Okuma MV45VBE Vertical Milling Center-Electrically Abused

30 Oct 2020 00:49 #187742 by Xnke
One of my workmates just bought a complete Okuma MV45VBE VMC that was hooked up to 480V power, and it's a 240V machine. He and I both believe the controls are completely cooked, and he's starting to part the machine out.

It's located in central Tennessee, and weighs 16,000 pounds. It was in perfect working order before the ill-fated relocation that killed it on power-up. I'm told that a LOT of magic smoke was released from the control cabinet.

Any Tennessee LinuxCNC'ers need any parts, or a mill table, or heck even a whole mill that you'll need to rebuild the controls on? Chances are good that a lot of the fuses blew fast enough to protect motors and the like, however I'd bet the main control is fried, or at least the power supply for the main control is dead. I can PM his phone number or just ask for whatever parts you want a price on.

I am going over to have a look at the machine soon, so if anyone is interested I'll send photos.
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30 Oct 2020 17:56 #187811 by scotth
I'm interested in the machine.

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01 Nov 2020 15:44 #188013 by rootboy
Central Tennessee? Don't you mean Middle Tennessee? :)

Whereabouts are you located? I'm in Lewisburg.

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01 Nov 2020 23:39 - 02 Nov 2020 00:49 #188068 by Xnke
Machine is Located in Moss, TN, and is currently on a trailer. Asking price is 3800$.

PM me with telephone numbers and I'll get you guys hooked up.
Last edit: 02 Nov 2020 00:49 by Xnke.

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02 Nov 2020 02:36 #188084 by rootboy
I passed on your info to my buddy and he simply doesn't have the space for it. I'll mention it to my next door neighbor who has a machine shop.

As for PMs, I don't think this board supports them. If Scotty is interested, I'll pass on my gmail address.

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02 Nov 2020 05:18 #188087 by Xnke
Scotth, if you're interested let me know here and we'll work out how to get in contact.

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02 Nov 2020 14:35 #188114 by Todd Zuercher
There is a possibility we could be interested in it as a rebuilder. but I'd need to see some picutres, and probably instpect it first.

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  • scotth
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02 Nov 2020 19:23 - 12 Sep 2024 23:42 #188136 by scotth
Last edit: 12 Sep 2024 23:42 by scotth.

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03 Nov 2020 02:44 #188169 by Xnke
Scott, Sent you an Email with contact info and timeline of getting photos.

Todd, as soon as I can get down to Moss (about 1.5 hour drive from me) to the machine, I'm taking photos and will let you know if Scott passes on the machine. As stated, the machine was being relocated from one position inside the building to another, and was hooked up to the wrong power source-it wasn't used abusively or very worn, and was still making parts within a tight tolerance before the magic smoke was let out.

If my building was big enough, I'd have already started the LCNC conversion!

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16 Nov 2020 09:12 #189500 by Xnke
Finally got a few photos this weekend.

Yeah, they're not great. I only had a few minutes to get some photos showing the general machine, before I had to leave and get to another customer.

The tire and sheetmetal up top are where the main spindle motor was removed to check it, the sheetmetal and tire are there for an extra layer of water protection under the tarp the machine lives under. I did not see the motor, but I'm told it's there. If anyone is still interested I'll keep on him to get more information.

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