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05 Oct 2023 22:16

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Following my resent failures this is what I've done and where I am at now:

- Flashed the NVEM with the Remora firmware
- Installed Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy), so Buster 32 bit
- Installed xrdp to enable Remote Desktop
- Followed the guide to install LinuxCNC at, but since I had issues with the Pi not booting after installing the realtime kernel, I instead installed 5.15.65-rt49 according to
- Installed the Remora NVEM component
- Followed Scott's videos to configure ethernet
- Flashed the basic config to the NVEM

- I am able to ping the NVEM at
- I am able to start LinuxCNC and get out of emergency stop
- I am not able to request movement. If I do, I get "joint [0-2] following error"

I really wan't to move on and reinstall the NVEM in my CNC and continue with configuring LinuxCNC, but I'm stuck with this error.
Scott, help!

Hi, I've just put the STM32 NVEM back on the bench to retest. I could simulate your error when using the remora-eth component. With the latest firmware

And this config

Everything is ok.

A full chip erase can be performed in the ST-Link Utility.
05 Oct 2023 18:58

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Following my resent failures this is what I've done and where I am at now:

- Flashed the NVEM with the Remora firmware
- Installed Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy), so Buster 32 bit
- Installed xrdp to enable Remote Desktop
- Followed the guide to install LinuxCNC at, but since I had issues with the Pi not booting after installing the realtime kernel, I instead installed 5.15.65-rt49 according to
- Installed the Remora NVEM component
- Followed Scott's videos to configure ethernet
- Flashed the basic config to the NVEM

- I am able to ping the NVEM at
- I am able to start LinuxCNC and get out of emergency stop
- I am not able to request movement. If I do, I get "joint [0-2] following error"

I really wan't to move on and reinstall the NVEM in my CNC and continue with configuring LinuxCNC, but I'm stuck with this error.
Scott, help!


​​​​I had the same problems until I did a full erase of the chip before reflashing the board.  Try that. I'm on mobile and don't remember the command exactly but do "pyocd -h" in a terminal and you will get the idea. Then reflash the board. 

Might not solve your problems but worth a try
05 Oct 2023 18:51

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Following my resent failures this is what I've done and where I am at now:

- Flashed the NVEM with the Remora firmware
- Installed Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy), so Buster 32 bit
- Installed xrdp to enable Remote Desktop
- Followed the guide to install LinuxCNC at, but since I had issues with the Pi not booting after installing the realtime kernel, I instead installed 5.15.65-rt49 according to
- Installed the Remora NVEM component
- Followed Scott's videos to configure ethernet
- Flashed the basic config to the NVEM

- I am able to ping the NVEM at
- I am able to start LinuxCNC and get out of emergency stop
- I am not able to request movement. If I do, I get "joint [0-2] following error"

I really wan't to move on and reinstall the NVEM in my CNC and continue with configuring LinuxCNC, but I'm stuck with this error.
Scott, help!
04 Oct 2023 19:47

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

I just wrote a long message, that for whatever reason disappeared, so I'm going to make this short.

I'm starting over with a fresh install. I first installed Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) on my Pi 4b 4 Gb.
I then installed xrdp to be able to use the Pi headless, instead of the steps mentioned in the Remora documentation to enable VNC.
After that I followed the steps to install LinuxCNC until step 8, where you install the realtime kernel. At the end of the install I get the errors
Unpacking linux-image-4.19.71-rt24-v7l+ (4.19.71-rt24-v7l+-4) ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-4.19.71-rt24-v7l+_4.19.71-rt24-v7l+-4_armhf.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite '/boot/bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb', which is also in package raspberrypi-kernel 1:1.20230509~buster-1
dpkg-deb: error: paste subprocess was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

And after I try to reboot the Pi, it will not boot any more. I have tried twice with the same results.
Have I done something apparently wrong and/or does anyone know how I can fix this?

Kind regards,
04 Oct 2023 09:25
Replied by rodw on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Congrats on all your hard work Rod.


Actually just had a thought, if there was any Pi ethercat users here, maybe they could fork my ethercat driver and build the deb on a pi

If you could share the deb with me, I might be able to put it up on and I could add the ethercat  repos to the build like I have done with the AMD64 installer.
04 Oct 2023 08:56

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Congrats on all your hard work Rod.
04 Oct 2023 08:15
Replied by rodw on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

I think there was a time when the 8 gb didn't work but getting a 64 bit kernel operational has solved that.
However, on the flip side, Memory usage by linuxcnc is well under 4 Gb.
I think when the Pi5 surfaces, the builder Cornholio and I have built should transfer to it OK as we are using the genuine Raspberry kernel code. One would expect that it will support the Pi 5, hopefully by changing one variable being the board we are building for.
The good news is that our builder has been forked by Linucnc and will become the official Pi image builder when 2.9 is released shortly.
03 Oct 2023 23:14

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Realtime is fine with 64 bit, Rodw and myself have been working on and released images for the RPi 4.
In Australia the 8gb model is only $30 more than the 4gb model, so it's kind of a no-brainer which one to go for. Add the extra 600Mhz per core, the RPi 400 have 1.8Ghz cores, and the faster SD card access life should be good.
03 Oct 2023 15:18
Replied by _big_ on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

In my experience, LinuxCNC/RPi4 occasionally generates some unhappy real time messages  .   Don't think I've ever seen it cause a real problem though.   Haven't updated my OS is a couple years, perhaps the new versions eliminate these messages.

Original plan was to update to RPi5.   We of course know what happened to the RPi5 schedule  .  Looks like RPI5 will soon be widely available  .   

If this is accurate:    RPi5 has a substantially improved processor.   2-3x performance reports.   But for real time considerations, probably what happens is some task in the OS occasionally goes off and flushes the real time stuff out of the cache.   BCM2712 has double the cache capacity and a claimed 3x memory max bandwidth.   This should significantly help real time performance.

Would expect the real time performance of RPi5 to be quite a bit better.   I think we'll soon find out.

03 Oct 2023 14:54
Replied by _big_ on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

It looks like Raspberry Pi OS gives you the choice of 64 versus 32 bit. 8G makes no sense with the 32 bit OS. Because various objects are larger in 64 bit mode, the 64 bit OS is likely a bit slower. Don't know if the real time extensions work on the 64 bit OS.

In my experience, LinuxCNC is not memory intensive. The biggest memory resource consumer is the X windowing system.

IMHO, 4G should be fine.
02 Oct 2023 21:29

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware


Please forgive my noobness, but I need some guidance, and I really hope that you guys will be able to help me out.

I'm completely new to LinuxCNC and have pretty much no knowledge when it comes to Linux besides copy/pasting commands, making simple changes in menus and editing text files. I know it's a bit backwards to start my LinuxCNC journey by using the NVEM board with Remora. Ideally I should use a board made for LinuxCNC, but the NVEM is what I have, and I would like to not spend money and the earth's resources if I don't have to.

Now, I have been able to install Raspberry Pi OS Legacy to my Pi 4b 4 Gb, as well as installing LinuxCNC and Remora and flashing my NVEM with the Remora firmware. When I start LinuxCNC with the sim.axis configuration the simulation works fine, but displays the error message "unexpected realtime delay on task 0..." when I start with remora-nvem-basic, and as soon as I try to move an axis I get the error "joint [0-2] following error".
I have not yet connected anything to the NVEM, it's currently sitting on my desk connected to the Pi, if that makes any difference.

I work as a automation engineer, and have a lot of experience with miscellaneous automation systems, but LinuxCNC is just too much at once for me :)

Am I supposed to Pncconf wizard to create a configuration even though I have the remora-nvem-basic? Or should I make a configuration based on the remora-nvem-basic by copy/pasting it and making changes there based on my setup?

Apparently I've missed something, done something wrong, done something in the wrong order, and I'm hoping that you guys could find it in your hearts to help a beginner out :)
What I'm basically asking for is guidance on what to do next that is specific to Remora and NVEM.

Thanks in advance!


Hi Christian, you've made good progress and on the learning curve with LinuxCNC. It does get easier and there is always help out there. So don't hesitate to ask.

It sounds like you are very close to be up and running. Which NVEM version are you running? STM32 or RT1052. The original NVEM repository is for the STM32 version. For RT1052 use the files in

1. Flash Remora firmware - done
2. Installed remora-nv LinuxCNC component - done, by the sounds as the example config starts
3. Checked communication with the board by pinging - done, by the sounds as LinuxCNC has come out of e-stop?
4. Uploaded a configuration file to the controller board? python3 yourconfigfile.txt

The unexpected delay warning is normal, nothing to worry about.

When you get the following errors, do you get any movement beforehand?
02 Oct 2023 17:08

Axis Bug or something else?

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I have a weird behaviour, veryfied in 2.8.3 and 2.8.4.
My G-code (generated by CamBam) looks perfectly sound, all moves are within the parameters I would expect.
But when I load it into Axis, I see a much larger bounding box for the piece and moves way outside the capabilities of the machine.
Also, this is not just a display bug: when I try to run the G-code, the machine actually moves to the positions shown by Axis.
I attached the Axis screenshot and the G-Code loaded, no secrets there.

I have been using Linuxcnc for a while now and not encountered this behaviour before - but this is the first time I use a g-Code with many small, finicky moves.

In case it matters: the machine controller is a RaspberryPi4 with Mesa FPGA (Ethernet) and a self-made HAT for the spindle interface..
The same G-code loaded into LinuxCNC 2.7.15 displays as expected (no moves outside the expected bounding box). But this other machine I still run on the old version is limited and not suitable for this job, so sadly not an option.

How would I downgrade my Rasbpi to 2.7? In the repositories I only find 2.8.0 and up. Would a downgrade even help?


02 Oct 2023 17:05 - 02 Oct 2023 17:48

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware


Please forgive my noobness, but I need some guidance, and I really hope that you guys will be able to help me out.

I'm completely new to LinuxCNC and have pretty much no knowledge when it comes to Linux besides copy/pasting commands, making simple changes in menus and editing text files. I know it's a bit backwards to start my LinuxCNC journey by using the NVEM board with Remora. Ideally I should use a board made for LinuxCNC, but the NVEM is what I have, and I would like to not spend money and the earth's resources if I don't have to.

Now, I have been able to install Raspberry Pi OS Legacy to my Pi 4b 4 Gb, as well as installing LinuxCNC and Remora and flashing my NVEM with the Remora firmware. When I start LinuxCNC with the sim.axis configuration the simulation works fine, but displays the error message "unexpected realtime delay on task 0..." when I start with remora-nvem-basic, and as soon as I try to move an axis I get the error "joint [0-2] following error".
I have not yet connected anything to the NVEM, it's currently sitting on my desk connected to the Pi, if that makes any difference.

I work as a automation engineer, and have a lot of experience with miscellaneous automation systems, but LinuxCNC is just too much at once for me :)

Am I supposed to Pncconf wizard to create a configuration even though I have the remora-nvem-basic? Or should I make a configuration based on the remora-nvem-basic by copy/pasting it and making changes there based on my setup?

Apparently I've missed something, done something wrong, done something in the wrong order, and I'm hoping that you guys could find it in your hearts to help a beginner out :)
What I'm basically asking for is guidance on what to do next that is specific to Remora and NVEM.

Thanks in advance!

02 Oct 2023 16:47

TTL (PWM) Laser head and Mesa 7i76

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Something really strange is going on.i have a PS for 5 V that powers the raspberry pi and the mesa card and I have a PS for 12V that I have connected to the BOB to. when I connect the cable between the mesa and the BOB there is something that starts beeping and the 5V PS only gives out 1V and the Pi dont start of cause. What can cause this?
02 Oct 2023 12:52

NVUM V2 USB, Remora and LinuxCNC

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

i'm not sure, but i think you need Ethernet or an Raspberry with SPI.
or maybe only a raspberry and LED's on the GPIO port
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