new Gcode interpreter
- fsabbatini
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Hi again everyone,
Along with the rewrite of the cnc parts to make it industrial, i went ahead and rewrote the complete GCode parser, making it 90% $iemens compatible. Its not finished yet but almost there.
I had to rewrite the whole parser, changing it from a simple "character eater" parser to a full blown lexer/sintatic/semantic parser. For this purpose i used ANTLR4 for cpp. Now you can throw weird stuff at it like:
def string[5] franco
int_var = 2 pepe=3 pepe=4
pepe = 1000
n10 pepe1: int_Var=int_var+1
pepe = pepe + 500
gotob "pepe"<<1
YES! goto/gotob/gotof/gotos/gotoc, all are implemented! with the IF (expression) goto ... way of writing things...
Variables declarations, arrays up to three dimensions, of char/int/bool/string types
Weird stuff like this also are just fine
def string[50] franco[3,2], koko
def int francooooo[1,2,3], junco, pepe[2,3,4]
def real jamon[10,15]
def int prueba
def char koka[2]
def int letra
pepe[1,1,1] = 1
pepe[1,1,2] = 2
pepe[0,2,3] = 3
pepe[pepe[1,1,1],1,3] = 8
jamon[pepe[1,1,1], pepe[0,2,3]] = 123.543
jamon[pepe[1,1,1], pepe[1,1,1] + pepe[1,1,2] + pepe[0,2,3]] = (pepe[1,1,3] + jamon[pepe[1,1,1], pepe[0,2,3]])/2
franco[2,1] = "HOLA"
franco[1,1] = "MARISA"
franco[0,0] = "COMO ESTAS"
prueba = 1;
franco[prueba+1, prueba-prueba] = "PEPITO"
prueba = 3;
franco[prueba-1, prueba-2] = franco[2,1] << " " << franco[1,1] << " " << franco[0,0]
koko = "joya"
franco[prueba-1, prueba-2] = franco[prueba-1, prueba-2] << " " << koko << " FACUNDO"
koko = franco[0,0,8] << franco[0,0,9] << franco[0,0,10]
koko[0] = "A"
koko[1] = "B"
koko[2] = "C"
koko[3] = koko[4]
koko[4] = "E"
koko[5] = "F"
koko[6] = koko[6]
koka[1] = koko[4]
franco[prueba-1, prueba-2] = franco[prueba-1, prueba-2] << koka[1]
koka[0] = franco[prueba-1, prueba-2,2]
koka[0] = "1" * 2
letra = koka[0] + 1
letra = "E" * 2 + 1 - "E"
koka[1] = letra + 1
koka[1] = "A"
letra = koka[1] + 1
Also maths functions with type conversion are allowed!
;def int pepe[5,6]
def int indice=2,indice1=2
def bool pruebaBool
;pruebaBool = isVar("pepe["<<indice<<","<<indice1<<"]")
def real resultado[30]
def int indexs = 0
def real valor
valor = 61.1
resultado[indexs]= cos(valor)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= sin(valor)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= tan(89.99999999)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= asin(1)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= acos(-1)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= atan2(12,14.5)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = sqrt(abs(-3))
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = pot(4)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = round(4.2)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = round(4.5)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = trunc(6.2)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = trunc(6.8)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = ln(0.0001)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = exp(12)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = minval(10,2)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = maxval(2.4,1.23)
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs] = minval(10.4, maxval(1.4,15.23))
indexs = indexs + 'H1'
resultado[indexs] = bound(-.4, 10.4, -10.23)
indexs = indexs + 'b1'
resultado[indexs]= ('HFFA' + 'B011011101') * 1.23ex-3
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= nuMbeR(" -0.1EX2 ") + NumbeR(" +.5ex3 ") - numbeR(" +123.1 ") - number("'h33'")
indexs = indexs + 1
resultado[indexs]= 5
and finally really wierd (maybe not usefull at all haha) but totally fine and working stuff like this
def string[30] pruebaString[2,3] = ("franco","mauro","jose","cordoba","rosario","buenos aires")
def real pruebareal[2,3,4] = set(4,4,,,,2.234)
DEF int FELD1[10,3]=SET(1.2,0,0,10,11,12,20,20,20,30,30,30,40,40,40,)
def int pepe[2,2] = (1)
def int pepe[2,2] ;
> arreglar
def string[10] franco[20] = rep("FRANCO",3)
DEF int FELD[2,3,4] = REP("S",24)
def int valor = 876
def int repite = 5
def int inicio = 2
def string[30] valorString = "yonoseyono"
pruebareal[0,1,2] = pruebareal[0,1,1] + 1.2
franco[4,0] = "T"
franco[4,1] = "R"
franco[4,2] = franco[4,3]
franco[4,3] = "S"
franco[4,4] = "a"
feld[1,1,0] = set(12,"A",12,,14,15,,17)
pruebaString[1,0] = set("franco1",,"jose3")
FELD1[5,0]=set(1,feld1[5,0]+1) ;-> revisar
franco[inicio] = "REPITEEE"
franco[inicio] = rep(franco[inicio],repite)
franco[inicio+13] = rep(franco[inicio-1],repite)
franco[inicio+15] = set(franco[inicio],"yo!")
pruebareal[0,inicio,inicio] = 12.1122
Also, while/loop/repeat/if do not need to use the "o<>" thing in front of it.. its has some nasty bugs.
Also i removed the python remaps (for now, maybe if needed i will add them in the future)
As soon as it finished i will publish a compiled version of the interpreter so you can check it out (it has several dependencies and not easy to compile)
Best regards
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