
23 Apr 2024 09:04 #298898 by KlausB
z_level_compensation was created by KlausB

I posted this in the german forum befor. Maybe it is better to post this internationaly.

I like to try the z_level_compensation modul with QtDragon_hd for graving. 
My computer has the actual LinuxCNC Image with Debian 12 and LinuxCNC 2.9.2.
A "probe_points.txt" was created with "g-code-ripper".

I adopted the HAL configuration for z_level_compensation from the LinuxCNC Documentation and wrote it into a postgui HAL file. 
As far as I understand, xpos-cmd, ypos-cmd, and zpos-cmd contain the coordinates of my coordinate system. In axis.x.pos-cmd and so on, the machine coordinates are located. The original lines from the documentation can only be exemplary, as the input pin can only receive one single value.

So I changed the HAL File, that z_level_compensation.x-pos and so on get the values of my coordinatge system:

net xpos-cmd  z_level_compensation.x-pos
net ypos-cmd  z_level_compensation.y-pos
net zpos-cmd  z_level_compensation.z-pos

That seems to work (from HAL SHOW):

Component Pins:
Owner Type Dir Value Name
75 bit IN FALSE z_level_compensation.clear <== eoffset-clr2
75 s32 OUT 0 z_level_compensation.counts ==> eoffset-zlevel-count
75 bit IN FALSE z_level_compensation.enable-in <== z_compensation_on
75 float IN 0 z_level_compensation.fade-height
75 s32 IN 1 z_level_compensation.method
75 float OUT 0 z_level_compensation.scale
75 float IN -1.76964 z_level_compensation.x-pos <== xpos-cmd
75 float IN -3.283469 z_level_compensation.y-pos <== ypos-cmd
75 float IN 0.7778383 z_level_compensation.z-pos <== zpos-cmd

When pressing the "ENABLE Z COMP" in the gui, the folling message is shown in the console (when I start LinuxCNC with my configuration in the commandline console):

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 204, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 179, in run
compensation = self.compensate()
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 105, in compensate
compensation = int(zo / self.scale)
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer

After that, the PINs for z_level_compensation are away from the HAL, so I guess the module is unloaded with the error.

Does anyone got that working and/or can tell me whats wrong in my config?
The zip file in the attachment contails my complete configuration.


File Attachment:

File Name: AXIS_2024-04-23.zip
File Size:13 KB

Thank You very much

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23 Apr 2024 13:31 #298906 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic z_level_compensation
net    xpos-cmd    z_level_compensation.x-pos    #      <= axis.x.pos-cmd
net    ypos-cmd    z_level_compensation.y-pos    #      <= axis.y.pos-cmd
net    zpos-cmd    z_level_compensation.z-pos    #      <= axis.z.pos-cmd

This is no good. Why did you comment out the end?

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23 Apr 2024 15:00 #298917 by KlausB
Replied by KlausB on topic z_level_compensation
Thank you for replying,
If I do not comment out the end of the line, I get en error, that xpos-cmd, ypos-cmd and so on already have an Input (in my AXIS.hal).
I do not know, what values z_level_compensation.x-pos, z_level_compensation.y-pos . . . should get. Possibly the value of xpos-cmd, ypos-cmd and so on or axis.x.pos-cmd . . .?
I decided to use the values of my coordinate system, not the machine coordinate system, like the values in the "probe_points.txt".
May be it's wrong?

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23 Apr 2024 15:37 #298920 by KlausB
Replied by KlausB on topic z_level_compensation
This is the error I get without the comments:
Z-Compensation.hal:36: Signal 'xpos-cmd' can not add OUT pin 'axis.x.pos-cmd', it already has OUT pin 'joint.0.motor-pos-cmd'

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23 Apr 2024 22:33 #298945 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic z_level_compensation
It means xpos-cmd was already used for something else.
Change all the xpos-cmd to something else like xpos-cmd-axis
net    xpos-cmd-axis    z_level_compensation.x-pos          <= axis.x.pos-cmd
net    ypos-cmd-axis    z_level_compensation.y-pos          <= axis.y.pos-cmd
net    zpos-cmd-axis    z_level_compensation.z-pos          <= axis.z.pos-cmd

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24 Apr 2024 05:29 #298966 by KlausB
Replied by KlausB on topic z_level_compensation
Tank you for your remark.
I tried this before. The different is, that z_level_compensation.x-pos and so on gets the values from axis.x.pos-cmd . . .. These are the maschine coordinates for x, y, z. See the Component Pins in my initial Post.

But it does not change the error I get when ENABLE Z COMP:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 204, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 179, in run
compensation = self.compensate()
File "/usr/bin/z_level_compensation", line 105, in compensate
compensation = int(zo / self.scale)
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer

The z_level_compensation modul crashes and ist no longer loaded until I start LinuxCNC again.

I am using a simple milling mashine with parallel port and an old Computer. Is it possible, that the computer is to slow? I would expect a nother behave if so.

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24 Apr 2024 05:40 #298968 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic z_level_compensation
Can you post the file /usr/bin/z_level_compensation?

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24 Apr 2024 08:20 #298976 by KlausB
Replied by KlausB on topic z_level_compensation
This is the z_level_compensation :


File Attachment:

File Name: z_level_co...tion.zip
File Size:2 KB


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24 Apr 2024 13:16 #298996 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic z_level_compensation
Ok that looks fine. Can you post your probe_points.txt file.

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24 Apr 2024 13:26 #298998 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic z_level_compensation
Ok it has to do with the probe_points file (I found yours and tried it here)

I don't have enough experience to give suggestions other then redoing the gcode ripper part.

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