switching to linuxcnc from grbl

07 May 2023 23:27 #270898 by testriderchuck
switching to linuxcnc from grbl was created by testriderchuck
fairly noob here, some schooling in CNC with MasterCAM9. I've now got a ProVer4030 with grbl. very interested in abandoning Winblows. So far, the only objection with Grblcontrol is that it seems to forget where it's at after waiting a while between runs. Seems I need to rehome after each program run or the new X0Y0Z0 ends up being wherever the machine stopped at.

Does linuxcnc do this too? or is it a function the the program not returning the machine to part x0y0z0?  light bulb that, I'll hafta check that out later.

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08 May 2023 07:15 #270905 by Aciera
Replied by Aciera on topic switching to linuxcnc from grbl
No, that is definitely not something that should happen in any CNC controller.

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09 May 2023 06:26 #270988 by Henry Mateo
Replied by Henry Mateo on topic switching to linuxcnc from grbl
No, this is not a problem with LinuxCNC. It's made to know where the machine is and put it back there before starting a new program.

You can also set it to go back home before each run of the app.

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