic here is not the problems with Linux, but rather the forum itself.
I understand that the forum is not up to date and lacks updates. It also seems to be insufficiently maintained, as any other forum should be, to ensure it functions properly. The forum's appearance appears outdated, and it lacks common features that are found in other forums.
It's commendable that some users can handle everything manually (which aligns with the perception I have of Linux and has been confirmed here). However, many Linux users don't always want to handle everything manually; they want to use features that are up to the current technological standards.
Unfortunately, it appears that nobody truly takes responsibility for the forum and the website. This may be a result of an open policy where everyone can do everything, but no one makes decisions anymore.
There are pros and cons to everything! It's important to weigh what is better in each particular case.
PS: I'm sorry that you have so many problems with Windows. Personally, I rarely encounter issues with Windows, and if I do, there are usually solutions available on the internet that even I, as a non-academic IT expert (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. in IT), can implement.
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- Muecke
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02 Jun 2023 23:22 #272782
by Muecke
Replied by Muecke on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
Collect arguments
[colour=#16a085]Positive [/color]about Kunena Forum ?
* comes from Joomla
[colour=#74c3c]Minus points[/color]for Kunena Forum ?
* No function: Editor
* No function: PN
* Editing posts, posts are deleted
* Old layout
Positiveto note Discourse
* New layout
* Up-to-dateness assured for the next few years
* Large community
* Very well known
Minuspunkte für Diskurs
Positive about General
* Topic LinuxCNC
[colour=#74c3c]Minus points[/color] for General
* too little maintenance
* too few updates
[colour=#16a085]Positive [/color]about Kunena Forum ?
* comes from Joomla
[colour=#74c3c]Minus points[/color]for Kunena Forum ?
* No function: Editor
* No function: PN
* Editing posts, posts are deleted
* Old layout
Positiveto note Discourse
* New layout
* Up-to-dateness assured for the next few years
* Large community
* Very well known
Minuspunkte für Diskurs
Positive about General
* Topic LinuxCNC

[colour=#74c3c]Minus points[/color] for General
* too little maintenance
* too few updates
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- tommylight
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03 Jun 2023 00:40 #272784
by tommylight
Replied by tommylight on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
Private messaging works on this forum, it is just disabled.
Private nachrichten sind blockiert im diesem forum.
How many typing errors?
The reason for not using private messaging is it helps only a single person, forum helps whoever searches for it.
Personally, at one point in time i was getting at least 5 to 10 private messages a day to help with varying issues, replied to them only to point them to the forum.
The rest, mostly i agree.
Private nachrichten sind blockiert im diesem forum.
How many typing errors?

The reason for not using private messaging is it helps only a single person, forum helps whoever searches for it.
Personally, at one point in time i was getting at least 5 to 10 private messages a day to help with varying issues, replied to them only to point them to the forum.
The rest, mostly i agree.
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- Muecke
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03 Jun 2023 00:51 #272787
by Muecke
Replied by Muecke on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
Yes, you are right. PNs are deactivated, which I think is a shame.
Because you can't send personal data such as your email address, telephone number, etc. that way.
That the PNs are abused by users, yes that may well be, I can't judge that.
That is also a plus point for a new forum, because there every user can decide for themselves whether PN are activated or not.
In a new forum you could deactivate your PN, but I mean activate it
ps. www.deepl.com/write hier kannst du in Deutsch schreiben und die Software verbessert deine Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, das geht für Deutsch und Englisch
Because you can't send personal data such as your email address, telephone number, etc. that way.
That the PNs are abused by users, yes that may well be, I can't judge that.
That is also a plus point for a new forum, because there every user can decide for themselves whether PN are activated or not.
In a new forum you could deactivate your PN, but I mean activate it

ps. www.deepl.com/write hier kannst du in Deutsch schreiben und die Software verbessert deine Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, das geht für Deutsch und Englisch
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03 Jun 2023 07:28 #272801
by Aciera
Replied by Aciera on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
As far as I know, this forum is maintained and run on a voluntary basis. Which means donated.
For which I'm grateful.
There are other groups in chat forums and and there is a mailing list as well. Each of those have their user base and their particular ways to use it.
Sure the editor in this particular forum is buggy, everyone agrees, as for most other features or lack thereof it's a question of personal preference.
As in every group of volunteers there is no shortage of suggestions and lobbying to change this or that but when it comes down to do the heavy lifting the ranks often evaporate into thin air.
So, out of all those posting users, who actually has the knowhow required, who is going to sit down and donate the time and effort to set it up and who is prepared to do the maintenance in the long run?
As for Windows vs Linux, that discussion is rather pointless because in linux it is the distribution and desktop environment that gives the operating system it's look and feel. Just for file managing alone there are several choices.
Building a real time machine controller with a PC is not exactly the most trivial activity and if you tried to do that on a windows based operating system then I'm not so sure you would still like it quite so much.
For which I'm grateful.
There are other groups in chat forums and and there is a mailing list as well. Each of those have their user base and their particular ways to use it.
Sure the editor in this particular forum is buggy, everyone agrees, as for most other features or lack thereof it's a question of personal preference.
As in every group of volunteers there is no shortage of suggestions and lobbying to change this or that but when it comes down to do the heavy lifting the ranks often evaporate into thin air.
So, out of all those posting users, who actually has the knowhow required, who is going to sit down and donate the time and effort to set it up and who is prepared to do the maintenance in the long run?
As for Windows vs Linux, that discussion is rather pointless because in linux it is the distribution and desktop environment that gives the operating system it's look and feel. Just for file managing alone there are several choices.
Building a real time machine controller with a PC is not exactly the most trivial activity and if you tried to do that on a windows based operating system then I'm not so sure you would still like it quite so much.
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- Muecke
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03 Jun 2023 07:47 #272802
by Muecke
Replied by Muecke on topic Kunena keeps failing me/A pitch for Discourse
@Aciera, thank you for your answer. I like it very much.
Yes you're right and I've hinted in that direction, it's work no matter what forum software, any power works.
And the volunteers are getting less and less when it comes to doing something for a long time
About WIN vs Linux, yes that's right, everything has its advantages and disadvantages
I'm a classic user for spreadsheets, writing letters, creating presentations and email and preferably so I can share it with clients or they can edit it.
I have never used a real-time system and that is why I chose Linux
Yes you're right and I've hinted in that direction, it's work no matter what forum software, any power works.
And the volunteers are getting less and less when it comes to doing something for a long time

About WIN vs Linux, yes that's right, everything has its advantages and disadvantages

I have never used a real-time system and that is why I chose Linux

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