Compiling probekins and using probe2stl

16 Apr 2013 23:44 - 16 Apr 2013 23:45 #32798 by alan_3301
I dont have gridprobe in front of me where I can look at it, but it sounds like you need to adjust the Z probe depth in the gcode.
It is probably trying to probe outside of the Z- limits.

I'd recommend smartprobe.ngc it is what I adapted for the routine I use, It is much faster than gridprobe, as it doesnt retract the full safe Z between probe moves.

Also you will need to take out the G1 and axis letters from the log statements. it should only be the coordinates stored in the file.
Last edit: 16 Apr 2013 23:45 by alan_3301.

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16 Apr 2013 23:44 #32799 by andypugh

o But now when I run it with prokins loaded it says that I will exceeed the min joint limit. 1. launch linuxcnc with prokins
2. Home xyz axis to the material (PCB), in joint mode
3. load gridprobe.ngc
4. Run gridprobe.ngc (Throws error exceed joints min)

I don't know if this is the issue, but it is probably important to turn of z-height correction during the probing stage.

Do you have a tool-length offset active during the probing stage?

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17 Apr 2013 00:24 - 17 Apr 2013 00:25 #32800 by slacker247
oh, I left out a step:

?: turn on z correction

I guess it would be 4.1

as for gridprobe I actually rewrote it. There was an issue with the smartgridprode in that it wouldn't reset and it would just get stuck so I took gridprobe and modified it to manage that issue.

Ok, so I see the issue. When using linuxcnc normally, ie. without probekins. I align the tool to the 2 starting edges of the work surface and then press touch off for x/y. Where home would be the limits of the table or work area. what would be the proper process for probekins? If I leave the home to the mins the tool will not touch the surface and it will not probe. so it will just drive into the work area. Also, I thought that by homing the axis it will move any loaded paths to the new home?
Last edit: 17 Apr 2013 00:25 by slacker247.

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17 Apr 2013 00:35 - 17 Apr 2013 00:39 #32801 by slacker247
I even edited gridprobe to start at 0.1x/y and it didn't change.

here is a pic of the issue:

Last edit: 17 Apr 2013 00:39 by slacker247.

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17 Apr 2013 00:43 #32802 by slacker247
I even type in the:
G0 X1.01 y1.01 F1600

and it says it wont move there. that it's below the min.

This is the offset from true 0,0:

G1 X1.552 y1.085 F1600

and where I homed the xy axis in linuxcnc. But it wont let coordinates move below that point.???? Why is the move in real space and not in the translated grid space?

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17 Apr 2013 01:02 - 17 Apr 2013 01:03 #32804 by alan_3301
I'm not sure what to suggest, but I'll say my order of operations.

1. turn on machine and home all axes
2. switch to world mode
3. clear all offsets of current coordinate system
4. jog to lower left corner of surface to probe
5. probe to surface and set Z=0 for current coordinate system
6. run probing routine (should return to start position after finished)
7. convert to stl and load into memory
8. turn on probekins z correction (still at start position which should have no offset because probe was zeroed there)
9. load file I want to cut
10. swap to cutting bit
11. touch off X and Y if necessary and touch off Z
12. run code.
Last edit: 17 Apr 2013 01:03 by alan_3301.

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17 Apr 2013 20:50 #32839 by andypugh

and it says it wont move there. that it's below the min.ce?

Where is the preview showing relative to the red bounding box in the Axis window?

You probably need to both home the machine, then touch-off the work to get the program inside the box.

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17 Apr 2013 21:59 - 17 Apr 2013 22:01 #32841 by slacker247
Yeah, the issue was in the order in which I was doing things.

Home all the axes then switch to world mode. Then touch off the work piece.

Now that I have that down, I need to work the process from the beginning. I.e. pcb layout forward, because some things have changed.

I'll post how it goes.

Oh, and once in world mode I can't jog, use the arrow keys. It's like dumb or something, so I guess I have to use gcode commands to move it around. Seems to work that way.
Last edit: 17 Apr 2013 22:01 by slacker247.

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17 Apr 2013 23:16 #32844 by alan_3301
Not sure if you caught it the first time I said it, don't touch off X or Y before you do the probing. The coordinates it stores need to be machine coordinates.
If you set your pcb corner to 0,0 then when you turn on probekins it will offset the machine 0,0 and not your pcb 0,0.

also it may not matter if you jog in world mode, I havent noticed any ill effects when I forget to switch before jogging.
Not sure why you cant jog though.

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22 Apr 2013 09:07 - 22 Apr 2013 09:10 #32976 by slacker247
ok, I followed your steps and I end up with the tool about 3-4 mm off the pcb surface. So, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. But it is following the surface. Z is moving ever so slightly as it follows the cut paths.

It's like the translated Z is causing an offset. i.e. so when I ran it before and it was cutting the surface. I somehow wasn't getting the translated z values into memory. Now that I have them in memory the translated values are above the surface. but I'm just guessing. maybe I'll look into the code and figure it out...?
Last edit: 22 Apr 2013 09:10 by slacker247.

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