24 Jun 2021 01:47 #212778 by leoflorez
Buenas un cordial saludo a todos primero que nada.

Tengo una fresadora CNC, marca Grizzly modelo G0499, La misma tiene un control CNC original de fabrica marca CENTROID, ella viene de fabrica con CNC LINUX 2.6.20, pero la pc se averió y también el flash disk donde tenia el software. No pude respaldar ni resguardar ninguna información ni configuración, el fabricante me dice que ya no d servicio técnico a este equipo.

Ya le instale una PC nueva, y instale el CNC LINUX 2.6.40, ya que el 2.6.20 no lo conseguí. El PLC se comunica a la computadora por medio de una tarjeta PCI, en la que se conectan los Encoders, y cables de Fibra Óptica (estos cables pertenecen a los fines de carrera de la mesa o bancada).

Ahora viene lo bueno, la configuración o parametrización de PLC con Computadora.

En este punto realmente no se como hacerlo, ya que si entro por el STEPCONFIG es para comunicarse por puerto paralelo, es decir no es por ese menú.

Pero, en el PNCONF veo que si dice que hay configuración por tarjeta PCI. pero acá es donde no se como configurar y parametrizar todo para poder hacer funcionar la maquina como es debido.

Necesito hacer funcionar la maquina ya que es de suma importancia para la empresa y fabricamos piezas para industria farmacéutica y es de gran importancia hacer que esta industria no pare en estos momentos de pandemia.

Mucho sabría agradecerles si me pueden ayudar / orientar para poder hacer funcionar la Fresadora.

Dejare adjunto unas fotos de la maquina y el manual del PLC para que puedan observar un poco, en la pagina 69, se puede ver que tarjeta PCI es la que tiene la computadora

Good greetings to all first of all.

I have a CNC milling machine, Grizzly brand model G0499, It has an original factory CNC control, CENTROID brand, it comes from the factory with CNC LINUX 2.6.20, but the pc broke down and also the flash disk where it had the software. I could not support or safeguard any information or configuration, the manufacturer tells me that it no longer gives technical service to this equipment.

I already installed a new PC, and installed the CNC LINUX 2.6.40, since 2.6.20 I did not get it. The PLC communicates with the computer through a PCI card, in which the Encoders are connected, and Fiber Optic cables (these cables belong to the limit switches of the table or bench).

Now comes the good, the configuration or parameterization of PLC with Computer.

At this point I don't really know how to do it, since if I enter through STEPCONFIG it is to communicate through the parallel port, that is, it is not through that menu.

But, in the PNCONF I see that if it says that there is configuration by PCI card. but this is where I don't know how to configure and parameterize everything to be able to make the machine work properly.

I need to make the machine work since it is of the utmost importance for the company and we manufacture parts for the pharmaceutical industry and it is of great importance to ensure that this industry does not stop in these times of pandemic.

I would be very grateful if you can help me / guide me to be able to make the Milling Machine work.

I will attach some photos of the machine and the PLC manual so that you can observe a little, on page 69, you can see which PCI card is the one that the computer has

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24 Jun 2021 10:13 - 24 Jun 2021 10:15 #212809 by BeagleBrainz
No photo of "page 69" attached to post.

Could you post a picture showing both sides of the PCi card ?

What exact centroid system do you have ?
Model number and any other details.

Is you PCL on this page ?
Last edit: 24 Jun 2021 10:15 by BeagleBrainz.

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25 Jun 2021 12:29 #212897 by leoflorez

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Gracias por responder, el modelo del CENTROID es M400S, y el flash disk donde esta el software original al arrancar, dice que tiene error de video y no arranca, pero en las primera de inicio dice CNCLINUX 2.6.20, pero en la web solo logre descargar el 2.6.40.

efectivamente en esta pagina web si esta el PLC, es un DC3IO, te envió foto de placa frontal del PLC para que puedas verlo a mayor detalle.

Te adjunto la pagina 41 a 43 donde hay un cuadro de los conectores o pines de la tarjeta y la pagina 69 también la agregue.

Si necesitas otra información por favor me dices, y muchas gracias por responder, espero puedas ayudarme a solventar.

Thanks for answering, the CENTROID model is M400S, and the flash disk where the original software is when booting, says that it has a video error and does not start, but in the first start it says CNCLINUX 2.6.20, but on the web only I managed to download the 2.6.40.

Indeed, on this website if the PLC is there, it is a DC3IO, it sent you a photo of the PLC's front plate so that you can see it in greater detail.

I am attaching pages 41 to 43 where there is a picture of the connectors or pins of the card and page 69 I also add it.

If you need other information please tell me, and thank you very much for answering, I hope you can help me solve it.

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25 Jun 2021 13:05 #212900 by BeagleBrainz
I don't think your PCI card is one usually supported by Linuxcnc.

This company here, if you have not already contacted them maybe of assistance.
Are you 100% positive that centroid are using Linuxcnc or custom CNC controller that runs on a Linux OS.

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25 Jun 2021 14:19 #212904 by leoflorez
si amigo, incluso el Flash Disk donde viene el software original dice CNCLINUX 2.6.20, pero se averió la computadora y a reemplace pero también sufrió el Flash Disk y dice que no reconoce drivers de video. me dice que ya no presta servicio técnico a este equipo, pero me ofreció otro modelo de PLC que trabaja con Windows.

ahora te pregunto, con que software o que elementos debe trabajar entonces el DC3IO?, como se comunica con la computadora de no ser por PCI, y que software o programas debe usar, en caso que no sea CNCLINUX?

Yes friend, even the Flash Disk where the original software comes from says CNCLINUX 2.6.20, but the computer broke down and replace it but the Flash Disk also suffered and says that it does not recognize video drivers. tells me that it no longer supports this equipment, but it offered me another model of PLC that works with Windows.

Now I ask you, with what software or what elements should the DC3IO work then? How does it communicate with the computer if not for PCI, and what software or programs should it use, if it is not CNCLINUX?

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25 Jun 2021 16:36 #212913 by BeagleBrainz
Your PLC is supported by Centroid product CN10. I think there is some confusion regarding naming.
Centroid appears to use the name CNCLINUX where as this forum is for Linuxcnc. Whilst the names are similar I do not think they are the same software.
Yes I know you said Centroid no longer support your hardware. If you contact the company I gave in my last post I think you will find they may be able to help.
As far as I am aware Linuxcnc does not appear to support your Centroid PCI card nor your PLC.
I think that your flash drive is ok. I think that the issue is that the hardware you have is too new for the version of Linux Centroid used. Now I did download a manual from the site I linked to in my last post and nothing within mentioned Linuxcnc.
Even there release dates seemed far far ahead of official Linuxcnc stable releases.
I feel that CNCLINUX is a propriety product from Centroid built upon an unidentifiable Linux distro or a custom distro by Centroid.
Now on a rare chance it is Linuxcnc or built upon Linuxcnc the drivers used to talk to Centroid’s hardware are likely to be closed source.
The 2 configuration programs supplied with the Linuxcnc software are for a standard PC parallel port or for various models of cards produced by Mesa.
As I said contact the company I linked in my previous post as they appear to support some of the older Centroid hardware and software.
Another alternative would be to try an obtain a 2nd computer that is from the same era as your original.
One thing that maybe an issue is any licences that came with your original purchase. Without asking one can not know if the license can be readily transferred to one computer to another.

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