EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

20 Dec 2012 09:49 #27879 by micro_marco
Replied by micro_marco on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?
linuxcnc hardware doesn't need to be dated....i have a 3.5 GHz quad core 8 GB of ram machine that I've built this year for under 300 Eur! :whistle: No need for a pentium 4 :unsure:

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20 Dec 2012 13:09 #27882 by JZHA1985
Replied by JZHA1985 on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?
Yes but having something so excessive, that uses multitudes more electricity, and costs much more then it needs to is the issue. I do see your point, I assume if you are making money then a few hundred here isn't a big issue.

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20 Dec 2012 15:14 #27886 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

linuxcnc hardware doesn't need to be dated....i have a 3.5 GHz quad core 8 GB of ram machine that I've built this year for under 300 Eur! :whistle: No need for a pentium 4 :unsure:

Unfortunately, you may have to run a non SMP kernel, or shut down 3 of the 4 cores before latency is usable, thats why P4s are popular.

Also Linuxcnc is a 32 bit system, so will only be able to see approx 3.2GB of your RAM (try running free and you will find out what I mean)

The following user(s) said Thank You: JZHA1985

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21 Dec 2012 14:43 - 21 Dec 2012 15:03 #27914 by wizard69
High folks, I just skimmed this article: www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=2686 and immediately thought of you guys. The lady {Apparently bunnie is an Andrew} in question has developed, without intending to apparently, a very nice ARM based board that could do really nice for CNC. There are a few hitches like apparently there is no intention on his part to go into production, it is however a completely open design.

The thing that is really nice is that the machine has plenty of power, and I/O to handle many different types of CNC implementations. It would be nice to see this board put into production. One way or another I think we will be seeing an explosion in the number of ARM based boards that are available and suitable for CNC controllers.

After reading deeper into this blog, this isn't the only interesting ARM design the guy has. One is apparently available through AdAFruit though maybe not as suitable for the task of a Linux running CnC controller.
Last edit: 21 Dec 2012 15:03 by wizard69. Reason: I originally thought that bunnie was a girl, this appear to not be the case.

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03 Jan 2013 07:34 #28331 by mungkie
Replied by mungkie on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?
Well as usual I have not managed to do anything I hoped, but I decided I should at least try and release something in the hope it will encourage other to do some hacking.

below is the driver I used for the video I made (posted in august on this thread I think), the driver has been updated as the gpio has changed in the latest 512mg rpi boards
// copyright mungkie 2012 

/* MCP23017 pinouts

GPB0 			01[	U	]28 GPA7
GPB1			02[		]27 GPA6
GPB2			03[		]26 GPA5
GPB3			04[		]25 GPA4
GPB4			05[		]24 GPA3
GPB5			06[		]23 GPA2
GPB6			07[		]22 GPA1
GPB7			08[		]21 GPA0
Vdd			09[		]20 INTA
Vss			10[		]19 INTB
NC			11[		]18 /RESET
SCL			12[		]17 A2
SDA			13[		]16 A1
NC			14[		]15 A0

basic wiring for output....
pin 12,13 to rpi i2c port
pin 10,15,16,17 to ground (15,16,17 = set address to 0x20)
pin 09,18 to v+ (5 volt)
all other GP pins are wired as required to control your output hardware (steppers?)

#include "rtapi.h"
#ifdef RTAPI
#include "rtapi_app.h"
#include "rtapi_string.h"
#include "rtapi_errno.h"
#include "hal.h"
#ifndef HAL_RPI_H
#define HAL_RPI_H

most of this copyright mungkie 2012
some stuff just copied from the BCM2835 pdf
 * driver for mcp23017 i2c io expander interfaced to raspberry pi
check broadcom specs page 29 onwards
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#define IOBASE   0x20000000
//// omg, what a terrible hack for rev 2 boards!!!!
//#define BSC0_BASE (IOBASE + 0x205000)
#define BSC1_BASE (IOBASE + 0x804000)
#define BSC0_BASE (IOBASE + 0x804000)
#define GPIO_BASE (IOBASE + 0x200000)

/// page 28 of BCM2835 manual (strangeness as offsets are 32 bit not 8 bit??)
#define BSC0_C        *(bsc0.addr + 0x00)
#define BSC0_S        *(bsc0.addr + 0x01)
#define BSC0_DLEN    *(bsc0.addr + 0x02)
#define BSC0_A        *(bsc0.addr + 0x03)
#define BSC0_FIFO    *(bsc0.addr + 0x04)
#define BSC0_CDIV    *(bsc0.addr + 0x05)

#define BSC_C_I2CEN    (1 << 15)
#define BSC_C_INTR    (1 << 10)
#define BSC_C_INTT    (1 << 9)
#define BSC_C_INTD    (1 << 8)
#define BSC_C_ST    (1 << 7)
#define BSC_C_CLEAR    (1 << 4)
#define BSC_C_READ    1


#define BSC_S_CLKT    (1 << 9)
#define BSC_S_ERR    (1 << 8)
#define BSC_S_RXF    (1 << 7)
#define BSC_S_TXE    (1 << 6)
#define BSC_S_RXD    (1 << 5)
#define BSC_S_TXD    (1 << 4)
#define BSC_S_RXR    (1 << 3)
#define BSC_S_TXW    (1 << 2)
#define BSC_S_DONE    (1 << 1)
#define BSC_S_TA    1


#define PAGESIZE 4096
#define BLOCK_SIZE 4096

struct bcm2835_peripheral {
	unsigned long addr_p;
	int mem_fd;
	void *map;
	volatile unsigned int *addr;

struct bcm2835_peripheral gpio = {GPIO_BASE};
//struct bcm2835_peripheral bsc0 = {BSC0_BASE};
struct bcm2835_peripheral bsc0 = {BSC1_BASE};
// Exposes the physical address defined in the passed structure using mmap on /dev/mem
int map_peripheral(struct bcm2835_peripheral *p)
   if ((p->mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC) ) < 0) {
      rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"\n\n\nFailed to open /dev/mem, try checking permissions.\n");
      return -1;

   p->map = mmap(
      p->mem_fd,  // File descriptor to physical memory virtual file '/dev/mem'
      p->addr_p      // Address in physical map that we want this memory block to expose

   if (p->map == MAP_FAILED) {
        return -1;

   p->addr = (volatile unsigned int *)p->map;

   return 0;

void unmap_peripheral(struct bcm2835_peripheral *p) {
	munmap(p->map, BLOCK_SIZE);

void dump_bsc_status() {
unsigned int s = BSC0_S;

rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"BSC0_S: ERR=%d  RXF=%d  TXE=%d  RXD=%d  TXD=%d  RXR=%d  TXW=%d  DONE=%d  TA=%d\n",
	(s & BSC_S_ERR) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_RXF) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_TXE) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_RXD) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_TXD) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_RXR) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_TXW) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_DONE) != 0,
	(s & BSC_S_TA) != 0 );

/* all this stuff is very bad and needs some sort of fix, ? 
I think there should be some RT_PREEMPT wait functions that may help?

or we may need to create some sort of wake event so that data is written to the i2c device at a regular interval!

#if 0
#define wait_i2c_done() 
void wait_i2c_done() {
        //Wait till done, let's use a timeout just in case
#if 1
        int timeout = 5;
        while((!((BSC0_S) & BSC_S_DONE)) && --timeout) {
        if(timeout == 0)
            rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"wait_i2c_done() timeout. Something went wrong.\n");

#define write_bank0(b) \
	BSC0_DLEN = 2; \
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x12; \
	BSC0_FIFO = b ; \

#define write_bank1(b) \
	BSC0_DLEN = 2; \
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x13; \
	BSC0_FIFO = b ; \


//#include "rpi_i2c.h"
static int comp_id;

MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Raspberry Pi Parallel Port Driver for EMC HAL using MCP23017 i2c IO expander");
static char *cfg = "0x20";	/* config string, default 1 output port at 0x20 */
RTAPI_MP_STRING(cfg, "config string");


MODULE_INFO(linuxcnc, "driver:mcp23017:raspberry IO via MCP23017 i2c IO expander");
MODULE_INFO(linuxcnc, "\\fBTwo banks of 8bit IO per chip\\fR Two chips on the board\n");
MODULE_INFO(linuxcnc, "Try to keep minimal banks defined as each extra bank requires 2 bytes data and the max i2c clock is 2M bits per second ");
MODULE_INFO(linuxcnc, "license:WTF");
#endif // MODULE_INFO

#if 1
static unsigned short parse_port_addr(char *cp)
    unsigned short result;

    /* initial value */
    result = 0;
    /* test for leading '0x' */
    if (cp[0] == '0') {
	if ((cp[1] == 'X') || (cp[1] == 'x')) {
	    /* leading '0x', skip it */
	    cp += 2;
    /* ok, now parse digits */
    while (*cp != '\0') {
	/* if char is a hex digit, add it to result */
	if ((*cp >= '0') && (*cp <= '9')) {
	    result <<= 4;
	    result += *cp - '0';
	} else if ((*cp >= 'A') && (*cp <= 'F')) {
	    result <<= 4;
	    result += (*cp - 'A') + 10;
	} else if ((*cp >= 'a') && (*cp <= 'f')) {
	    result <<= 4;
	    result += (*cp - 'a') + 10;
	} else {
	    /* not a valid hex digit */
	    return -1;
	/* next char */

    return result;

struct __comp_state {
    struct __comp_state *_next;
    hal_bit_t *in0;
    hal_bit_t *out0[8];
    hal_bit_t *out1[8];
int c;

struct __comp_state *__comp_inst=0;
struct __comp_state *__comp_first_inst=0, *__comp_last_inst=0;

static void _(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, long period);
static int __comp_get_data_size(void);

static int export(char *prefix, long extra_arg) {
    char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];
    int r = 0;
    int sz = sizeof(struct __comp_state) + __comp_get_data_size();
    struct __comp_state *inst = hal_malloc(sz);
int pin, portnum=0;
    memset(inst, 0, sz);

   /* export read only HAL pin for output data */
//rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"reg pin %i\n",pin);
    r = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN, &(inst->out0[pin]), comp_id,
            "%s.out0.pin-%02d-out", prefix, pin);
//rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "%s.out0.pin-%02d-out", prefix, pin);
    if (r != 0) {
	return r;

    rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", prefix);

    r = hal_export_funct(buf, (void(*)(void *inst, long))_, inst, 0, 0, comp_id);
    if(r != 0) return r;
    if(__comp_last_inst) __comp_last_inst->_next = inst;
    __comp_last_inst = inst;
    if(!__comp_first_inst) __comp_first_inst = inst;

    return 0;

#if 0
void setHighPri (void)
struct sched_param sched ;

memset (&sched, 0, sizeof(sched)) ;
sched.sched_priority = 10 ;
if (sched_setscheduler (0, SCHED_RR, &sched))
printf ("Warning: Unable to set high priority\n") ;

static int default_count=1, count=0;
char *names[16] = {0,};
RTAPI_MP_INT(count, "number of mcp23017");
RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING(names, 16, "names of mcp23017");

int rtapi_app_main(void) {
int r = 0;
int i, c ;

#if 0
//pthread_t displayThread ;
//setHighPri () ;
if(ioperm(CRT_IC,1,1)){		// error


	rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"The config string is %s.\n",cfg);

#if 1
 if(map_peripheral(&gpio) == -1) {
	rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"Failed to map the physical GPIO registers into the virtual memory space.\n");
	return -1;
 if(map_peripheral(&bsc0) == -1) {
	rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"Failed to map the physical BSC0 (I2C) registers into the virtual memory space.\n");
	return -1;

/* BSC0 is on GPIO 0 & 1 */
	//*gpio.addr &= ~0x3f; // Mask out bits 0-5 of FSEL0 (i.e. force to zero)
//	*gpio.addr |= 0x24;  // Set bits 0-5 of FSEL0 to binary '100100'

//this should work for rev 2 as mask for i2c bus 1 bsc1
	*gpio.addr &= ~0xfff; // Mask out bits 0-5 of FSEL0 (i.e. force to zero)
	*gpio.addr |= 0x924;  // Set bits 0-5 of FSEL0 to binary '100100100100'


//// setup i2c speed 
/// I think this is very important to get right so we run fast enough and possibly using the i2c clock to set step speed?

/* from bcm2835 datasheet .......
Clock Divider
SCL = core clock / CDIV
Where core_clk is nominally 150 MHz. If CDIV is
set to 0, the divisor is 32768. CDIV is always
rounded down to an even number. The default
value should result in a 100 kHz I2C clock

unsigned short di= (unsigned short) BSC0_CDIV;

#define BSC_DIV       *(bsc0.addr + 0x14)
#define I2C_CLOCK_HZ	2000000 /* 2MHz i2c clock*/
#define I2C_TIMEOUT_MS	150
//bus_hz = clk_get_rate(clk); // this should be 150MHz?
//di = bus_hz / I2C_CLOCK_HZ;
//BSC_DIV  = 1000;
di=8000; // 150MHz/75 = 2MHz?
BSC0_CDIV = di;

// I2C Device Address 0x20 (this is set by wiring address lines on mcp23017 to ground) see page 8 of mcp datasheet
// the address in binary will be  0 1 0 0 A2 A1 A0 (A2/A1/A0 pins on chip)
// as all adress lines are low, BSCO_A= 0100000 = 0x20
// if A1 was high, address = 0100010 = 0x22
// we should get the i2c address from the cfg string but I have not sorted parsing yet...
	BSC0_A = 0x20;

// I think we should probably set MCP23017 to byte mode not sequential......

///  this sets ports a for outputs
	BSC0_DLEN = 2; 
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x00; // bank a direction register address
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x00 ; // all 0 = output

///  this sets ports b for outputs
	BSC0_DLEN = 2; 
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x10; // bank b direction register address
	BSC0_FIFO = 0x00 ; // all 0 = output

write_bank0( 0x00); 
write_bank1( 0x00);


    comp_id = hal_init("mcp23017");
    if(comp_id < 0) return comp_id;
    if(count && names[0]) {
        rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"count= and names= are mutually exclusive\n");
        return -EINVAL;
    if(!count && !names[0]) count = default_count;
    if(count) {
        for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
            char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1];
            rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "mcp23017.%d", i);
        r = export(buf, i);
            if(r != 0) break;
    } else {
        for(i=0; names[i]; i++) {
	r = export(names[i], i); if(r != 0) break; }
    if(r) {
    } else {
//rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"hal %i, %i, %i\n\n\n",r,comp_id,count);

    return r;

void rtapi_app_exit(void) {

write_bank0( 0x00); 
write_bank1( 0x00); 

#define FUNCTION(name) static void name(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, long period)
#define EXTRA_SETUP() static int extra_setup(struct __comp_state *__comp_inst, char *prefix, long extra_arg)
#define EXTRA_CLEANUP() static void extra_cleanup(void)
#undef fperiod
#define fperiod (period * 1e-9)

#undef rpi_step_count
#define rpi_step_count (__comp_inst->c)

unsigned char 	outdata = 0x00;
unsigned char 	mask = 0x01;

FUNCTION(_) { /* out = in0 || in1; */ 

#if 0
// debuging info 
{	rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"%i\n",rpi_step_count);	rpi_step_count=0;	}

int b;
outdata = 0x00;
mask = 0x01;
	/* assemble output byte for data port from 8 source variables */
// dont know whichway is fastest??
#if 0
	for (b = 0; b < 8; b++) {
	    if ((*(__comp_inst->out0[b]))) {
		outdata |= mask;
	    mask <<= 1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[7]) ? mask : 0x00; 	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[6]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[5]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[4]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[3]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[2]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[1]) ? mask : 0x00;	mask <<=1;
outdata |= *(__comp_inst->out0[0]) ? mask : 0x00;	

#if 1
write_bank0( outdata); 

static int __comp_get_data_size(void) { return 0; }

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03 Jan 2013 07:47 #28332 by mungkie
Replied by mungkie on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

Just make sury you do this in git, so you have history. We cannot make much use of binary blobs or tgz files without history. I would btw be very much interested in having a RT_PREEMPT kernel for the raspberry, really just to make measurements.

One of the reasons I have not really made any updates is having problems with changes due to the new 512mb board and wanting to use the latest rpi git kernel. I have been unable to get the RT_PREEMPT patch to compile and boot with the new kernel sources :(

I have heard the latest kernel dramatically improves performance and fixes USB interupt problems, ashame it also seems to break RT_PREEMPT.

I am not good at kernel config and have made quite a number of attempts but get the felling that the source is the problem not the .config options.

Are you interested in a copy of the old source tree that I used for RT_PREEMPT?

If you want I will upload the old (probably working) kernel tree to your git repo if you can give me an idiots guide list of commands required to upload the source to you via git.

PM me details if git passwords etc are required, I should be able to get it done in the next few days as my internet seems reasonably reliable at present.

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03 Jan 2013 08:01 #28333 by mungkie
Replied by mungkie on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?
Just thought I should show the breadboard setup I have done, the mcp23017 is same as on my original soldered protoboard but there is also an atmega 168 which I have been experimenting with.


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15 Jan 2013 05:41 #28706 by wyzarddoc
Replied by wyzarddoc on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?
I would like to install real time linux on a RPi and use it to schedule the gpio communication only. What software pieces do I need? I do not need the CNC portions of LinuxCNC, nor the HAL portion or do I to run the gpio? I just want a realtime version of raspbian with realtime gpio. Suggestions?
thanks in advance

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15 Jan 2013 17:38 #28716 by awallin
Replied by awallin on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

I would like to install real time linux on a RPi and use it to schedule the gpio communication only. What software pieces do I need? I do not need the CNC portions of LinuxCNC, nor the HAL portion or do I to run the gpio? I just want a realtime version of raspbian with realtime gpio. Suggestions?
thanks in advance

see this wiki page

There might be an existing GPIO-driver that works through HAL. If you code your own using xenomai real-time api/libs you don't need HAL, or even RTAPI - I think.


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15 Jan 2013 18:50 #28719 by mhaberler
Replied by mhaberler on topic EMC2 running on Raspberry Pi?

see this wiki page

There might be an existing GPIO-driver that works through HAL. If you code your own using xenomai real-time api/libs you don't need HAL, or even RTAPI - I think.


there is a basic hal_gpio driver which works on the RPI in this branch. It would benefit from polishing, and speeding up.

- Michael

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