Spindle orientation
here is my Spindel HAL
Hope you can help me.
# ################
# Spindel S
# ################
# Spindelparameter
loadrt orient names=orient
addf orient servo-thread
addf pid.3.do-pid-calcs servo-thread
addf pid.4.do-pid-calcs servo-thread
addf sum2.0 servo-thread # summe laden
addf abs.spindle servo-thread
addf Drehzahl-erreicht servo-thread
# Parameter setzen
setp hm2_5i20.1.pwmgen.00.output-type 1 # muss 1 sein bei +- 10V
setp hm2_5i20.1.pwmgen.00.enable 1
setp hm2_5i20.1.pwmgen.00.scale [SPINDLE]MAX_DREHZAHL ### Maximale Drehzahl ###
setp Drehzahl-erreicht.difference 5
setp Drehzahl-erreicht.scale [SPINDLE]MAX_DREHZAHLABWEICHUNG ### Drehzahlabweichung ###
#setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.position-scale [SPINDLE]GEBER_INKREMENTE ### Auflösung ###
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.counter-mode 0
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.filter 1
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.index-invert 0
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.index-mask 0
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.index-mask-invert 0
setp hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.scale [SPINDLE]INPUT_SCALE
# PID Parameter vom INI File holen
setp pid.3.Pgain [SPINDLE]P ### PID ###
setp pid.3.Igain [SPINDLE]I
setp pid.3.Dgain [SPINDLE]D
setp pid.3.bias [SPINDLE]BIAS
setp pid.3.FF0 [SPINDLE]FF0
setp pid.3.FF1 [SPINDLE]FF1
setp pid.3.FF2 [SPINDLE]FF2
setp pid.3.deadband [SPINDLE]DEADBAND
setp pid.3.maxoutput [SPINDLE]MAX_OUTPUT
# Positionierung M19 P"funktion" R"winkel"
### Orient
net orient-angle motion.spindle-orient-angle orient.angle
net orient-mode motion.spindle-orient-mode orient.mode
net orient-enable motion.spindle-orient orient.enable pid.4.enable
# net spindle-pos ...encoder..position orient.position pid.4.position ### Achtung das ist bei zeile 411
net orient-command orient.command pid.4.command
# ---Encoder feedback signals/setup---
net spindle-deg orient.position # Zeile 411
# Drehzahlsignale
net spindle-vel-cmd-rps <= motion.spindle-speed-out-rps # umdrehungen pro sekunde
net spindle-rpm toolchange.0.soll-drehzahl-nc motion.spindle-speed-out #Sollwert von NC
net spindle-deg <= hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.position motion.spindle-revs # Das sind Spindel umdrehungen ( nicht pro minute )
net SP-istwert-rps hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.velocity # aktuelle Drehzahl Achtung velocity ist rp sekunde
## Umwandlung von umdrehungen pro sekunde in umdrehungen pro minute
setp scale.0.gain 60
net SP-istwert-rps => scale.0.in
net SP-istwert scale.0.out
net SP-istwert motion.spindle-speed-in
net SP-sollwert <= toolchange.0.soll-drehzahl-comp
net spindle-ein-motion <= motion.spindle-on
net spindle-ein-motion or2.7.in0
net orient-enable or2.7.in1
net spindle-ein or2.7.out
#net spindle-ein <= motion.spindle-on # das weg wenn orient freigabe schaltet
net spindle-cw <= motion.spindle-forward
net spindle-ccw <= motion.spindle-reverse
#net spindle-brake <= motion.spindle-brake
net spindle_index_enable hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.index-enable motion.spindle-index-enable
# Signal Drehzahl erreicht
net SP-sollwert => Drehzahl-erreicht.in1
net SP-istwert => Drehzahl-erreicht.in2
## Das auch in post Gui
net Drehzahl-erreicht-fortfahren motion.spindle-at-speed <= Drehzahl-erreicht.out
# ---PID/SPINDLE control signals
# Diese Signale überprüfen dann einbinden
net spindle-vel-cmd-rps => pid.3.command # rps oeder rpm
net SP-istwert => pid.3.feedback
net spindle-ein => pid.3.enable #(PID aktivieren)
net spindle-pid-pre <= pid.3.output
# einbinden
###sum the spindle velocity comand
net spindle-pid-pre => sum2.0.in0
net SP-sollwert => sum2.0.in1
###the output signal pid+command
net spindle-pid-out <= sum2.0.out
net spindle-pid-out => abs.spindle.in
###the result for PWM gen
net spindle-pid-out => hm2_5i20.1.pwmgen.00.value # Sollwertausgabe zu Contraves
# Spindel einschalten und mit +g die Freigabe zuschalten und bei wzw Spindel halt
net plus_g and2.12.in0
net spindle-ein and2.12.in1
net K21_Relais <= and2.12.out
##### bei WZW soll die Spindel stoppen
net K21_Relais and2.13.in0
net K21-Freigabe toolchange.0.SP-dreh and2.13.in1
net K21-Relais-oder and2.13.out
net K21-Relais-oder or2.6.in0
net K21-drehen toolchange.0.drehen or2.6.in1
net K21_Relais_Ausgang or2.6.out
net K21_Relais_Ausgang => hm2_5i20.0.gpio.040.out => hm2_5i20.1.pwmgen.00.enable # Spindel Freigabe K21 Spindel freigeben
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addf pid.3.do-pid-calcs servo-thread
addf pid.4.do-pid-calcs servo-thread
Where is the loadrt line for these pid's ?
net spindle-pos ...encoder..position orient.position pid.4.position
Whilst this is what is in the man page, it is not a proper net command, you need to have a proper encoder.0.position or similar as the first pin name
Perhaps hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.position ?
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loadrt pid num_chan=5
# net spindle-pos ...encoder..position orient.position pid.4.position
this is remarked ( I copise this from the Doku ORIENT
net spindle-deg orient.position
net spindle-deg <= hm2_5i20.1.encoder.00.position motion.spindle-revs # Das sind Spindel umdrehungen ( nicht pro minute )
here I conect this to orient.
But when I conect to pid.4.position , there is a errer because linuxcnc dont found pid.4.position, and I dont see the signal in HAL diagnostic
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The man page for orient obviously has some issues.
I don't know why it has net spindle-pos ...encoder..position orient.position orient-pid.position in its example connections
There is no pin called position in the pid component ( I don't use them for anything so was not familiar with them and had to look it all up)
It looks to me as though the connection would probably be to pid.N.feedback-deriv (or possibly just .feedback) which is what is noted as taking connection from an encoder.
I will ask Andy to have a look, but he is away at present, so it might not be immediate.
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It looks to me as though the connection would probably be to pid.N.feedback-deriv (or possibly just .feedback) which is what is noted as taking connection from an encoder.[/quote]
It should be orient-pid.feedback. (or pid.N.feedback if not using the naming option)
There is an orient demo in the sim configs, but I have a feeling that that might not work either as I can't see that it uses any HAL file which links the orient stuff. However I can't test that as I don't have a running LinuxCNC machine here in the hotel room.
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There is an orient demo in the sim configs, but I have a feeling that that might not work either as I can't see that it uses any HAL file which links the orient stuff
The sim Orient runs but I am not sure what it does. It certainly does not load the orient component and just uses motion.spindle-orient pins in the postgui file
Looks like you need to try linking to pid.4.feedback where the example gives pid.4.position and see if that does what you expect
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sorry I did not have time to to the Orientation now....
But I did a Update to a newer version ( 2.6 )
can I use your io in the newer version also?
Best regards
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The new copy of io I posted WAS for 2.6
at - www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum...-tool?start=30#28965
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any spindle unit is able to orient, in my case it RELIANCE MAXPAK PLUS SPINDLE DRIVE, DC MOTOR 50 HP.
I see the example that is in "sim" but I see where it loads the module "loadrt orient" some help with this, I have installed 2.6 master.
how could my unit test if it is possible to orient spindle thanks.
Jorge Viloria
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You need to contact tld70, he was trying to get this to work on his machine.
I have no practical experience with it, I just located the sims for tld70 to test and tried to resolve the documentation.
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