Saving parameters after shut down

06 Jun 2013 00:18 #35289 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic Saving parameters after shut down

what would be the most optimal way so there is no conflict with what you read, what you write.

How you use it really depends upon what you are saving and when it is available.

The built in onstart and onexit triggers, really cater for the simple saving settings on exit and restarting using the same settings scenario.

This may not suit the type of components or widgets you have it connected to, mariusl has an unresolved timing issue with his setup where onstart
does not populate the widgets, which I can only imagine is to do with timings between component and widget creation.
Seconds later it works fine.

The same should not be true for onexit as the component traps the normal exit signals and should write out even if the user just does Alt F4

His solution is a good example, you can use any bit pin output that goes TRUE at the relevant time to trigger either read or write


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06 Jun 2013 01:51 #35292 by mariusl
Replied by mariusl on topic Saving parameters after shut down

The same should not be true for onexit as the component traps the normal exit signals and should write out even if the user just does Alt F4

This is true. The onexit works fine no matter how you exit. I even tested it with a power down request from the power button and it still worked. The only reason I use the halui.machine-on signal to save as well is because I have other equipment like the plasma machine power running from that button. So I want my user to power down in a managed sequence. So it does not bother me to save twice. If he does not power down correctly then he has to enter his adjustments again.


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08 Jun 2013 03:19 #35427 by jlviloria
Replied by jlviloria on topic Saving parameters after shut down

People adjust my chuck porfin achieved with appropriate signals, works pefect.

now I want my machine keep the position of the tool. but I failed to configure correctly. classicladder used my machine for tool change.

a counter indicates the position of the tool. but appears to start at zero, which makes me always reference the machine started, and the referral process very well I have not modernized. so I'd like to LinuxCNC always knows the position of my turret.

I make a connection with.

net tool-number iocontrol.0.tool-number classicladder.0.s32in-03 paramsaver.invalueS-002

to change the position of the tool, I change the parameter value in the file param.sav.

but does not load when I open LinuxCNC.

Jorge Viloria

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08 Jun 2013 03:30 #35428 by mariusl
Replied by mariusl on topic Saving parameters after shut down
I have a similar problem with the values not loaded at startup. It seems to be a timing issue. Look at my solution in previous posts. I load the values when the machine is started (F2)


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08 Jun 2013 04:02 #35429 by jlviloria
Replied by jlviloria on topic Saving parameters after shut down

my chuck variables, if loaded correctly,

but I can not make my LinuxCNC, assume the value of the variable paramsaver, as it does with my chuck.

I think the problem is more my pin settings paramsaver, I would appreciate if you help me to know where to place my paramsaver pin so that LinuxCNC know and establish the position of my turret.

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08 Jun 2013 04:10 #35430 by tld70
Replied by tld70 on topic Saving parameters after shut down
Hi Guys

iocontrol.0.tool-number is a out value.

ArcEye helps me in this forum under Spindle tool is the solution
This will work perfect.


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08 Jun 2013 13:20 - 08 Jun 2013 13:22 #35443 by mariusl
Replied by mariusl on topic Saving parameters after shut down
I dont understand your problem exactly but let me try and explain as I see it.

I would connect the iocontrol.0.tool-number to the file like this:
net    tool_number_save			iocontrol.0.tool-number         => paramsaver.invalueS-00   	
net    tool_number_read                    paramsaver.invalueS-00       => classicladder.0.your-tool-number-input	

This way you save the last tool_number in the file and you also connect it to your classicladder as input. In the classic ladder you could compare the requested_tool_number to the current tool_number and decide how many positions to turn to get to the correct tool. The saved tool_number is always the current tool_number at start up.

EDIT: I would write a component to handle the logic.


Last edit: 08 Jun 2013 13:22 by mariusl.

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08 Jun 2013 14:48 - 08 Jun 2013 17:12 #35444 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic Saving parameters after shut down

.............but I can not make my LinuxCNC, assume the value of the variable paramsaver.............

The automatic updating of tool number when Axis opens has come up recently in another thread

3 options are

Use M61 to update the number in gcode

Use M6Tn to update the number by trying to change to the number already in the spindle, so it will do nothing (if your toolchanger works that way) and update the number.

Change iocontrol so that a tool change sequence can be triggered for the current tool number as determined by the toolchanger component, or whatever is connected to the trigger pin.
Again will do nothing and the number is updated.

I used the latter way to write a new version of iocontrol, which is what tld70 and cncbasher are using.

If you want to use the modified iocontrol to do it, a rip build version and install build version for 2.6 are on the thread that tld70 mentioned.

Last edit: 08 Jun 2013 17:12 by ArcEye.

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12 Sep 2019 09:39 #144951 by jurod
Replied by jurod on topic Saving parameters after shut down
Hi people
Is it possible to use paramsaver in the gladevcp panel?
If so, how?

In file pyvcp_options.hal

########################## FILE SAVER ###################################
loadusr -W paramsaver f=10 s=10 b=1 filename=memory_pins onstart=1 onexit=1

net material_out pyvcp.spinbox.0.param_pin <= paramsaver.outvalueF-000
net material_in pyvcp.mat => paramsaver.invalueF-000

net podlozka_out pyvcp.spinbox.1.param_pin <= paramsaver.outvalueF-001
net podlozka_in pyvcp.pris => paramsaver.invalueF-001

net fmdx_in gladevcp.fmdx-f paramsaver.invalueF-002
#net fmdx_out gladevcp.fmdx-s paramsaver.outvalueF-000

########################## FILE SAVER END ###################################

In file HCNC.ui

<object class="GtkLabel" id="fmdxlab">
<property name="width_request">40</property>
<property name="height_request">25</property>
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="label" translatable="yes">DX</property>
<attribute name="foreground" value="#000000"/>
<property name="x">2</property>
<property name="y">25</property>
<object class="HAL_SpinButton" id="fmdx">
<property name="width_request">100</property>
<property name="height_request">25</property>
<property name="visible">TRUE</property>
<property name="can_focus">TRUE</property>
<property name="digits">3</property>
<property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Pozadovany rozmer v smere DX</property>
<property name="invisible_char">&#x25CF;</property>
<property name="adjustment">fmdxadj</property>

<property name="x">50</property>
<property name="y">25</property>
<object class="GtkAdjustment" id="fmdxadj">
<property name="lower">1</property>
<property name="upper">3600</property>
<property name="value">2152</property>
<property name="step_increment">1</property>
<property name="page_increment">10</property>
<property name="page_size">10</property>


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14 Sep 2019 17:50 #145160 by andypugh
Replied by andypugh on topic Saving parameters after shut down
There is a simpler way to save setting in GladeVCP than paramsaver:

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