Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO. Linked added

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06 Jun 2024 02:48 #302431 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO. was created by Cant do this anymore bye all
The story so far.
I've noticed 2 issues with the ISO provided on the download page for Linuxcnc.

1. Installer would stall during the network configuration during the dhcpv6 phase.
2. After installation the bottom panel would have 3 "blank entries", not a deal breaker but annoying.

I got quite frustrated as the answers given were "use Balena Etcher" or "it's Debian" installer issue.
Fixes where found and I was able to produce an ISO that doesn't have these issues. ATM I have only tested with VirtualBox.

With regards to using VirtualBox and the network config issue.
1. If the network adapter was set to NAT the issue would not present.
2. If the network adapter was set to bridged I the issue would present.
3. The issue was traced to not having a dhcpv6 server on site, this is a whole different kettle of fish that is beyond the scope of this thread. I have been contacted personally regarding this issue by phone by some local to myself. Initially I suggested using the Debian Bookworm net install image, then manually installing Linuxcnc. It works but not what I would call ideal. This is the way I went about installing Linuxcnc to 2 machines I have.

Whilst I can test at home, I can not say whether the created ISO has any issues, as I have limited hardware on which to test.
If anyone would be interested in testing (and not passing it into the wild), or if you know how to use the live-build stuff I would very much appreciate it.
This is the link to my github pointing to branch I have been working on.

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07 Jun 2024 23:17 #302574 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
Really ?
No one ?

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08 Jun 2024 00:09 #302581 by tommylight
Sorry but i just do not have the time required to properly test it.
And having an average of 3 to 10 installs per month with no issues ever, i might have quite the luck in choosing hardware.
And i use Mint always as Debian was very iffy before 12.
I can give it a quick run in a few days though, if that helps.
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08 Jun 2024 00:21 #302584 by tommylight
Hmmm.... several issues
-no ISO = this is a must, otherwise very few that can actually test it on this forum.
-supposed to run from a Debian BookWorm install probably, as it fails miserably on Mint
terminal output:
cnc@HP-Z420:~$ [ -x /usr/bin/git ] || sudo apt install git
cnc@HP-Z420:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'linuxcnc-live-build'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 577, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (46/46), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done.
remote: Total 577 (delta 18), reused 12 (delta 12), pack-reused 531
Receiving objects: 100% (577/577), 105.34 KiB | 627.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (259/259), done.
cnc@HP-Z420:~$ cd linuxcnc-live-build
cnc@HP-Z420:~/linuxcnc-live-build$ git checkout bookworm
Already on 'bookworm'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bookworm'.
cnc@HP-Z420:~/linuxcnc-live-build$ [ -x /usr/bin/lb ] || sudo apt install live-build
cnc@HP-Z420:~/linuxcnc-live-build$ lb config
[2024-06-08 02:15:59] lb_config 
P: Executing auto/config script.
[2024-06-08 02:15:59] lb_config noauto --linux-packages linux-image-rt --debootstrap-options --include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl --distribution bookworm --binary-images iso-hybrid --debian-installer live --archive-areas main contrib non-free non-free-firmware --iso-application LinuxCNC-2.9.2 --iso-preparer --iso-volume LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --image-name LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --iso-publisher --apt-recommends true --security true --updates true --apt-options  --yes --allow-change-held-packages
lb config: unrecognized option '--debootstrap-options'
lb config: unrecognized option '--include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl'
lb config: unrecognized option '--image-name'
lb config: unrecognized option '--updates'
cnc@HP-Z420:~/linuxcnc-live-build$ sudo su
root@HP-Z420:/home/cnc/linuxcnc-live-build# lb build
[2024-06-08 02:16:08] lb_build 
P: Automatically populating config tree.
[2024-06-08 02:16:08] lb_config 
P: Executing auto/config script.
[2024-06-08 02:16:09] lb_config noauto --linux-packages linux-image-rt --debootstrap-options --include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl --distribution bookworm --binary-images iso-hybrid --debian-installer live --archive-areas main contrib non-free non-free-firmware --iso-application LinuxCNC-2.9.2 --iso-preparer --iso-volume LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --image-name LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --iso-publisher --apt-recommends true --security true --updates true --apt-options  --yes --allow-change-held-packages
lb config: unrecognized option '--debootstrap-options'
lb config: unrecognized option '--include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl'
lb config: unrecognized option '--image-name'
lb config: unrecognized option '--updates'
Thank you.

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08 Jun 2024 01:45 #302591 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
Bugger, worked fine on my Mint install, but I was using the latest version of Live build.

The reason I didn't post a link to the ISO as I didn't want it to go into the wild and have several versions of the 2.9.2 floating around.

I'll check my github and see what the error could be. Thanks Tommy. Like I said it works at my site....but can't tell if others have issues.

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08 Jun 2024 02:05 #302592 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
Another thing I see is that you've used the Linuxcnc repo, not my personal one, and I did notice there were issues with that repo, some slashes were missing from the end of the lines in the auto config file. And I did link to my repo. I've created a pull request but it hasn't been acted on.
murphy@Think-Station-S20:~/tmp/linuxcnc-live-build$ lb config
[2024-06-08 11:55:16] lb config 
P: Executing auto/config script.
[2024-06-08 11:55:16] lb config noauto --linux-packages linux-image-rt --debootstrap-options --include=apt-transport-https,ca-certificates,openssl --distribution bookworm --binary-images iso-hybrid --debian-installer live --archive-areas main contrib non-free non-free-firmware --iso-application LinuxCNC-2.9.2 --iso-preparer --iso-volume LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --image-name LinuxCNC_2.9.2 --iso-publisher --apt-recommends true --security true --updates true --apt-options --yes --allow-change-held-packages --bootappend-install ipv6.disable=1 --parent-mirror-bootstrap --parent-mirror-binary --parent-mirror-chroot-security
P: Updating config tree for a debian/bookworm/amd64 system
P: Symlinking hooks...
rmurphy@Think-Station-S20:~/tmp/linuxcnc-live-build$ lb --version

Ok on my other Mint system it was failing until I installed the latest bookworm live build from debian.

Heres what I did
Then installed it with gdebi
Getting the code from github
git clone
cd linuxcnc-live-build
git checkout bkwm-testing
lb config

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08 Jun 2024 02:14 #302593 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
I can confirm my repo works on debian 12, this what I started with and similar pesky issues as you did.

Work out it was comming from this is line in auto/config
--apt-options " --yes --allow-change-held-packages"
it's missing a "\" athe end of the line.

So on the ThinkStation I installed the latest debian live build and it worked fine.
Tried it on my T530 running Mint (machine run the same version of Mint) and it failed until I installed the latest debian bookworm live build package.
The T530 also boots into debian 12 and that was where I did the initial testing of the build.

Sorry for being so long winded. I think because Australia lags behind the world in Tech some of our ISPs don't give ipv6 addresses especially on a wireless plan. So yeah that's a me issue.

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08 Jun 2024 02:18 #302594 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
So once again Tommy I really really appreciate some one taking time out. It really helps to have someone finding issues that don't occur to myself.
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08 Jun 2024 05:41 #302601 by tommylight
Ok, so not just me, sorry forgot to mention this PC is still on Mint 21.2 i think.
Will give it a run later and report back.
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08 Jun 2024 05:46 #302604 by Cant do this anymore bye all
Replied by Cant do this anymore bye all on topic Help required in testing a few fixes to the 2.9.2 install ISO.
I'm on 21.3 Virginia.
Just don't forget to use my repo, as the Linuxcnc hasn't approved my pull request & checkout the bkwm-testing branch.

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