EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

15 Oct 2012 21:43 #25350 by andypugh
My Pi finally arrived today. :-)

Now I can start wasting weeks on trying to port LinuxCNC

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17 Oct 2012 09:08 #25397 by wizard69
Is it the new 512MB veraion that is supposedly shipping now?

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26 Oct 2012 01:44 #25823 by mungkie
I have a free day tomorrow as other projects are waiting on external work being completed, so I may put in a couple of hours work in rpi linuxcnc.

I also seem to have better broadband access (though still seems intermittent), so should I spend the time polishing my current code or should I spend the time making a package of the incomplete current code so others can get things working??

I was also considering making an SD card image of the development environment, what would people prefer??

Also I would be interested if someone could send me a working xenomai patched kernel tree for the rpi as it would be nice to try looking at that in a month or so when I start development again.

I will check back on the forum tomorrow to see if anyone interested has suggestions and then decide what I should work on tomorrow.

I think with the new 512mb version things could improve a lot, so I am hoping to get one as soon as funds are available.

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11 Nov 2012 21:07 #26453 by mhaberler
Hi Mungkie,

things with the Xenomai and RT_PREEMPT integration branches progress nicely

I hope it is ok if I carry over some of your code, esp with respect to improving page fault behaviour

any updates since your last message?



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13 Nov 2012 02:43 #26499 by mungkie

Hi Mungkie,
any updates since your last message?



Sorry but no, I don't like to moan about my other problems and issues so wont explain further.

I will try and get an update done as soon as possible, but I really finding it hard to do anything at the moment.

I still keep checking the forums every few days, am still interested and will do something eventually.

You can use whatever I have distributed previous as part of linuxcnc, I would like to add some of the newer code I started, but its not really workable yet.

As said before the previous released tarball had something missing and I have problems using git and working out how to integrate some of the changes I made.

I will release something before end of the year even if it means going to an internet cafe to upload a 1Gb SD card development image of what I was working on.

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14 Nov 2012 07:36 #26560 by mhaberler
Hi Mungkie,

there has a lot been going on on the integration and not much is missing except package building; this work will probably wind up in master fairly soon.

you might give it a try:

this also builds on a Raspberry; HAL/RTAPI is fine, I'm just lacking some Python OpenGL package (did you get the GUI's working? what did you install? maybe you could mail me the list of installed packages on your Pi); a hal_gpio driver exists too

the kernels used are here:

I really suggest you read up on the emc-developers list on the issue, there was a lot of traffic

- Michael

I have a free day tomorrow as other projects are waiting on external work being completed, so I may put in a couple of hours work in rpi linuxcnc.

I also seem to have better broadband access (though still seems intermittent), so should I spend the time polishing my current code or should I spend the time making a package of the incomplete current code so others can get things working??

I was also considering making an SD card image of the development environment, what would people prefer??

Also I would be interested if someone could send me a working xenomai patched kernel tree for the rpi as it would be nice to try looking at that in a month or so when I start development again.

I will check back on the forum tomorrow to see if anyone interested has suggestions and then decide what I should work on tomorrow.

I think with the new 512mb version things could improve a lot, so I am hoping to get one as soon as funds are available.

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17 Nov 2012 06:02 #26688 by mungkie
I just got a new 512mb version sent in the post today, I am hoping I will get some time to hack next weekend so maybe will release something in the next couple of weeks.

I have forgotten most of what I was doing so will probably waste a few hours getting back up to speed on things, I will try the integration preview git repo as soon and the new system is working.

I had a spare few minutes so added a wiki page wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RaspberryPi (nothing much there yet but thought I should make a start)

I started hacking lots of things but never tested and will probably release them unfinished (gpio/spi/arduino drivers, and a hack of stepgen that dumps direct to output ports)

I will release everything I do as SD image as soon as I have things roughly configured and working.

I don't know if I will ever get the hang of git though :blush:

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21 Nov 2012 20:19 #26839 by mungkie

Hi Mungkie,

there has a lot been going on on the integration and not much is missing except package building; this work will probably wind up in master fairly soon.

you might give it a try:

this also builds on a Raspberry; HAL/RTAPI is fine, I'm just lacking some Python OpenGL package (did you get the GUI's working? what did you install? maybe you could mail me the list of installed packages on your Pi); a hal_gpio driver exists too

the kernels used are here:

I really suggest you read up on the emc-developers list on the issue, there was a lot of traffic

- Michael

I just had a quick look at your rtos preview last night (downloaded as a tar.gz package over git web not via git), how did you get it to compile for raspberry pi, it seems to give error due to ARCH testing macros in src/rtapi/rtapi_bitops.h

Are you making some special changes to you raspberry pi system includes so it compiles without modifying the linuxcnc source???

I was previously compiling by adding a #ifdef (__arm__) and some extra header files for the required code and wrappers.

Also you mentioned previously some page fault problems, I am not sure what problems you mean.

Unfortunately I am not really a programmer and have no experience in real time programming, this probably means I should not really be doing any work on linuxcnc. I hope that there is someone that knows more about the system and can check the work I have done and flag any problems, as I would not want my code to introduce bugs and damage into linuxcnc code tree.

I am unfortunately just a hacker, so if you see any faults in my code please point them out and explain how to fix them as I am no expert and am learning this stuff as I go along and only put a few hours spare time into it when I am able.

I will try and check your gpio driver (src/hal/drivers/hal_gpio.c) at the weekend and either will manually patch in my previous changes to get the rpi to compile linuxcnc or if you let me know what system modifications are needed will try updating the rpi kernel headers etc and compile the unmodified source tree.

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21 Nov 2012 22:00 #26841 by mhaberler

Hi Mungkie,

there has a lot been going on on the integration and not much is missing except package building; this work will probably wind up in master fairly soon.

you might give it a try:

I just had a quick look at your rtos preview last night (downloaded as a tar.gz package over git web not via git), how did you get it to compile for raspberry pi, it seems to give error due to ARCH testing macros in src/rtapi/rtapi_bitops.h

run configure like so:

./configure --with-platform=raspberry

this forces USE_GCC_ATOMIC_BITOPS so rtapi_bitops.h should compile

Are you making some special changes to you raspberry pi system includes so it compiles without modifying the linuxcnc source???

this tree compiles, and on xenomai it runs HAL+RTAPI, plus Gladevcp. I did not get Axis or one of the other UI's to work, mostly because of the OpenGL problem I mentioned, maybe some others. Did you get axis to run on the Pi? if so, I would be very interested in the list of installed packages on your Pi

I will try and check your gpio driver (src/hal/drivers/hal_gpio.c) at the weekend and either will manually patch in my previous changes to get the rpi to compile linuxcnc or if you let me know what system modifications are needed will try updating the rpi kernel headers etc and compile the unmodified source tree.

If you have some cleaned patches, that would be most welcome!

- Michael

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22 Nov 2012 01:26 - 22 Nov 2012 01:27 #26846 by mungkie

this tree compiles, and on xenomai it runs HAL+RTAPI, plus Gladevcp. I did not get Axis or one of the other UI's to work, mostly because of the OpenGL problem I mentioned, maybe some others. Did you get axis to run on the Pi? if so, I would be very interested in the list of installed packages on your Pi
If you have some cleaned patches, that would be most welcome!

- Michael

I really have not made any tests of any of the other programs except axis, axis seemed to run fine previously though the software stegen has never been good on it and the graphical update seemed to be about 1 frame every 5 seconds.

I just tried your './configure --with-platform=raspberry -enable-simulator' suggestion and it compiled okay though there are a few compiler warnings, I ran axis and it seems to run same as before.

I will try doing a RT_PREMPT compile at the weekend or maybe tomorrow evening if I get time, and try and get some of the driver code to a dist stage.

As far as the packages required, I loaded the most recent raspbian image available from the raspberry pi web site downloads section.

To update the required packages I used the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gettext autoconf libpth-dev bc gcc g++ make git libncurses5-dev libxaw7-dev libreadline-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev bwidget blt libgtk2.0-dev python-dev python-tk python-lxml libboost-python-dev libtk-img python-imaging-tk python-xlib python-configobj python-gnome2 python-glade2 python-numpy libgl1-mesa-swx11 libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev python-gtkglext1 python-opengl freeglut3 libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev
Last edit: 22 Nov 2012 01:27 by mungkie.

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