Help! 1 of 5 steppers working..

13 Feb 2023 08:21 #264409 by Clive S
Also the 7i78 firmware on Mesanet page:
is a dead link, still rendering error 404.
It is not a dead link and works for me.

I would not alienate the hands that feeds you:  for your info PCW is Mesa 

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13 Feb 2023 08:50 #264410 by rodw
Hamish, to be fair, we here in .AU are 15 hours ahead of the US so you have to wait for Tuesday before Monday rolls around...
The 7i78 probably does not have any firmware and it can be connected to many parent devices so its not possible to list the parent firmware.
If you are really stuck, I might be able to be convinced to part with the spare 7i76e I have here in Brisbane. you can contact me via the contact us page on

I think its dangerous to depend on any info thats not on the Linuxcnc documents page for your distro as things change and you don't know if  its current or not. That also applies to the forum here. Also be sure to read the docs for your version. 2.8/2.9/2.10 as they are different.
And if you have not worked it out yet, PCW is the owner of Mesa. Its only a small company so don't be too hard on them. 

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13 Feb 2023 11:16 #264422 by harmo
Hi Clive,

Thanks for reaching out. Ok, I can see how it might seem confrontational. It isn't my intention. However, the first step to fixing something, is admitting that problems... or at least less-than-ideal situations exist. It's not an attack, more like... "Ok, this could be improved, and I hope to help implement (or at least inspire) changes that'll save time/effort/frustration for newbies, and make it easier for the poor folks on this forum (Like PCW) that get bombarded by repeat questions. Also, some people.. are afraid to ask questions.. which if you remember your school days.. might be far more prevalent than you might at first, have considered.

I like PCW, I've only recently suspected he's Mesa-affiliated, I'm not attacking him at all. So please don't think I'm biting anyone's hand, feeding me or otherwise.

Sometimes what I type, and what I mean don't come across correctly/ quite match. So please let me be clearer.

The firmware link (under specifications > support software) on the linked page I provided in the previous post), has rendered a 404 on no less than 4 separate computers. One attempt, was less than two minutes ago.

I linked the closest working page, so the web team knows which page the link is on. Not just that the file behind that link is dead, because that's only part of the problem. With this, it should be a quick and easy fix as they have all the necessary info at their disposal. I'm trying to help Mesa/PCW here.

If your point was to demonstrate how hard it is to make perfectly clear documentation/forum posts. I acknowledge the point wholeheartedly. But just because it's hard, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Clearly I'm making an effort here to clarify myself, and I hope to help inspire similar actions in whatever documentation, manual, LinuxCNC guide, forum post, or whatever is being written.

So it seems I need to be clearer too, and I'll eat my slice of humble pie. We're all human, learning, tinkering, and muddling our way through life.


It's not ALL about me...

However, let's be clear here. As a beginner, sure, I could have chosen Mach3/4 or UCNC, or any other software suite/hardware combo. Ok, they have a completely GUI based configuration process, (little if any HAL like editing). Maybe some of you are thinking (perhaps loudly) that you are in fact, superior to this crazy beginner on this (which I freely acknowledge) and even I've considered whether or not I made a bad decision. I'm not giving up, but if I'm honest about my frustrations, and real-world experiences, then maybe others will feel less alone or at least get a laugh out of me scratching my ever receding hairline.

I have such lovely hair, it'd just a shame I let my skin and ears grow over it. Hehe. But back to my point...

It's the people who just fade away, and stop talking here who may have quietly given up on CNC altogether (such a shame) or choose an alternative, and I think this robs the LinuxCNC community of opportunities. You can have the nicest forum in the world, (Honestly no complaints) but it's never going to be the most efficient way to do the basics if people stop visiting because they're tired of the same old stuff, day in, day out. Imagine if PCW and the other key forum "players" weren't available... would even veterans be able to get all the guidance they need? I'm not belittling anyone, here.

It's undeniable, that LinuxCNC isn't the simplest softwre to implement for newbies. I don't know what is... but I want to help pave the way, even if it's a little smoother for the beginners who are yet to come. Honestly, I can relate to that quite well right now. So I'm talking about what I know. If that seems confrontational, then I am truly sorry for making you feel that way.

Anyway, I am only ever hoping to help. Maybe my help and/or perspective is unwanted, and that's OK.. I'm not needy/narcissistic enough to think I'll be liked by everyone.

Forums where people are sharing their wisdom are amazing, but oh how I wish there were easier ways to communicate at times.

All the best,

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13 Feb 2023 12:20 #264425 by harmo
Hi Rod,

How's life in Qld? I hope you're and your plasma cutter's doing well. I quite enjoyed your YouTube videos, and I have found them helpful in building my control box.

It seems my often-odd wavelength has ruffled feathers... so let's start fixing that.


Can I quickly give you (and the readers here) the same advice I gave my better half when I first met her? It'll save time.. and it's a fun/shameless rip-off of Fight Club....

The first rule of Hamish: You don't take me seriously
The second rule of Hamish: You do NOT take me seriously.
If in doubt, see rules 1 and 2.

I really want to get that shirt made. Anyways...

I embrace the ridiculousness and insanity of life, and light-heartedly mock anything/anything like all good Aussies. It shows affection/coping mechanisms. That said, if something could be improved, I'll raise it if for no other reason that it might lead to beneficial change. If there are multiple problems, I'll list them. I've even offered to help.. but I don't assume that it'll always be welcomed. At least, I'll have tried.

I just don't want to be that kid who doesn't raise their hand for fear of looking foolish. Of course, I'm going to "stuff up" particularly on a text-only forum. I mean what I say, but I never intend it to be mean. I know there's a lot of trolls on the Internet and "benefit of the doubt" isn't always the first choice. I understand, and I hope you will too.

<end side note>

I'll try not to be quite so... frivolous/wistful in future. I didn't know that PCW was the owner, or that it is a small company. I thought he might've been a tech support guy or board designer. He clearly knows his stuff. I do not belittle him, or Mesa, just that beginners thinking that they can use PNCConf with a 7i78 daughter board will be disappointed. I honestly wonder... why is this board left out?

But moving on....

Yes, you're right, the AEDT/U.S. time difference is always fun. However, please note, that I emailed Mesa at about 11pm Friday our time, which is 6am-ish Friday their time. I thought I admitted (I think it was on our Sunday night) that it's ONLY been one business day.. which it had been by that point. If I didn't... I'm sorry. I wasn't actually expecting that response rate, only that it'd be nice if it was that fast, because I'm actually excited to make progress, nothing more. PCW has indeed said he'll get to an RMA on his Monday. Which is actually greatly appreciated. I listed a whole host of possible solutions, (taking various things into account... like the chip shortage, cost, and anything that'll make both ends of this faulty card repair easier). So... maybe he'll finish reading it by Easter (judging by how this post is going).

Yes Rod, you're right about the documentation. I'll stick to the original sources. However, Mesa manuals... I didn't expect to vary so much... the version numbers were even identical, but I downloaded a dud. I've been trying to figure out how that happened. Probably clicked the wrong link. I've already retracted that comment.

That said, augmenting the official guides with other sources (like your videos) has made interpreting the manuals MUCH clearer. Sometimes a working example (even for a different setup) makes all the difference.

I'm just offering a beginners perspective, and I truly appreciate that Anschluss made some amazing documents that have helped a lot of people (me included) wire the 7i76e, the Feral Engineer (on YouTube) made PNCConf much clearer. Even you've helped me navigate the Mesa web site and choose the 7i76e itself.

It's not just me. It seems that it's generally accepted that basic information could be conveyed far more effectively than in the LinuxCNC/Mesa manuals. This isn't an attack, just a humble suggestions that providing a "self-help" path to common configuration problems, a general outline, and perhaps "crash course" for the guy who suddenly finds himself with a CNC that DOESN'T use Mach3/4, would make it easier for the oracles of the LinuxCNC forum and allow them get back to things they'd prefer to be doing.

Anyway, thanks for the help and advice both now, and in the past. And reading this long post.

Kind Regards,

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13 Feb 2023 15:35 #264434 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Help! 1 of 5 steppers working..
Rodw is correct, the 7I78 is a passive device and has no firmware
I have removed the firmware link from the store.

(this is an obsolete link from a required firmware update of all sserial cards
and was included in most product pages at one time)

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