LinuxCNC-RIO - RealtimeIO for LinuxCNC based on FPGA (ICE40 / ECP5)

18 May 2023 13:30 - 12 Aug 2024 13:29 #271608 by meister
LinuxCNC-RIO is a code generator for using FPGA boards as Realtime-IO for LinuxCNC.

Furthermore, the complete configuration and hal is generated.
a json configuration file serves as the basis
  • no Soft-Core / logic only
  • no jitter
  • fast and small
  • communication via SPI (with Raspberry PI 4) or Ethernet
  • generated verilog-code / setup via json files (free pin-selection)
  • using free FPGA-Toolchain or commercial (depends on the FPGA)
  • runs on many FPGA's (like ICE40, ECP5, MAX10, Artix7, Gowin, CycloneIV, ...)
  • supports Open and Closed-Loop
  • multiple and mixed joint types (like Stepper, DC-Servo, RC-Servo)
Last edit: 12 Aug 2024 13:29 by meister. Reason: updated info
The following user(s) said Thank You: kostas, tommylight, itai, aparecido, besriworld, MaxEkb77, cakeslob, Aciera, rounyworks, DHeineck and 3 other people also said thanks.

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20 May 2023 13:54 #271745 by meister
new demo video
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight, 0x2102, rounyworks

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24 May 2023 18:47 #272095 by meister
No comments ? really ?

* Digital Input
* Digital Output
* Expansion to add I/O's via shiftregister's
* PWM Joint Output with DIR-Pin
* RCSERVO Joint Output
* Stepper Joint Output with STEP/DIR/ENABLE(optional) pins
* Variable-Input for frequency measurement
* Variable-Input for pulse counting with up to 3 pins (all optional)
* Variable-Input for pulse width measurement
* Variable-Input for Quad-Encoder (int32_t)
* Variable-Input for distance measurement via ultrasonic sonar sensor (HC-SR04)
* Variable-Output for frequencys
* Variable-Output for PWM-Signals with optional DIR pin
* Variable-Output for RC-Servos
* Variable-Output for Sine-Waves via PWM-Signal (multi. phase)
* Variable-Output using digital poti with UpDown/Incr. Interface (like X9C104)

no mesa alternativ (yet) but close :)


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24 May 2023 20:24 #272106 by spumco

No comments ? really ?

no mesa alternativ (yet) but close :)


You guys who are working on the cutting-edge alternative micro controllers are doing some really nice work.  I think - I'm not in a position to evaluate.

But there is, I suspect, a not-insignificant population of LCNC users who have no clue about the microcontroller world, or coding computers, or other non-machining topics.  Python is a mystery, as is C or other machine programming.

I'm one of them.

I'm able to digest about 5-10% of the forum threads discussing the Remora, OPi5, and similar edge-case ports of LCNC to non-Mesa microcontrollers.  But most of the time I'm watching from the sidelines, fatally confused, and simply waiting for one of you big-brains to declare:

"It does the following, it costs this much and here's where to buy it, and here's the idiot-proof instructions on how to use it without the standard horrible Linux-hardware insanity"

When you throw that one out there, you'll get more comments from a broader segment of the LCNC community.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister, timo

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24 May 2023 20:41 #272110 by tommylight

No comments ? really ?


I did use the "thank you" button as i was (and still am) pressed for time, a bit more than usual.
Great job, thank you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister

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24 May 2023 22:07 #272119 by meister
ok, that's what i wanted to hear,
I'm trying to put my focus on the hardware and build a usable board.
And try to write the documentation for users, not for developers.

thank you !
The following user(s) said Thank You: phillc54, tommylight, 0x2102, besriworld, spumco

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24 May 2023 23:53 - 24 May 2023 23:55 #272123 by drewnabobber
Replying to spumco:

Really don't want to clutter up this thread with a digression as meister's project is some really fantastic work, but this is exactly what the RPI4 image for Remora and FlexiHAL is addressing.
Last edit: 24 May 2023 23:55 by drewnabobber.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister, cakeslob, spumco

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24 May 2023 23:58 #272124 by drewnabobber
While I am sure you have your own ideas for hardware design, you may find the FlexiHAL an interesting starting point, the design is open and everything is posted. It would not be hard to adapt it to the ICE40 instead of STM32.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister

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25 May 2023 01:11 #272127 by spumco

And try to write the documentation for users, not for developers.


No, thank you.  And all the other hardware/software gurus here, too.

Genuinely appreciate all the efforts to make LCNC more accessible to us Luddites.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister

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25 May 2023 06:05 #272139 by pippin88
Nice work. I'm very happy to see more options.
I have some Mesa boards and they are great, but cost of postage from US is a killer.

Not being that Linux savvy, I haven't yet tried an ARM board (RPI4/Orange Pi). These boards have SPI / i2c / feasible ways of interfacing between LinuxCNC and a hardware realtime board.

To me there is still a gap in realtime options for use with x86/standard PCs. 
These days ethernet is the only consistent feasible port option, and currently that means Mesa or Pico only I believe.
The following user(s) said Thank You: meister

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