Configuring endstops in series - Error troubleshooting

13 Mar 2022 00:42 #237056 by MacLaddy
Hey folks,

I've been working my way through a new installation for an XYYZ PNC machine with a single parallel port. I have four inductive sensors for homing and endstops. One each for the X and Z axis, and one for each motor on the Y-Axis.

I'm not sure if these sensors are NO or NC. I have wired them in series where they remain at 24V until triggered, and then go to 0V. They are wired with X and Y1 together and Z & Y2. I have used Pin 10 for one set and 11 for the other.

Here's the issue. When I start LinuxCNC, I receive the following error. I'm not sure what it means. I've been able to work my way through several previous errors and the HAL/INI file, but this one has stumped me.

I appreciate any help offered. I just started with LinuxCNC, so please be gentle. I've also attached my HAL and INI file.

Afterthought: I realize many of the travel distances and velocities are out of whack (8 inches or so). I'll fix those once I can get the program to boot.
Error report created by /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/show_errors.tcl:
Print file information:
LINUXCNC - 2.8.2-11-g6a3d0a434
Machine configuration directory is '/home/cory/linuxcnc/configs/cutter'
Machine configuration file is 'cutter.ini'
KINEMATICS=trivkins coordinates=XYYZ
Starting LinuxCNC...
Starting LinuxCNC server program: linuxcncsvr
Loading Real Time OS, RTAPI, and HAL_LIB modules
Starting LinuxCNC IO program: io
Found file(REL): ./cutter.hal
Found file(REL): ./custom.hal
Starting TASK program: milltask
Starting DISPLAY program: axis
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3) failed
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
waiting for s.joints<0>, s.kinematics_type<0>
Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
config string '0 out'
Removing HAL_LIB, RTAPI, and Real Time OS modules
Removing NML shared memory segments

Debug file information:
Note: Using POSIX realtime
INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
note: MAXV     max: 3.000 units/sec 180.000 units/min
note: LJOG     max: 3.000 units/sec 180.000 units/min
note: LJOG default: 0.300 units/sec 18.000 units/min
INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154cory
Waiting for component 'inihal' to become ready...INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
..........INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
..........INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
...........INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
..A configuration error is preventing LinuxCN
C from starting.
More information may be available when running from a terminal.
.HAL: ERROR: exit called before init
<commandline>:0: waitpid failed milltask inihal

<commandline>:0: milltask exited without becoming ready
Stopping realtime threads
Unloading hal components
Note: Using POSIX realtime

File Attachment:

File Name: cutter.hal
File Size:4 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: cutter.ini
File Size:3 KB

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13 Mar 2022 01:23 - 13 Mar 2022 01:23 #237058 by PCW
Just a a WAG but maybe the error:

emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3)) failed

is because of the broken number in joint 3:

HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.03 0000
Last edit: 13 Mar 2022 01:23 by PCW.

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13 Mar 2022 01:40 #237064 by MacLaddy

Just a a WAG but maybe the error:

emcMotionInit: emcJointInit(3)) failed

is because of the broken number in joint 3:

HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.03 0000

It worked! Excellent WAG. I never would have noticed that white space, thank you. Now I just need to see if the homing sequence actually works.

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13 Mar 2022 01:45 #237065 by tommylight
INIFILE: ERR_CONVERSION, section=JOINT_3, tag=HOME_LATCH_VEL, num=1, lineNo=154
It is pinpointed exactly where the issue is, namely:
HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.03 0000
There can be no spaces there.
This reminds me, the second time i used LinuxCNC or EMC2 back then, wasted about an hour chasing why a new config is not starting, turned out a space in a config folder name was not allowed back then. :)
Just squash them one by one as they come.
Almost forgot, welcome. :)

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13 Mar 2022 01:46 #237066 by tommylight
What the heyyyyy...
Oh well, i was watching Nero3D on youtube while answering.

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13 Mar 2022 03:56 - 13 Mar 2022 03:58 #237075 by MacLaddy

Thanks for the welcome. I have no doubt I'll be here a lot. Also never heard of Nero3D. Looks like a great channel. Appreciate the tip. 

(I destroyed that quoted reply. Guess I need to also learn how to use this website)

Last edit: 13 Mar 2022 03:58 by MacLaddy.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight

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13 Mar 2022 20:04 #237144 by MacLaddy
I provided incorrect information in the original post. Pins 10 and 11 remain at 0V until triggered, then go to 24V. I mention this because although LinuxCNC now boots for me, when I start the homing sequence it does not see it when I trigger the endstop. The z-motor just keeps spinning. I've tested the pin with a volt meter and I can see it goes high when I trigger it.

I have tried both :

net home-x-y1 <=
net home-z-y2 <=


net home-x-y1 <=
net home-z-y2 <=

Neither of these work. Is there another setting for this?

Thanks again.

File Attachment:

File Name: cutter_2022-03-13.hal
File Size:4 KB

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13 Mar 2022 21:19 #237147 by PCW

Change when you manually trip the switches?

If you are running Axis you can view these with halshow (Machine --> Show HAL configuration --> Watch )

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13 Mar 2022 21:50 - 13 Mar 2022 21:51 #237149 by MacLaddy


Change when you manually trip the switches?

If you are running Axis you can view these with halshow (Machine --> Show HAL configuration --> Watch )
I changed them back to pin-10-in. I don't understand what you mean by "change when you manually trip the switches?"  The motors are off the machine right now. I'm doing benchtop tests, so I start homing inside LCNC and manually trigger the Z-Stop since it is first in the sequence.

Thank you for the tip on viewing halshow. When doing this for PIN10, it shows as red and as yellow. They flip when triggered. PIN11 does the same. I'm pretty sure it is wired correctly, as either X or Y1 can trigger the change (but not at the same time). But it still doesn't register when homing.

Last edit: 13 Mar 2022 21:51 by MacLaddy.

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13 Mar 2022 22:02 - 13 Mar 2022 22:04 #237150 by PCW
The shared home signal names don't match so there
is no connection from your hardware to LinuxCNC:

net home-x-y1 <=
net home-z-y2 <=
net home-x => joint.0.home-sw-in
net home-y1 => joint.1.home-sw-in
net home-y2 => joint.2.home-sw-in
net home-z => joint.3.home-sw-in

should be something like:

net home-x-y1 => joint.0.home-sw-in
net home-x-y1 => joint.1.home-sw-in
net home-z-y2 => joint.2.home-sw-in
net home-z-y2 => joint.3.home-sw-in
Last edit: 13 Mar 2022 22:04 by PCW.

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