Saving parameters after shut down
I dont know if precedence has something to do with what is not happening.
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The wiki contains incorrect descriptions of the pins - like this F.00 instead of F-00
Sorted out, thanks for the heads up.
I have done some more testing. It would seem that the read on start up is not doing what is expected
I'll be able to look at it later today. Read obviously won't work if the file doesn't exist or it cannot open it for some reason.
I have forgotten most of it already, but a quick scan of the code shows that it should work so long as it was loaded with onstart=1
I'll get back to you
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The file is present and can be read as I do with the manual trigger. It does not give any error but the values are all zero when I look at it in HAL. So the comp function as I see it, it is just the read at start up that seems to have a timing issue or something else.
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Typically I cannot reproduce this
I had a file ~/linuxcnc/param.sav which contained
From a terminal I did
root@INTEL-QUAD:/prog/EMC/Userspace_modules/paramsaver# halrun
halcmd: loadusr ./paramsaver f=6 onstart=1 onexit=1
halcmd: show pin
Component Pins:
Owner Type Dir Value Name
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-00
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-01
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-02
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-03
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-04
5 float IN 0 paramsaver.invalueF-05
5 float OUT 10 paramsaver.outvalueF-00
5 float OUT 20 paramsaver.outvalueF-01
5 float OUT 30 paramsaver.outvalueF-02
5 float OUT 40 paramsaver.outvalueF-03
5 float OUT 50 paramsaver.outvalueF-04
5 float OUT 60 paramsaver.outvalueF-05
5 bit IN FALSE paramsaver.readtrigger
5 bit IN FALSE paramsaver.writetrigger
halcmd : exit
As you can see the out pins were filled from the file.
When I quit, the file param.sav contained six 0.000000 values, as all the in pins were zero.
So all as expected? I take it you are using the newest version?
I do have to make some changes to restrict the number of pins that can be created and expand the number fields, currently run out at 99.
I will probably restrict to 1000, can't see any possibility that someone would need more than that, unless you have other ideas.
(probably 99 would be enough in reality)
Try the same test as above and see if it sheds any light on why your set up does not work like that
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I can read the file under manual control but not when my complete system starts up. All the pins of the component are zero although the file has contents.
I am using the for now to trigger a read and that suits me better for now.
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I have tried tests with loading the component with loadusr -W , thinking that might affect timings but makes no difference, the values from file are copied to the pins.
I can only suggest you try loading the component at the start of your main hal file and then reference it later in the custom_postgui.hal file, that should give plenty of time for it to initialize.
But I am not sure if it should actually make any difference.
I have added a debug printout into the file read which is only printed if onstart=1 at the initial read of the file.
See if that prints to stderr and contains the right file name.
Rename the file paramsaver.c and compile with comp --install --userspace paramsaver.c
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I load the component right at the start. Well just after my usbio component. I will try your debug print and see what it does.
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What a great job, works perfect .... but I have a doubt.
what would be the most optimal way so there is no conflict with what you read, what you write.
I tried the following:
net machine-on paramsaver.readtrigger
net machine-on paramsaver.writetrigger
but I work in a variable but in another nop.
I'm trying to use this for my chuck, ID / OD, open / close.
attached my files, I am trying to gmoccapy, which is the GUI I use, with classicladder.
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I used two edge components with a time-on delay of 2 seconds and a time-off delay of 0,
here is my code for that
loadusr -W paramsaver f=10 s=0 b=0 filename=mc200 onstart=0 onexit=0
loadrt edge count=2
addf edge.0 servo-thread
addf edge.1 servo-thread
setp 0 #rising edge
setp edge.0.out-width-ns 2000000000
setp 1 #falling edge
setp edge.1.out-width-ns 2000000000
############### FILE SAVER ###################
net plasmaOn
net file_read edge.0.out paramsaver.readtrigger
net file_write edge.1.out paramsaver.writetrigger
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################# THCCALC ####################
setp thc200.arc-threshold 10
net init_0 paramsaver.outvalueF-00 pyvcp.spinbox.0.param_pin
net init_1 paramsaver.outvalueF-01 pyvcp.spinbox.1.param_pin
net init_2 paramsaver.outvalueF-02 pyvcp.spinbox.2.param_pin
net init_3 paramsaver.outvalueF-03 pyvcp.spinbox.3.param_pin
net init_4 paramsaver.outvalueF-04 pyvcp.spinbox.4.param_pin
net init_5 paramsaver.outvalueF-05 pyvcp.spinbox.5.param_pin
net init_6 paramsaver.outvalueF-06 pyvcp.spinbox.6.param_pin
net involt paramsaver.invalueF-00
net thc-vel-tol paramsaver.invalueF-01
net thc-cor-vel paramsaver.invalueF-02
net thc-win paramsaver.invalueF-03
net thc-min paramsaver.invalueF-04
net thc-max paramsaver.invalueF-05
net thc-delay paramsaver.invalueF-06
net involt pyvcp.set-volts thc200.set-voltage-in
############################# THC connections ##################################
net thc-enable pyvcp.thc-enable thcud.enable
#net thc-voltset pyvcp.volts-requested thcud.volts-requested
#net thc-req-vel thcud.requested-vel motion.requested-vel
#net thc-cur-vel thcud.current-vel motion.current-vel
net thc-vel-status pyvcp.vel-status thcud.vel-status
net thc-vel-tol pyvcp.vel-tol thcud.velocity-tol
net thc-cor-vel pyvcp.thc-velocity => thcud.speed
net thc-min pyvcp.thc-min thcud.min-offset
net thc-max pyvcp.thc-max thcud.max-offset
net thc-win pyvcp.thc-window thc200.voltage-window
net ArcOK => pyvcp.arc-ok
net volt_ok thc200.volts-ok => pyvcp.volts-ok
net MoveUp => pyvcp.volts-under
net MoveDown => pyvcp.volts-high
net offset thcud.cur-offset => pyvcp.offset
net thc-delay pyvcp.thc-delay timedelay.1.on-delay
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