Need help with setup config. Cant get mill to home

24 Jun 2016 01:33 #76528 by MAG45
Just updated LinuxCNC and had to do a clean install as I was on ubuntu 10.04. Trying to do stepcnfg wizard using the same settings I had written down from my old config. It will not home anymore, I have tried adjusting several settings in the wizard to no avail. It goes to the home switch, starts to back off, then errors with 'home switch active before latch move' I have spent the better part of the day trying to find answers but I dont understand linux well enough to understand what i am reading and if it even applies to my issue.

I am running from a parallel port through a BoB to gecko 540's, have micro switches for limit and home, they are set up as n/o which i know is not how they should be done, but they did work this way before.

Thank you for any advice

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24 Jun 2016 10:15 #76540 by Rick G
Have you tried just using your old configuration?

Rick G

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24 Jun 2016 13:59 #76559 by MAG45
Yes, i had everything written down from my old stepconfig and re-entered those values. One thing i thought of is that I had somehow added a backlash adjustment before, but i dont recall how to do that, and im not sure it would help this problem.

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24 Jun 2016 14:19 #76562 by Todd Zuercher
He wasn't asking if you tried to use the settings from the old config to make a new one. Use the actual old config files copied over and try to run them. They usually work perfectly well with the new version as is, or with minimal changes.

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24 Jun 2016 14:31 #76564 by MAG45
Oh, no, I didnt save them before updating the computer the the new OS.

Is that a Fiero as your Avatar?

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24 Jun 2016 14:59 #76571 by Todd Zuercher
Yes. An 85GT that I used to autocross a lot.

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24 Jun 2016 15:14 #76575 by MAG45

Yes. An 85GT that I used to autocross a lot.

Nice, i used to do the 3800 swaps in them before health issues slowed me down. This machine im trying to get running made a lot of the parts i used/sold. So many Fiero owners have asked me if i still make them, part of the reason im trying to get it running again.

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24 Jun 2016 15:20 #76578 by Todd Zuercher
Too, bad you didn't back them up first.
Do the HOME_SEARCH_VEL and HOME_LATCH_VEL have matching or opposite signs?

You might need add a little debounce to your limit signal or maybe try increasing the home latch velocity. (more as a test than a solution)

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24 Jun 2016 15:30 - 24 Jun 2016 16:03 #76580 by MAG45
I know, They are equal.

Could you explain, how/where to add a debounce signal? I have read some on it, but its still unclear to me.

I am attaching the ini and hal files
Last edit: 24 Jun 2016 16:03 by MAG45.

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24 Jun 2016 17:15 #76584 by Todd Zuercher
Before you try the debounce try inverting the home pin and see if that helps.
net all-home        <=

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