import TK vismach to QTVCP
- nhanpham
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20 Aug 2021 09:07 #218224
by nhanpham
import TK vismach to QTVCP was created by nhanpham
Hi all,
I want to import the scara TK vismach to main_tab of qtvcp screen.
I am using this config, but it doesn't work.
Can you help me check it, or give me the manual to build it?
I want to import the scara TK vismach to main_tab of qtvcp screen.
I am using this config, but it doesn't work.
DISPLAY = qtvcp /home/mwork/mdragon/mdragon
EMBED_TAB_LOCATION = main_tab_widget
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND = halcmd loadusr scaragui
Can you help me check it, or give me the manual to build it?
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- cmorley
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20 Aug 2021 18:52 #218263
by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
TK objects are not embed-able.
If you are using master branch, there is a qt version of vismach.
open a terminal add run the command:
qtvcp vismach_mill_xyz
This is the only example, you would need to convert any other tk samples.
If you are using master branch, there is a qt version of vismach.
open a terminal add run the command:
qtvcp vismach_mill_xyz
This is the only example, you would need to convert any other tk samples.
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- nhanpham
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23 Aug 2021 02:54 #218458
by nhanpham
Replied by nhanpham on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
i tried to add this code to show vimach to dragon gui
any info about qt_vismach for scara machine
i tried to add this code to show vimach to dragon gui
Can I use TK objects (SCARA ) to show?from qtvcp.lib.qt_vismach import mill_xyz as MILL
def initialized__(self):
machine = MILL.Window()
any info about qt_vismach for scara machine
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- cmorley
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23 Aug 2021 04:28 #218460
by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
There are no docs other then the comments in source code:
You could look at the tk vismach mill_xyv to see the differences.
You would have to convert the tk scara to work with the qt version.
You could look at the tk vismach mill_xyv to see the differences.
You would have to convert the tk scara to work with the qt version.
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- nhanpham
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25 Aug 2021 08:41 - 01 Sep 2021 12:42 #218689
by nhanpham
Replied by nhanpham on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
ok, thank you very much.
I modified the python file and add it to the lib folder. It works well.
I modified the python file and add it to the lib folder. It works well.
#! /usr/bin/python2
# Copyright 2007 John Kasunich and Jeff Epler
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from .qt_vismach import *
import hal
import math
import sys
c = None
# parameters that define the geometry see scarakins.c for definitions these
# numbers match the defaults there, and will need to be changed or specified on
# the commandline if you are not using the defaults.
#setp scarakins.D1 400.0
#setp scarakins.D2 350.0
#setp scarakins.D3 -75.0
#setp scarakins.D4 350.0
##setp scarakins.D5 200.0
#setp scarakins.D6 0.0
d1 = 400.0
d2 = 350.0
d3 = 175.0
d4 = 350.0
d5 = 200.0
d6 = 0.0
j3min = 40.0
j3max = 270.0
class HalToolCylinder(CylinderZ):
def __init__(self, comp, *args):
# get machine access so it can
# change itself as it runs
# specifically tool cylinder in this case.
CylinderZ.__init__(self, *args)
self.comp = c
def coords(self):
# update data - not needed if using 2.8 and self.comp["tooldiameter"]
# 2.7 does not have direct pin for diameter so this is workaround. commented out code is direct way to do it.
# s.poll() # 2.8 don't need this, comment out if using 2.8.
# get diameter and divide by 2 to get radius.
# rad = ( s.tool_table[s.tool_in_spindle].diameter ) # 2.7 workaround
dia = (hal.get_value('halui.tool.diameter') * MODEL_SCALING)
dia = 0
rad = dia / 2 # change to rad
# this instantly updates tool model but tooltip doesn't move till -
# tooltip, the drawing point will NOT move till g43h(tool number) is called, however.
# Tool will "crash" if h and tool length does not match.
leng = hal.get_value('motion.tooloffset.z') * MODEL_SCALING
leng = 0
# Update tool length when g43h(toolnumber) is called, otherwise stays at 0 or previous size.
# commented out as I prefer machine to show actual tool size right away.
# leng = self.comp["toollength"]
return (-leng, rad, 0, rad)
# calculate a bunch of other dimensions that are used
# to scale the model of the machine
# most of these scale factors are arbitrary, to give
# a nicely proportioned machine. If you know specifics
# for the machine you are modeling, feel free to change
# these numbers
tool_len = math.sqrt(d5*d5+d6*d6) # don't change
tool_dia = tool_len / 6.0
# diameters of the arms
l1_dia = d2 / 5.0
l2_dia = d4 / 5.0
l3_dia = l2_dia * 0.8
# diameters of the "lumps" at the joints
j0_dia = l1_dia * 1.5
j1_dia = max(l1_dia * 1.25, l2_dia * 1.5)
j2_dia = l2_dia * 1.25
# other dims
j0_hi = l1_dia * 1.2
j1_hi1 = l1_dia * 1.1
j1_hi2 = l2_dia * 1.2
j2_hi = l2_dia * 1.3
# don't change these
tool_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(d6,d5))
tool_radius = tool_dia / 2.0
l1_rad = l1_dia / 2.0
l2_rad = l2_dia / 2.0
l3_len = j3max + j2_hi * 0.7
l3_rad = l3_dia / 2.0
j0_hi = j0_hi / 2.0
j0_rad = j0_dia / 2.0
j1_hi1 = j1_hi1 / 2.0
j1_hi2 = j1_hi2 / 2.0
j1_rad = j1_dia / 2.0
j2_hi = j2_hi / 2.0
j2_rad = j2_dia / 2.0
size = max(d1+d3+l3_len,d2+d4+d6)
# tool - cylinder with a point, and a ball to hide the blunt back end
# the origin starts out at the tool tip, and we want to capture this
# "tooltip" coordinate system
tooltip = Capture()
tool = Collection([
Sphere(0.0, 0.0, tool_len, tool_dia),
CylinderZ(tool_len, tool_radius, tool_dia, tool_radius),
CylinderZ(tool_dia, tool_radius, 0.0, 0.0)])
# translate so origin is at base of tool, not the tip
tool = Translate([tool],0.0,0.0,-tool_len)
# the tool might not be pointing straight down
tool = Rotate([tool],tool_angle,0.0,-1.0,0.0)
# make joint 3 rotate
tool = HalRotate([tool],c,"joint.3.pos-fb", 1, 0, 0, 1, direct = 1)
link3 = CylinderZ(0.0, l3_rad, l3_len, l3_rad)
# attach tool to end
link3 = Collection([tool,link3])
# make joint 2 go up and down
link3 = HalTranslate([link3], c, "joint.2.pos-fb", 0, 0, MODEL_SCALING, direct=1)
# outer arm
# start with link3 and the cylinder it slides in
link2 = Collection([
CylinderZ(-j2_hi, j2_rad, j2_hi, j2_rad)])
# move to end of arm
link2 = Translate([link2], d4, 0.0, 0.0)
# add the arm itself
link2 = Collection([
CylinderX(d4, l2_rad, 1.5*j1_rad, l2_rad)])
# the joint gets interesting, because link2 can be above or below link1
if d3 > 0:
flip = 1
flip = -1
# add the joint
link2 = Collection([
Box(1.5*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -j1_hi2, 1.15*j1_rad, 0.9*j1_rad, j1_hi2),
Box(1.15*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -0.4*d3, 0.0, 0.9*j1_rad, flip*j1_hi2),
CylinderZ(-0.4*d3, j1_rad, flip*1.2*j1_hi2, j1_rad)])
# make the joint work
link2 = HalRotate([link2],c,"joint.1.pos-fb", 1, 0, 0, 1, direct = 1)
# inner arm
# the outer arm and the joint
link1 = Collection([
Box(-1.5*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -j1_hi1, -1.15*j1_rad, 0.9*j1_rad, j1_hi1),
Box(-1.15*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, 0.4*d3, 0.0, 0.9*j1_rad, -flip*j1_hi1),
CylinderZ(0.4*d3, j1_rad, flip*-1.2*j1_hi1, j1_rad),
CylinderZ(0.6*d3, 0.8*j1_rad, 0.4*d3, 0.8*j1_rad)])
# move to end of arm
link1 = Translate([link1], d2, 0.0, 0.0)
# add the arm itself, and the inner joint
link1 = Collection([
CylinderX(d2-1.5*j1_rad, l1_rad, 1.5*j0_rad, l1_rad),
Box(1.5*j0_rad, -0.9*j0_rad, -j0_hi, 0.0, 0.9*j0_rad, j0_hi),
CylinderZ(-1.2*j0_hi, j0_rad, 1.2*j0_hi, j0_rad)])
# make the joint work
link1 = HalRotate([link1],c,"joint.0.pos-fb", 1, 0, 0, 1, direct = 1)
link1 = Color([1, .5, .5, .5],[link1])
#stationary base
link0 = Collection([
CylinderZ(d1-j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad, d1-1.5*j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad),
CylinderZ(d1-1.5*j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad, 0.07*d1, 1.3*j0_rad),
CylinderZ(0.07*d1, 2.0*j0_rad, 0.0, 2.0*j0_rad)])
# slap the arm on top
link0 = Collection([
# add a floor
floor = Box(-0.5*size,-0.5*size,-0.02*size,0.5*size,0.5*size,0.0)
# and a table for the workpiece - define in workpiece coords
reach = d2+d4-d6
table_height = d1+d3-j3max-d5
work = Capture()
table = Collection([
Box(-0.35*reach,-0.5*reach, -0.1*d1, 0.35*reach, 0.5*reach, 0.0)])
# make the table moveable (tilting)
#table = HalRotate([table],c,"joint.4.pos-fb", 1, 0, 1, 0, direct = 1)
#table = HalRotate([table],c,"joint.5.pos-fb", 1, 1, 0, 0, direct = 1)
# put the table into its proper place
table = Translate([table],0.5*reach,0.0,table_height)
model = Collection([link0, floor, table])
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.glWidget = GLWidget()
v = self.glWidget
v.set_latitudelimits(-360, 360)
size = max(d1+d3+l3_len,d2+d4+d6)
world = Capture()
#main(model, tooltip, work, size)
#v.model = Collection([model, tooltip, work, size])
v.model = Collection([model, world])
v.distance = size * 3
v.near = size * 0.01
v.far = size * 10.0
v.tool2view = tooltip
v.world2view = world
v.work2view = work
mainLayout = QHBoxLayout()
# but it you call this directly it should work too
if __name__ == '__main__':
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QWidget)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
Last edit: 01 Sep 2021 12:42 by andypugh.
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- cmorley
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26 Aug 2021 01:53 #218750
by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
If you don't mind I will add this to the project.
If you don't mind I will add this to the project.
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- nhanpham
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26 Aug 2021 08:30 #218770
by nhanpham
Replied by nhanpham on topic import TK vismach to QTVCP
ok, you can use this code to add demo for anyone
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