
05 Jun 2020 15:51 #170262 by Pamkkkkk
Replied by Pamkkkkk on topic PoKeys HAL Driver
found another pokeys.com here

A quick compare seems that only row 11 differs.

>> pin out bit alive;

Which pokeys.comp file is to use?

I am totally new to CNC stuff!

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19 Jul 2020 21:17 #175200 by charlieLedezma
Replied by charlieLedezma on topic PoKeys HAL Driver
Hi everyone, hi @andypugh, could you (or anyone) help me please ?. I'm retrofitting my bridgeport308 cnc machine, I bought a pokeys57cnc and read the whole post about it here, but I'm pretty confused.
I did the complete procedure wrote by you, but some questions arised up: is necessary change its port configurations from windows, using the Polabs software ? How can I use the dedicated motor ports (8 in total) ?
Could you share your code file configuration with me ?

In the pokey.comp, one piece of code said:

pin out bit in-# [55];
pin out float ain-# [3];
pin out bit err;
pin in float analog-scale-# [3];
pin in unsigned devSerial;
pin out bit alive;

The question about it was, the sentence: "pin in float [X] " became the port [X] in a input into the pokeys57cnc ?
Thanks in advance....!!

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21 Aug 2020 03:26 #178890 by JR1050
A couple years ago I intalled this Pokeys patch and it all worked. When attemping to do it tonite, I got the following

zoey@zoey:~$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
[sudo] password for zoey:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libusb-1.0-0-dev
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libusb-1.0-0-dev'

I changed the stanzas in the apt file to reflect the archives, like so

deb http.archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free
deb http.archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main contrib non-free

Is there anyway to install the libusb dev file? It appears to be unavilable. It seems available as a tarball, how would one install it and does it have to be ver 1.0-0-dev or can it be a later version? At this point with Wheezy being depreciated, what is the next best option? Thanks

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29 Apr 2021 20:52 #207397 by MATZE-ATZE-SCH
Replied by MATZE-ATZE-SCH on topic Pokeys

I have LinuxCNC 2.8.0 on Debian 10 and try to install the Pokey57U.

I have followed the steps from Andy on page 10.
In the Halshow I see the Pins, but the pokey.0.alive isn´t blinking and the IN0 isn´t respnse to a switch I connected to the Pokey for testing.

Is this a error because LinuxCNC 2.8, or Debian 10?
In the Terminal with "lsusb" I see the connected Pokey.
Also the compile of pokey.comp seems correct...

Maybe an error with RW permission for the Pokey caused by Debian10?

Best regards

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30 Apr 2021 18:06 - 30 Apr 2021 18:13 #207473 by MATZE-ATZE-SCH
Replied by MATZE-ATZE-SCH on topic Pokeys

have tried the steps again,
now I get an error message when try to compile the pokeys.comp with "sudo halcompile --install pokeys.comp":

gcc -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/linuxcnc -URTAPI -U__MODULE__ -DULAPI -Os -o pokeys /tmp/tmpSkpKFD/pokeys.c -Wl,-rpath,/lib -L/lib -llinuxcnchal
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccUQNzda.o: in function `writeI2C':
pokeys.c:(.text+0x436): undefined reference to `PK_I2CWriteStart'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text+0x44d): undefined reference to `PK_I2CWriteStatusGet'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccUQNzda.o: in function `readI2C':
pokeys.c:(.text+0x49b): undefined reference to `PK_I2CWriteStart'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text+0x4ab): undefined reference to `PK_I2CReadStart'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text+0x4ce): undefined reference to `PK_I2CReadStatusGet'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccUQNzda.o: in function `main':
pokeys.c:(.text.startup+0x89): undefined reference to `PK_ConnectToDeviceWSerial'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text.startup+0xa1): undefined reference to `PK_DigitalIOGet'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text.startup+0xb5): undefined reference to `PK_AnalogIOGet'
/usr/bin/ld: pokeys.c:(.text.startup+0x275): undefined reference to `PK_DisconnectDevice'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:2: pokeys] Fehler 1

Any sugestions?

EDIT: Sorry, my fault, have used the wrong .comp...
But still unable to get it to work
Last edit: 30 Apr 2021 18:13 by MATZE-ATZE-SCH.

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30 Apr 2021 20:26 #207482 by MATZE-ATZE-SCH
Replied by MATZE-ATZE-SCH on topic Pokeys

I have now try a few thinks:
On a different HDD I have installed Debian 9 with Linuxcnc 2.7,
there it works.
Then I have upgrad LinuxCNC to 2.8,
there it worked also, the alive pin is blinking and the switch on in 1 is toggeling.

So I think it is no issue of Linuxcnc or the version of it,
I think it is an issue with the Debian 10?

Best regards

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30 Apr 2021 23:05 #207506 by MATZE-ATZE-SCH
Replied by MATZE-ATZE-SCH on topic Pokeys
OK, finally I have got it to work!
I have set in the
the Mode to 666
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1dc3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1001", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="666"

Then, while LinuxCNC is running, I have unpluged and replugged the Pokey, and then it works, even when I replug it or restart the PC...
The following user(s) said Thank You: andypugh, robins, LAUSCH

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13 Jan 2022 21:04 - 13 Jan 2022 21:06 #231707 by mechoil
Replied by mechoil on topic Pokeys ethernet
Finally was able to make it work through ethernet (not tested with real hardware!)

Need to change line in pokeys.comp:
while(dev == NULL)dev = PK_ConnectToDeviceWSerial(12345, 5000);  //waits for usb device
while(dev == NULL)dev = PK_ConnectToDeviceWSerial_UDP(12345, 5000);  //waits for usb device

In my case network discovery didn't work, so i've changed this file:
diff --git a/PoKeysLibCoreSockets.c b/PoKeysLibCoreSockets.c
index 61f68fd..f6561eb 100644
--- a/PoKeysLibCoreSockets.c
+++ b/PoKeysLibCoreSockets.c
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ int32_t PK_SearchNetworkDevices(sPoKeysNetworkDeviceSummary * devices, uint32_t
         // Send discovery request...
         remoteEP.sin_family = AF_INET;
         remoteEP.sin_port = htons(20055);
-        remoteEP.sin_addr.s_addr = a; // inet_addr("");
+        remoteEP.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
         if (sendto(txSocket, SendBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&remoteEP, sizeof(remoteEP)) == -1)
Last edit: 13 Jan 2022 21:06 by mechoil. Reason: fix format
The following user(s) said Thank You: LAUSCH

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31 Mar 2022 15:45 - 31 Mar 2022 15:50 #238915 by zarfld
Replied by zarfld on topic Pokeys ethernet

i want to thank you for all the work and investigations done so far on this topic.i'm currently running a RasPi4 on latest build of LinuxCnc and added the pokeys.comp attached to this thread.

To contribute i'm currently extending that comp-file ( github.com/zarfld/LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp.git )
- i already use the info parametrized on the dev, to see if the Pin is used as DIN, DOUT or AIN
- it should work with both USB and NET devices (i could test with 57E only)
- RTC is being read  
- to be able to use the pokeys PulseEngine instead of Dir/Pulse signals (due to limitations of updatefrequency ). as a sideeffect i can also use PEv2 channels for E-Stop,Enable,Limit

has anyone already tried to use the pulseengine directly?

i assume as a first step i would need to somehow translate the stepgen interface 
setp stepgen.0.position-scale [JOINT_0]SCALE
setp stepgen.0.steplen 1
setp stepgen.0.stepspace 0
setp stepgen.0.dirhold 35000
setp stepgen.0.dirsetup 35000
setp stepgen.0.maxaccel [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL
net xpos-cmd joint.0.motor-pos-cmd => stepgen.0.position-cmd
net xpos-fb stepgen.0.position-fb => joint.0.motor-pos-fb

to PEv2 
   int32_t         CurrentPosition[8];        // Current position
    int32_t         PositionSetup[8];          // Position to be set as current position
    int32_t         ReferencePositionSpeed[8]; // Reference position or speed (position or pulses/s)
    int8_t          InvertAxisEnable[8];       // Invert axis enable signal
    int32_t         SoftLimitMaximum[8];       // Soft limit maximum position
    int32_t         SoftLimitMinimum[8];       // Soft limit minimum position
    uint8_t         HomingSpeed[8];            // Homing speed per axis (in %)
    uint8_t         HomingReturnSpeed[8];      // Homing return speed per axis (in % of the homing speed)
    int32_t         HomeOffsets[8];            // Home position offset
    uint8_t            HomingAlgorithm[8];           // Homing algorithm configuration
    uint8_t            FilterLimitMSwitch[8];       // Digital filter for limit- switch
    uint8_t            FilterLimitPSwitch[8];       // Digital filter for limit+ switch
    uint8_t            FilterHomeSwitch[8];       // Digital filter for home switch
    int32_t         ProbePosition[8];          // Position where probe detected change
    int32_t         ProbeMaxPosition[8];       // Maximum position to travel to until stopping and returning error
    float           MaxSpeed[8];               // Maximum axis speed (in pulses per ms)
    float           MaxAcceleration[8];        // Maximum axis acceleration (in pulses/ms/ms)
    float           MaxDecceleration[8];       // Maximum axis deceleration (in pulses/ms/ms)
    int32_t         MPGjogMultiplier[8];       // MPG jog multiplier value
    uint8_t         MPGjogEncoder[8];          // MPG jog encoder ID
    uint8_t         PinHomeSwitch[8];          // Home switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
    uint8_t         PinLimitMSwitch[8];        // Limit- switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
    uint8_t         PinLimitPSwitch[8];        // Limit+ switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
    uint8_t         AxisEnableOutputPins[8];   // Axis enabled output pin (0 for external dedicated output)
    uint32_t        HomeBackOffDistance[8];       // Back-off distance after homing
    uint16_t        MPGjogDivider[8];          // Divider for the MPG jogging (enhanced encoder resolution)
    uint8_t         reserved[8];               // Motion buffer entries - moved further down...
    uint8_t         ReservedSafety[8];
    uint8_t         PulseEngineEnabled;        // Pulse engine enabled status, also number of enabled axes
    uint8_t         PulseGeneratorType;        // Pulse engine generator type (0: external, 1: internal 3ch)
    uint8_t         AxisEnabledStatesMask;     // Bit-mapped states, where axis enabled and charge pump signals are active
    uint8_t         PulseEngineStateSetup;     // Pulse engine new state configuration
    uint8_t         PulseEngineBufferSize;     // Buffer size information...
    uint8_t         motionBufferEntriesAccepted;
    uint8_t         newMotionBufferEntries;
    uint8_t         HomingStartMaskSetup;      // Bit-mapped axes indexes to be homed
    uint8_t         ProbeStartMaskSetup;       // Bit-mapped axis indexes for probing
       float           ProbeSpeed;                // Probe speed (ratio of the maximum speed)
   uint16_t        BacklashWidth[8];            // half of real backlash width
    int16_t            BacklashRegister[8];        // current value of the backlash register
    uint8_t            BacklashAcceleration[8];    // in pulses per ms^2
    uint8_t            BacklashCompensationEnabled;
    uint8_t            reserved_back[3];

these channels are available (1:1) already in the comp, but besides the pins i'm currently investigating on how to use them.
some parts might be just a kind of unitconversion [m/s] to [pulses per ms], others might be more complicated (eg. until now i did not find any good explanation how to use MotionBuffer correctly).

Any tips, hints suggestions are welcome.

Last edit: 31 Mar 2022 15:50 by zarfld. Reason: formating
The following user(s) said Thank You: LAUSCH

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31 Mar 2022 15:58 #238919 by andypugh
Replied by andypugh on topic Pokeys ethernet

has anyone already tried to use the pulseengine directly?

i assume as a first step i would need to somehow translate the stepgen interface 

A simpler way to do this might be to only support velocity mode from a position PID in the HAL. This is actually currently the preferred way to drive the Mesa stepgens as it better compensates for variations in thread timing. 

In that case all that is needed is a HAL pin to set the velocity command and another to feed back the current step counts. 

Though reading through the register map, it might be that there is no velocity mode. 
The following user(s) said Thank You: zarfld, LAUSCH

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