Running milltask (or gcode interp) without python?
- mungkie
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19 Jan 2022 00:35 #232370
by mungkie
Replied by mungkie on topic Running milltask (or gcode interp) without python?
Yeah, seems I made a stupid mistake and ifdef'd some necessary sections, then confused myself with other problems.
Seems that I can run full gcode program without any python on the system (obviously no remap of codes).
Part of my other problem seems to be relevant to this thread :
I could not see anthing in extra_link_args so I botched in something myself (I am not good at python so not sure but I post my hack below)
the halcompile hacked code:
Seems that I can run full gcode program without any python on the system (obviously no remap of codes).
Part of my other problem seems to be relevant to this thread :
I could not see anthing in extra_link_args so I botched in something myself (I am not good at python so not sure but I post my hack below)
halcompile --lib=-lposemath --install mykinesmodule.c
the halcompile hacked code:
# This is 'halcompile', a tool to write HAL boilerplate
# Copyright 2006 Jeff Epler <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Begin -- grammar generated by Yapps
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, re
from yapps import runtime
global extra_libs
extra_libs = " "
class HalScanner(runtime.Scanner):
patterns = [
('"FALSE"', re.compile('FALSE')),
('"TRUE"', re.compile('TRUE')),
('"false"', re.compile('false')),
('"true"', re.compile('true')),
('"no"', re.compile('no')),
('"yes"', re.compile('yes')),
('"nofp"', re.compile('nofp')),
('"fp"', re.compile('fp')),
('"="', re.compile('=')),
('":"', re.compile(':')),
('"\\]"', re.compile('\\]')),
('"\\["', re.compile('\\[')),
('"if"', re.compile('if')),
('"modparam"', re.compile('modparam')),
('"include"', re.compile('include')),
('"author"', re.compile('author')),
('"license"', re.compile('license')),
('"description"', re.compile('description')),
('"notes"', re.compile('notes')),
('"see_also"', re.compile('see_also')),
('"option"', re.compile('option')),
('"variable"', re.compile('variable')),
('"function"', re.compile('function')),
('"param"', re.compile('param')),
('"pin"', re.compile('pin')),
('";"', re.compile(';')),
('"component"', re.compile('component')),
('"$"', re.compile('$')),
('//.*', re.compile('//.*')),
('/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/', re.compile('/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/')),
('[ \t\r\n]+', re.compile('[ \t\r\n]+')),
('END', re.compile(';;')),
('PARAMDIRECTION', re.compile('rw|r')),
('PINDIRECTION', re.compile('in|out|io')),
('TYPE', re.compile('float|bit|signed|unsigned|u32|s32')),
('NAME', re.compile('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')),
('STARREDNAME', re.compile('[*]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')),
('HALNAME', re.compile('[#a-zA-Z_][-#a-zA-Z0-9_.]*')),
('FPNUMBER', re.compile('-?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.?)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?f?')),
('NUMBER', re.compile('0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[+-]?[0-9]+')),
('STRING', re.compile('"(\\.|[^\\"])*"')),
('HEADER', re.compile('<.*?>')),
('POP', re.compile('[-()+*/:?]|&&|\\|\\||personality|==|&|!=|<<|<|<=|>>|>|>=')),
('TSTRING', re.compile('r?"""(\\.|\\\n|[^\\"]|"(?!"")|\n)*"""')),
def __init__(self, str,*args,**kw):
runtime.Scanner.__init__(self,None,{'//.*':None,'/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/':None,'[ \t\r\n]+':None,},str,*args,**kw)
class Hal(runtime.Parser):
Context = runtime.Context
def File(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'File', [])
ComponentDeclaration = self.ComponentDeclaration(_context)
while self._peek('"$"', '"pin"', '"param"', '"function"', '"variable"', '"option"', '"see_also"', '"notes"', '"description"', '"license"', '"author"', '"include"', '"modparam"', context=_context) != '"$"':
Declaration = self.Declaration(_context)
self._scan('"$"', context=_context)
return True
def ComponentDeclaration(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'ComponentDeclaration', [])
self._scan('"component"', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
OptString = self.OptString(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
comp(NAME, OptString);
def Declaration(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'Declaration', [])
_token = self._peek('"pin"', '"param"', '"function"', '"variable"', '"option"', '"see_also"', '"notes"', '"description"', '"license"', '"author"', '"include"', '"modparam"', context=_context)
if _token == '"pin"':
self._scan('"pin"', context=_context)
PINDIRECTION = self._scan('PINDIRECTION', context=_context)
TYPE = self._scan('TYPE', context=_context)
HALNAME = self._scan('HALNAME', context=_context)
OptArray = self.OptArray(_context)
OptSAssign = self.OptSAssign(_context)
OptPersonality = self.OptPersonality(_context)
OptString = self.OptString(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
pin(HALNAME, TYPE, OptArray, PINDIRECTION, OptString, OptSAssign, OptPersonality)
elif _token == '"param"':
self._scan('"param"', context=_context)
PARAMDIRECTION = self._scan('PARAMDIRECTION', context=_context)
TYPE = self._scan('TYPE', context=_context)
HALNAME = self._scan('HALNAME', context=_context)
OptArray = self.OptArray(_context)
OptSAssign = self.OptSAssign(_context)
OptPersonality = self.OptPersonality(_context)
OptString = self.OptString(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
param(HALNAME, TYPE, OptArray, PARAMDIRECTION, OptString, OptSAssign, OptPersonality)
elif _token == '"function"':
self._scan('"function"', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
OptFP = self.OptFP(_context)
OptString = self.OptString(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
function(NAME, OptFP, OptString)
elif _token == '"variable"':
self._scan('"variable"', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
STARREDNAME = self._scan('STARREDNAME', context=_context)
OptSimpleArray = self.OptSimpleArray(_context)
OptAssign = self.OptAssign(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
variable(NAME, STARREDNAME, OptSimpleArray, OptAssign)
elif _token == '"option"':
self._scan('"option"', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
OptValue = self.OptValue(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
option(NAME, OptValue)
elif _token == '"see_also"':
self._scan('"see_also"', context=_context)
String = self.String(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
elif _token == '"notes"':
self._scan('"notes"', context=_context)
String = self.String(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
elif _token == '"description"':
self._scan('"description"', context=_context)
String = self.String(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
elif _token == '"license"':
self._scan('"license"', context=_context)
String = self.String(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
elif _token == '"author"':
self._scan('"author"', context=_context)
String = self.String(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
elif _token == '"include"':
self._scan('"include"', context=_context)
Header = self.Header(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
else: # == '"modparam"'
self._scan('"modparam"', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
OptSAssign = self.OptSAssign(_context)
OptString = self.OptString(_context)
self._scan('";"', context=_context)
modparam(NAME1, NAME, OptSAssign, OptString)
def Header(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'Header', [])
_token = self._peek('STRING', 'HEADER', context=_context)
if _token == 'STRING':
STRING = self._scan('STRING', context=_context)
return STRING
else: # == 'HEADER'
HEADER = self._scan('HEADER', context=_context)
return HEADER
def String(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'String', [])
_token = self._peek('TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context)
if _token == 'TSTRING':
TSTRING = self._scan('TSTRING', context=_context)
return eval(TSTRING)
else: # == 'STRING'
STRING = self._scan('STRING', context=_context)
return eval(STRING)
def OptPersonality(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptPersonality', [])
_token = self._peek('"if"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context)
if _token == '"if"':
self._scan('"if"', context=_context)
Personality = self.Personality(_context)
return Personality
else: # in ['";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING']
return None
def Personality(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'Personality', [])
pp = []
while self._peek('NUMBER', 'POP', '"\\]"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context) in ['NUMBER', 'POP']:
PersonalityPart = self.PersonalityPart(_context)
return " ".join(pp)
def PersonalityPart(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'PersonalityPart', [])
_token = self._peek('NUMBER', 'POP', context=_context)
if _token == 'NUMBER':
NUMBER = self._scan('NUMBER', context=_context)
return NUMBER
else: # == 'POP'
POP = self._scan('POP', context=_context)
return POP
def OptSimpleArray(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptSimpleArray', [])
_token = self._peek('"\\["', '";"', '"="', context=_context)
if _token == '"\\["':
self._scan('"\\["', context=_context)
NUMBER = self._scan('NUMBER', context=_context)
self._scan('"\\]"', context=_context)
return int(NUMBER)
else: # in ['";"', '"="']
return 0
def OptArray(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptArray', [])
_token = self._peek('"\\["', '"="', '"if"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context)
if _token == '"\\["':
self._scan('"\\["', context=_context)
NUMBER = self._scan('NUMBER', context=_context)
OptArrayPersonality = self.OptArrayPersonality(_context)
self._scan('"\\]"', context=_context)
return OptArrayPersonality and (int(NUMBER), OptArrayPersonality) or int(NUMBER)
else: # in ['"="', '"if"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING']
return 0
def OptArrayPersonality(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptArrayPersonality', [])
_token = self._peek('":"', '"\\]"', context=_context)
if _token == '":"':
self._scan('":"', context=_context)
Personality = self.Personality(_context)
return Personality
else: # == '"\\]"'
return None
def OptString(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptString', [])
_token = self._peek('TSTRING', 'STRING', '";"', context=_context)
if _token == 'TSTRING':
TSTRING = self._scan('TSTRING', context=_context)
return eval(TSTRING)
elif _token == 'STRING':
STRING = self._scan('STRING', context=_context)
return eval(STRING)
else: # == '";"'
return ''
def OptAssign(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptAssign', [])
_token = self._peek('"="', '";"', context=_context)
if _token == '"="':
self._scan('"="', context=_context)
Value = self.Value(_context)
return Value;
else: # == '";"'
return None
def OptSAssign(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptSAssign', [])
_token = self._peek('"="', '"if"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context)
if _token == '"="':
self._scan('"="', context=_context)
SValue = self.SValue(_context)
return SValue;
else: # in ['"if"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING']
return None
def OptFP(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptFP', [])
_token = self._peek('"fp"', '"nofp"', '";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', context=_context)
if _token == '"fp"':
self._scan('"fp"', context=_context)
return 1
elif _token == '"nofp"':
self._scan('"nofp"', context=_context)
return 0
else: # in ['";"', 'TSTRING', 'STRING']
return 1
def Value(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'Value', [])
_token = self._peek('"yes"', '"no"', '"true"', '"false"', '"TRUE"', '"FALSE"', 'NAME', 'FPNUMBER', 'NUMBER', context=_context)
if _token == '"yes"':
self._scan('"yes"', context=_context)
return 1
elif _token == '"no"':
self._scan('"no"', context=_context)
return 0
elif _token == '"true"':
self._scan('"true"', context=_context)
return 1
elif _token == '"false"':
self._scan('"false"', context=_context)
return 0
elif _token == '"TRUE"':
self._scan('"TRUE"', context=_context)
return 1
elif _token == '"FALSE"':
self._scan('"FALSE"', context=_context)
return 0
elif _token == 'NAME':
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
return NAME
elif _token == 'FPNUMBER':
FPNUMBER = self._scan('FPNUMBER', context=_context)
return float(FPNUMBER.rstrip("f"))
else: # == 'NUMBER'
NUMBER = self._scan('NUMBER', context=_context)
return int(NUMBER,0)
def SValue(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'SValue', [])
_token = self._peek('"yes"', '"no"', '"true"', '"false"', '"TRUE"', '"FALSE"', 'NAME', 'FPNUMBER', 'NUMBER', context=_context)
if _token == '"yes"':
self._scan('"yes"', context=_context)
return "yes"
elif _token == '"no"':
self._scan('"no"', context=_context)
return "no"
elif _token == '"true"':
self._scan('"true"', context=_context)
return "true"
elif _token == '"false"':
self._scan('"false"', context=_context)
return "false"
elif _token == '"TRUE"':
self._scan('"TRUE"', context=_context)
return "TRUE"
elif _token == '"FALSE"':
self._scan('"FALSE"', context=_context)
return "FALSE"
elif _token == 'NAME':
NAME = self._scan('NAME', context=_context)
return NAME
elif _token == 'FPNUMBER':
FPNUMBER = self._scan('FPNUMBER', context=_context)
else: # == 'NUMBER'
NUMBER = self._scan('NUMBER', context=_context)
return NUMBER
def OptValue(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptValue', [])
_token = self._peek('"yes"', '"no"', '"true"', '"false"', '"TRUE"', '"FALSE"', 'NAME', 'FPNUMBER', 'NUMBER', 'TSTRING', 'STRING', '";"', context=_context)
if _token not in ['TSTRING', 'STRING', '";"']:
Value = self.Value(_context)
return Value
elif _token == 'TSTRING':
TSTRING = self._scan('TSTRING', context=_context)
return eval(TSTRING)
elif _token == 'STRING':
STRING = self._scan('STRING', context=_context)
return eval(STRING)
else: # == '";"'
return 1
def OptSValue(self, _parent=None):
_context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, 'OptSValue', [])
_token = self._peek('"yes"', '"no"', '"true"', '"false"', '"TRUE"', '"FALSE"', 'NAME', 'FPNUMBER', 'NUMBER', context=_context)
SValue = self.SValue(_context)
return SValue
def parse(rule, text):
P = Hal(HalScanner(text))
return runtime.wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
# End -- grammar generated by Yapps
import os, sys, tempfile, shutil, getopt, time
BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), ".."))
BINDIR = os.getenv('USER_MODULE_DIR', None) or os.path.join(BASE, "bin")
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE, "lib", "python"))
MAX_USERSPACE_NAMES = 16 # for userspace (loadusr) components
# NOTE: names are assigned dynamically for realtime components (loadrt)
# Components that use 'personality' features statically allocate
# The number can be set with the cmdline option -P|--personalities
# Smaller values may be useful since the index of the personality
# exported is computed modulo MAX_PERSONALITIES
mp_decl_map = {'int': 'RTAPI_MP_INT', 'dummy': None}
# These are symbols that comp puts in the global namespace of the C file it
# creates. The user is thus not allowed to add any symbols with these
# names. That includes not only global variables and functions, but also
# HAL pins & parameters, because comp adds #defines with the names of HAL
# pins & params.
reserved_names = [ 'comp_id', 'fperiod', 'rtapi_app_main', 'rtapi_app_exit', 'extra_setup', 'extra_cleanup' ]
def _parse(rule, text, filename=None):
global P, S
S = HalScanner(text, filename=filename)
P = Hal(S)
return runtime.wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
def parse(filename):
f = open(filename).read()
if '\r' in f:
if require_unix_line_endings:
raise SystemExit("%s:0: Error: File contains DOS-style or Mac-style line endings." % filename)
print("%s:0: Warning: File contains DOS-style or Mac-style line endings." % filename, file=sys.stderr)
f = open(filename, "rU").read()
a, b = f.split("\n;;\n", 1)
p = _parse('File', a + "\n\n", filename)
if not p: raise SystemExit(1)
if require_license:
if not finddoc('license'):
raise SystemExit("%s:0: License not specified" % filename)
return a, b
dirmap = {'r': 'HAL_RO', 'rw': 'HAL_RW', 'in': 'HAL_IN', 'out': 'HAL_OUT', 'io': 'HAL_IO' }
typemap = {'signed': 's32', 'unsigned': 'u32'}
deprmap = {'s32': 'signed', 'u32': 'unsigned'}
deprecated = ['s32', 'u32']
def initialize():
global functions, params, pins, options, comp_name, names, docs, variables
global modparams, includes
functions = []; params = []; pins = []; options = {}; variables = []
modparams = []; docs = []; includes = [];
comp_name = None
names = {}
def Warn(msg, *args):
if args:
msg = msg % args
print("%s:%d: Warning: %s" % (S.filename, S.line, msg), file=sys.stderr)
def Error(msg, *args):
if args:
msg = msg % args
raise runtime.SyntaxError(S.get_pos(), msg, None)
def comp(name, doc):
docs.append(('component', name, doc))
global comp_name
if comp_name:
Error("Duplicate specification of component name")
comp_name = name;
def description(doc):
docs.append(('descr', doc));
def license(doc):
docs.append(('license', doc));
def author(doc):
docs.append(('author', doc));
def see_also(doc):
docs.append(('see_also', doc));
def notes(doc):
docs.append(('notes', doc));
def type2type(type):
# When we start warning about s32/u32 this is where the warning goes
return typemap.get(type, type)
def checkarray(name, array):
hashes = len(re.findall("#+", name))
if array:
if hashes == 0: Error("Array name contains no #: %r" % name)
if hashes > 1: Error("Array name contains more than one block of #: %r" % name)
if hashes > 0: Error("Non-array name contains #: %r" % name)
def check_name_ok(name):
if name in reserved_names:
Error("Variable name %s is reserved" % name)
if name in names:
Error("Duplicate item name %s" % name)
def pin(name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality):
checkarray(name, array)
type = type2type(type)
docs.append(('pin', name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality))
names[name] = None
pins.append((name, type, array, dir, value, personality))
def param(name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality):
checkarray(name, array)
type = type2type(type)
docs.append(('param', name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality))
names[name] = None
params.append((name, type, array, dir, value, personality))
def function(name, fp, doc):
docs.append(('funct', name, fp, doc))
names[name] = None
functions.append((name, fp))
def option(name, value):
if name in options:
Error("Duplicate option name %s" % name)
options[name] = value
def variable(type, name, array, default):
names[name] = None
variables.append((type, name, array, default))
def modparam(type, name, default, doc):
names[name] = None
modparams.append((type, name, default, doc))
def include(value):
def removeprefix(s,p):
if s.startswith(p): return s[len(p):]
return s
def to_hal(name):
name = re.sub("#+", lambda m: "%%0%dd" % len(, name)
return name.replace("_", "-").rstrip("-").rstrip(".")
def to_c(name):
name = re.sub("[-._]*#+", "", name)
name = name.replace("#", "").replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
return re.sub("_+", "_", name)
def prologue(f):
print("/* Autogenerated by %s on %s -- do not edit */" % (
sys.argv[0], time.asctime()), file=f)
#include "rtapi.h"
#ifdef RTAPI
#include "rtapi_app.h"
#include "rtapi_string.h"
#include "rtapi_errno.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "rtapi_math64.h"
static int comp_id;
""", file=f)
for name in includes:
print("#include %s" % name, file=f)
names = {}
def q(s):
s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\")
s = s.replace("\"", "\\\"")
s = s.replace("\r", "\\r")
s = s.replace("\n", "\\n")
s = s.replace("\t", "\\t")
s = s.replace("\v", "\\v")
return '"%s"' % s
print("#ifdef MODULE_INFO", file=f)
for v in docs:
if not v: continue
v = ":".join(map(str, v))
print("MODULE_INFO(linuxcnc, %s);" % q(v), file=f)
license = finddoc('license')
if license and license[1]:
print("MODULE_LICENSE(\"%s\");" % license[1].split("\n")[0], file=f)
print("#endif // MODULE_INFO", file=f)
print("", file=f)
has_data = options.get("data")
has_array = False
has_personality = False
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in pins:
if array: has_array = True
if isinstance(array, tuple): has_personality = True
if personality: has_personality = True
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in params:
if array: has_array = True
if isinstance(array, tuple): has_personality = True
if personality: has_personality = True
for type, name, default, doc in modparams:
decl = mp_decl_map[type]
if decl:
print("%s %s" % (type, name), end=' ', file=f)
if default: print("= %s;" % default, file=f)
else: print(";", file=f)
print("%s(%s, %s);" % (decl, name, q(doc)), file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("struct __comp_state {", file=f)
print(" struct __comp_state *_next;", file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" int _personality;", file=f)
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in pins:
if array:
if isinstance(array, tuple): array = array[0]
print(" hal_%s_t *%s[%s];" % (type, to_c(name), array), file=f)
print(" hal_%s_t *%s;" % (type, to_c(name)), file=f)
names[name] = 1
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in params:
if array:
if isinstance(array, tuple): array = array[0]
print(" hal_%s_t %s[%s];" % (type, to_c(name), array), file=f)
print(" hal_%s_t %s;" % (type, to_c(name)), file=f)
names[name] = 1
for type, name, array, value in variables:
if array:
print(" %s %s[%d];\n" % (type, name, array), file=f)
print(" %s %s;\n" % (type, name), file=f)
if has_data:
print(" void *_data;", file=f)
print("};", file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print("#include <stdlib.h>", file=f)
print("struct __comp_state *__comp_first_inst=0, *__comp_last_inst=0;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for name, fp in functions:
if name in names:
Error("Duplicate item name: %s" % name)
print("static void %s(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, long period);" % to_c(name), file=f)
names[name] = 1
print("static int __comp_get_data_size(void);", file=f)
if options.get("extra_setup"):
print("static int extra_setup(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, char *prefix, long extra_arg);", file=f)
if options.get("extra_cleanup"):
print("static void extra_cleanup(void);", file=f)
if not options.get("no_convenience_defines"):
print("#undef TRUE", file=f)
print("#define TRUE (1)", file=f)
print("#undef FALSE", file=f)
print("#define FALSE (0)", file=f)
print("#undef true", file=f)
print("#define true (1)", file=f)
print("#undef false", file=f)
print("#define false (0)", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if has_personality:
print("static int export(char *prefix, long extra_arg, long personality) {", file=f)
print("static int export(char *prefix, long extra_arg) {", file=f)
if len(functions) > 0:
print(" char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];", file=f)
print(" int r = 0;", file=f)
if has_array:
print(" int j = 0;", file=f)
print(" int sz = sizeof(struct __comp_state) + __comp_get_data_size();", file=f)
print(" struct __comp_state *inst = hal_malloc(sz);", file=f)
print(" memset(inst, 0, sz);", file=f)
if has_data:
print(" inst->_data = (char*)inst + sizeof(struct __comp_state);", file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" inst->_personality = personality;", file=f)
if options.get("extra_setup"):
print(" r = extra_setup(inst, prefix, extra_arg);", file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
# the extra_setup() function may have changed the personality
if has_personality:
print(" personality = inst->_personality;", file=f)
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in pins:
if personality:
print("if(%s) {" % personality, file=f)
if array:
if isinstance(array, tuple):
lim, cnt = array
print(" if((%s) > (%s)) {" % (cnt, lim), file=f)
print(' rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,' \
'"Pin %s: Requested size %%d exceeds max size %%d\\n",'
'(int)%s, (int)%s);' % (name, cnt, lim), file=f)
print(" return -ENOSPC;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
else: cnt = array
print(" for(j=0; j < (%s); j++) {" % cnt, file=f)
print(" r = hal_pin_%s_newf(%s, &(inst->%s[j]), comp_id," % (
type, dirmap[dir], to_c(name)), file=f)
print(" \"%%s%s\", prefix, j);" % to_hal("." + name), file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
if value is not None:
print(" *(inst->%s[j]) = %s;" % (to_c(name), value), file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" r = hal_pin_%s_newf(%s, &(inst->%s), comp_id," % (
type, dirmap[dir], to_c(name)), file=f)
print(" \"%%s%s\", prefix);" % to_hal("." + name), file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
if value is not None:
print(" *(inst->%s) = %s;" % (to_c(name), value), file=f)
if personality:
print("}", file=f)
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in params:
if personality:
print("if(%s) {" % personality, file=f)
if array:
if isinstance(array, tuple):
lim, cnt = array
print(" if((%s) > (%s)) {" % (cnt, lim), file=f)
print(' rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,' \
'"Parameter %s: Requested size %%d exceeds max size %%d\\n",'
'(int)%s, (int)%s);' % (name, cnt, lim), file=f)
print(" return -ENOSPC;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
else: cnt = array
print(" for(j=0; j < (%s); j++) {" % cnt, file=f)
print(" r = hal_param_%s_newf(%s, &(inst->%s[j]), comp_id," % (
type, dirmap[dir], to_c(name)), file=f)
print(" \"%%s%s\", prefix, j);" % to_hal("." + name), file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
if value is not None:
print(" inst->%s[j] = %s;" % (to_c(name), value), file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" r = hal_param_%s_newf(%s, &(inst->%s), comp_id," % (
type, dirmap[dir], to_c(name)), file=f)
print(" \"%%s%s\", prefix);" % to_hal("." + name), file=f)
if value is not None:
print(" inst->%s = %s;" % (to_c(name), value), file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
if personality:
print("}", file=f)
for type, name, array, value in variables:
if value is None: continue
if array:
print(" for(j=0; j < %s; j++) {" % array, file=f)
print(" inst->%s[j] = %s;" % (name, value), file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" inst->%s = %s;" % (name, value), file=f)
for name, fp in functions:
print(" rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), \"%%s%s\", prefix);"\
% to_hal("." + name), file=f)
print(" r = hal_export_funct(buf, (void(*)(void *inst, long))%s, inst, %s, 0, comp_id);" % (
to_c(name), int(fp)), file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) return r;", file=f)
print(" if(__comp_last_inst) __comp_last_inst->_next = inst;", file=f)
print(" __comp_last_inst = inst;", file=f)
print(" if(!__comp_first_inst) __comp_first_inst = inst;", file=f)
print(" return 0;", file=f)
print("}", file=f)
if options.get("count_function"):
print("static int get_count(void);", file=f)
if options.get("rtapi_app", 1):
if options.get("constructable") and not options.get("singleton"):
print("static int export_1(char *prefix, char *argstr) {", file=f)
print(" int arg = simple_strtol(argstr, NULL, 0);", file=f)
print(" return export(prefix, arg);", file=f)
print("}" , file=f)
if not options.get("singleton") and not options.get("count_function") :
print("static int default_count=%s, count=0;" \
% options.get("default_count", 1), file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print("char *names[%d] = {0,};"%(MAX_USERSPACE_NAMES), file=f)
print("RTAPI_MP_INT(count, \"number of %s\");" % comp_name, file=f)
print("char *names = \"\"; // comma separated names", file=f)
print("RTAPI_MP_STRING(names, \"names of %s\");" % comp_name, file=f)
if has_personality:
init1 = str(int(options.get('default_personality', 0)))
init = ",".join([init1] * MAX_PERSONALITIES)
print("static int personality[%d] = {%s};" %(MAX_PERSONALITIES,init), file=f)
print("RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_INT(personality, %d, \"personality of each %s\");" %(MAX_PERSONALITIES,comp_name), file=f)
# Return personality value.
# If requested index exceeds MAX_PERSONALITIES, use modulo indexing and give message
static int p_value(char* cname, char *name, int idx) {
int ans = personality[idx%%%d];
if (idx >= %d) {
if (name==NULL) {
rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"%s: instance %d assigned personality=%d(=%#0x)\\n",
cname, idx, ans, ans);
} else {
rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"%s: name %s assigned personality=%d(=%#0x)\\n",
cname, name, ans, ans);
return ans;
""", file=f)
print("int rtapi_app_main(void) {", file=f)
print(" int r = 0;", file=f)
if not options.get("singleton"):
print(" int i;", file=f)
if options.get("count_function"):
print(" int count = get_count();", file=f)
print(" comp_id = hal_init(\"%s\");" % comp_name, file=f)
print(" if(comp_id < 0) return comp_id;", file=f)
if options.get("singleton"):
if has_personality:
print(" r = export(\"%s\", 0, personality[0]);" % \
to_hal(removeprefix(comp_name, "hal_")), file=f)
print(" r = export(\"%s\", 0);" % \
to_hal(removeprefix(comp_name, "hal_")), file=f)
elif options.get("count_function"):
print(" for(i=0; i<count; i++) {", file=f)
print(" char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];", file=f)
print(" rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " \
"\"%s.%%d\", i);" % \
to_hal(removeprefix(comp_name, "hal_")), file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" r = export(buf, i, p_value(\"%s\", buf, i) );"%comp_name, file=f)
print(" r = export(buf, i);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" if(count && names[0]) {", file=f)
print(" rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR," \
"\"count= and names= are mutually exclusive\\n\");", file=f)
print(" return -EINVAL;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" if(!count && !names[0]) count = default_count;", file=f)
print(" if(count) {", file=f)
print(" for(i=0; i<count; i++) {", file=f)
print(" char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];", file=f)
print(" rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " \
"\"%s.%%d\", i);" % \
to_hal(removeprefix(comp_name, "hal_")), file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" r = export(buf, i, p_value(\"%s\", buf, i) );"%comp_name, file=f)
print(" r = export(buf, i);", file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) break;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" } else {", file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print(" int max_names = sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]);", file=f)
print(" for(i=0; (i < max_names) && names[i]; i++) {", file=f)
print(" if (strlen(names[i]) < 1) {", file=f)
print(" rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, \"names[%d] is invalid (empty string)\\n\", i);", file=f)
print(" r = -EINVAL;", file=f)
print(" break;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" r = export(names[i], i, p_value(\"%s\", names[i], i) );"%comp_name, file=f)
print(" r = export(names[i], i);", file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) break;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" size_t i, j;", file=f)
print(" int idx;", file=f)
print(" char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN+1];", file=f)
print(" const size_t length = strlen(names);", file=f)
print(" for (i = j = idx = 0; i <= length; i++) {", file=f)
print(" const char c = buf[j] = names[i];", file=f)
print(" if ((c == ',') || (c == '\\0')) {", file=f)
print(" buf[j] = '\\0';", file=f)
if has_personality:
print(" r = export(buf, idx, p_value(\"%s\", buf, idx) );"%comp_name, file=f)
print(" r = export(buf, idx);", file=f)
print(" if(r != 0) {break;}", file=f)
print(" idx++;", file=f)
print(" j = 0;", file=f)
print(" } else {", file=f)
print(" if (++j == (sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]))) {", file=f)
print(" buf[j - 1] = '\\0';", file=f)
print(" rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,\"names: \\\"%s\\\" too long\\n\", buf);", file=f)
print(" r = -EINVAL;", file=f)
print(" break;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
if options.get("constructable") and not options.get("singleton"):
print(" hal_set_constructor(comp_id, export_1);", file=f)
print(" if(r) {", file=f)
if options.get("extra_cleanup"):
print(" extra_cleanup();", file=f)
print(" hal_exit(comp_id);", file=f)
print(" } else {", file=f)
print(" hal_ready(comp_id);", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print(" return r;", file=f)
print("}", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("void rtapi_app_exit(void) {", file=f)
if options.get("extra_cleanup"):
print(" extra_cleanup();", file=f)
print(" hal_exit(comp_id);", file=f)
print("}", file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print("static void user_mainloop(void);", file=f)
if options.get("userinit"):
print("static void userinit(int argc, char **argv);", file=f)
if not options.get("singleton"):
int __comp_parse_count(int *argc, char **argv) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < *argc; i ++) {
if (strncmp(argv[i], "count=", 6) == 0) {
errno = 0;
count = strtoul(&argv[i][6], NULL, 0);
for (; i+1 < *argc; i ++) {
argv[i] = argv[i+1];
argv[i] = NULL;
if (errno == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
""", file=f)
int __comp_parse_names(int *argc, char **argv) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < *argc; i ++) {
if (strncmp(argv[i], "names=", 6) == 0) {
char *p = &argv[i][6];
int j;
for (; i+1 < *argc; i ++) {
argv[i] = argv[i+1];
argv[i] = NULL;
for (j = 0; j < %d; j ++) {
names[j] = strtok(p, ",");
p = NULL;
if (names[j] == NULL) {
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
print("int argc=0; char **argv=0;", file=f)
print("int main(int argc_, char **argv_) {" , file=f)
print(" argc = argc_; argv = argv_;", file=f)
if not options.get("singleton"):
print(" int found_count, found_names;", file=f)
print(" found_count = __comp_parse_count(&argc, argv);", file=f)
print(" found_names = __comp_parse_names(&argc, argv);", file=f)
print(" if (found_count && found_names) {", file=f)
print(" rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, \"count= and names= are mutually exclusive\\n\");", file=f)
print(" return 1;", file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
if options.get("userinit", 0):
print(" userinit(argc, argv);", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" if(rtapi_app_main() < 0) return 1;", file=f)
print(" user_mainloop();", file=f)
print(" rtapi_app_exit();", file=f)
print(" return 0;", file=f)
print("}", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if not options.get("no_convenience_defines"):
print("#undef FUNCTION", file=f)
print("#define FUNCTION(name) static void name(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, long period)", file=f)
print("#undef EXTRA_SETUP", file=f)
print("#define EXTRA_SETUP() static int extra_setup(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, char *prefix, long extra_arg)", file=f)
print("#undef EXTRA_CLEANUP", file=f)
print("#define EXTRA_CLEANUP() static void extra_cleanup(void)", file=f)
print("#undef fperiod", file=f)
print("#define fperiod (period * 1e-9)", file=f)
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in pins:
print("#undef %s" % to_c(name), file=f)
if array:
if dir == 'in':
print("#define %s(i) (0+*(__comp_inst->%s[i]))" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
print("#define %s(i) (*(__comp_inst->%s[i]))" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
if dir == 'in':
print("#define %s (0+*__comp_inst->%s)" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
print("#define %s (*__comp_inst->%s)" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in params:
print("#undef %s" % to_c(name), file=f)
if array:
print("#define %s(i) (__comp_inst->%s[i])" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
print("#define %s (__comp_inst->%s)" % (to_c(name), to_c(name)), file=f)
for type, name, array, value in variables:
name = name.replace("*", "")
print("#undef %s" % name, file=f)
print("#define %s (__comp_inst->%s)" % (name, name), file=f)
if has_data:
print("#undef data", file=f)
print("#define data (*(%s*)(__comp_inst->_data))" % options['data'], file=f)
if has_personality:
print("#undef personality", file=f)
print("#define personality (__comp_inst->_personality)", file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print("#undef FOR_ALL_INSTS", file=f)
if options.get("singleton"):
print("#define __comp_inst __comp_first_inst", file=f)
print("#define FOR_ALL_INSTS()", file=f)
print("#define FOR_ALL_INSTS() struct __comp_state *__comp_inst; for(__comp_inst = __comp_first_inst; __comp_inst; __comp_inst = __comp_inst->_next)", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("", file=f)
def epilogue(f):
data = options.get('data')
print("", file=f)
if data:
print("static int __comp_get_data_size(void) { return sizeof(%s); }" % data, file=f)
print("static int __comp_get_data_size(void) { return 0; }", file=f)
modename = ("install", "compile", "preprocess", "document", "installdoc", "viewdoc", "print-modinc")
modinc = None
def find_modinc():
global modinc
if modinc: return modinc
d = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
for e in ['src', 'etc/linuxcnc', '/etc/linuxcnc', 'share/linuxcnc']:
e = os.path.join(d, e, 'Makefile.modinc')
if os.path.exists(e):
modinc = e
return e
raise SystemExit("Unable to locate Makefile.modinc")
def build_usr(tempdir, filename, mode, origfilename):
binname = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
makefile = os.path.join(tempdir, "Makefile")
f = open(makefile, "w")
print("%s: %s" % (binname, filename), file=f)
print("\t$(CC) -I$(EMC2_HOME)/include -I/usr/include/linuxcnc -URTAPI -U__MODULE__ -DULAPI -Os %s -o $@ $< -Wl,-rpath,$(LIBDIR) -L$(LIBDIR) -llinuxcnchal %s" % (
options.get("extra_compile_args", ""),
options.get("extra_link_args", "")), file=f)
print("include %s" % find_modinc(), file=f)
result = os.system("cd %s && make -S %s" % (tempdir, binname))
if result != 0:
raise SystemExit(os.WEXITSTATUS(result) or 1)
output = os.path.join(tempdir, binname)
if mode == INSTALL:
shutil.copy(output, os.path.join(BINDIR, binname))
elif mode == COMPILE:
shutil.copy(output, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(origfilename),binname))
def build_rt(tempdir, filename, mode, origfilename):
objname = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".o")
global extra_libs
makefile = os.path.join(tempdir, "Makefile")
f = open(makefile, "w")
print("creating temp compile dir " + tempdir )
print("obj-m += %s" % objname, file=f)
print("LDFLAGS += -L%s/lib %s " % (os.path.abspath('.'), extra_libs) , file=f)
print("include %s" % find_modinc(), file=f)
print("EXTRA_CFLAGS += -lposemath -I%s" % os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(origfilename)), file=f)
print("EXTRA_CFLAGS += -I%s" % os.path.abspath('.'), file=f)
if mode == INSTALL:
target = "modules install"
target = "modules"
print("cd %s && make -S %s" % (tempdir, target))
result = os.system("cd %s && make -S %s" % (tempdir, target))
if result != 0:
raise SystemExit(os.WEXITSTATUS(result) or 1)
if mode == COMPILE:
for extension in ".ko", ".so", ".o":
kobjname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + extension
if os.path.exists(kobjname):
shutil.copy(kobjname, os.path.basename(kobjname))
raise SystemExit("Unable to copy module from temporary directory")
def finddoc(section=None, name=None):
for item in docs:
if ((section == None or section == item[0]) and
(name == None or name == item[1])): return item
return None
def finddocs(section=None, name=None):
for item in docs:
if ((section == None or section == item[0]) and
(name == None or name == item[1])):
yield item
def to_hal_man_unnumbered(s):
s = "%s.%s" % (comp_name, s)
s = s.replace("_", "-")
s = s.rstrip("-")
s = s.rstrip(".")
s = re.sub("#+", lambda m: "\\fI" + "M" * len( + "\\fB", s)
# s = s.replace("-", "\\-")
return s
def to_hal_man(s):
if options.get("singleton"):
s = "%s.%s" % (comp_name, s)
s = "%s.\\fIN\\fB.%s" % (comp_name, s)
s = s.replace("_", "-")
s = s.rstrip("-")
s = s.rstrip(".")
s = re.sub("#+", lambda m: "\\fI" + "M" * len( + "\\fB", s)
# s = s.replace("-", "\\-")
return s
def document(filename, outfilename):
a, b = parse(filename)
if outfilename is None:
outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".1" if options.get("userspace") else ".9"
f = open(outfilename, "w")
has_personality = False
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in pins:
if personality: has_personality = True
if isinstance(array, tuple): has_personality = True
for name, type, array, dir, value, personality in params:
if personality: has_personality = True
if isinstance(array, tuple): has_personality = True
print(".TH %s \"%s\" \"%s\" \"LinuxCNC Documentation\" \"HAL Component\"" % (
comp_name.upper(), "1" if options.get("userspace") else "9",
time.strftime("%F")), file=f)
print(".de TQ\\n.ns\n.TP \\\\$1\n..\n", file=f)
print(".SH NAME\n", file=f)
doc = finddoc('component')
if doc and doc[2]:
if '\n' in doc[2]:
firstline, rest = doc[2].split('\n', 1)
firstline = doc[2]
rest = ''
print("%s \\- %s" % (doc[1], firstline), file=f)
rest = ''
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
print(".SH SYNOPSIS", file=f)
if options.get("userspace"):
print(".B %s" % comp_name, file=f)
if rest:
print(rest, file=f)
print(".HP", file=f)
if options.get("singleton") or options.get("count_function"):
if has_personality:
print(".B loadrt %s personality=\\fIP\\fB" % comp_name, end='', file=f)
print(".B loadrt %s" % comp_name, end='', file=f)
if has_personality:
print(".B loadrt %s [count=\\fIN\\fB|names=\\fIname1\\fB[,\\fIname2...\\fB]] [personality=\\fIP,P,...\\fB]" % comp_name, end='', file=f)
print(".B loadrt %s [count=\\fIN\\fB|names=\\fIname1\\fB[,\\fIname2...\\fB]]" % comp_name, end='', file=f)
for type, name, default, doc in modparams:
print(" [%s=\\fIN\\fB]" % name, end='', file=f)
print("", file=f)
hasparamdoc = False
for type, name, default, doc in modparams:
if doc: hasparamdoc = True
if hasparamdoc:
print(".RS 4", file=f)
for type, name, default, doc in modparams:
print(".TP", file=f)
print("\\fB%s\\fR" % name, end='', file=f)
if default:
print(" [default: %s]" % default, file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(doc, file=f)
print(".RE", file=f)
if options.get("constructable") and not options.get("singleton"):
print(".PP\n.B newinst %s \\fIname\\fB" % comp_name, file=f)
doc = finddoc('descr')
if doc and doc[1]:
print(".SH DESCRIPTION\n", file=f)
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
if functions:
print(".SH FUNCTIONS", file=f)
for _, name, fp, doc in finddocs('funct'):
print(".TP", file=f)
print("\\fB%s\\fR" % to_hal_man(name), end='', file=f)
if fp:
print(" (requires a floating-point thread)", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(doc, file=f)
lead = ".TP"
print(".SH PINS", file=f)
for _, name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality in finddocs('pin'):
print(lead, file=f)
print(".B %s\\fR" % to_hal_man(name), end=' ', file=f)
print(type, dir, end=' ', file=f)
if array:
sz = name.count("#")
if isinstance(array, tuple):
print(" (%s=%0*d..%s)" % ("M" * sz, sz, 0, array[1]), end=' ', file=f)
print(" (%s=%0*d..%0*d)" % ("M" * sz, sz, 0, sz, array-1), end=' ', file=f)
if personality:
print(" [if %s]" % personality, end=' ', file=f)
if value:
print("\\fR(default: \\fI%s\\fR)" % value, file=f)
print("\\fR", file=f)
if doc:
print(doc, file=f)
lead = ".TP"
lead = ".TQ"
lead = ".TP"
if params:
print(".SH PARAMETERS", file=f)
for _, name, type, array, dir, doc, value, personality in finddocs('param'):
print(lead, file=f)
print(".B %s\\fR" % to_hal_man(name), end=' ', file=f)
print(type, dir, end=' ', file=f)
if array:
sz = name.count("#")
if isinstance(array, tuple):
print(" (%s=%0*d..%s)" % ("M" * sz, sz, 0, array[1]), end=' ', file=f)
print(" (%s=%0*d..%0*d)" % ("M" * sz, sz, 0, sz, array-1), end=' ', file=f)
if personality:
print(" [if %s]" % personality, end=' ', file=f)
if value:
print("\\fR(default: \\fI%s\\fR)" % value, file=f)
print("\\fR", file=f)
if doc:
print(doc, file=f)
lead = ".TP"
lead = ".TQ"
doc = finddoc('see_also')
if doc and doc[1]:
print(".SH SEE ALSO\n", file=f)
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
doc = finddoc('notes')
if doc and doc[1]:
print(".SH NOTES\n", file=f)
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
doc = finddoc('author')
if doc and doc[1]:
print(".SH AUTHOR\n", file=f)
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
doc = finddoc('license')
if doc and doc[1]:
print(".SH LICENSE\n", file=f)
print("%s" % doc[1], file=f)
def process(filename, mode, outfilename):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if outfilename is None:
if mode == PREPROCESS:
outfilename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".c"
outfilename = os.path.join(tempdir,
os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + ".c")
a, b = parse(filename)
base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outfilename))[0]
if comp_name != base_name:
raise SystemExit("Component name (%s) does not match filename (%s)" % (comp_name, base_name))
f = open(outfilename, "w")
if options.get("userinit") and not options.get("userspace"):
print("Warning: comp '%s' sets 'userinit' without 'userspace', ignoring" % filename, file=sys.stderr)
if options.get("userspace"):
if functions:
raise SystemExit("Userspace components may not have functions")
if not pins:
raise SystemExit("Component must have at least one pin")
lineno = a.count("\n") + 3
if options.get("userspace"):
if functions:
raise SystemExit("May not specify functions with a userspace component.")
f.write("#line %d \"%s\"\n" % (lineno, filename))
if not functions or "FUNCTION" in b:
f.write("#line %d \"%s\"\n" % (lineno, filename))
elif len(functions) == 1:
f.write("FUNCTION(%s) {\n" % functions[0][0])
f.write("#line %d \"%s\"\n" % (lineno, filename))
raise SystemExit("Must use FUNCTION() when more than one function is defined")
if mode != PREPROCESS:
if options.get("userspace"):
build_usr(tempdir, outfilename, mode, filename)
build_rt(tempdir, outfilename, mode, filename)
def usage(exitval=0):
print("""%(name)s: Build, compile, and install LinuxCNC HAL components
%(name)s [--compile|--preprocess|--document|--view-doc] compfile...
[sudo] %(name)s [--install|--install-doc] compfile...
%(name)s --compile --userspace cfile...
[sudo] %(name)s --install --userspace cfile...
[sudo] %(name)s --install --userspace pyfile...
%(name)s --print-modinc
Option to set maximum 'personalities' items:
--personalities=integer_value (default is %(dflt)d)
""" % {'name': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),'dflt':MAX_PERSONALITIES})
raise SystemExit(exitval)
def main():
global extra_libs
global require_license
require_license = True
global require_unix_line_endings
require_unix_line_endings = False
outfile = None
userspace = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "Uluijcpdo:h?P:",
['unix', 'lib=', 'install', 'compile', 'preprocess', 'outfile=',
'document', 'help', 'userspace', 'install-doc',
'view-doc', 'require-license', 'print-modinc',
except getopt.GetoptError:
for k, v in opts:
if k in ("-l", "--lib"):
extra_libs = extra_libs + " " + v
print( "-------------- " + v )
if k in ("-U", "--unix"):
require_unix_line_endings = True
if k in ("-u", "--userspace"):
userspace = True
if k in ("-i", "--install"):
mode = INSTALL
if k in ("-c", "--compile"):
mode = COMPILE
if k in ("-p", "--preprocess"):
if k in ("-d", "--document"):
if k in ("-j", "--install-doc"):
if k in ("-j", "--view-doc"):
mode = VIEWDOC
if k in ("--print-modinc",):
mode = MODINC
if k in ("-l", "--require-license"):
require_license = True
if k in ("-o", "--outfile"):
if len(args) != 1:
raise SystemExit("Cannot specify -o with multiple input files")
outfile = v
if k in ("-P", "--personalities"):
except Exception as detail:
raise SystemExit("Bad value for -P (--personalities)=",v,"\n",detail)
if k in ("-?", "-h", "--help"):
if outfile and mode != PREPROCESS and mode != DOCUMENT:
raise SystemExit("Can only specify -o when preprocessing or documenting")
if mode == MODINC:
if args:
raise SystemExit(
"Can not specify input files when using --print-modinc")
return 0
for f in args:
basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(f)[0])
if f.endswith(".comp") and mode == DOCUMENT:
document(f, outfile)
elif f.endswith(".comp") and mode == VIEWDOC:
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
outfile = os.path.join(tempdir, basename + ".9")
document(f, outfile)
os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, "man", ["man", outfile])
elif f.endswith(".comp") and mode == INSTALLDOC:
manpath = os.path.join(BASE, "share/man/man9")
if not os.path.isdir(manpath):
manpath = os.path.join(BASE, "docs/man/man9")
outfile = os.path.join(manpath, basename + ".9")
print("INSTALLDOC", outfile)
document(f, outfile)
elif f.endswith(".comp"):
process(f, mode, outfile)
elif f.endswith(".py") and mode == INSTALL:
lines = open(f).readlines()
if lines[0].startswith("#!"): del lines[0]
lines[0] = "#!%s\n" % sys.executable
outfile = os.path.join(BINDIR, basename)
try: os.unlink(outfile)
except os.error: pass
open(outfile, "w").writelines(lines)
os.chmod(outfile, 0o555)
elif f.endswith(".c") and mode != PREPROCESS:
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
shutil.copy(f, tempdir)
if userspace:
build_usr(tempdir, os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(f)), mode, f)
build_rt(tempdir, os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(f)), mode, f)
raise SystemExit("Unrecognized file type for mode %s: %r" % (modename[mode], f))
except Exception as e:
if outfile is not None: os.unlink(outfile)
except: # os.error:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vim:sw=4:sts=4:et
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