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Newbie from the UK need a little assistance

03 Aug 2013 18:27 - 03 Aug 2013 18:28 #37378 by Gr8funTargets
Well a BIG thank you to those who helped me, particularly CNCBasher who nailed the problem and gave me the solution.
I now have motion on my X & Y axis (I've not wired the Z yet, but can't see why it will be a problem B) )

For reference, should anyone else have a similar issue the board known as ZP5A-INT has not got the +5v supply to the drivers.
I've attached an external supply, 1A for the short term while I'm building that will be replaced with a 3A for "proper" use.

I had bought the kit to avoid this sort of problem, with my little knowledge of most things electrical I knew I would come unstuck if I had tried to patch together bits from different sources.
I'm so very grateful to CNCBasher and those on this board who have helped. A truly great community on here, one I intend to become a useful contributor to as my experience grows.

I'm off into the workshop now, confident the "tough" bit has been tested, to build the table, gantry etc.

Thank you everyone!!!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :lol: :silly: :lol: :silly:
Last edit: 03 Aug 2013 18:28 by Gr8funTargets.

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06 Aug 2013 17:44 #37429 by andypugh

For reference, should anyone else have a similar issue the board known as ZP5A-INT has not got the +5v supply to the drivers.
I've attached an external supply, 1A for the short term while I'm building that will be replaced with a 3A for "proper" use.:

I have very similar drives.

Note that the fact that common is +5V means that the driver see a "step" command when the parallel port pin is low, and a "space" when it is high.
This is because the input is an opto-isolator and works on current flow rather than signal voltage.

+5 to +step and +5 from p-port to -step = no voltage difference, no current flow, logical 0.
+5 +5 to +step and 0 from p-port to -step = 5V voltage difference, current flow from +5, through the opto and into the p-port, logical 1.

It took me a while to get my head round this when I first started. But actually parallel ports are much better at sinking current than sourcing it. They can typically source 3mA and sink 15mA.

The parallel port almost certainly can't source enough current to drive all three "enable" inputs. It might be able to sink enough current, but you can also consider wiring them all in series, so the current flows from +5 into +enable, out of -enable, into +enable, out of -enable ... and then into the parallel port pin to earth/gnd.

When working with opto-isolated inputs it is helpful to think in terms of current flow as that it what lights the LEDs in the optocouplers.
This also applies to optical switches and led indicators.

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06 Aug 2013 19:58 #37443 by Gr8funTargets
I'm sorry Andy, electronics are not my strong point by a long way. :blush:

My current situation is the BOB has a parallel port (for the signals I guess) and a USB power supply. These can be seen in the first pic of post www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum...tle-assistance#37344
This pic has only the X axis wired up.

In order to get movement, we (CNCBasher and I) had to remove the black wire from XN on the BOB that was connecting to Pull+, DIR+ and ENA+ and connect it to a 5V supply. Initially, for testing purposes I used the 5V out on the BOB, but later connected a separate supply.

According to the diagram in the PDF supplied with the board, XN on the BOB is GND so will never supply a voltage.
Are you saying there is a way to get this going with out the external power supply?

I had readings of 3.89v on XD and XS



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06 Aug 2013 20:12 #37444 by cncbasher
I would not worry over it Danny , using a separate 5v supply is far better than using the USB and far more reliable long term , yes the board could be modified to supply 5v from the USB but
it would mean hacking the bob , but you have it working , so leave it alone .


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06 Aug 2013 20:20 #37445 by andypugh

Are you saying there is a way to get this going with out the external power supply?

No, I was trying to explain why you need the 5V supply.
I was actually meaning to say that you might find you get better results with the step signals inverted in the config (0 for step) but got distracted by explaining why that was the case and never actually got round to mentioning it.

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06 Aug 2013 20:37 #37446 by Gr8funTargets

I'm not interested in hacking the bob :woohoo: :blink:
What you have helped me with is truly excellent :laugh:

I'm way outside my comfort zone with these electronics and didn't fully understand what was being said to me by Andy.. hence me questioning it further.

I guess the thing that does not sit well for me is the fact I bought this as a KIT and in my "naive logic" it should all wire together and work without the intervention of gurus like you kind chaps and without the need for external power (unless it is documented).
I spend many hours in my day job documenting things so ANYONE can follow the process and get a positive result. I can't understand sending out documentation that simply does not work which makes me feel either the hardware is wrong or the docs are wrong. Perhaps I'm being a little too simplistic :S

When I have worked out how I propose to wire my 5V power supply to the USB connector AND the black wire, I'll post my plan for you to approve, knowing my luck, and knowledge, I'll get a stream of smoke and a pop if I don't. :woohoo:

Cheers Guys


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06 Aug 2013 21:15 #37449 by cncbasher
dont worry Danny we have plenty of experience with electronics that dont work as you would like ! haha
it's just theirs so many permutations out there , many companys just dont check or don't use the equipment they sell .

just have the 5v supply totaly seperate as you have now and everyting will be fine .

if you like documentation and processes i can send you reams of faulty ones ! , or ones that only tell you 90% , and your on your own for the last crucial part !
( no doubt Andy can too ) .

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06 Aug 2013 22:01 #37451 by Gr8funTargets
Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to remove my "rose tinted spectacles" and view the world in the real light. :ohmy:

I did my update post to help "finish" the documentation, so many times I've been on forums looking for an answer and you get almost there...... and the OP fails to post the solution :woohoo:
Drives me nuts!!
Cheers guys I wouldn't have got this far without you!

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