Beginners Question on Ethernet with Mesa
- Bernard B
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This is my first post ( I'm putting it in as a test post for that reason )
I'm attempting to get Linux CNC v 2.8 working with a Mesa 7i76. Replacing TurboCNC!
I've previously got Linuxcnc running with a parallel port.
After a long struggle to get the Ethernet running (silly mistake in bios ) its now working.
I ran PNCconfig and I got the Mesa 7i76 running. Including generating steps. X,Y, and Z with a very basic configuration, testing on the oscilloscope.
Then, I connected the internet (plugging out the mesa card ethernet and plugging in the internet ethernet)... The internet runs also.
However since I have connected to the internet (im not sure how related this is) I cant get a connection to the Mesa board.
I've tried 'refresh' and 'connect' and any other options I can see within WiCD network manager. I don't see a spot to manually enter a IP address for the Mesa card.
Ive also tried making a new configuration in PNCconfig..
It worked once... I feel so close.
Any pointers
Best regards,
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since wicd does not seem to be able to setup two independent connections
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- Bernard B
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I found a post that I think is relevant.
Ill try that.. and post the result.
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- tommylight
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And it will drop the connected connection when another connection is made, making it imposible to have wifi and Mesa at the same time.I think the general advice is to dump wicd and use networkmanager
since wicd does not seem to be able to setup two independent connections
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- Bernard B
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I tried
apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome
apt-get remove wicd wicd-gtk
they worked when I put sudo before them. (figured that bit!!)
application added and one removed
there is a new symbol top right that looks like a connector...
Left click gives me
'ethernet network'
with 'device not managed ' greyed out
the only thing i can click is 'VPN connections'
However When I RIGHT click this symbol I get 'Edit Connections'
Clicked that
It doesn't show any network connections.
Pressed the '+' symbol bottom left to add a new connection
Similarity with the instructions are disappearing here and im winging it a bit
I chose 'Ethernet' from the drop down list
Press 'Create'
under 'connection name I typed 'Ethernet Connection mesa'
'Device' is blank
'cloned mac address' is blank
'MTU' is automatic
wake on lan is default
link negotiation automatic.
Duplex full
under the IPv4 settings tab
Method changed to Manual
Netmask 8 (I think save is greyed out if i leave this blank)
DNS Server
Everything else blank.
Save and I can now see a network connecton called ' Ethernet connection mesa'
back out again and left click on the network manager and its the same as before with the only 'clickable thing being 'VPN connections'
Now I can no longer get a internet connection. and I cant find any 'refresh' button to look for connections.
I don,t need internet on this machine, as it will be a CNC machine. but it may be useful at some point if i want to update applications etc.
This is completely fresh install of 2.8... nothing modified. apart form changing form wicd to network manager
I'm surprised with the amount of digging that needs to be done to get an Ethernet connection to run.. Under WICD the Ethernet connection for my internet was detected automatically and Mesa even ran for a while. This was my biggest fear of taking this (linuxcnc/mesa) route
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- Bernard B
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But there is noting showing under network manager
ie if i Right click the icon and then press 'connection information' I get
'Error displaying connection information:
No valid active connections found'
At least (with the internet connection back) i can re-install WICD if necessary!!
Completely stuck here any suggestions welcome.
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An alternate way to setup the Ethernet port sidestepping the
networkmanager is to use the instructions in the hm2_eth
manual page and edit the interfaces file:
man hm2_eth
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- Bernard B
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Ive looked up Editing the man hm2_eth file.
Its... how would I put it... beyond my ability in Linux (editing something might be ok, but to understand what i'm doing in there is a different matter)
I don't mind putting in the hours getting up to speed on something , but Id prefer to put it into something more like editing HAL files to get hardware to do what I want.
From further reading there seems to be an issue with Network manager...
Bearing in mind how weak I am at linux, Would the following be a reasonable option for me.
If i A. Uninstall network manager and re install WICD (the reverse of what I did before)
or B. Re-install Linux again from the DVD..
It should get me back to square one... 8.2
Then I'm very happy to forget about Internet on this PC forever, and just use it with Mesa.
Is this a viable option.
Thanks again for your help , pointers etc.
Best regards,
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- chris@cnc
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Anyway if networkmanger not working edit manualy the config file to static IP. on debian wiki site you will found example
Second way try install stretch or buster. This will work.
And Internet + cnc together over one port at same time is not possible. Use two network cards or try the wifi outside and cable for cnc.
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And Internet + cnc together over one port at same time is not possible. Use two network cards or try the wifi outside and cable for cnc.
If the OP was trying to do this I missed it, and yes that is not possible
in any sensible way.
Normally you would use a second Ethernet (USB dongle possibly) or WIFI
connection for internet access.
Editing the interfaces file is not really a big deal, basically you just
open the /etc/network/interfaces file (as root) and paste in:
auto eno1
iface eno1 inet static
and maybe
hardware-irq-coalesce-rx-usecs 0
if you have an Intel MAC
(assuming eno1 is the name of your Ethernet port on the PC)
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